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fast like...

issue 1

“Fast like...what?”
welcome to Fast Like...Squirrel
issue #01
Inside you will see a lot of different kinds of things. Some are about p o l i -
t i c s, some are about a r t and f a s i o n, some are about science. You’ll also find
p r o s e and p o e t r y, h a i k u s, m u s i c, m e d i a, r a m b l i n g s, f a s h i o n.... oh yes,
and even articles about cake... just go and read it!

This magazine is the product of a lot of work and sweat. It was started main-
ly but not exclusively by students at Sussex and Birghton. Away from union and
university constraints, it’s designed so that anybody can have a place where
they can publish their work, mouth off about something or get experience in
some aspect of this little niche. You see, with fast squirrel, anyone can con-

What? Anyone can contribute?

Yeah, anyone can contribute. You can do it if you really want. All you gotta
do is something...anything....just do it... and email it to the squirrel in the
sky - and he snott fussy. It can be anything you like. That's the beauty of
the squirrel - it provides a forum for this diverse urban culture. A space to
be and a space to share. The squirrel is our friend. If you give him something
he will publish it - unless he thinks its nuts. That's why even the editors
don't know most of the contributers and most of the stuff here is so groovy -
we don't decide the content - its down to those who get up of their lazy, chem-
cally intoxicated arses and actually do something instead of ‘I don't wanna’,
‘its not cool’. ‘I'm to busy’. Bollocks.

It doesn't work with out you

So if you've got an idea or you wanna get involved in any way, reach out to
us like you would to a religion and we can all bask in the glory of The
i am the squirrel, you are the squirrel. Nuts to it... we’re all the squirrel.
fast like......

Another local magazine?

the family
What the ****?
editorial stuff Ok, so this isnt technically of sussex’s prison, the office
Dan Selinger news, but you’re probably read- blocks of mouslecoombe and the
Alex Owen ing this, wondering why anyone pretentious haze of grand
Ben Leach could possibly think that parade.
Brighton needs yet another mag- This is a voice of the stu-
Deputy Chief Sub azine to add to the mountains dents, not simply a listings
used as beer mats in the pubs guide, a 32 page advert, or an
and soakng up the greese in exclusive club for the editori-
Hannah O’Sullivan
Grubs. Well, here is an al elite. This is a diverse
explaination: forum for the thousands of stu-
Photography Fast Like knows that people dents in this crazy little sea-
Teo Spurring aren’t only interested in which side town to come together and
Ro Cemm gadgets poncy Londoners like to make themselves heard.
Art babe burn their money on, where the Well, you get the point.
Grace Adams best funky house night is or That should answer any of your
what Chris Eubank does in his questions. Wether you agree
spare time. with us is another matter. If
All Extra art
That’s why, unlike other local you dont, well tell us. Tell us
mags, Fast Like... instead what we’re doing wrong. E-mail
gives us a space to share us and give us some grief...
Web Design ideas; a sense of community; its the only way we’ll learn!
Randy Starr from the bleak concrete chasms

Contributors ex student bar reopens as

Mike Lask
Kim Fielding
Paul Muthers Brighton University’s old stu- bar never really made any money,
dent union bar in Manchester and closed down only a couple of
Maya Kjellstrand
Street has been re-vamped and re years later. The new venue is
Hannah O’Sullivan
opened as cosy cafe and small being run by a brother sister
Ben B. Burne playhouse. The builidng was combo, with links both locally
Louisa Strain bought by the university for the and in the west end, so expect a
Michael Homolka union in 1998 when the Grand quality line up at this intimate
Liberty haynes Parade extension demolished the little venue. For more informa-
Mike Ewer existing union bar. For reasons tion, go to
Dave Williams best known to themselves, the
Isabelle O’Carrrol
Andi Farr
No More Excuses!
9:30 starts, the scourge of the streaming.
Adam Hennessey
student species, could soon WebCT are reported to have said
Tom Mower become a breeze with the intro- that virtual lessons put less
duction of new broadband tech- pressure on lecturers and stu-
nology. Forget crowded 25 buses, dents and lead to higher exam
rain, sleet or seaside gales. peformance. Interesting, but
Soon it will be possible to probably not a concvincing rea-
attend your lectures without son for universities to take the
Fast Like Squirrel is unable to accept leaving the comfort of your own scheme up in any real hurry. The
any form of liability or damage for any home; thanks to WebCT, the company also say that the system
of the contents of this publication due American born e-learning system. offers higher performance for
to the means of contribution employed.
Out go cold, lifeless lecture l o w e r c o s t s. Now you're talk-
Any views, ideas or opinions expressed
herein are solely those of the con- theatres, unwashed, unshaven ing. Expect to see WebCT across
tributers, and, as such do not represent students and that dank, musty the city before you can utter
those of the editorship, publisher or smell that we all know and love. the words 'less fees, more con-
In come text, images, animation, tact time'
(4) virtual whiteboards and video
D a v e W i l l i a m s on the void between the ever-pop-
ular gangsta-pop and local, home grown hip hop
Home Grown Hip Hop
opinion08 M i k e E w e r looks at the anti war demos and
asks why people say that nobody’s interested
in politics any more
the changing face of politics
Ever felt like you are being watched?
P a u l M u t h e r s looks at one man who believes its
more than just a feeling the sixth sense

