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Exercise IV, page 5 = Translate into English:

Vă amintiți cine a câștigat cursa anul trecut ?

Do you remember who won the race last year ?
Am cumpărat acest mini casetofon portabil luna trecută. Ghici cât am dat pe el ?
I bought this mini portable stereo last month. Guess how much I paid for it ?
I-am împrumutat o suta de dolari vinerea trecută. Atunci l-am văzut ultima dată.
I borrowed him a hundred dollars last Friday. I haven't seen him since then.
El a studiat dreptul la Universitatea din Cambridge din 1925 până în 1930.
He studied the law at the Cambridge University from 1925 to 1930.
Acest om a salvat un copil de la înec săptămâna trecută.
This man saved a child from drowning last week.
Ne-a plăcut foarte mult vacanța noastră în Florida.
We really enjoyed our vacation in Florida.
Cine a descoperit America ?
Who discovered America ?
Obișnuiam să mâncăm mult pește când locuiam la mare.
I used to eat more fish when I was at sea.
De-aș ști adresa lui acum !
If I'd know his address now !
Când era tânăr, obișnuia să alerge în fiecare dimineață.
When he was young, he used to run every morning.
Recită poezii de parcă ar fi o mare artistă.
She recites poems as if she was a big artist.
E timpul să înțelegeți importanța limbilor străine.
It's time for you to understand the importance of foreign languages.
Aș prefera să te duci acolo cât mai curând posibil.
I would rather go there as soon as possible.
Aș vrea să am o mașină sport.
I would like a sport car.
Aș vrea să avem mai mulți bani.
I would like to have more money.

Exercise I, page 13=Find words in the next that mean:

physical -> material
garments -> clothing and footwear
auxiliary -> supporting
drinks -> food produce
end-user -> final consumer
staff -> personnel
fabrics -> textiles
entertainment -> leisure

Exercise III, page 17=Put in the Present Perfect Simple or Past Tense Simple:
11. I (live) have lived in this city all my life. My parents (come) came here when they were
very young.
12. It (rain) rained very much in this region in the spring, but it (not rain) hasn't rained much
ever since.
13. We (visit) have visited the Metropolitan Museum several times so far. The last time we
(visit) visited it was two weeks ago.
14. Mr. Brown (teach) has taught English from three o'clock to six o'clock. He's no longer at
school. He (leave) left half an hour ago.
15. The plumber (be) was here for the past few days. He (check) checked all of the water
16. Up to now I (understand) have understood every lesson in this book.
17. Our aunt (go) has gone away this morning. Mother (help) helped her with her packing
before she left.
18. I (read) have read many books on cooking and now I can cook a lot of dishes.
19. Mr. Dobbs (have) has had a car for years but he (never drive) has never driven at night.
20. He (have) had a lot of trouble with his car lately. He (repair) has repaired it twice so far.
21. This man (write) wrote two novels and last year he (write) wrote a play.
22. The tourists (have) have had a great time since their arrival. They (arrive) arrived by plane
three days ago.
23. The students (start) started the exam at 8 a.m. They (not finish) haven't finished it yet.
24. Betty (just buy) has just bought a new dress. She (buy) bought it at a discount store.
25. I (read) read nearly all Henry James' novels. Last week. Last week I (start) started The
Europeans and I (nearly finish) have nearly finished it now. During the winter break I (read)
read Washington Square.
26. We (learn) learned a great deal of English since we (come) have come to this school.
27. No one (find) has found Helen's glasses yet. She (lose) lost them during the Physical
Education class.
28. I (never fly) have never flown in a plane before. This month I (fly) flew twice.
29. Mr. Brown is our English teacher. He (teach) has teacher in our school for five years. He
(graduate) graduated from the University ten years ago.
30. We (receive) received his greeting card this morning. We (already send) have already sent
him a special delivery reply.

Exercise V, page 18= Ask questions about the underlined parts of the sentence:
1. They've been married for ten years now.
How long have they been married ?
2. I've never flown in an airplane.
Have I flown in an airplane ?
3. He's bought a digital watch for his wife.
What kind of watch has he bought for his wife ?
4. Someone has opened this box.
Who has opened this box ?
5. Paul has written a short story.
What has Paul written ?
6. She has dyed her hair.
What has she done with her hair ?
7. We've lived here all our lives.
What have we lived here ?
8. The curtains have shrunk.
What have the curtains done ?
9. The secretary has typed five letters so far.
How much letters has the secretary typed ?
10. I've telephoned her at least ten times this morning.
How many times have I phoned her this morning ?

Exercise II, page 19= Translate into English using the Present Perfect Simple or
1. Surorile mele tocmai au venit de la școală.
My sisters have just come from school.
2. De cât timp dorm copiii ?
Since when have the kids been sleeping ?
3. Jack a terminat deja exercițiul ? Au trecut doar 10 minute de când i l-am dictat.
Has Jack already finished the exercise ? Ten minutes have passed since I have dictated
4. Ai încercat vreodată să-l ajuți?
Have you ever tried to help him ?
5. Arthur exersează la pian de la ora 8.
Arthur has been practicing at the piano since 8 o'clock.
6. Ce vor face frații tăi după ce vor termina școala ?
What will your brothers do after they have graduated school ?
7. Nu am auzit nimic de ei în ultima vreme.
I haven't heard of them lately.
8. Voi jucați cărți de vreo două ore dar nu v-ați terminat încă temele.
You have been playing cards for 2 hours, but you haven't finished your homework yet.
9. Mă gândesc la cele spuse de ea de mai bine de două ore și tot nu pot înțelege ce s-a
întâmplat acolo.
I've been thinking about what she said for more than two hours, and I still can not understand
what happened there.
10. Am încercat adesea să-i spun adevărul.
I have often tried to tell him the truth.
11. Ea nu l-a înțeles niciodată.
She has never understood him.
12. Prietenii mei vor pleca în străinătate de îndată ce își vor cumpăra mașina.
My friends will go abroad as soon as they have bought the car.
13. Pur și simplu nu pot să spun dacă îmi place să mănânc melci pentru că nu am mâncat
I just can't say if I like to eat snails because I have never eaten.
14. Am cântat la pian două ore în dimineața aceasta.
I have been playing piano for two hours in this morning.
15. Prietenul tău tocmai te-a sunat.
Your friend has just called you
16. Uită-te la el. A înghețat. De când înoată în mare ?
Look at him. He froze. Since when has he been swimming in the sea?
17. Ai auzit de el în ultima vreme ?
Have you heard of him lately ?
18. Te-am telefonat toată ziua. Unde ai fost ?
I've been calling you all day. Where have you been ?
19. Plouă într-una de patru ore.
It has been raining for 4 hours.
20. Am scris zece capitole până acum.
I have written ten chapters so far.

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