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\cellx10800 \trspdfl3 \trspdft3 \trspdfb3 \trspdfr3 \pard \plain \qj \li0 \ri0
\widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \intbl \itap1 \fs21 \kerning2
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \cell }\pard \plain \qj \li0 \ri0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright
\lin0 \rin0 \intbl \itap1 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0
{\trowd \trql \trgaph0 \trrh375 \trleft0 \trautofit \trftsWidth1 \trftsWidthB3
\trftsWidthA3 \trpaddfl3 \trpaddft3 \trpaddfb3 \trpaddfr3 \clvertalc \cltxlrtb
\cellx10800 \trspdfl3 \trspdft3 \trspdfb3 \trspdfr3 \row }\trowd \trql \trgaph0
\trleft0 \trautofit \trftsWidth1 \trftsWidthB3 \trftsWidthA3 \trpaddfl3
\trpaddft3 \trpaddfb3 \trpaddfr3 \clvertalc \cltxlrtb \cellx10800 \trspdfl3
\trspdft3 \trspdfb3 \trspdfr3 \pard \plain \qj \li0 \ri0 \widctlpar \keep0
\keepn0 \noline0 \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \intbl \itap1 \fs21
\kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich
\af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Sam Jackson did not
want to go to school. He stood on the kerb waiting for his mum to drive away so he
could maybe sneak off and play hooky for the day, but she just sat there in the car
waiting for him to go.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 He sighed and slung his backpack across his shoulder as
he trudged through the school gates, keeping a wary eye out for his many nemeses.
In the distance, he spied Fat Tom, a horrible ginger haired boy who never missed an
opportunity to push him over and spit on him. Accompanying Fat Tom was Willie
Rogers, a skinny, vicious little rat who would just as soon stab you as look at
you, and Kenny Keyes. Kenny was a year older and bigger than the rest of his
classmates, but had to repeat a year because of his \uc1 \u8220 ?learning
difficulties\uc1 \u8221 ?. Sam figured it was closer to the truth to say he was too
lazy and stupid to learn, and preferred spending his time torturing younger,
smaller boys.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 A couple of older boys were trying to impress girls by throwing a
stolen backpack to each other while the red-faced owner dashed back and forth after
his property and tried not to cry. Sam shrugged philosophically. Not his backpack,
not his problem.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Sam gave them all a wide berth, and headed towards the school
entrance while keeping an eye on them. An unfortunate strategy, as it turned out,
because he walked straight into the worst of the worst. Literally walked into him.
His heart sank as Morris (Monster) Mack turned and regarded him with his
psychotically dead gaze. Sam froze in fear as Monster\uc1 \u8217 ?s hand reached
out and grabbed a handful of his shirt, methodically and thoroughly shaking him
back and forth like a pit bull with a small poodle.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Just as Sam thought he was
going to end his short life by vomiting all over Monster\uc1 \u8217 ?s sneakers,
his shirt ripped and he was suddenly released to glide gracelessly over the
linoleum before coming to an abrupt and painful halt against a row of metal
lockers.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
Monster ponderously started towards him, walking slowly enough that Sam decided,
rightly or wrongly, that he was giving him a chance to escape. A chance that he was
quick to take advantage of, scuttling crablike along the lockers until he was able
to run upright.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Sam surveyed the wreckage in the bathroom mirror. He smoothed water
over his hair in an effort to tame the wild spikes, and buttoned his jacket over
his tattered shirt. There was nothing he could do about the swelling bruise on his
cheek, but apart from that, he didn\uc1 \u8217 ?t look too bad. On the outside,
anyway. His stomach felt a little queasy from the shaking, and his head hurt where
it had connected with the lockers. He sighed, left the bathroom, and went to class.
Just another Monday.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 That night, Sam dreamed of being chased by someone \uc1 \u8230 ? or
something. He couldn\uc1 \u8217 ?t see his pursuer, but he felt the menace and
desire to hurt, maybe kill him. Wherever he fled, wherever he hid, he could hear
the crashing pursuit. Nowhere was safe. Desperately, he turned to face his
attacker, and wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?t a bit surprised to see that it resembled Monster.
