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Anna Chiprean and Xavier Khoury

February 9, 2018

Design an Experiment:

For this experiment the second period stats class will be testing the theory that people

cannot walk in a straight line without a visual point of reference. In this experiment thirty

people will be tested. Materials needed for this project include blue painters’ tape, to set on the

ground, which will be thirty feet long as a visual reference of a straight line, a bandana to use

as a blind fold to obstruct the view of the test subject, and finally ear plugs to prevent the

subject from having any additional points of reference. This experiment will take place in the

main hallway outside of the Chapel to ensure that the test subject has the maximum amount of

space to walk on and off path without risk of bumping into walls. During these tests a guide

will follow approximately three feet behind the subject and will stop them by grabbing their

shoulder or arm when they near a wall. The subject will start by the stairs leading up from the

cafeteria and end approximately by the entrance to the library. The test will end when the

subject reaches a wall or the end of the blue painter's tape.


Our sample size was 30 (n=30). To find the sample mean and standard deviation of this

data, we constructed a list on our calculator by using the STAT---> Edit--> L1 function. You then

would use STAT again but this time using the CALC--> 1-Var Stats. This will give us our needed

information. The first number is our sample mean (x̄=188.8833333 inches) and our sample

standard deviation is a few below that (Sx=92.55417177 inches). To make this more

understandable we converted the sample mean and sample standard deviation into feet. To do this
𝑋 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 1 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡
you would use the conversion, 1
× 12 𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 , or simply divide the numbers by 12. x̄=

15.7402778 feet and Sx= 7.712847648 feet. To find the critical value, using a 95% confidence

interval, you would use another function in you calculator (2nd Vars invT (.975, 29)). Your

area is .975 because 1-.95=.5, half of .5 is .25, .95+.25= .975. This is because you include the area

to the left of X (.95). To find the df, we used the equation n-1. In this case the df is 30-1=29.The
𝑡𝑐 × 𝑆𝑥
critical value, 𝑡𝑐 = 2.04522961. To find the margin of error, we used this equation:𝐸 = . The

= 2.04522961 × 7.712847648
equation with our data looks like this:𝐸 = .

E= 2.880024598 feet. To find the conference interval we used this interval equation: (x̄ - E, x̄ +

E). This interval equation with our data looks like this (15.7402778 - 2.880024598, 15.7402778 +

2.880024598). The conference interval is (12.86025318 feet, 18.62030238 feet).

Summary of Calculations:

n =30 𝑡𝑐 = 2.0452
x̄ = 15.7403 feet E = 2.8800
s = 7.7128 feet df =29
Conference Interval= (12.8603 feet, 18.62038 feet)


For this experiment thirty people were needed. Thirty people were needed because this

increases the number of tests performed, therefore increasing the accuracy of the data. If we were

to build off of the designed experiment we could take each test subject and have them repeat the

test five times. By doing this the sample space would increase from thirty to one hundred fifty. By

making such a drastic increase in sample size, the accuracy of the results would increase as well,

simply because there is more data to work with. During this experiment possible sources of error

may include, but are not limited to seeing through the bandana, a tape line that is not straight, or
the subject removes ear plugs. In conclusion test subject that walked the furthest, without veering

off a straight line, went slightly over thirty-one feet (382.75 inches = 31.8958 feet). The average

distance was between 12.8603 feet and 18.62038 feet. Doing these measurements in inches ensures

accuracy and easily converts to feet once the final number in inches is divided by twelve.

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