inside 01
media07 D a n S e l i n g e r on the compulsive, cult
like behaviour of online game players
Cyber Cult

the first installment of M i k e L a s k ’ s tale of prose29

drink, drugs, and.. greek tourist boats...
Chicks with hardly any clothes,
or an expresion of feminist girl power...
h o t p o t n o o d l e ...nah, its just a fashion shoot
art work
this time... male and female representa-
tion in portraits lip gloss
poetry, haikus, ramblings, cake reviews, cartoons,
media, horoscopes, out of town
what more can you ask for?
Compulsive behavior,


d e a t h , c o r p o r a t e c o n-
trol, of
cyber cult
boundaries between
'Death? Divorce? Because of turn your computer off,
the real and the a computer game? Come on! your character doesn't dis-
virtual... This all sounds like some- appear. It just stands
thing from an early there vulnerable to attack.
Classic Hollywood nineties B-movie about the When you leave, you have to
script writing or the evils of the virtual world. find a safe area and camp
But this is reality. What out. You meet people on
ultimate reality of started off as sci-fi is line and go on quests which
really here. People are can take hours to complete.
online computer
actually getting lost in a Leaving them to complete it
games? virtual word, sidelining on their own is out of the
their real lives for their question. This could lead
'Clan' in an online commu- to advancing a level for
nity. This isn't the Tron, all of you. This is impor-
The Matrix, The Lawnmower tant!
Man. Not even Total Recall.
This is today; this is It's scary stuff. People
EverquestT M, Sony's online get addicted to this game,
role playing game, which so addicted in fact that it
sucks 400,000 people into leads to inconceivable con-
their monitors every night. sequences. In the USA, in
March 2002, a 21-year-old
So what is all the fuss Hudson man committed sui-
about? This is a game with cide shortly after playing
no end, and no rules. It's Everquest. He was playing
not a shoot 'em up. No for 12 hours a day. In
blood and guts, and no con- another case, a Florida man
stant trigger happy button pleaded guilty to aggravat-
bashing. Instead, it is a ed manslaughter and sen-
constant quest to better tenced to 15 years in
your character and gain prison after leaving his
levels, skills and magical son unattended in an apart-
items to boost your per- ment for more than 24 hours
formance. In order to suc- whilst he played the game.
ceed, you must team up with
other on-line gamers to Marriages are also regular-
complete quests and better ly destroyed. A support
your characters. group 'Everquest Widows'
has been set up, where
women often complain of
EverQuestT M isn't an
husbands neglecting their
entirely new concept. Role
wives, children, jobs and
playing games have been
anything else in the real
around since the start of
world. . People also pour
home computers, and online
money into EQ; selling your
games have been around
characters when you have
since the mid nineties. The
finished with them can
difference with EQ, is that
often earn you hundreds,
it isn't just a game, it's
even thousands of dollars.
an on-line world. When you

(6) Media
fast like......
You can even sell items such a conversation about drugs. alternative reality, forget-
as magical coats for hundreds Most people don't even get as ting about the world outside,
using on line payment systems. far as being addicted. Those and doing anything, but any-
'Online Gaming Anonymous' has who do, do it too much, their thing for their Everquest
been created to try and help life starts to become distant, world.
those who realise their they lose things from around
dependency on on-line games them, and in most cases, real- This is where it all gets a
has got too much for them to izing that there is no end to bit sci-fi. We now live in a
cope with. it, simply decide to give it world of always on internet
up. access and dedicated servers.
This is a huge addiction, and A world in which anybody can
these are extreme examples, What worries me more than the easily get transported into a
but it's no bigger a problem addiction though is this: what virtual world with other real
than drugs, alcohol, gambling you are doing when you sign up people, and find themselves
or anything else that people for EverQuestT M is paying being more involved in this
find them selves becoming every month to have the privi- new existence than real life.
attached to. Those with addic- lege of having the opportunity
tive personalities or psycho- to have this fantastic new This is a network society in
logical problems are always life. You give your money and which a multi national company
going to be enticed by a new time to the cause, and, to can get hundreds of thousands
world offered to them, no mat- become a master of the game, of people to pay them for the
ter what the source. give up your whole existence chance to join up in cyber
to become a subject of the new space. They can convince them
In the case of the 21 year old world. that it is more important than
who committed suicide, a psy- going to work, making it seem
chologist had diagnosed him Does this hit anyone else as more important their wives and
with depression and schizoid slightly cult-like? Not only feeding themselves or their
personality disorder; symptoms because of the silly uniforms children. They can then get
of which include a lack of or promises of bright lands them to trade VIRUAL items and
desire for social relation- afar, but the fact that you characters for REAL money,
ships, little or no sex drive are signing your life away and thus losing their grips on the
and a limited range of emo- paying for this privilege. And boundaries between the two.
tions in social settings. This who is convincing these online
would explain why he felt the disciples to do such a thing? This new corporate-created
desire to submerge himself in Not a charismatic nut case, virtual community has the
the EQ world, in which he has but one of the biggest multi- power to effect, actively
success, a social life and nationals on the planet. change, and in extreme cases,
power beyond his imagination. kill people in the real world.
It worries me that the Sony If this isn't a script for a
Talking about EverQuestT M Corporation has hundreds of Hollywood movie, I don't know
addiction starts to sound like thousands of people lost in an what is.
Dan Selinger

