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FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions Data Classification: Confidential

Title: FAQ: Sales Update

Abstract: Answers to frequently asked questions about the set up and
processing logic of Sales Update (R42800).
Product OneWorld
Suite Distribution
Release B73.3.2 and later
Document ID ODS-00-0140
Date Created 12/13/2000
Date Reviewed 12/13/2000
Date Revised 8/19/2002

Table of Content
What is the purpose of the sales update program?
How does sales update interface with other JDE system files?
What is the processing order of records and files?
What reports are generated by sales update?
 Sales Update (R42800)
 Error Report /Employee WorkCenter
 Generate Claim Record and Claim Accrual Entries (R45800) (Optional)
 Sales Journal (R42810) (Optional)

 What AAIs are used by sales update?
 What AAIs are used for different types of taxes?

What is the impact of bypassing A/R?

What batch types can be created by sales update?
What is the difference between running sales update in summary vs. detail?
 For accounts receivable entries
 For general ledger entries

Summarizing inventory and COGS to a separate batch

What is the difference between running sales update in proof vs. final mode?
When is the on-hand quantity updated and what is the impact on the cardex?
What is the purpose of the different sales update versions?
 Why are F0311/F03B11 records created but no F0911 records?
 Processing option is set to summarize A/R records but they are not
 What should be done if sales update stops in the middle without completing
the job?
 Why isn't the tax file (F0018) populating
 The F4211 record went to 999 status but there are no F0311/F03B11, F0911,
F41021, or F4111 records.

Can records be purged by running sales update?

Can sales update be re-run?

Sales Update is the final step in the sales order process. It provides
interfaces between Sales Order Processing and other JDE modules,
such as Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger.

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Purpose: Sales Update serves four main

During the daily processing of sales transactions, the sales system
operates independently from other systems (except for inventory). The
primary purpose of the sales update program is to interface the sales
system with other J.D. Edwards systems.
1. Updates the Financials systems by:
o Creating journal entries in the General Ledger (F0911) file.
o Creating receivable records in the Accounts Receivable (F0311/F03B11)
2. Updates the item's on-hand quantity if not previously done by Shipment
Confirmation (P4205).
3. Closes out the sales order.
4. Purges the sales order to history files if the processing options is set.

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File Updates
The update of the following files is dependent on line type setup,
Branch/Plant setup or processing options on the Update tab behind
Sales Update (R42800):
o Accounts Receivable (F0311/F03B11) and General Accounting (F0911)
o Inventory (F41021/F4111)
o Sales History (F4229) and Item History (F4115)
o Sales Commission (F42005)
o Sales Order Detail History (F42119)
o Sales Order Header History (F42019)
o Tax File (F0018)
o Sales Order Detail File (F4211)
o Media Objects storage (F00165)
o Price Adjustments History (F4074)
o Ship And Debit Claims (F4576)

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Accounts Receivable (F0311/F03B11) and General

Accounting (F0911)
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The Sales Order Invoice is a detailed list of all of the items that were
sold to a customer. The Accounts Receivable Invoice is record of the
sales orders that relate to a customer. The accounts receivable entries
may be created as either summarized or detailed. If the entry is
detailed, then a one for one relationship exists between the lines on
the invoice and the pay items in the accounts receivable file. If the
information is summarized, then one line is created for each line
type/due date combination.
General Ledger entries are created for the relief of inventory, cost of
goods sold, and revenue. Additional entries may also be created for
freight, handling, advanced price adjustments, etc. Whether or not a
line interfaces with the general ledger is determined by either the
Branch/Plant constants setup or the Order Line Type setting for G/L
In the world of accounting, all entries need to be balanced (increases in
accounts need to equal decreases in other accounts). The entries that
are created by the sales update are not balanced when interfacing
with accounts receivable. To create a balanced entry, an entry to the
general ledger Accounts Receivable Trade account needs to be created.
If the Accounts Receivable processing option is blank and the Order
Line type has A/R Interface set to Y, then that accounts receivable
trade entry is created by the Post program (R09801) and uses the
Accounts Receivable AAI’s (item RC - ties to the Customer Master G/L
Class Code). If the A/R interface is turned off, and the Order Line type
has A/R Interface set to Y, then the accounts receivable trade entry is
created by the sales update program and it uses the distribution
Accounts Receivable Trade (4245) AAI.
See Bypassing A/R

