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My Experience traveling abroad

In this file, you have to create the script or dialogue for your “experience
traveling abroad”. Example: one member of the group (the friend who traveled to
USA) arrives at the airport and two friends (the other two members of the group)
are waiting for him there. When he finally arrives, his friends start asking him some
questions about his experience. In parentheses write the location. Example:

(In the airport)

Friend who traveled to USA: ¡Hello guys! It’s been a long time.
Friend 2: Pablo, we can’t believe you are here.
Friend 3: We missed you a lot.
Friend who traveled to USA: Well, but I’m here again.
Friend 2: So, where have you been all this time?
Friend who traveled to USA: The last six months, I’ve been in different cities of
Friend 3: ¡Really! And what did you do there?
Friend who traveled to USA: Well, first of all, I ………

Now, make your script or dialogue. The text must contain 250 words at least.
Use past simple and present perfect in most of the dialogue. Do not add

Friend who traveled to Spain: Carlos Felipe Nieto Duarte

Friend 2: Marcela Ospina Gomez
Friend 3: Camilo Andres Ramirez Galindo

Start you script or dialogue from here……………………………………

Marcela: Hello Carlos
Camilo: Hello Carlos
Carlos: Hello Marcela and Camilo
Marcela: How was your holiday, Carlos?
Carlos: It was great! I went to Asturias with my girlfriend.
Camilo: Oh, nice. Was it your first time in Spain?
Carlos: No, I had been to Barcelona. But that was years ago.
Marcela: So what did you think?
Carlos: I loved it! The beaches were beautiful. We ate a lot of fish fry, drank beer,
and had a great time.
Camilo: Did you see the city, or just the beach?
Carlos: Well, yeah, my girlfriend dragged me to the Meadow museum and some
other places too. I’m not really into culture like she is. But it was nice, I guess.
Marcela: You’re looking a bit sunburnt, actually.
Carlos: Not sunburnt, really. I just turn red. It doesn’t hurt. What about you? What
were you doing this summer?
Camilo: Not much, really. I’ve been here working.
Carlos: No holidays yet?
Camilo: Nope. I managed to get away for a couple of long weekends. But no
proper holidays yet. How’s your Spanish by the way?
Carlos: Well, you remember I took that course last year. Well, I got to Spain and it
turns out I can’t understand anything! All I remembered was how to say Cerveza,
por favor and ¿Dónde está el baño?
Camilo: Same thing happened to me in Italy. I was going out with that Italian girl a
few years ago, remember?
Carlos: Oh yeah… Alessandra. She was hot!
Camilo: She was indeed. But when she took me to meet the parents, they spoke
this dialect that sounded nothing like Italian! I spent two weeks trying to understand
Carlos: Yeah… well, thankfully in Asturias a lot of people speak English. How’s
Lina by the way?
Camilo: She’s doing pretty well. We’re still looking for a place to live.
Marcela: Ah yes. Moving in together. Big step!
Camilo: Yeah, well… it had to happen someday. Time to settle down.
Carlos: Yeah. Time to settle down.
Camilo: Anyway, nice to have you back… Wanna go to lunch later?
Carlos: Sure. we go with marcela.
Marcela: perfect with that we advance notebook and we remember old times.

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