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fast like......

face of politics
The last general election saw one of the lowest turnouts in modern electoral
history. But the Stop the War protests have seen the largest peacetime and
largest wartime demonstrations this country has ever produced. Is there a
genuine attitude of apathy towards mainstream politics or are we witnessing
a change in the nature of political activity?
By Mike Ewer
There is a distinct apathy towards mainstream
politics. This was exemplified by the growth
of public disinterest with the war in Iraq;
or through what is termed ‘war fatigue’. The
dislocation of mainstream politics and public
interest is manifold in its causes.
Disillusionment with government policies,
scandal, bureaucracy and the reduced sover-
eignty (or independence) of nation states
have all been highlighted as such.

Governments and regimes now have less sover-

eignty over their policies. One reason for
this is that they must not be seen to iso-
late themselves from the international commu-
nity if they wish to continue trading for
commodities. The IMF, World Trade
Organisation and the World Bank are three
global institutions which, under the leading
influence of the United States, are thus
involved in a process of social engineering.
The aim is a global free market in which it
would be beyond the jurisdiction (and means)
of any one nation to implement economic, and
thus social, change. This is the last great
project of the seemingly distant

While Globalisation is a very tion to free market ethics has enough said.
complex subject, new technology been adapted by those who wish
seems to be a driving force in to be political, but feel that According to the UN, in 1999 the
bringing together the world’s there vote, and voice, is being world spent $719 billion on run-
nations. However, coercing nation overlooked. The Reclaim the ning their military machines.
states to come together under a Streets and Anti Globalisation $520 billion was spent by Europe
distinctly Calvinist, Anglo- movements are defined by their and North America. This is 14
Saxon, and self-regulating free use of information based resist- times more than is needed to
market system is, in effect, to ance, facilitated through modern eradicate the very worst poverty
legitimise this ideology’s domi- technology such as the Internet of the world. In the same year
nance over all others. Thus and mobile communications. The the United States spent less
causing all other cultures to Stop the War Coalition has used than $1 billion on peacekeeping.
adapt to working under its par- tactics of ‘civil disobedience’. It is figures such as these that
ticularly western framework. This These include protesting in the are causing unlikely candidates
said; its intrinsic misconcep- streets, causing traffic jams to speak out.
tions and contradictions are and bringing city centres to a
already coming to the fore. stand still. ‘I feel more affinity
with a political
The famous sociologist Max Weber
‘Free markets can exist claimed the state holds the unknown when compared
only as long as they monopoly of legitimate violence. to another middle
One main feature of modern
are protected from dem- aged, upper middle
political demonstration within
ocratic reform.’ Western Democracies is that they class politician’
remain peaceful in their intent
The laissez faire ideal to which and application. Although there
the free market is appealing to, are splinter groups which adopt Chester P from the UK Hip Hop
and striving for, cannot be the protests as a platform for group, Taskforce, has put him-
reproduced. Also, the utopian their own cause. self forward as a candidate for
nature of a global free market Mayor of London. He insists he
falls victim to its own A large part in the anti global- buys all of his clothes second
unachievable ideals: utopias by isation and peace protest move- hand and is ‘keeping it real’
their very essence cannot be ments is played by the CND. Yet for people who cannot identify
achieved. Another fallacy in the they protest not just to help with the greed and wealth they
ideal of a global free market is protect the environment from the live around. On a personal
simply that democracy contradicts damage caused by weapons of mass level, I feel more affinity with
free market capitalism. Free destruction (whoever owns them), a political unknown when com-
markets are not socially cohe- but also, among other reasons, pared to another middle aged,
sive. Therefore, there would because of what they interpret upper middle class politician
eventually be a majority vote to as the waste of money and who will not make any improve-
bring about reform which would resources incurred by their pro- ment to the lives of those who
make those free markets more duction. To repeat what I heard are in the most need. According
socially cohesive and lead to a at a Public Enemy performance – to the UN Development Programme,
market society (one which would ‘What good is a bomb?’ Between between 1990 and 1998 the aver-
be socially responsible/cohe- 1995 and 1999 the total value of age income fell in 50 countries.
sive). Free markets (markets the legal arms trade was $111 A global historical perspective
which are free from what is billion US Dollars. Most of this shows that the difference in
deemed as the ‘unnatural’ inter- trade goes to regimes that are income between the worlds rich-
ference from the state) are fun- militant in essence. Wasn’t the est and poorest has changed from
damentally entwined in a neces- recent war in the gulf just the 3 to 1 in 1820, 35 to 1 in 1950,
sity to uphold a strong central cleaning up of a mess created 44 to 1 in 1973 and was recorded
authority to protect the autono- when a regime was able to buy at 72 to 1 in 1992 (UNDP, Human
mist nature of the market from most of its weapons from a prof- Development Report 2000).
reform. Free markets can exist it orientated and consequently
only as long as they are pro- immoral West? Other major buyers continued p.22
tected from democratic reform. of western firepower have
included Saudi Arabia, Turkey,
The nature of political opposi- Indonesia, India and Pakistan –
Out of Town A space for others to do their thing

