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Objective for notes:to gain a baseline understanding of key People , places, and ideas

throughout time

TOP TEN order of importance

Objective :to evaluate key people, places, and ideas, throughout history over time.

1) John Rolfe was one of the early English settlers of North America. He is credited
with the first successful cultivation of tobacco as an export crop in the Colony of Virginia
and is known as the husband of Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan. He
started America. before him it was illegal to bring tobacco over but then he did it and
created a boom crop. This crop brought America lots of money and even probably
would as a source for people to want to move to America. All in all tobacco is what
made America what it is today. We had so many tobacco plants and dry tobacco it was
just a running cycle. The reason that i have this particular person and subject as the
most important to me is because honestly without tobacco we would not have grown
the way we have we also have had the access to the money so that way we could
grow.plymouth plays a role into tobacco too because if we hadn't had tobacco then the
pilgrims wouldn't have migrated here because there wouldn't be nothing to survive off

2) technology is what keeps this world running. If technology wouldn't have grown as
much as it has then the world we know today would not be the same. I put technology
second because it covered a lot of the episodes and it's very important nearly
everything we do is usually involved with some kind of technology. For example
Thomas Edison was an adventure entrepreneur and showman. He was taken out of
school as a boy but that doesn't stop him from inventing things that help the modern era
the first R&D lab will generate more than a thousand patterns.He invents the electric
light bulb he locks himself in his lap and doesn't sleep for days a hundred and $130,000
went into his research millions in today's money a piece of carbonate cardboard Burns
for 300 hours it's going to change the way people live.In 1879. New Year's Eve 1879
Edition shows off his new invention in just two years he builds more than 5 power plant
generating electricity from multiple cities over the next five years he was more than
127000 more by 1902 18 million light bulbs are in use. Binary code was also one of the
main sources that created a computer without the binary code the computer can't work
the binary code is like the brain of the computer. The tv and radio are both new
technology and also a new way of communicating the only difference is you can see
what your hearing in tv.the first tv was developed in 1927 by philo farnsworth. Tv was a
new thing is was very expensive it was like when Henry ford started making the model t
everyone wanted it but not everyone could afford it. Tv is what changed our way of
communication we were now able to look at the news instead of having to read about it
not everyone could read and write or even be able to do one of those. Reading is a
three dimensional use unlike listening everyone could do that . Listening is only a one
dimensional use. You could get the information you needed fast and easy without any
effort. Live video was a game changer it nearly stopped misconceptions from happening
because we could all watch live. 70% of the adult population watch tv for at least five
hours a day. Also advertising was a big deal comparing could now get their name out
for people to see.

3) when America first came to be there wasn't really an effective way to communicate
beside in person the revolutionary postal system is the first thing that began to change
that with george washington's idea to send mail people could find out what was going
on the only problem was that most people couldn't not read nor write. There were very
few who could. The telegraph was also another way to communicate.Telegraphy
requires that the method used for encoding the message be known to both sender and
receiver. Such methods are designed according to the limits of the signalling medium
used. The use of smoke signals, beacons, reflective light signals, and flag semaphore
signals are early examples. In the 19th century, the harnessing of electricity led to the
invention of electrical telegraph. The advent of radio in the early 20th century brought
about radiotelegraphy and other forms of wireless telegraph . In the internet t age,
telegraphic means developed greatly in sophistication and ease of use, with natural
language interface that hide the underlying code, allowing such technologies as
electronic mail l and instant messaging . but it had even more difficulties than mail you
could only understand it if you knew the bet. The telegraph helped win the war. Lincoln
used 50,000 mile long telegraphs lines for north, now information is being shared fast,
making it a weapon of war . The radio was a simple solution all you had to do was
listen, the tv was even s'more simple you had to listen also but even better you could
now watch what you were hearing also they were broadcasting war. If anything the tv
was the most effective way of communication with the tv there was as much of hearsay
people hear what was happening in the world first hand. I feel like communication fits
good as third because it didn't really develop technologically until later on but it was
always still there just in a different ways, you had to communicate face to face.