Sam floated for a moment longer, then gently settled back on the ground. It
occurred to him with a sense of amazement that he was dreaming \uc1 \u8230 ? and
knew it. Well, didn\uc1 \u8217 ?t THIS change things!}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 He gazed thoughtfully at the
beast lumbering towards him, then pushed off from the ground to soar high above the
danger. He imagined a sword into his hand, then plummeted down to drive the blade
deep into the beast\uc1 \u8217 ?s skull. It threw its hands into the air before
slumping to the ground. Green ooze slid from the gaping wound and spread on the
ground. Sam swooped in the air in a jubilant victory dance.}{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
\line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 A fire truck approached the
scene, its jangling siren getting louder. A part of Sam knew it was his alarm
clock, and he desperately fought consciousness. He wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?t ready to give
up this wonderful new world just yet. It was no good, though. His dream dissolved
and blew away, and he was awake. He lay there for a moment to savour the adrenalin
rush, then crawled out of bed to start another day.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Monster wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?t at
school.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 The
rumours started and had spread far and wide by lunchtime, then the principal called
a special assembly at three o\uc1 \u8217 ?clock. The students gathered in the
gymnasium, the echoing space amplifying the young, excited voices and squeaking
shoes. Finally, everyone had taken a seat on the floor, legs crossed and curious
faces turned towards the stage, where the principal stood gravely before them.}
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
\uc1 \u8220 ?I know there have been certain rumours regarding one of your
classmates,\uc1 \u8221 ? he began. He waited for the rustling and whispering to die
down again. \uc1 \u8220 ?It is my very sad duty to tell you that Morris Mack has
passed away \uc1 \u8230 ?\uc1 \u8221 ? his voice was drowned out by the rising tide
of voices as more than two hundred children
reacted to the news. Very few among them had experienced the death of someone they
knew, and it was very exciting.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Sam was stunned by the coincidence, and wondered
feverishly if his erstwhile classmate had died from a sword to the head. He
wondered if he could be arrested or somehow blamed for Monster\uc1 \u8217 ?s death.
He sat in a daze through the rest of principal\uc1 \u8217 ?s speech, thinking how
unlikely it was for anyone who knew Monster to be particularly traumatised by his
passing. He knew that was a wicked thought, but couldn\uc1 \u8217 ?t help it.}
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
Ronny Meister grabbed Sam outside the gymnasium. Kids streamed by them, chattering
and gossiping. Not one of them would shed a tear for Monster, and Sam found that a
little sad.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Ronny shook Sam\uc1 \u8217 ?s arm to get his attention. \uc1 \u8220 ?
I heard his head got split open,\uc1 \u8221 ? he whispered. Sam looked at him, not
sure he\uc1 \u8217 ?d heard right, but Ronny was nodding vigorously. \uc1 \u8220 ?
He was helping his old man fix the truck, and it fell on him. The metal tow bar
thingie got the top of his head and split it wide open. His brains leaked out
everywhere!\uc1 \u8221 ?}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Sam\uc1 \u8217 ?s stomach lurched, a grey mist filled his head. It
had to be a coincidence, didn\uc1 \u8217 ?t it? He thought about dream
Monster\uc1 \u8217 ?s split head spilling lumpy green goo all over the ground, and
thought he might be sick. He sat on a bench and leaned forward until his stomach
settled and his head cleared. A teacher looked at him sympathetically, but he went
otherwise unnoticed \uc1 \u8230 ? for the most part.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Fat Tom wandered over and stood
in front of him. Willie and Kenny flanked him, ready to support him in case Sam
magically tripled in size and started something.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \uc1 \u8220 ?Hey crybaby
faggot, are you crying because your boyfriend\uc1 \u8217 ?s dead?\uc1 \u8221 ? The
other two boys laughed on cue.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \uc1 \u8220 ?He musta been in lurve,\uc1 \u8221 ? Kenny
grabbed his own crotch and made kissy noises, to the other boys\uc1 \u8217 ? mean
amusement.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Willie pegged an apple at Sam\uc1 \u8217 ?s head, effortlessly
hitting his lumpy bruise. The other two collapsed against each other, pounding each
other\uc1 \u8217 ?s back with hilarity. Tears of pain and humiliation welled in
Sam\uc1 \u8217 ?s eyes, and he glared at the trio of bullies with murder in his
heart.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
\uc1 \u8220 ?Look! He\uc1 \u8217 ?s cr-cr-crying again!\uc1 \u8221 ? Fat Tom and
Kenny doubled over with laughter, but Willie regarded Sam curiously. }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \uc1 \u8220 ?You wanna
have a go, crybaby?\uc1 \u8221 ? he asked softly. Fat Tom and Kenny stopped
laughing immediately and stared at Sam. The anticipation of violence charged the
air, and Sam resigned himself to yet another beating. He stood up and tentatively
jumped into the air, but came down heavily, a slave to gravity. This was real.
