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Little Victorians – Juul Gerris | Leerling Philips van Horne

Last night (3-4-2018) we had a theather workshop from the Phileas fogg theather group. It was about
the English Victorion time. In the beggining we were getting face painted, e were split into 2 groups:
the dame school children and the ragged school children. The dame school was a private elemantry
school and the ragged school was a school for he children who did not have the money to pay the
dame school. I was in the Dame school. After everyone sat down we started practicing. I didn’t had
any role in the Dame school part, I just had to sit and wait untill the Pure Finders part. Pure Finders
were kids who searched for poo and then they would sell it to the lethermaker and he would rub it
into the leather to make it soft and easy to cut. My role was Ratboy, I had to pull a metal bin towards
me and run after one of actors from Phileas fogg saying that she would please give back my best
friend. A rat. There was also a part with chimney sweeps. Chimney sweeps are little kids from around
4-7 years! And they would climb a chimney with a lengt and width of an A4! Many children would get
stuck or get killed by all the dust they would breath in. In a other part there were toshers, people
who would get into the soers and search for jewelry and other stuff they can sell. There also were
beggers, who also were children trying to feed their families. In the show we played a begger would
get helped to be a better begger by Polly Peachum. She would stab kids in their eyes and turn them
around to make them blind and then hope that the beggers would get attention from the rich mans.
In an other part we played the Hackers/Miners part. We would be in a mine and hack the coal. We
also played like their was an actual gas explosion in the mine. We also did play as Factory/Mill
workers. In that piece their would come an inspector who will observe if the children were well taked
care off. 1 child died and the factory was closed the woman would take the child to london on a
coach with horses in front. In the end the child died.

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