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Anticipation Guide

If you agree with the statement, put an √ beside it. If you disagree with the
statement, put an X beside it.

√ 1. Fossils show how plants and animals have changed over time.

√ 2. It is rare for soft parts of an organism to became fossil.

√ 3. A footprint is an example of a trace fossil.

X 4. A petrified fossil is an animal that was scared just before it died.

Anticipation Guide

If you agree with the statement, put an √ beside it. If you disagree with the
statement, put an X beside it.

X 1. An epoch is larger than a period.

X 2. Periods are the largest division of geologic time.

X 3. The smallest period of geologic time is the era.

√ 4. Fossils and rock layers on different continent are similiar.


Read back through the notes you have just taken. Design 4 multiple choice
questions about the content.

1. The concept of neptunism and catatropishm was proposed in?

a. Germany

b. Yunani

c. England

d. America
2. What is the emission of atomic particles resulting from the spontaneous
decay of uranium?

a. Rocks structure

b. Crystal structure

c. Atoms structure

d. Magma structure

3. There are three types of radioactive decay, except :

a. Alpha decay

b. Beta decay

c. Electron capture

d. Gamma decay

4. The concept of catastrophism was proposed by :

a. Baroon Georges C

b. Hutton

c. Charles Lyell

d. Lord Kelvin

Design one question which ask for a description or explanation with details.

1. What is fission-track dating?

Fission-track dating is of particular interest to archaeologists and geologists

because the technique can be used to date samples ranging from only a few
hundred to hundreds of millions of years old.

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