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DATE: 09-08-2017

Should all people be vegetarians?

I think they should not all be vegetarian because we all have different types of food tastes and not
everyone feels good eating vegetarian food.

I believe that each person should choose to eat as we have different customs.

It is a good idea to try to make known the type of food of the vegetarians since many for wrong
information do not want to eat this type of food.

I believe that studies of all foods of animal origin that are not necessarily essential to live and thus
reduce the consumption of animals can be carried out.

Should animal testing be legal?

I think we should look for another way to do tests without damaging or hurting animals.

I think it would be a good idea to carry out these tests on dolls or something synthetic that simulates
human skin.

The animals that are victims of this type of tests should be assisted and try to reduce the consumption
of products that require this type of tests.

I think that this type of animal abuse can be avoided by carrying out more controls and increasing the
laws that defend the animals and avoid their mistreatment.

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