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Inventory (F41021/F4111)
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You can relieve on-hand inventory in the Item Location File (F41021) at
either time of ship confirmation or sales update.
In order for the system to relieve inventory at ship confirmation, the
document type has to be included in UDC table, 40/IU and a processing
option needs to be set to relieve on hand inventory. When relieving
inventory at ship confirmation, a record is written to the Cardex
(F4111) with the sales order document type and number but with no
G/L date. Then the on-hand quantity in the Item Location (F41021) file
is updated. During sales update, the sales order document number and
type are exchanged for the invoice document type and number and the
G/L date assigned during sales update is included.
When on-hand inventory is relieved at sales update, the Cardex is
updated only once. The invoice number is displayed in the Document
Number and Type fields on the Cardex and the sales order number is
displayed in the Document Number field in the Item Ledger Detail, by
taking the Detail row exit. The entry is created using the invoice type
and number and includes the G/L date assigned the document during
sales update.

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Sales History (F4229) and Item History

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The system stores historical data in two files, the Item History (F4115)
file and the Summary Sales History (F4229) file. Processing options on
the Update tab in Sales Update (R42800) determine whether or not
they are updated. Information from these files is available in report or
form format. Since both the report and the form are based on the
comparison of a years worth of data to determine a trend, at least one
years worth of history relating to an item must be available.
Information from either file is available via the following:
 Sales Analysis Summary (R42611): The Summary Sales History file maintains
information based on order type, line type, address book number, item number
and business unit. This report compares sales, margin and percent information per
item on a period to date and year to date basis.
 Buyers Information (P4115): The Detailed Sales History file maintains sales
information by item number and business unit. The Buyers Information form
compares last years sales to this years sales and displays some additional
information from the Item Location file.
 Reports can be created, using the Report Design Aid, over the history files if
additional information is needed.

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Sales Commission (F42005)

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Information relating to commissions earned by sales people is written

to the Commissions file only at sales update. This is due to the
assumption that no commission is truly earned until the sale has
completed its cycle. No Accounts Payable or General Ledger records
are created for the accrued commissions. These entries must be
created manually. Information stored in commissions file can be
accessed through the Commission/Royalty inquiry (P42120) or through
a user defined report.

NOTE: if the user wants to create commissions entries that will affect the general ledger,
then they will need to set up an Advanced Price Adjustment. Usually the adjustment will
be an accrual to the general ledger as there is no way as of Xe to write entries directly to
the Accounts Payable system. These adjustments will not write to the Sales Commission
(F42005) file.

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Sales Order Detail History (F42119)

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This file contains a one for one record of all of the lines in a transaction
that were processed by sales update if a processing option in the
update tab is blank to purge the records. It also contains records
created by the Purge Details to History (R42119P) off menu G42312.
This file can then be written off to tape or disk, freeing the system for
current activity.

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Sales Order Header History (F42019)
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This file contains a one for one record of each of the headers of orders
that have been purged during sales update or by using the standalone
purge program. This file can also be written off to tape or disk, freeing
the system for current activity. Writing to this file on an ongoing basis
is determined by how the processing option on the update tab is set in
the sales update program. (If the orders are not purged during R42800,
the R42019P can be run at a later time.) Sales Update won't purge the
header (F4201) record if any associated detail (F4211) records remain
in the file.

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Tax File (F0018)

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The tax file is not written to until the general ledger transactions
(F0911) are posted to the Account Balance file (F0902). Any entries
that would be created in the tax file are printed on the Sales Update
report (R42800) without specific general ledger account numbers.
Processing options on the Tax tab behind the General Ledger Post
(R09801) report dictates if and how any tax entries will be written to
the general ledger.
Note: This file is not used if Quantum taxes used on the transaction.

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Sales Order Detail File (F4211)

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The status of the sales order line is usually advanced to a status of

999. However the Override Next Status Code processing option on the
Defaults Tab behind Sales Update (R42800) determines the actual
status to be updated to. Occasionally a user will have custom
processes that will run after the update and do not want the status to
be 999. Once the custom interface is complete, the status must be
moved to 999.
In addition to the status, sales update also updates the general ledger
date, the invoice number, invoice type and date (if invoice print wasn't
previously run).

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Media Objects storage (F00165)
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Text lines associated with an order line will be purged if the processing
option on the update tab is set appropriately. There is no Text History
file to purge to.

