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Diver chide University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education 9 PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER TWO ce Summative Report Student Teacher: Cody Rus [Seheot_ |kainai High School - Grade/Subjects Taught: [PE 9, PE 10:20 Teacher Associate: [Greg Salmon [university Consultant: [Carole Goodreau : Dates of Practicum March 6, 2017 - April 12, 2017 _ _——— _ . + This is a summative report af the stusont teachers parformance at the end of the PSII practicum, based on expectations for ‘hat atage of teachar development (ED 3600) + For each practicum outcome below indicatn the student teacher's level af performance: either Not Meeting Expectations for ihe PSI level, Meoting Expectations, or Exceeding Expeciations. (Most students will fal ita the Meeting Expectanans ‘category. unless there is clear evidence far Not Meeting Expectstinns or Exceeding Expectations.) For students within he | Meoting Expectations category. plesse indicate level of pesformance. + Some ovicomes may ict be spacable to your paricular educational situation. Leave the space blank | + tthe end of each section ofthe form, please provide comments in reference tothe resevant KSAS and practicurn outcomes. 4. PLANNING AND PREPARATION KSA 1 Teachers make reasoned doeisons abou! teaching amd lesming based an their ongoing anclysis of contestual variables KSA#3 Teachers use ine programs of study to inform and dvect akaining insiuction and asseesmont KSA #6 Teachers plan forinstrustion, translating curriculum and outcomes into meaningful leaming activites, KSA #9 Teachers use a brood range of struction strategies, KSA #13 Teachers identity and use refewant loaming resources. Mot Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations Plsening and Preparation at 1. Demonstrates knowledge and skis th bre Subject matler OF he lessone including Inaher subject major : ‘2. inoarperaies a vanety Of approstiale resources and ierurioralassasement _stategies into lesson plane 3. Translates learning outcomes From the Alber Program ol Siaber into rolavant and j _S20topriate learning abjecives for he lessons being taught 42"Takes nia account students’ prior earning, lsaming needs (mcloaing student IPF), a ‘nteteats, and student variables such as age, gender. socio-ecanomié status and ] __culturallingusete background ea 5. Organizes content into appropriste components and sequences for instruction, 6. Plans apprapriate content and activities for the time allotted [ "TFrepares lesen plane forall fescons taught, wing a wel-datinsd sours aI T includes learning abjectiva(s), an intraduction and closure, detailed procedures and inalructons, key questions, teaching strategies, leaming activibes, and assessment of | _ lesson objeesives, '. Prepares unit plan(s) in subject major that inside rationale. overview, leaming ‘ovicomes, teachingflearning activities, and assextment plan. a SC integrates information and communications technology elo instruction subjeck major and other subjects, where approprine Ll ss 10. Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for mstucton, I CeID ‘COMMENTS: _ Cory ues well prepared Ber the lessons he tenigtt He hae a geet plecnment car af wee ef ete cles The keine te of a oot Vatton. Steoued ve convage htmte lt On cleprele, an & ttroduche: sacl closiser do tally Solids fey =o. Summative Repod (May 25, 2006) Hoe least [pe We Shades ei lace Me 2. INSTRUCTION KSA 8 Teachers demonstrate knawiocige of tho coment thay tena, KSA 2S Twuciters ciently snd vespand io leamer aftorances, KSA 29 Teacters use a road range of insinichonel stetepias RSA #10 Teachers apoly » variety of technolngive to meet stusents' sven nocd Communication Meoting Exceeding Expactatior expectations 1, Uses clear, fluent, and grammatically camect spoken and written languape 2. Uses votabulary appropriate to students’ age, background and! iniorests 3, Modulates hisiter voice for audibiliy and exoression. 4+ Demonstrates.cultural sensitivity in comemutication and instruction Lesson introduction |S. Establishes sot: reviews prior leaming. MEntiies lesson objectvele} and expoctaiions. uses motivating ltention-getlere, provides overview), ahd flalue Ine lesson 10 previous learning ae appropriate ‘General Lesson Development — 6. Incorporates strategies for motivating Siudents using relevant and Migreai matter and activities, subject 7._ Presents content in appropriately organized eequences for instructian. ‘& Exoiaing and proageds in small steps at an oppropaate pace to sull the actly ana sludant response §._ Demonstrates suaject matter competence during instruction, 10, Organizes and oireets Icoming for individuals, «all groups, and whale classes. 