(london) grow up here, and it’s just off had resulted in new life
like any other small town. then there would be a very
...just don’t let Everyone goes to the same unfortunate generation spawned
it get to you... school, hangs out in the same from our loins whose sisters
pubs, does the same thing. Ten were their cousins and uncles
London. People who’ve come to years later, nothing has their brothers (my family’s a
London as adults always com- changed. Some have gone to uni- bit like that anyway, but then
plain about how hard it was to versity, come back, got jobs that’s another story). It was
get settled here; its anonymi- and mortgages and babies, but when I was sitting in one of
ty and enormity; how cold its live five minutes from the the aforementioned pubs with a
inhabitants are. But trust me – place they left, having said new group of people who were
they ‘had to get out’ with a exactly the same as the last,
tired snarl on their faces. and two blokes (both called
Others never left, working in Ollie) - one that I had gone
tired drinking holes that you to nursery school with and the
all still get lashed in, and other I had slept with last
talking about the next bar, year walked in together, that
where the wages are great and the insularity of it all hit
the manager is supposed to be me. I had to leave.
‘safe as fuck’. And the cir-
cle of incest never changes. Hannah Rohan
Ultimately we’re all inbreds, University College
but if every unhappy coupling London
It would appear that in con-
temporary western society,
cake is not seen as one of
the major food groups – we
think this is a great
tragedy. So maybe a big finer points of pretty boys cake (this one earned major
slice of chocolate fudge with mathematically inclined scene points and warranted
cake doesn’t contain your hairstyles we have been two helpings in one sitting
RDA of vitamin C, but whoev- heading to The Sanctuary. when the original back to
er wanted to solve world This badass cakery has a lot school ‘love muppet’ disap-
problems, lament a lost love to offer – a huge selection peared never to be seen
or ruin a diet over a bowl of homemade cakes (including again!)
of sprouts? No we thought some really yummy vegan Find The Sanctuary on
not… options), every tea imagina- Brunswick Street East, Hove.
This term we will be all ble and fantastic pub-like Grab some cake and some pep-
about back to school opening hours. When it’s permint tea and watch the
boyfriends. What with buy- cold and dark and a pint hippies doing what they do
ing new pencil cases and just won’t do this is the best….
‘school uniforms’ we could perfect place to hang. Enjoy! xx xx
hardly help ourselves think- In the last few weeks we
ing about the ultimate in have been mainlining lemon
Hannah O’Sullivan
new school term accessories! meringue pie, coffee and
Maya Kjellstrand
In order to discuss the walnut gateau and banana nut

fast like......

The Sixth
By Paul Muthers

Have you ever wondered if shall relieve it becomes else’s gaze. His theory of
y o u c a n f e e l s o m e b o d y l o o k- inevitable” and studied this ‘morphogenetic fields’, which
ing at your back? occurrence almost a century ago. are in many ways similar to a
type of magnetic field generated
Uneasy feelings come and go. As The results of Titchener’s by our bodies, claims that a
do crackpot scientists. But I experiment are remarkably simi- part of this field reaches out
know that I have felt that lar to those of Rupert when we concentrate on some-
warm, uncomfortable feeling of Sheldrake, with results for thing. Another person can,
being watched. I also know that guessing correctly when someone through his or her own field,
if you stare long and hard was actually looking at around sense a disturbance therefore
enough at someone that they’ll 60% for both studies (see has a feeling (sense experience)
tend to react. In fact I’m graph). If we consider that of being stared at.
pretty sure most of you will this feeling of being stared at
know exactly what that sensation should not influence the guess- Most other scientists ‘explain
is like to experience. e3ro ing accuracy when no one was away’ the results arguing, among
this phenomenon has had most of looking, the results become even other things, that the ‘random’
the scientific community label more significant. sequences of staring and not-
him a crackpot, but as you will staring used during these stud-
see, it isn’t that simple. The idea that “unseen” staring ies were, in fact, not random
can be detected has been sup- at all and were being uncon-
The man who has delved in to ported in a number of other sciously predicted by the par-
this unpopular area of research studies with accuracy rates for ticipants (David F. Marks and
is Rupert Sheldrake, who, among detecting actual staring as high John Colwell in Skeptical
a lot of other interesting as 68-86% (Coover 1913), Inquirer magazine
work, wrote a book called Seven With ever higher accuracy’s September/October 2000).
Experiments That Could Change detected by Williams (74%, 1983) The problem with this argument
the World: A Do-It-Yourself- and Braud, Shafer, and Andrews is that, although it may be
Guide to Revolutionary Science. (92% 1993a). Though the numbers true, it is technically almost
In this publication he explains are strong facts, what can be impossible to produce a random
his simple experiment to test concluded from them is much sequence of 2 events that can-
whether we can feel that we are more vulnerable
being stared at to doubt.