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Price Adjustments History (F4074)

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This file maintains a record of pricing that applies to specific lines on

an order. If a processing option on the update tab is set to purge this
file, the records are purged from the file. There is no related history file
to store the data in.

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Ship And Debit Claims (F4576)

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This file maintains a record of claims that, upon approval, will be

submitted to the item's supplier. Writing this file on an ongoing basis is
determined by how the processing option on the Update tab is set in
the Sales Update (R42800) program. If these claim records are not
created during Sales Update (R42800), Generate Claim Record and
Claim Accrual Entries (R45800) can be run at a later time.

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Processing Order
Return to Sales Update Stopped In The Middle

Sales update processes all selected F4211 records in

two or three major cycles.

First: If processing option is set to run the Update Sales Price/Cost

(R42950) program, all Sales Order Detail (F4211) records will be
processed by this program. Note: Cost will not be updated if inventory
was relieved at time of Shipment Confirmation (P4205) or the cost was
overridden at time of sales order entry. This is to avoid integrity issues
with the Item Ledger (F4111) file.
Second: After all records have been processed by the Update Sales
Price/Cost (R42950) program, sales update will create records in the
following files (in the order listed) by completely processing one Sales
Order Detail (F4211) record at a time:
1. F0311/F03B11 - Accounts Receivable Ledger file (dependent upon processing
option in the update tab)
2. F0911 - Account Ledger file

Updating the F0911 is dependent upon two flags. Both must be

set for F0911 records to be created at the time of sales update:

o The G/L interface flag in the order line type.

o The interface with G/L flag in the Branch/Plant Constants (this flag
impacts the entries for inventory and COGS only).

Third: After all of the F0311/F03B11 and F0911 records have been
created, sales update will update or create records in the following files
(in the order listed) by processing one F4211 at a time:
1. F41021 - Item Location file
o Writing to the F41021 is dependent upon whether an item's on-hand
quantity is decremented at ship confirmation or not.
o Also, if the inventory interface on the item is set to N on the Line Type
2. F4111 - Item Ledger file
3. F4115 - Item History file (dependent upon processing options)
4. F4229 - Sales Summary History file (dependent upon processing options)
5. F42005 - Sales Commission file (dependent upon a processing option)
6. F00165 - Media Objects storage (dependent upon processing options )
o Purges text entered at the order header level as well as the detail level
7. F4211 - Sales Order Detail file
o Advances status to 999 or the status in the processing option.
8. F42199 - Sales Order Detail Ledger file
o Writing to the F42199 is dependent upon whether the sales update step in
the order activity rules is directed to write a record to this file
9. F4074 - Price Adjustment History file (dependent upon a processing option)
o Once this information is purged, it can no longer be retrieved
10. F42119 - Sales Order Detail History file (dependent upon a processing option)
o Records are purged to this file from the F4211
o F4211 records may also be purged to this file at a later date by running
11. F42019 - Sales Order Header History (dependent upon a processing option)
o Records are purged to this file from the F4201
o F4201 records may also be purged to this file at a later date by running
o All of the F4211 records associated with a F4201 record must be purged to
the F42119 before F4201 records will purge to the F42019.
12. F4576 - Ship and Debit Claims
NOTE: Records are not created in the Sales Tax File F0018 until the
batch from sales update is POSTED. Processing options on the Tax tab\
behind the General Ledger Post (R09801) report determines if tax will
be written to the F0018, and if so, for which tax explanation codes.
Valid values for the processing option are:

'1' = V.A.T. or Use Tax only

'2' = For All Tax Amounts
'3' = For All Tax Explanation Codes
blank = No Update to the Tax File (default)

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Information Generated By Sales