11. Provides clear diestions, instructions and explanations 12, Dirocts efficient transitions between lessons and fram ane activity 0 the next 18, bee a vane oftstroctionl stages lo address dosed oulzomes, abject maTEr sared leaming syle and navidual neds (eticing student PP gesilobyestver] 14, Uses & bread range of instcactional svategies snecific te subject mayoe 15. Uses appropiate materials and resources, 16, Demorstates hesiiFiy and adapta ((Guesticning snd Discussion 57. Asks clearly phrased, well-soquenced questions at a vanity ot counttive levels. 18, Prondes appropnste ‘waitstime’ after posing questions. 19. Seeks clarification and elaboration of student responses, where appropriate. 20. Leads and directé student parbopalion Hi clase discussien slleclively and Gsinbules questions appropsiately, | Foeus on Student Learning 21. Geculsies 2 fp classroom, intervening When habessany, Checking on didual and xp unsersiancing of netviyfeartent 22. Recognizes and responds appropriately ta iidivdual differences and group leaming neogs, 23, Reinforces student leaming, building an previous learning, reviewing. and re-teaching. Glosure 24. Achieves Gosore for lessune, consoldaling Mae or GONGEpIS Timbugh amTmnanen? reviews, discussions, ane applizations. 25, Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments fully, COMMENTS: (7, ola. heetiy. a dy bas Zhfeckie Dor le bepinme Agee Bisa Lon gotabl she he BeAW aS, Die Students ere orbs ik pea ioe dulis and” 4 Vo Latharipe: B.S! Summative Raper tty 25/2006 Stude ean help gevelop 4 ts nel Enenatieclee Te Gi beate the seal ren clecnmeetly To Idee sHe was Competamt ot fnettad Chedote de don 3. CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT KSA.87 Teachers reare and maintain envinaaments Mat are condiive to student eaming ad undovstand shSent newts fox shysive, exea, cultural aad psychologic seeurty, SAG Establishes raanonshins wih stents that respect Ramee dgniy. Not Mating Expectations, tassroom Leadership '. Asturse leodership role ihe buanoor Talng Gaga ST Gassaon SANTEE [ showing confdance, pose, eomposiae aed premeicn + Ctwales and momtains an effetive learning envionment, Faking Nigh Expeclalons and standards lor stugen learning attending Wo sudurt vances we ene -saco-evonamic Salus nd cutyratingetae Dacha Demorstates eitave. erdhusann anda commitnel to Bid BURGAS Wid RIS al eee o # Estbtshes postive retsionsrigd anid a Gatevoom Gnaie Sd on ONS EOS SRG la 8. Clestly communicates ana reintecces expectations for appropriate student behaviour, 7. Mofitors student behaviour and is aware of student Behaviour at ail nes, c Responds io naporeprata Beravior promptly Amy, and GareStonth Ua propria low-key and higher level responzas, tallow seheol iacine peices and brocade. cnn eetablshed Puensetl ae he teacher beny early fn wr Hoe chem DP waren sia o chre ygeth_ Fi nstighout a Sore meets. Alfie he we Abode ap Shes and peter un Wo manner, shucdots 4. ASSESSMENT sak autret be anleed. KSA EIT Teachers patter and wee infrmetin abcut 2wcbntsoarsig need: ang progress and asscas te Assessment zs 1, ABSesses siudent arming using & varely of appropriate aszesemant tedmiques and insinamenis (6... abServations, conversabens. quastsning, checking daily work |__pérformance-hased and wrllen assessments, quizzes, tosis) 2, Checks frequently for understanding. 3. Provides timely and effective feedback on learning to students ‘© Madifes nd adapts teaching Gased Gn ascssmenl Gata and sudent PPS (c.9., employs akumative teaching sirategios to ra-teach where sequined) 5. Analyzes and evalusis measurement dala to assess student leaning, 6. Explains to students how leaming will be measured. | 7. Develops nd maintains accurate records of alodert achiavernont (2.9. grade sheets, __dstabases) and communicates results to students, parents and the school effoctvely) COMMENTS: hae Anpotore Draw tintares te pend : O22 med Tee) = Bey lanes Me Celeste owe, adler at MeL me reas eres e oe unth an spprasvate anserowied - te tel paw University of PS. Summa opt ay 2 =i Kee Tote Roce feedlees nde, te Studet> as ~jLe were Densch ne ee A Chae tion sed obetls Ae 5. PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES SAH | Teachers understand he lapsed, mara a ethical rarswork wit whch Pay work KSA 615 Teachers engage in assezaing a Quulty af Pie Inachog KSA 616 Teaser aro ail to commen speranal taterarOekrown toch Presents a professional appearance and! manner 1 2._Futlis rofessicno!l obligations (Le, pUNGUBR. ‘oulne adarictrativa dutieg). 