Sheldrake is not the first sci- Sheldrake seems

entist to have noticed this to be the one of
phenomenon. Others, including the few who actu-
the psychologist E.B. Tichener ally accepts
(1898) described the feeling as these results as
“a state of unpleasant tingling, showing we have
which gathers in volume and an ability to
intensity until a movement which sense someone
(12) sicence
fast like......

not be seen as having a pat- burning

tern, without stretching this there has
sequence to a ridiculous been for
length. many
The argument commonly used to years”,
explain this occurrence in non-
laboratory conditions is that The step of
the eye is attracted to move- burning his
ment and the starer’s gaze is book may
therefore attracted to the sta- seem rather
ree’s head turning in his extreme
direction (Titchener, E.B. when we see
1898. The feeling of being that Rupert
stared at. Science (New Sheldrake
Series):VIII, 208, December 23, is essen-
895-897). This argument, of tially
course, only works when the arguing
staree (person being stared at) that we
starts moving their head before have not
the starer is looking at them. yet
obtained an
If these explanations sound a absolute
bit desperate to you, it may understand-
help to understand how revolu- ing of our
tionary the implications of world.
Sheldrake’s theory of ‘morpho- As
genetic fields’ are considered Sheldrake
to be. While the magazine New writes:
Scientist called his book A New “Most biol-
Science of Life “an important ogists take
scientific inquiry into the it for granted that living bility that at least some of
nature of biological and physi- organisms are nothing but com- the phenomena of life depend on
cal reality”, Nature described plex machines, governed only by laws or factors as yet unrecog-
it as “the best candidate for the known laws of physics and nised by the physical sci-
chemistry. I ences.”
Sheldrake though doesn’t
myself used
always tread as carefully. He
to share
Do You Believe? this point
of view. But
points out that it was Francis
Bacon who believed scientists
should be part of a new priest-
Try it yourself. Just have one face away from the over a peri-
hood. And in his view that’s
other (making sure they are not looking at any mir- od of sever- how science has functioned ever
al years I
rors, reflective surface, etc…) and get them to close since — most of our modern
came to see
their eyes. Randomise what you’ll will do next (e.g. that such an priests are “busy doing genetic
research for Monsanto” and the
flip a coin or something) and then, after giving a assumption
former editor of Nature, John
signal, let them guess whether you’re staring at the is difficult
Maddox is then something like
to justify.
back of their head or not (concentrate on the person “the pope of science”.
For when so
when you’re staring and think of something else when little is
you’re not). Make sure you use a signal that’s always actually continued next page....

the same (knock on a bit of wood or something but understood,

don’t just say ‘ready!’ because your tone of voice there is an
open possi-
could give the answer away).

science (13)
The Fish Bowl of data and years of
testing before they can
be accepted into the cir-
74 East Street Btn. cle of scientific knowl-
edge. As we can all do
the ‘sense of being
01273 777505
stared at’ experiment
ourselves and a new
Open 11am - 11pm
large-scale e-mail exper-
iment (see www.shel-
Food served till 5pm is currently
in the pipeline, the
Selected drinks Promotions world of science may be
confronted with masses of
Happy Hour 5-7 Monday-Thursday data a lot sooner than it
is used to.
But we should ask
DJ’s: Thursdays: Russ / Fridays: Fungle / Saturday: Gazebo ourselves if we accept
our own findings to be
true by proving them to
continued from previous page... methods to empirically test his our own individual standards,
theory makes him more than a who needs permission from
Indeed, Maddox called Sheldrake heretic and the fact that he authority to believe in them
a “lapsed Jesuit attacking the freely offers most of his inde- just as long as we stay open to
church of science”, and advocat- pendently attained knowledge new arguments?
ed the burning of Sheldrake’s through the Internet means it is
books saying, “He deserves to be difficult to accuse him of being
condemned for the exact same motivated by anything other than
reasons the Pope condemned an honest desire for the truth;
Galileo.” an accusation that many other
scientists would have far more
The fact that Galileo was right difficulty answering to.
springs to mind here. Also that The world of science is
three centuries and the period famous for spinning very slowly
of ‘enlightenment’ (a time in and all advances require masses
which mankind moved
away from accepting
belief advocated by
authority, towards
knowledge gathered
through observations
and experiments)
separate us from
those days, gives
me hope that
Sheldrake’s argument
won’t simply be
rejected for con-
flicting with too
many accepted
The fact that
he uses scientific

fast like......

hot pot
those long winter nights are
long gone, but why not recreate
them? Just crank up the heating,
take your clothes off and let
your imagination run riot...

fast like......