When running Sales Update (R42800), the user will have access to one
standard report, online error messages, one optional update/report and
an option report:
Sales Update (R42800): The purpose is to show journal entry
account numbers and amounts associated with the invoices run
through sales update. It prints in both proof and final mode. The
invoice journal displays batch number, batch type, batch date, and
invoice number as well as the account distribution.
If the tax is PST or VAT, the R42800 shows the amount that will
eventually be booked to the tax account. The actual journal entry is not
created until the batch is posted. The account that will be credited for
the tax amount will show on the R09801 under an AE document type.
Error/Employee Work Center
When errors occur during the submission of R42800, the related
messages are written to the Employee Work Center. The message in
the Work Center should indicate what kind of error the program has
encountered and how to resolve the error. There are times when the
R42800 prints without any supporting detail information. The user
should access the Employee Work Center to review the errors.
Generate Claim Record and Claim Accrual Entries (R45800): This
is an optional report that may be processed through Sales Update
(R42800) based on the processing option settings in the Update tab.
The purpose of this UBE is to create entries in the Ship and Debit
Claims (F4576) file, create an offsetting journal entry to the Cost of
Goods Sold (AAI 4220) account, and an entry to the Ship And Debit
Accrual (AAI 4234) account.
If the user opts to run this program as part of the Sales Update
(R42800) process, a batch job will be created and processed for the
Generate Claim Record and Claim Accrual Entries (R45800). It will
create entries in the Ship and Debit Claims (F4576) file and creates the
appropriate journal entries in the General Ledger (F0911) file.
As with Sales Update (R42800), when running Generate Claim Record
and Claim Accrual Entries (R45800), errors will display in the Employee
Sales Journal (R42810) off menu G42111: This is an optional report
that may be printed through sales update (controlled by processing
option on the print tab). The purpose of this report is to categorize
sales values into stock, non-stock, or misc. sales and to display the
gross profit percent. Category is controlled by the Sales Journal Col
field in the order line type definition. It calculates the gross profit
percent if the Include Sales/COGS for Gross Profit field is checked in the
order line type definition.
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Sales Update AAIs

DMAAIs used by Sales Update
Table Table
Description Description
Number Number
Cost of goods
4222* Accommodations
4220 sold
Deferred COGS -
Revenue 4223*
4230 Accommodations

Inventory 4242* Accommodations

receivable trade Accommodations
4245 (See bypassing in Transit
4224** COGS In transit
RC receivable trade

Tax liability 4231** Deferred Revenue

4232** Unbilled A/R
4260 revenue
Price Allocated
4270 adjustments Revenue
4280 Rebates payable 4281***
Gain/Loss Offset
4221 Deferred COGS 4282***
Ship & Debit
Ship & Debit 4234****
4234 Accrual
The Table Numbers are hard coded within Sales

*used when an agreement (system 38) is

associated to the sales order.

**used with Cycle Billing

***used to account for gain/loss of a Bulk


****used for Ship and Debit processing

NOTE: If a cost is associated with an order,

the 4220 and 4240 AAIs will be hit,
regardless of the Line Type Inventory

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Tax AAIs Used By Sales Update

Like all other transactions, the tax amounts on a SO have offsetting
debits and credits. The amount of tax the client owes to the company
and has yet to be collected is added into the Accounts Receivable
Trade (F0311/F03B11) records. The offsetting amount will be written to
a liability account specified by the company. The company records the
tax it is charging and expecting to collect from customers, so that it
can later remit those dollars to a taxing authority. Two AAI’s write the
offsetting credit, tax liability. One is an accounts receivable AAI and the
other is from Distribution/Manufacturing:

DMAAI 4250 vs. AAI RT

If the tax is PST, Provincial Sales Tax used by Canadian and

VAT taxes, the tax amount is calculated at time of Post
(R09800). The Post program uses the RT AAI to write the
journal entry. Otherwise the sales update will use the
Dist/Mfg Tax Liability AAI (4250).
Note: even if the RT AAI is not being used in a transaction,
during sales update, it will validate the RT AAI. If it is
missing or the account is invalid, an error message will be

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Bypassing Updating Accounts

To bypass the updating of A/R, set a processing option in the Updates
tab behind Sales Update (R42800). The purpose is to restrict the
system from creating a F0311/F03B11 records. F0911 records will still
be created to make the journal entries balance.
The system will use the 4245 AAI for the A/R entry when bypassing
updating A/R. The G/L class from the Sales Order Detail Line (F4211)
will NOT be used. However, the G/L Class if set-up in the Customer
Master, that G/L Class code will be used. If Customer G/L class is set to
blank, then '****' is used and must be setup in the 4245 table. The
F0911 record will be created at the time of sales update. When not
bypassing updating A/R, the system uses the RC AAI for the A/R entry.
The F0911 record is not created until the sales update I-batch is

Not Bypassing
Bypassing A/R

60 Rev. - 100 COGS - Rev. - 100
4245 A/R Inv. - 60 60 Inv. - 60
- 100
RC A/R -
At Post
Bypassing A/R by setting the A/R flag in the order line type to N will not
work. That tries to create a 3 way JE that will not post because it will be
out of balance.