3._Demonstrates matonty and professional jusgenent 4 5 J: knowledgeable: about professional issues and demonstrates a cummiment to the leaching prolayaion Establishes professional elalonshipe wilh the educational commority and wider COMMuily (where rT |___seproprte = = = [Professional Growth 5 = & Aetusatcly assesses and documenis the elaclivonase of lessons, denies siengihe and waaknGlGZs and makes appropriste Suggestions: fo improvuments 7 - 7 Uses te resulls of student assessment and feedback 10 improve teaching praclces and guide proieauianal | growth i S._ Responds appropriately ta feedback trom others by istenng,inlerprating, and implementing supgestone || SPSS] Accootane Develops and communities a personal von af teaching | 10: Develops 3 prcossionalnanfofe nifor gw plan muGhig QOS, SOUSTES a Og lowand peas reflections an gtoat. a fours quale | Ti: Cartes out the esis and easponsiiites of = leach according tothe Albers SNOT AG, Shoal hd GARE polcies and ter reeventlenisiaton. 12 Applies the knowledge, skills and attributes for inlerim certiscation appropriately. Ethical Conduct = "5. Respects the dignity and ghis Of al persone without prejudice ae trace, religious beicky Golam Gowgor aa cin dace ef rescore, ently Dhyscal choraciorates, dablly, marta, age, ancestry. ple ot | [] | [e] Origin, place of rsi¢ence, sociomcenomic background oF linguisbe backaround, L 14. Treats students with dignity and respect and is consierate oftheir circumstances Le 15, Does not divaige information received i confidence or I Uie cnurae af profesoional Gudles SUGA B HUGGA SxCept as requited by law or where to do $0 is in the best interest of the ceutent 4 16. Does nol undermine the cenfidence of students in teachers o¢ ather student teachers W, Does nol cricze the professional competence or professional reputation of Wachers a Ge? Susder 1 Pear, Unless te criciem is communicated in contidence io proper afficials afar fst informing ths 5 Individual concomed of the eritsism, ° 18. Acts in a mannes that mainiaing tie honour Bn dignity of the profession 19, Does ot Spaak on behalf of Be Faculty of Edueation, the Unversity of Lemnbvaige. INS SAGSCG Bee profession unless authorized to do so, COMMENTS: Professienel La hs mentee fon 4 schowm. He todie he's gh ae aul @ wes the wie ng Ande &% Conte ctec , aie raf ae HS De Lgatens, ie v i i. Sch apprecs atet tho ia rp Mew we Se shad rears Ss tudect t Soff Thromghet the oe weeks, University of Lethibeidge: PS. Summative Report {May 25, 2006) 4 [ ‘SUMMARY : = ‘Areas for further growth: Neutinstuetens ate always clear and effective, however you may sill wish & project your voice ite mare in the ‘aym of have Stadenls come slsr 0 you when giving instructions fo ensure they hear evoryting they should Powh nie wesel to butd A Ampetore gq fy, eng gs tabosechene be your lasses. ds 1 bes wale yee ja sdifsing laarins tat moar, lw pope Riven SE reg vlbaurnarry elothe 2 ste Bree ne te OC Overall comments (Strangest aspects of student's performance}: diage teen very inpresied wth your ably to be exible adapting lessons 1 a variety of cert sitraons,, When Siuations cut of he crnary ari you calmly make affective adjustments forth bento indvicuats and the eee oy a whole, She, ur rant efor o mata and engage students are commendeble. You never gav0 Upon your sents and ‘ways encouraged them to do their nest ‘The Hens you developed were grout They always flowed the cuniculi and provided many sppartunilics for-studonts te have an enjayable time in their class, lest semen He Arye ct [od Peilareriy edi ei rier Ha we eect 6, Aabl pheimghoud Hue poelinm, ack a very porthe Ssthtuse Hoerighet & RECOMMENDATION Ah [¥ pass [7 Fan [7 incompuere + “if an incomplete grade is recommended, please attach a signed document Providing reasons and recommendations for adltioral practicum experience, Note: The Teacher Associate is responsible for completing this document, in consultation ‘with the Student Teacher and the University Consultar _ Crh Od i _ Age) 10 201> ‘Student Teacher Date : Ape:\ Io 2007 Signature: Tgaeher Associate - Date O Se na Apul 1G, 207 ‘Signature: University Consultant fitase submit the completed original signed report ta Field Expenences, Room TH423, Facutty of Education, the University of Lethbridge, and Provide signed copies tar the Student Teacher and for the University Consultant. University of Lethbridge: .S, ) Sumesative Repon (Mey 25, 2006) 5

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