Rats.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 The
three boys stepped back in surprise at the sudden move, then advanced as one, their
fists curled menacingly at their sides. To Sam\uc1 \u8217 ?s relief, a teacher
sensed something untoward was going on, and started walking towards them. }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
\uc1 \u8220 ?Catchya later, faggot,\uc1 \u8221 ? hissed Willie, and the three boys
walked off.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Later that night, Sam found himself walking through a meadow. It
wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?t day, and it wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?t night. Nothing moved, it was
almost like walking in a painting. It immediately struck him as an unlikely thing
for him to do, and he jumped experimentally. He was elated to find himself skimming
effortlessly over the grass, and wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?t surprised to find the grass
turning to road. }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Fat Tom\uc1 \u8217 ?s road, to be precise. }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 He found Fat Tom\uc1 \u8217 ?s
house and slid effortlessly through the glass window into his bedroom and into the
sleeping boy\uc1 \u8217 ?s dream. He was mildly surprised that, in his dreams, Fat
Tom was a much thinner and smaller version of himself. And that he was scared. He
ran, lost, down one street after another, occasionally looking over his shoulder
with a look of terror. Sam found himself driving a car, which was pretty cool, and
he accelerated towards the fleeing boy. He barely felt the bump as he hit Fat Tom,
reversed over him, then drove over him again. The car dissolved, and Sam found
himself standing in the road, looking at the lumpy mess that had once been the bane
of his existence.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 Sam smiled in his sleep.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
\line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 The next day brought the tragic, terrible news that Tom
Halloway had been struck and killed sometime the night before in a hit-and-run. The
police were urging anyone with information to come forward, but they were yet to
find a solid lead on the driver.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Two days later, Willie
Rogers climbed the local water tower for reasons best known to himself, then either
fell or jumped from the top of the ladder, a drop of nearly fifty metres. Every
bone in his body was shattered. No-one admitted to knowing anything, and the whole
thing remained a mystery.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 The following week, Kenny Keyes found himself running in
his dreams from a shadowy terror with blades for hands. Wherever he ran, wherever
he hid, this menacing figure would find him and threaten him. When Kenny wept with
fear, the figure grinned and laughed with glee. }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 At last, Kenny found himself
trapped. He knew the demon had done playing with him. He was going to die. When the
figure came closer, he realised it was Sam. He also realised this wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?
t really a dream. He suddenly knew what had happened to his classmates, and he wet
himself.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
Kenny came out of sleep with a start, his soggy pyjama bottoms already going cold.
He heaved himself out of bed, his heart pounding with fear. Shivering in the cold
night air, he quickly stripped off his pyjama pants and dried himself the best he
could with a corner of the sheet. He pulled the sheets off the bed and bundled them
into the laundry basket. There wasn\uc1 \u8217 ?t much he could do about the
mattress, he just hoped it didn\uc1 \u8217 ?t smell too bad when it dried.}
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 He
wrapped his dressing gown around himself and quietly went to make himself coffee
and think about what he thought he knew. It was easier to think these thoughts in
the dead of night; if he considered and rejected his ideas in the sanity of
daylight, it could very well be the death of him.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich
\af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 In his dream, Sam gaped in frustrated
astonishment as Kenny turned to smoke and disappeared before his very eyes. His
anger burned red, and he regretted playing with his prey instead of just
dispatching him like the others. Well he may not be able to get Kenny tonight, but
he had to sleep sooner or later. In the meantime, there were plenty of other kids
worthy of his wrath. }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 That snooty Belinda Kelly, for instance. He\uc1 \u8217 ?d asked her
once if she\uc1 \u8217 ?d like to have lunch with him, and she had laughed in his
face. Then went and told EVERYONE that creepy little Sam Jackson had asked her out
on a date. He\uc1 \u8217 ?d been the laughing stock for the rest of the school
year. Yes, Sam thought he might just pay her a visit before the night was through.}
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0
\dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052
Belinda Kelly was absent the next day. Those in the know said she\uc1 \u8217 ?d
been attacked by some lunatic and had been hospitalised. Darker rumours swirled
among the older kids that the attack had been so violently awful that she had lost
her mind and had to be institutionalised.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Sam strutted powerfully around the
schoolyard. Ha! If only these morons knew what was walking among them. He noticed
Kenny Keyes talking to a group of boys, losers just like him, and they all turned
as one and looked at him. Sam just grinned and started walking towards them. He was
overjoyed when they scattered and fled.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 That weekend, Kenny Keyes was attacked and
killed in what appeared to be a vicious attack by some wild animal. What the police
didn\uc1 \u8217 ?t release to the public was that some of those bite marks looked
to be human. They never did find who or what had killed him.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 The change in Sam didn\uc1
\u8217 ?t go unnoticed at home. His parents sat him down and lectured him for
nearly an hour on his new attitude and his slipping schoolwork. His mother, to her
credit, tried to blame his behaviour on the upsetting demise of his classmates. His
father, on the other hand, felt that Sam needed to toughen up, get over it, to stop
using recent events as an excuse for laziness. He threatened Sam with the strap if
he didn\uc1 \u8217 ?t get his act together, and soon.}{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch
\f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 Sam merely nodded and smiled at
his father, but said nothing. }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0
\lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch
\af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }
{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe2052 \langfenp2052 He looked forward to going to bed tonight. }{\fs24
\kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052
\langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \lang1033
\langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 \line }{\fs24 \kerning0 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0
\loch \f0 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe2052 \langfenp2052 To sleep, perchance to
dream.}{\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \cell }\pard \plain \qj
\li0 \ri0 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \intbl \itap1 \fs21
\kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\trowd \trql \trgaph0 \trleft0
\trautofit \trftsWidth1 \trftsWidthB3 \trftsWidthA3 \trpaddfl3 \trpaddft3
\trpaddfb3 \trpaddfr3 \clvertalc \cltxlrtb \cellx10800 \trspdfl3 \trspdft3
\trspdfb3 \trspdfr3 \row }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \lisa0 \widctlpar
\aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2
\hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs24 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \f0 \par }}

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