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Make a review about a film you have recently seen in 220-260 words.

Are you a kind of person who likes science fiction films but not that one’s related
with aliens and outer space? If your answer is ‘yes’ The Curious Case of Benjamin
Button will be a engaging and even surprising film for you to see.

The movie tales the history of a man, Benjamin Button performed by Brad Pitt, who
was born with ninety years. It sounds weird to assimilate; however, it would turn
more unrealistic when you know that Benjamin ages in reverse instead of turning
years. Nevertheless, the plot contains a love history which could be even unhappy,
overall when his love is not believed because of his short age. I found the plot

I must say that the characterization is not its best feature. The reason could be the
difficulty to make up the main character to seem younger. They even have to change
him to other actor when he is becoming a child. None the less, Brad Pitt makes an
immaculate paper and for this reason, the film won in 2014 the Best Actor award.

In spite of the unwise title, since it seems to be a boring history, don’t be putt of by
it and go out and see it. Also, the romantic history makes the plot more amusing for
people and it has not a common end. The curious case of Benjamin Button is, in my
opinion, a definite must-see film.

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