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Four Different Types Of Batches Can Be

Created With Sales Update.
Running sales update in detail (not summarizing Inventory and COGS
to separate batch)
 All entries will appear in the I-batch (using system 03) or IB-batch (using
system 03B)

Running sales update summarizing Inventory and COGS to a separate

 Sales entries will appear in the I-batch or the IB batch
 Inventory and COGS will appear in the G-batch

Running interbranch orders through sales update

 All "regular" entries (sales, inventory, COGS, and tax) will appear in the I-batch
or IB-batch
 If A/R and A/P batches are not being created for interbranch settlement entries
will appear in the ST batch
 If A/P batches are generated, V batch will be created.
 If generating the Ship and Debit Claim (F4576) record and the Claim Accrual
entries by calling the Generate Claim Record and Claim Accrual Entries (R45800)
UBE, an additional G batch will be created for the Cost of Goods offset and the
Ship and Debit Accrual account.

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Running Sales Update In Summary vs.

Processing options on the Summarization tab behind sales update
controls the summarization of Accounts Receivable entries, General
ledger entries, and/or summarize Inventory and COGS sold entries to a
different batch.

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Accounts Receivable Entries

Detail: Creates a separate F0311/F03B11 record for each record in the

F4211 with a particular invoice number. The pay item of the first record
is 000, with each subsequent lines' pay item being incremented by
Summary: Summarizes F4211 records with a particular invoice number
into one pay item within the F0311/F03B11 by the following fields. If
the value for individual F4211 records in any of these seven
fields listed below is different, those records will not
1. KCO - Document Key Company
2. DOC - Document Number
3. DCT - Document Type
4. CO - Company
5. TXA1 - Tax Area
6. EXR1 - Tax Explanation
7. PTC - Payment Terms

 Tax Explanation Code and Tax Rate/Area: Differences in these fields prohibit
summarization because the system does not allow a pay item to have more than
one Tax Explanation Code nor one Tax Rate/Area associated with an A/R pay
item. The ‘taxable’ flag may also prohibit summarization in a particular case. If
two lines share all seven fields, including the Tax Explanation Code and
Rate/Area, but one is taxable and the other is not, two different pay items will be
created on the A/R side IF these lines are being taxed. In this case, the system
creates two pay items, one with the full amount taxable and one that is not
 Payment Terms and Discount Due Date: F4211 records with the same Payment
Terms will not summarize if the calculated Due Dates or Discount Due Dates are
different. For example, payment terms do not affect the due date of a credit line;
credit lines have the order date as the due date. For another example, if the
extended amount is so small that the calculated discount is less than zero,
therefore not creating a discount amount, then the discount due date is the same as
the due date for this F4211 record. The key used for summarization includes the
discount and net due dates which are calculated based on payment terms. The
program will fail to summarize lines if the system calculates different discount
due dates, using discount days (DCD). See Journal Entries may not Summarize in
Sales Update (R42800) with Same Payment Terms

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General Ledger Entries

Detail: Creates a separate F0911 record for each record in the F4211
with a particular invoice number

Summary: Summarizes F4211 records with a particular invoice number

into one F0911 entry by the following fields:
1. AID - Short Account ID
2. SBL - Subledger
3. SBLT - Subledger Type

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Summarizing Inventory and COGS to a Separate Batch:

If the processing option is set to summarize inventory and COGS, the

sales and A/R entries will be in the I-batch/IB-batch and the inventory
and COGS entries will be in the G-batch

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Running Sales Update In Proof vs. Final

The processing option in the Update tab controls whether sales update
is run in proof or final mode.
Use proof mode to view what the journal entries will look like and to
see what errors may occur. A Sales Update (R42800), an Error Report
(which may not be complete) and a Sales Journal (if specified in the
processing options) will be generated. Proof mode will not perform
updates to status codes or any files.
Run final mode and a Sales Update (R42800) and a Sales Journal
(R42810) (if selected in the processing options) will be generated. It
updates status codes and files and performs edits against the G/L
master business function (P0900049) and the A/R master business
function (P03B0011).

