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Dakota State University

College of Education


Name:​ Morgan Larson Date: ​10/31/2017

Grade Level: ​1st Grade Time: ​1:00-1:40
School: ​Canistota Elementary Unit/ Topic: ​4-2, 4-3

Reflection from the prior lesson:

Yesterdays lesson was a reteach of near doubles from last Wednesday. The students did not have a good
grasp of doubles last week, so we started over and have worked back up. Today was still difficult but
students did considerably well. Students knew their doubles this time which included a refresher
worksheet on doubles to start the math lesson. Then we did ‘Around the World’ which helped me assess
what students were really grasping their doubles and who still was struggling. Only 4 students had any
wrong on the near doubles worksheet and these included a student who is one of the top in the class in
math and reading. She made 2 small errors. Otherwise, 3 other students made errors (1-2 errors per
student). I was very happy with these results and see significant improvement from last week when we
practically did the worksheet together. My goal was for students to be at least 85 percent proficient in
order to continue and all students made this standard. This lesson has shown me that students may still
need the repetitive practice to get their doubles and near doubles down, so for Halloween we will be
doing center activity rotations to continue working on the material.

Lesson Goal(s)/ Standards:

1.OA.B.3 ​Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.

1.OA.C.5 ​Relate counting to addition.

1.OA.C.6 ​Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.

1.OA.CD. 8 ​Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three
whole numbers.

Mathematical Practices:
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Attend to precision.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Lesson Objectives:
When adding doubles, students will show fluency in finding the sum and the number problem for the
correct sum with some teacher assistance.

After discussing the difference between doubles and near doubles, students will be able to find the sum
and identify whether a math problem is a double or a near double with 95% accuracy.

After reviewing doubles and near doubles, students will be able to identify the double and add 1 in
order to find the near double with some teacher assistance.

Materials Needed:
● Near Doubles/ Doubles Cut and Sort
● Glue
● Scissors
● Near Doubles Review Worksheet
● Pumpkin Roll and Add Mat
● Felt Stickers (cover numbers on pumpkin roll mat)
● Dice
● Go Fish flashcards

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

There are 13 students in the class - 5 girls and 8 boys. Currently, one student is on an IEP for reading
fluency and reading comprehension. His strongest subject is math. There are 3 students who receive
Title I services in reading and 2 that receive Title services in math. I conducted a learning styles inventory
on students, and the top classes were self, nature, and body. This means that these students will work
best on their own work, naturalistic students will like to use their senses of touch and doing things
hands-on but preferably outdoors, and body (kinesthetic) are very similar to nature, but don’t need the
outdoor involvement. Math occurs after lunch and on Tuesday and Wednesday, after the music time.
This often results in students having less focus than they do during the morning reading time. Keeping
math interactive and hands on helps cut down on the behaviors.

A.The Lesson
1. Introduction ​(​2 minutes​)
a. Getting attention “​Please gather up front and get ready to start math.”
b. Relating to past experience/ prior knowledge ​“We have been focusing on doubles, near
and near doubles over the last week. Who can remind me what a double is? (​two of the
same numbers together​) Who can remind me what a near double is? (​adding a double
plus 1​).”
c. Creating a need to know ​“We are continuing to work on our fluency of these skills by
working on flashcards and completing multiple activities because we need to know our
doubles almost instantly, so that we can use them to form our near doubles.
d. Sharing objective ​Today, we are going to work on 3 activities that will help us practice
and become fluent in our doubles and near doubles adding facts
2. Content Delivery (​46 minutes​)
I. Flashcard Review - Doubles and Near Doubles ​(​6 minutes​)​ - ​I will still have students up
on the carpet and we will all as a whole group run through our flashcards for doubles
and near doubles. This is just to get students thinking of the problems.
II. Explain Each Activity & Assign Groups ​(​10 minutes​) - ​See each activity description.
Group 1:​ Names taken out for confidentiality purposes.
Group 2:
Group 3:
III. ‘Center’ Activity Rotations ​(​30 minutes​)​ - ​9 minutes per rotation, 1 min change time
A. Roll a Die, Double It, Add 1 ​- ​Instructions: You will each grab a game card and
some counters to put on your board. These are Halloween themed with
skeletons, pumpkins, and Frankenstein and yes they are stickers, but you can not
stick them to your paper because I would like to be able to use these again with
other students. Just like we did last week, you will roll the dice, but after you roll
the dice to reveal your double, you must add one to make it the near double.
B. ‘Go Fish’ Doubles - ​Instructions: When you come to the Go Fish center, you and
your group members will each draw 7 cards from the pile. The student whose
birthday is first in the year will go first. They will pick someone to ask. That
person will look at their doubles addition problems and ask for either the answer
or the number sentence. If I have 6+6 in my hand, what answer would I ask for to
make a match? (12) If I have 12 in my hand, what addition sentence would I ask
for? (6+6) If I don’t have the answer or problem, I will say Go FIsh and that
player will draw a card from the pile. ​For below level learners, I will have the
poster of the doubles hanging up on the bulletin board in front of the center.
My goal for the above and average learners would be minimal reliance on the
C. Doubles & Near Doubles Sort ​- ​Instructions: You will get a sheet that says
doubles and near doubles and then the sheet with the lines. You are going to
solve the problems first and then you will cut them out and sort whether they
are doubles or near doubles. Remind me what a double is. Remind me what a
near double is. Okay, so you will sort these into the two groups. Once you have
finished this, you will work on completing this near doubles worksheet.

3. Closure ​(​2 minutes​)

“We have been working on our doubles and near doubles facts the last week. Who can give me
an example of a double? (​2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5​) Good, now who can give me an example of a near
double? (​4+5, 3+4, 6+7, 7+8​) Good. We are going to use our knowledge of near doubles and
doubles to work on adding with 5 on a 10-frame.
B. Assessments Used
● The double and near doubles sheet will be assessed on accuracy for adding the double and near
double as well as understanding of what the difference between a double and near double is.
● I will observe the pumpkin math game and the Go Fish game to see how well students know
their double and near double facts. I will take notes of how students are performing on these
activities and how much assistance they need.

C. Differentiated Instruction
Students will be grouped by similar academic levels to ensure that all activities the students will be
active participants with their peers. It also allows for me as the teacher to stick closer to the lower group
and scaffold the learning of on level learners. I expect the above level learners will need minimal
assistance in completing the activities. I do expect the below level learners to need a significant amount
of assistance in some activities. I expect that in the Doubles Go Fish game, they will be less fluent than
the average and above level learners.

D. Resources
Roll and Double it + 1
Doubles and Near Doubles Sort
Pumpkin Math

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