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Unit 1 : The Natural World

Unit 1


Lookfor thefollowing words as you read the passage. Match each

word with its correct deftnition.

Words Definitions
1 . aquatic A. n., the natural world

2. array B. v., to reach past, get bigger

3. defense1 C. n., a large number, a collection
4. deforestation D. n., loss of soil from action of water
5. environment or wind

6. erosion E. adj., Uvtng 1n the water

7. extend F. adj., Uvtng on the land

8. fell G. v., to cut down

9. habitat H. n. , the natural area where a plant or

antmal Uves
10. impact
I. n., a strong effect
1 1. inhibit
J. n., protection
12. intercept
K. v., to prevent, slow down
1 3. logging
L. n., plants
14. myriad
M. n., the removal of all trees from a
15. nutrient
large area
16. pollution
N. n., the cutting down of trees for
17. stabilize2 commercial purposes
18. terrestrial 0. v. , to disappear
19. vanish adj., many, numerous
20. vegetation n. , damage to atr, water, etc.
R. v. , to keep from changing, maintain
S. v., to catch

1BrE: defence T. n., food

2BrE: stabilise

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