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Updates To On-Hand Quantity And The


Inventory On-Hand Available

100 10 90

90 0 90
You may decrement on-hand quantity for an item either at the time of
Ship Confirmation (P4205) or at the time of sales update. The effect on
the cardex differs depending on the method chosen.

Ship Confirmation:

To relieve inventory at ship confirmation, set up the sales order

document type in the 40/IU UDC table. A record with the order number
and type will be written to the cardex at the time of shipment
confirmation. When sales update is run, the order number and type will
be overwritten by the invoice number and type and the G/L date will be

Sales Update:

Make certain the order document type is not in the UDC table 40/IU.
Sales update is hard-coded to decrement on-hand quantity if it is not
done at shipment confirmation. An RI record is written to the cardex at
the time of sales update. The G/L date will also be populated. No
Cardex record will be written at the time of ship confirmation.

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Getting F0311s/F03B11s, with no F0911s - Check to see if F0911
flags are set in the line type and the branch/plant constants.

Processing option is set to summarize A/R records and they are

not summarizing - Check list of fields that must be the same for the
lines to summarize. Then check to see if the line types are different
(such as a stock line S and freight line F). Look at the C/D flag in the
line types. The stock line may be set to Y and the freight line N. They
will create different due dates, causing them not to summarize into one
pay item.

Sales update stopped in the middle of running

Determine which record sales update stopped on. This will

require an in depth review of the data. (This will be a
manual process.) If it can be determine what is wrong with
the record that may have caused the problem then clean
up the record. This will probably have to be done using
with a file manipulation utility like Microsoft Access or SQL.
Assistance of the IS/MIS and the application manager may
be needed. Be sure that the values that are entered are
correct. Use leading zeros where appropriate, no single
quotes, etc..

Check the record prior to the one that it stopped on to

ensure that all files were updated properly. Then go
through the update process to see how complete the
processing was for the record it stopped on. Sales update
can be run again over the remaining records that did not
get processed. Remember that all records are processed by
the R42950 (if the processing option is set), then
F0311/F03B11s and F0911s are created for all F4211
records, and then the remaining files are updated.
Processing Order

If the F0311/F03B11 and the F0911 records have been

created, check to see if either the F41021 or F4111 has
been updated.

 If the records are creating a Cardex record at ship confirmation,

then check to see if the document number is now the A/R invoice
number and if a G/L date is attached to the record.
 If ship confirmation is not updating the Cardex, then check to see
if the record exists.
 If the transaction has only created F0311/F03B11 and F0911
records, then it is usually best to delete all of the
F0311/F03B11/F0911 records that have been created for that batch
number and then re-run the sales update program.

If sales update has created F41021 or F4111 records,

determine what records have been created. For assistance
beyond this point, please contact the Engagement
Manager to get field assistance.

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Tax File (F0018) Not Populating

Sales Update (R42800) does not write entries to the Tax Work File
(F0018). Entries to this file are created through the Post (R09801)
program. Processing options on the Taxes tab in the R09801
determines whether or not tax entries will be created and what type of
information is recorded. If entries are not being created during the
Post, check this processing option and correct if necessary.
 If the processing option is changed to begin recording information to the Tax
Work File, entries will be made from the current time forward. Any historical
information will need to be entered manually using the Tax File Revisions
(P0018) program.
 The Post program has a version for each type of general ledger entry so this
processing option must be set for each and every version used

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Status went to 999 but no F0311/F03B11, F0911,

F41021, or F4111 records were created.

The most likely cause is that the detail line was already at status 999
before sales update was run. This can happen when reports or jobs are
reprinted or rerun and the 'override next status' processing option is
not populated. In that situation, the status is increased. To verify this,
view the F4211 record and look at field SDPID (program ID). This will
show the last program that ran over this record. To run this record
through sales update, use a file manipulation utility to change the last
and next status back.

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Versions of Sales Update
There are two versions of sales update. Each version can be run in
either proof mode or final mode. It is very important that the correct
version is used. There are two major differences between the versions,
one is the data selection and the other is the data sequencing.
Although users can and do change the data selection, changing the
data sequencing is not advised.