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23 Kesington Gardens
North Laine
the noodles take y
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the clothes will
Teo Spurring
Hannah O’Sullivan
Maya Kjellstrand
you up, Kim Fielding
Olivia Herbert
l see you through Luke Bissett
Ben B. Burn
Ok, so here’s the
deal. Events in
Brighton and Hove
offer a plethora
of comedy, film,
theatre and other
c u l t u r a l a n d c o m-
munity events.
Venues such as
K O M E D I A a n d C I N E-
MATQUE constantly
show top notch
a l t e r n a t i v e e n t e r- Preview: told by the Bryan Adams
looking mutha fucker who
tainemt. So much
Paul Morocco and Ole reckons he runs the fast
so that we cant
Komedia like… joint that I had to
d o t h e m a l l j u s-
do a preview of a show
tice each month. Sunday, 18th May,
playing there I wasnt
As the issues of 19:00
thinkin it’d be all sweet-
Fast Like… fly by
ness and light. Anyhow, I
we’re gonna pick It isnt normal procedure but
did the research. I’m sup-
the cream of the I wanna do a review of
posed to be previewing Tom
crop, t h e b a d- something I haven’t seen
Morrocco and Ole –oh, its
dest, the top big yet. I guess that’s the sort
got critical acclaim!! From
daddy bollox of of thing that’d go down
what I can gather the whole
high (and low) well. I‘ll go see it and
show is these three dudes
brow non- tell you all what I thought
throwin their guitars around
alchoholic the next time round. You
and juggling ping pong balls
Brighton life and could even go see it Your
with their mouths and playin
let you now what self an write in an tell me
with fire in tights. It’s a
we think its what you reckoned. You see
crazy bunch of guys doin
gonna be like. Komedia is about as close to
crazy things in b-towns
Then we’ll give the physical embodiment of
hippest joint and I gotta
you free tickets ‘hip Brighton’ as it is pos-
say my first opinion was
to go and see it sible to get. Now this aint
lacking that special kind of
to see if it something that makes me
fervent good time joviality
lives up to wanna come over all ‘arnt I
that so easily characterised
expectations. cool’. In fact the only time
all the other reviews I
We’ll go crazy I ever went near the place
and call it Fast was when I was trying to
Like…Reviews. show my girlfriends mum a
smooth. good time. So when I was

fast like......

I guess I lack that whole ‘big up the So I figure what the hey, maybe its
bandwagon’ ethic that others find so worth a look – I love music and comedy
easy. But then… I guess… I guess I and stupidity so maybe this ‘zany
read on a bit, kept trawling through trio’ have more to offer than I
the reviews and slowly started to come thought. Flamenco guitar is always
around to the fact that these dudes good to watch no matter how bollocks
couldn’t help the press they were get- the image and I reckon there’s a lit-
ting. They didn’t choose to have peo- tle dread head in all of us who loves
ple sucking their ass with the preci- fire and jugglin and stuff and if they
sion of a machine. And more, when you tell jokes as well then, then, well
see the pictures of these dudes, you all the better. I say good times.
really cant say they aint goin for it.
By Alex Owen

Give us a chance!
Courtesy of Komedia
If you would like to go see this show and write a review for next month’s
issue, simply do something stupid, document it and email it to:
fast like...

hip hop

In the maelstrom of R’n’B representation is severely the options are limited. This
and Hip-Pop-metal fusion lacklustre, with no legiti- could be down to the lack of
t h a t i s t o d a y ’ s m a i n- mate radio stations catering specialist record shops in
stream hip hop scene, it for those who truly feel hip the Brighton area - Bang, 52

seems that the discerning hop, instead pumping out Records, Edgeworld and
beat head is left with watered down, hardcore piss Rounder Records are the only
little option but to do across the airwaves to the places I seem to be able to
it themselves. With the tune of Dr Dre-Eminem-50 Cent find any beats worth playing.
e x c e p t i o n o f t h e o c c a- style gangsta pop (and their Personally though, I think it
sional killer event, female equivalents). is more to do with the lack
Brighton’s hip hop scene Meanwhile, flyers promoting of a musically sophisticated
is somewhat lacking in little but drum and bass and public. Most places pander to
energy. breakbeat/house, with a pos- the average, A-typical stu-
sible …and hip hop following dent and what they think a
With UK hip hop continuing the headliners, and few, if night out should be in a town
its rise as a credible genre any, open mic nights like the where so many nights are on
and with artists like Black fortnightly Slip Jam-B ses- offer. In short, the average
Twang, Braintax and Taskforce sion at the Freebutt leave us student is (supposedly) look-
leading the way with intelli- true followers asking "Where ing for cheap entry, cheap
gent lyrics and a style that do we go from here?" drinks and plenty of whichev-
just refuses to be ignored, With Brighton still firmly in er sex they happen to be
you might think that our the grip of the Fatboy Slim into… music is, even if only
town, as the renowned party style, twenty- something a close second, still second.
centre of the South, would be dance frenzy or the most And yet there are those who
at the forefront of a new heinous of public school jun- would seek to make a differ-
music scene. But it seems galists, if the clubber is ence.
this is not the case: Radio searching for an alternative,

(20) Music
All over Brighton there are people, normally played in this town. And for those who
hidden away in bedrooms or seen stumbling to aren’t into the making, but prefer the appre-
the decks hazed at after parties making it ciation side of the music: don’t be afraid
their own tunes, creating their own sounds to try something a little different yourself.
and styles and keeping it too quiet. Granted, Write in to Fast Like… and let me and them
some do have the guts to put on individual, know what you think of whatever you have
personally funded nights or promote them- attended, or want to attend. To the promot-
selves as hip hop only dj’s on the scene, if ers, send in a ticket or two and they’ll (or
only for their own satisfaction. But such I’ll) give you a review and perhaps together
nights are either poorly attended, or poor in we can achieve that all important bit of
quality (often both) and often the ‘true publicity that Brighton’s independent hip hop
school’ dj will throw in something by Shy fx scene so sorely needs. By Dave Williams
just to keep the crowd happy. But sometimes,
just sometimes, you can still hit on a real
gem. mmm...
Surely what Brighton needs to do is take a
leaf out of the rest of UK hip hop’s book of
top ten booka hits and just go for it: go to
the trouble of making something new, and then
make sure its put out. We have the most
readily available arena for experimentation
and diversity that many have seen, or will
see once our young university stint is over,
and it seems a shame to waste such opportu-
nity on the kind of dross that usually gets fast

