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External orggans: NATO (NATO constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its
member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party.)
UE(U policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within
the internal market,[12] enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain common
policies on trade,[13] agriculture,[14] fisheries, and regional development.[15] Within
the Schengen Area, passport controls have been abolished.[16] ),
-UN( with one central mission: the maintenance of international peace and security’ The UN does
this by working to prevent conflict; helping parties in conflict make peace; peacekeeping; and
creating the conditions to allow peace to hold and flourish.) making the promotion and protection
of human rights a key purpose and guiding principle of the Organization. to achieve international
co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian
character , World trade organz.
- the council of Europe

INTERNAL : ministry of foreign office, any minister entitled by the government with the power to take
part into bilateral/multilateral negotiations

2. 150
3. 201
4. EEAS: establ In 2011, created through out the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009, located in Brussels ; its
mission is : Manages the EU's diplomatic relations with other countries
outside the bloc and conducts EU foreign & security policy
-“ Charles Grant, Director of the Centre for European Reform, says it would ' like having
a conductor without an orchestra—or rather, a conductor trying to conduct two separate
orchestras at the same time.'[

5. YES! : 1)here were no national quotas for the initial 1,100 staff members and a minimum of 33%
was to be from member states. But.. 2) In theory, staff within the EEAS should be treated equally
regardless of staffing source. In reality, sharp differences are visible. Member state diplomatic
officials have tended to join at far higher grades than official recruited under the Staff Regulations
currently in force. Officials recruited prior to 2004 also enjoy sharply higher pay and perks than more
recently recruited officials. Internal tensions and low staff morale have afflicted the EEAS since its
inception, while some have put this down to inevitable 'teething trouble', structural differences in pay
and career prospects in such a people-centric business threaten the Service's ability to deliver.

11. differences: agents of consular relations are not accorded the type of immunity from the law and
enforcement jurisdiction of the reciving state enjoyed by he diplomatic agents.

- consular functions are aimed to the development of economic and cultural relations , more
administrative atributions such as issuing of passports and visas, administration of the property of
nationals, registration of births, death and marriages

-!! Consular premises are not inviolable from entry by agents of the reciving state (but the
archives and documents are inviolable and the members of the consulate are immune from the
jurisd of the judicial/admin. Authorities of the receiving state)

-the personal of the the consular officials are in principle liable to arrest or detention
- the consular officials shall not be liable to arrest or detention prior to the trial, save in the
case of a serious criminal offence., likewise, consular officals shall not be liable to any form of
restriction to their freedom, exept for the case of execution of a judicial decision as an effect of the
cirumstances previously referred.

-diplomatic relations are more related to the political aspect of the relations between states;

-the number of consular premises is much higher and they are usually found in every major
city of a state

-the non-establishment or withdrawal /reduction of diplomatic represent may be the result of

a non-military sanction (eg co-ordinated international action against states suspected of sponsoring
terrorism ) while I belive that the consulates must exist as long as on the territory of the state are
living nationals of the state who applies the sanctions.

Ambassadors, who are high-ranking diplomatic
representatives of a country, represent the Embassy, Consuls
represent the Consulates.

Embassies are also responsible for preparing treaties between the two
nations and also in arranging official visits.

The consulates are also responsible for informing its citizens about all
security issues. Consulates are also entrusted with the responsibility of
looking after its citizens in case of detention or arrest.
12) official document, emanating from the accredited state, certifying the official quality of the head
of the diplomatic mission

-nclude the name, title, diplomat's special quality, the overall objective of his mission and the
call for support to achive it’s purposes

- art 91 of Ro consti entitled “powers in matters of foreign policy” provides that : “

(2) The President shall, on proposal by the Government, accredit and recall
diplomatic envoys of Romania, and approve the setting up, closing down or
change in rank of diplomatic missions.

(3) Diplomatic envoys of other states shall be accredited to the President of


14) To implement the state's diplomatic principles and policies and related laws and regulations;
safeguard national sovereignty, security and interests on behalf of the state; run diplomatic affairs on
behalf of the state and the government; and handle diplomatic activities between leaders of the CPC
and the state with foreign leaders.

-To conclude bilateral and multilateral treaties, handle international judicial cooperation,
oversee or participate in dealing with major foreign-related legal cases that involve the state or the
government, assist in examining foreign-related draft laws and regulations, and organize and
coordinate the work of fulfilling international conventions and agreements.

-To draft laws, regulations and policy plans concerning diplomatic work.

- To coordinate with relavant government departments according to the overall diplomatic


-To coordinate efforts to handle urgent incidents abroad concerning Chinese interests,
safeguard the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens and institutions abroad, and take part in
efforts to handle urgent incidents in China which involve foreigners.

-To handle and coordinate foreign affairs concerning national security.

b)types of dipl missions : Diplomatic and consular missions are:

 permanent diplomatic missions and

 consular missions.

Permanent diplomatic missions are:

 embassies, which are established in other countries and

 permanent missions to international organisations established in places where the
organizations are based.

Consular missions may be established with the following rank:consulate general,

 consulate,
 vice consulate and
 consular agency,

13) a) The primary responsibility of heads of missions is to carry out the instructions of their ministry
and to report back to it with the information gathered. They are expected to use their initiative in
recommending policy that the government should adopt and report any significant information;

-they are responsible to their own government and the receiving State for the conduct of the

-His chief functions are to execute the policies of his own country

-to protect its interests and its nationals, and keep his government informed major
developments in the rest of the world.
-• To make treaties conclude in such a way that the imprisoned spies of his country are
released from the prisons.

-ii. Making verbal statement to, or holding discussion with an individual, a committee, or
a large gathering of people; iii. Organizing a conference, visit or celebration;

-Presenting a favorable image of one’s country;

C) duties : - First of all tries to understand the country which he serves-its conditions, its
mentality, its actions, and its underlying motives, and to explain these things clearly to his own

-To gather and asses the information; ii. To offer advice (home government) ; and

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