Sales Update - (Proof or Final):

Use when the sales order has been run through Invoice Print (R42565)
and contains a document number (DOC) and type (DCT) in the F4211.
The data selection for this version is based on Invoice is not equal to
<Zero>. This means that the UBE will only process records in the Sales
Detail file (F4211) that have a value in the invoice number field

Sorting must remain:

1) Document Number
2) Document Type
3) Document Company

Sales Update - Assign Invoice No. - (Proof or


Use when the sales order has not been run through Invoice Print
R42565 and does not contain a document number (DOC) and type
(DCT) in the F4211.

The next number bucket for the invoice may be selected. By default
the system uses 03 or 03B. A document type other than RI may be
used. The value must be set up in UDC 00/DI and 00/DT. Data
selection is based on Invoice is not equal to <Zero> and Status Code -
Next is not equal to <999>. Any item that is backordered and included
on an invoice will have an invoice date associated with it but no invoice
number - the invoice number is only assigned once the item is truly
shipped and invoiced.
Sorting must remain:
1) Order Number
2) Order Type
3) Order Number Document Company

Has An Invoice Number Been Assigned?

If unsure if an invoice has been created, inquire on the order using
Customer Service Inquiry (P4210). For the row associated with the
order, review the columns titled Invoice number, Doc TY, and Doc CO.

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Purging Records By Running Sales Update

Processing options control the purging of records from various files
during the running of sales update. If the processing options are set
correctly, and the data meets purge criteria, records in the following
files will be purged:
 Price Adjustment History File (F4074)
 Sales Detail File (F4211)
 Sales Header File (F4201)
 Media Objects storage (F00165)

The Sales Detail File and the Sales Header File will be purged to F42119
and F42019 respectfully. Data in the Text Detail File and the Price
Adjustment History will be deleted.
If the processing options to purge during sales update are not set and
the records need to be purged from one of the above files, purge
programs have been developed and can be executed on an as needed
basis. The decision about when to purge can be based on multiple
criteria such as how much storage space is available or what type of
information you need access to.
Note: Even when the processing options are set correctly, records that
have reached a status of 999 prior to running sales update will not be
included in the programmatic purge. Examples of these records would
be lines canceled during commitment processing, or ship confirmation.
The reason for this is that the sales update program is coded to only
purge records whose status is changed to 999 via R42800.

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Can Sales Update (R42800) be re-

The first question to ask is ‘Why does the sales update program need
to be re-run?’ Common reasons include:
 The wrong G/L or Invoice Date was attached to the records
 Some records were not included in the update
 Data was erroneously purged and needs to be restored
 Records were not purged
Change G/L or Invoice Dates

The sales update program may have been run at the beginning of a
new period (ex: July 2) when all of the transactions should have been
booked to the previous period (ex: June 29). There is no programmatic
way to reverse the results of sales update. The easiest method of
recovery is to create a correcting journal entry that moves summary
dollars from one period to another.
If sales update must be re-run, all of the files must be restored to the
condition they were in prior to running sales update. For most clients,
this means restoring the most recent backup media. All of the data
entered prior to when the media was created will be available.
However, the data processed after the media was created will need to
be re-entered. This can include (but is not limited to) sales, purchasing,
accounts payable, and general ledger information. This can involve a
large amount of time.
There is no way to inquire on the transactions that have been created
and ‘just’ change the appropriate dates. Because the general ledger
date is a key to the financials files, the programs will not allow the date
to be changed. Even if the date could be changed, there are associated
fields that do not display on-line. When these fields are not in sync, you
will have problems processing transactions.

The invoice date is also a key to the accounts receivable file and it
cannot be changed manually.

Records Not Included in Update

If records were not included in the running of the original update,

create a version of the program that will select just the records in
question. It is strongly advised that the program be run in proof mode
to confirm the selection of the records. Once the proof is acceptable,
run it in final mode.

Data Purged Erroneously

Processing options behind the sales update program dictate what

information will be purged once a record has been successfully
processed. Short of restoring all files to some point prior to running
sales update and then completing the process again, there is no way to
easily restore data.

Data Not Purged

If the records weren't purged due to the setup of the processing
options, re-running the sales update is not the appropriate solution.
Use the specific purge programs in the required order to remove data
from the files in question. The following purge programs are available:
 R4201P - Purge Sales Header File (F4201)
 R42119P - SO History (F42119) Purge
 R4211P - Sales Order Detail (F4211) Purge
 R42199P - F42199 Sales Order Ledger Purge
 R42996 - Purge Detail to History

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