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us or see
Continued from p.9 are the ‘few’ and the changes democratic ideals will come to
start at home. Thus the elec- fruition and be recorded by
We in the UK are members of the torate is beginning to realise history as the last great rami-
world’s economic super elite, that capitalist governments can fications of the Enlightenment.
no matter how late the trains never truly be democratic and Better that than our era be
run. In my opinion it is this that globalisation has as many characterised by the aggressive
realisation that is, in part, cons as pros. But perhaps the arrogance of global capitalism.
changing the face of politics. most important change in the
People of all walks of life are nature of politics is that the For more information on this
beginning to realise that they people of the world are finally and issues related to it try
are members of a privileged beginning to unite on a mean- reading ‘False Dawn’ by John
few. With more money, taking ingful level in their opposi- Gray (Granta Books) or ‘No
for granted of the constant tion to the dominant hierarchi- Logo’ by Naomi Klein.
access to food, water and hous- cal elites, with all their pos-
ing, and an increasingly broad sessive individualism and greed. Do you agree with this article?
and wide-ranging worldview New modes of social organisa- Did you disaagree? Did it fill
through the advent of the tion are possible. We should you with rage? Not bothered?
information age, it is hardly all look to the social move- Whatever you think, we want to
surprising that politics and ments gaining momentum across know. the voice above is not
morality are changing. People Latin America and more recently the voice of the squirrel. the
are beginning to realise that the anti globalisation and anti squirrel only says what you
it is within their means, and war demonstrations across Europe tell him to. If you have a dif-
thus morally necessary, for for hope, inspiration and as an ferent opinion, the sqirrel
them to help those who are less indication of the nature of will love to hear it, so get it
fortunate; to stop the this new face of politics. to him.
exploitation of the many by the Perhaps, if we are lucky, these :)
few, even if they themselves egalitarian, unselfish and truly
bunch of pussies that when

Where’s Paxman? standing next to them you do

start to doubt his mortality.
The rest of the presenters
Answer the question. Not that I’ve done much (any) seem to be recruited by
Where has Jeremy Paxman research into this, but I political spin-doctors to cue
gone? Well? Just answer can’t give any meaningful the interviewee’s dozens of
the question. You can’t, response either. While watch- scripted soundbites. With all
can you? ing Newsnight for the third these crazy bastards running
time in a row the other day- around the world causing all

a record for me, but there is sorts of trouble, we need
a war on – I noticed some- someone for them to answer
thing was wrong. I couldn’t to, and that, I put to you,
quite put my finger on it at is Paxman. There is no-one
first: Had I eaten too much? else for the job, and the
Did Al just fart again? Was I reason he’s not around must
missing Champions League be some kind of conspiracy
highlights on the other side? between the BBC, the Tony
Maybe all of the above But Blair Party, the Pentagon and
more importantly the con- Exxon Mobile – there’s
spiquousness by absence of absolutely no other possibil-
Jeremy Paxman, the take-no- ity.
prisoners, take-no-bullshit, He’s just got to be brought
question-setting, answer-get- back before everyone forgets
ting post-watershed- for-a- about this war. I’d love to
reason political journalist. see him go twelve rounds with
I don’t really want to sound Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush
like a gushing, hero-worship- would be far too much of a
ping student – apparently mismatch
JP’s something of an icon – By Ben B. Burne
but his colleagues are such a
The liitle rodent loves a pretty picture, so he
thought it would be good to offer a space for the
people who make such lovely images to show us what
they’re up to. This issue we found a few high
quality bits and pieces in a portrait style. The
squirrel loved them so here they
If you’ve got any work that
you’d like us to give the Squirrel

stamp of approval - drop us a line.
Andi Farr - Beautiful Creatres -1


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Adam hennessey
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the day we can both
reckoning hold our ground, but if
I went to jail I would-
n’t know the first thing
to do.
"What the fuck do
they want?" is all I
heard Earl say before
there was a knock on
‘a little story for the magazine’ he the window.
I looked out to see a
uniformed officer asking
...check out this raw litterary talent, me to roll down the
window, "Do you have
your ticket?"
What am I doing on a seven in the morning. We
‘Shit! Is that it? I
midnight ferry to will then proceed
have to relax.’ The cop
Athens, on the night directly to a speciality
glanced at my ticket and
before my only day of liquor store, conve-
moved on.
work, during the height niently located between
I decided now was a
of tourist season? The the English and American
good time to take a
guy sitting next to me Embassies, where we will
couple of the valiums
is a lunatic, don’t get purchase approximately
Earl managed to secure
me wrong he’s a lovely two hundred quid’s worth
of the local doctor
guy, but he is crazy. of liquors, liqueurs,
before we left. In no
Eight hours ago I let and three bottles of
time I was asleep in
Earl talk me into taking tequila. With any luck
the front seat of my
my car from a remote we’ll have this done by
car, aboard a ferry, in
sunny island to Greece’s eleven or twelve when we
the middle of the
capital city, to pur- will call this phantom
chase a half pound of dealer who is willing to
It’s so hard to wake
smoke from some locals sell two tourists he
yourself after a pleas-
that we have never seen doesn’t know a substan-
ant Valium sleep; at
or met. I understand the tial chunk of dope.
least that’s what I
problem we have, we’re Earl’s managed to
thought it was, when I
stuck on an island away convince a DJ from our
checked my stash it was
from civilisation for local island bar to give
more like a Valium coma.
another two months, him a contact in Athens.
My eyes couldn’t focus,
without a joint to be It’s wrong; from the
my mate was oblivious,
had for miles. very get go I’ve had a
and I was driving from
So here we are, we bad feeling. We could
the safe, dark belly of
have a phone number, six just get robbed or beat-
a ship into a world of
packs of cigarettes, a en, or the port police
bright light and danger.
wad of cash and my could search us. If
stomach has been we’re caught I’ll lose Micheal Lask
clenched for what feels my car, and face a mere
like days. If everything life sentence for drug (...get part two of four
goes as planned we smuggling. I’m not so next issue)
should reach Piraeus, worried about being
the main port, by robbed, At the end of
(28) Prose
fast like... fast

