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Lesson Plan – Pattern Recognition

Date: October 6th , 2017

Subject: Math Grade: 11
Topic: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Through Inquiry-Based Learning

Pen/pencils and paper
Desks organized into a pattern
Student’s phones / school’s iPads
Computer and projector

Stage 1- Desired Results – you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
In this lesson, students will gain an understanding of patterns and how to identify them in an everyday setting. Students will
learn to identify, analyze and name different types of patterns both in a question format and in real-world setting. Students
will be able to apply their inductive and deductive reasoning skills as they attempt to identify patterns throughout the
school, and in the classroom and determine if they are terminating or continuous patterns.

Broad Areas of Learning:

In this lesson, students will be able to develop and fine tune their pattern recognition skills, as well as increase their
understanding of the use of patterns in an everyday setting. Rather than having the students learn this lesson solely in a
classroom, students will be given the opportunity to discover the mathematics outlined in the school for the themselves.
This lesson will also give the students the opportunities to interact with their peers and develop theories and ideas together,
opposed to being isolated in a classroom. This lesson will get the students engaged in the school environment and working
together will help increase their relationships to their peers and environment. Through their understanding of differing
opinions and viewpoints, student will become better informed and be able to become a more engaged citizen and be able to
relate to different perspectives more easily.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
This lesson will provide the students and opportunity to see mathematics in a different context. They will be responsible for
their own learning (to an extent) and be able to think critically and more creatively when looking at potential patterns. This
lesson will give the students to opportunity to explore their own ideas, strategies and abilities in a safe and supportive way.
This will allow the student to develop their own understandings of mathematics and of their own knowledge as well. The
students will also be given the chance to express their understanding of their literacy in mathematics through the formation
and presentation of different patterns they find throughout the classroom and the school. This will also help students
expand on their mathematics literacy as they come to realize math is not simply symbolic notation but expressions as well.
This lesson will give the students the opportunity to share and consider ideas from others while maintaining the respectful
and supportive classroom feel. The students will be able to see the importance of social interaction and how different
perspectives and approaches should be considered, validated, and strengthened through communication.

FM20.2 Demonstrate an understanding of inductive and deductive reasoning including:
 Analyzing conjectures
 Analyzing spatial puzzles and games
 Providing conjectures
 Solving problems

The main goal of this lesson is to allow the students to explore how patterns make up a large amount of buildings
architecture, as well as how the can be used in both a mathematics context, and an everyday setting as well. Student’s will
demonstrate how to study math in an everyday setting and how to identify where and how to use math through their
inductive and deductive reasoning skills.
a) Make conjectures by observing patterns and identifying properties, and justify the reasoning
i) Solve situational questions that involve inductive or deductive reasoning.

PGP Goals:

1.2 ethical behavior and the ability to work in a collaborative manner for the good of all learners

1.4 a commitment to service and the capacity to be a reflective, lifelong learner and inquirer

2.4 ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately

2.6 ability to strive for/pursue new knowledge

3.1 the ability to utilize meaningful, equitable, and holistic approaches to assessment and evaluation

3.2 the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to accommodate learning
styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual beings

4.2 the ability to incorporate First Nations, Métis, and Inuit knowledge, content and perspective into all teaching areas

4.3 the capacity to engage in program planning to shape ‘lived curriculum’ that brings learner needs, subject matter, and
contextual variables together in developmentally

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
- Students will be formally assessed on their ability to recognize different patterns throughout the school and the classroom.
Each group, during their presentation of the various patterns they found, will be assessed on their ability to properly identify
the patterns and use the correct terminology to support their findings.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
- At the end of the lesson, students will play a game of Kahoot! and be instructed to use their real names so that the
instructor can record each student’s answers to the questions for assessment purposes.
Stage 3- Procedures:

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

- When the students walk into the classroom, they will notice that all of the desks will be organized in a pattern
around the room.
- Working together, the students will have a maximum of 20mins to identify the pattern and properly identify what
type of pattern it is, the origin and termination points, as well as if the pattern was to continue, what would it look
like further down the line.
- If students do not complete this section in the allotted time, they will be asked a series of guiding questions to help
them identify the elements they are missing. If students finish this exersize in less than the time given, they will be
given more time in the next step of the lesson.

Main Procedures/Strategies (~1hr-1hr 15min Minutes):

- Once students have completed the desk pattern and identified all the required elements, they will be sent out into
the school in groups of 3-4 to identify patterns throughout the school.
- Students will have until the next bell to locate a variety of patterns, take pictures of them and analyze them in a
similar way to the desk pattern (defining the origin and termination points if applicable, and how the pattern will
- The second part of the class will start with the groups presenting the patterns that they found and explaining to
the class where they think the definitions apply to the pattern. This will take about 20-30minutes for all the groups
to present their finding from around the school.
- Once all the groups are done presenting, the instructor will talk about how pattern recognition plays into inductive
and deductive reasoning respectively, as well as how being able to recognize patterns will help them comprehend
the future units in mathematics and help them solve problems that will come later in life.

- EAL students will be allowed to have their phones for translating purposes if needed.
- Visually impaired students will be given sound patterns for them to study and find the various points the other
students are looking for in visual patterns. They can also use their sense of touch to identify patterns throughout
the school
- Any additional support staff that is needed for students will be in attendance.

Closing of lesson:

- The remainder of the class will be spent playing a variety of Kahoot! games (time dependent on the number of
games played) but the first game played will be the Brain Teaser game developed by Mr. Fry ( Link: ). This game focuses on brain teasers
and pattern recognition question to test the student’s skills. Students must use their real names for assessment
Personal Reflection:
To Be filled out after the lesson.

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