Memory of Celeste The mornings I leave San Francisco and you

Seem ripe to the point of sourness
At Present With the sentiments of returning to a couch
That has the guitar, the lamp, and the
music sheets.
Alameda is still sweet. In this, the other city, I can’t
Its familiar menagerie of flowers Lead my bike down your red carpeted
And strange coloured stalks Hallway at a moment’s notice.
Cling to your perfume
Like the word we used Tramping back from the bus stop
To describe the photograph Behind a mottled man with a brown face
You gave me. That yesterday was probably whiter
Who sings about making room for Jesus,
I admit the air feels heavier and greyer, I think of so many stories of you,
And harder to breathe and appreciate – Half true, half embellished,
The other greys on the sidewalk and water The other half I can’t remember which.
Look greyer too, too much so.
In this cold open mouthed vacuum,
All the symbols: I call it the casket of morning.
Long green trees,
Imprinted footsteps on the sand, This watering hole has rhythm, though,
The Safeway with your number still,
Still in their system, And you might come here soon
And I Or I might go to you or just go away
Stand here indentured But I will stargaze continually
To this island, In search of the happy face you drew in dust
Trying to trace out your shadows, For someone else
But frustrated and annoyed that they didn’t
Michael Homolka

Hey, I'm a made guy Ben B. Burne
So get da fuck outta here
Bada bing
Celestial strobe
The road is wet and shiny
Frogs will die
The meaning of life
Leave at your own chosen speed
More biscuits?
The wink of an eye
An understanding is forged
All is lost
What am I to do?
Her face and her arrogance
Don't add up
It's soul destroying
The pretentiousness of
My haikus (29)
p fo ae st hr -y
fast like......

Hororscope of the month

Scorpio A cashew nut and four transparent sheep will be the focus of
your dreams this period, symbolising a treatise between you and
your innermost urchin. If this is not weird enough, six rascals, a scamp, two
imps, a scallywag, the lower half of a mischievous elf, some pixies, and a lost
gremlin are about to eat your toes. No, not those ones; the other ones.

american pie
Louisa Strain "And I flew over Ireland once when I was 5
months old."
a conversation made up from actual Great, I’m impressed that you are taking
questions asked to me by miseducated an interest in the rest of the world.
Americans whilst I was studying at "How long does it take to drive to Ireland?"
The Univesity of Miichigan I think you’re getting a little
confused, the tunnel connects France to
"Are you Austrailian?” England, not Ireland to England. Ireland is a
“Are you Canadian?" completely separate island, it is the smaller
Close, but not really that close one on the left slightly closer to you guys.
m a t e . T r y a g a i n . T a k e a n o t h e r g u e s s , i t ’ s r e a l- "I just love your accent, do you really sit
ly not that difficult. around all day drinking tea and eating those
"Where are you from?" crumpet things?"
Birmingham, England Actually, yes I do. I have crumpets and
"Oh Alabama" tea for breakfast everyday, fish and chips for
No, ENGLAND lunch and a scone and jam later on if I’m
"Oh, Do you miss London?" still a little peckish. Just like you all eat
Actually no, because I’m not from f i v e b i g m a c s a d a y , g o s h o o t i n g i n t h e a f t e r-
London. noon and settle down with the remote control
"What’s London like?" and a big box of popcorn to a nice episode of
It’s very nice, but I don’t live there. Jerry Springer in the evening.
"Did you go to school with the Spice Girls?" "You guys have a new flag don’t you?"
Erm no. Er, no
"I have a friend from London called John, do "You know, that big red cross?"
you know him?" That’s actually the English flag. I then
Oh yes, that John, I know him very well, proceeded to spend around 2 hours explaining
what a coincidence, we both know John in the the concept of Great Britain and the makeup of
London-where-everyone-must-know-everyone- the Union Jack to a group of very interested
because-it-is-so-small. American wannabe British geography students.
"My great uncle’s, half sister’s daughter’s,
fiance’s dog was from London you know."
Really, how fascinating.

(30) back pages

the squirrel has worked his tiny little arse off to get his magazine out, and
now he wants to chill. what better way than to do the...

Funky Squirrel
2 @ th
t i l e
y n





all money raised goes to keeping the squirrel free and independent

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