4) American ingenuity is growing by the day to me it stand for fighting to not give up for
example Thomas Edison attempted to make a light bulb over 1,000 times until he finally
got it on December 31, 1879. He Was even fire from his first two jobs for being non-
profitable but that didn't stop him America has its ways of pushing you to your fullest
and failing to succeed . Henry ford changed America forever with the assembly line
making the model t and coming up withal effective way to do it and in a reasonable
Time changed the way we do things now in nearly everything we use the assembly line
. America was also struggling on ways to mass produce Steel then Henry bessemer find
sways. The mini bullet was used in the civil war and this bullet destroyed human once
the bullet hit the flesh and corrupted the bone the bullet then exploded this was an easy
way to hill fast and precise. The cotton gin is a good example on March 4th 1794 the
cotton gin was invented this invention transformed the world,but it's also time bomb, this
allows a worker to produce 50 times more cotton in one day then if they were hand
picking the cotton in 1830 America is producing more than half of the Cotton in the
world and by 1850 America was producing nearly Three quarters of the world's
cotton.producing Cotton Was labor intensive until the cotton gin. The cotton gin made
industry and technology a more reasonable idea, but the overproduction of the cotton is
destroying the land. Ei Whitney is the inventor of the cotton gin. Also steel was around
but we couldn't figure out a way to mass produce it until Andrew cardigan a five foot
three Scottish immigrant iron millionaire is a chief in England he is looking at the future
a revolutionary way to make steel.Steel had been around for thousands of years but it is
very pricey to produce it is a luxury item 2000 years ago it was used in Oriental swords
and designer jewelry only material strong enough for the towers that will touch the
sky.He returns to Pittsburgh to start building the biggest steel plant in the world it will be
a larger than 80 football fields it is a massive Gamble Cardinal risk everything he's got
on the plant only months into construction disaster a stock market collapse economy is
in free fall.By the early 20th century new Urban mega cities surround America, 1872, in
August 1875 Against All Odds Cardinals giant furnaces are ready for test it's a success
Carter that is the first ever to mass produce steel prices plummet over 80%. The reason
i have american ingenuity as fourth is because we already know about and it’s always
been there that's why it's higher up because we keep on improving.

5) America is known best for our inventions one to remember is definitely the mini bullet
In 1862 The civil war is at its height, the civil war was basically the first modern war, first
war that took place after the industrial revolution, also the bloodiest battle,molt and led
is on its journey to becoming a lethal instrument of destruction bullet known as the mini
bowl, demand for this killer bullet is really high in total the north makes over half a billion
Mimi bowls ready to be fired from the two million muskets . Loading the new muskets
was way easier and 8 times faster, accurate in a range of 600 yards.Springfield Illinois
is where the metal works began , the Bulls was invented in France.metal works, the
bullet is the primary reason for the unprecedented levels of slater in this war , one
person can cast 3,000 mini balls in one hour. This bullet can rip through a man's body in
just a fraction of a second. It's used by north and south alike. Mug shots changed our
whole criminal justice system.Detective bureau chief Thomas Burns a man who follows
his own set of rules he's cool and very tough among his methods is a technique called
the third degree first degree is persuasion second degree is intimidation third degree is
pain.A policeman finds a list on a murder gangster his rate card punches or $2 nose
and jaw broke is $10 your shirt off is 15 the big job a hundred bucks and up. in 4 years
Burns claims to arrest 33 hundred criminals he solve nearly eight three hundred million
dollar bank robbery reporters called him the greatest crime .Buster in the history of New
York City police force. he invents mugshots AKA Rogues Gallery this will forever
change the police department first attempt to keep a National Crime register 12 million
mugshots are taken every year worldwide. Firecake was a food that our Soldiers had to
eat at valley forge. Starting with firecake was the basics food it just got you by. But now
you can go get yourself a cheeseburger at McDonald's for a dollar that is another way
how we are evolving in food.

6) Oil became a everyday necessities we needed it for a variety of different things so

when whale oil expanded human freedom it helped America. with whale oil you could
,get more,do more, and achieve more. This was before The discovery of crude oil, it
took a lot to kill these whales you had to use state of the art harpoons used to Kill
whales kills takes hours you have to lance the whale under the fin that's the only way
you could kill the whale. A single whale can produce up to 11 cubic meters of oil , even
today whale oil is used by nasa the hubble space telescope runs on it. whaling
Becomes another boom industry, north's famous industry bringing in 11 million dollars
per year, human cost is high very few men are willing to take the risk,but it is an escape
for African American slaves,John Thompson was a runaway slave he said ,”a colored
man is only looked at as a man, and his ability and skill to do things as a white man” all
he wanted was to be treated with equal right and be looked at as a human. Whale oil
was very had to get and few people actually wanted to go out on the oceans to get what
they needed then the hamill brothers came along and made it way easier to get oil fast.
The hammer Brothers al is 24 years old ex Cattleman. Curt is 28 years old ex
salesmen. Oil men are young radish and ambitious they're the best in the business. The
Hamill Brothers get $2 for every feet they drew top dollar in those dates but with that
they expect results.The discovery of what lies underneath the Texas Stars or quote on
quote Black Gold. Oil will power the 20th century. The oil Waters in Texas are very
small know where in the world has anyone discovered as much oil that lives in Texas
this all will make the founders rich. Coal dominates industry. Drilling for oil is very
dangerous work $6,000 oil explosions every year. Steam engine progress and the
business is really slow. The United States is the largest oil producer the hammer
brothers are now Legends.Whale oil used to Corner the market Native Americans used
oil for medicine.Texas is more like the old west than the modern day. Spindletop is
where the crude oil is found Spindletop changes everything within a year there are 500
oil companies the price of oil Plymouth from $2 a barrel to $0.03 it's cheaper than water
deep enough to become gasoline.Cattle change things up they had cattle stomp around
and made lots of mud mud is now a new invention but help up the walls of the bornal
curtz invention is still in use today. In the modern day is synthetic compounds are
used.1854 Whale oil was used for lighting. January 10th 1901 the Hamill's have been
drilling for over 2 months also past eleven hundred feet with no breakthrough if they get
to twelve thousand feet then they have to quit this is the day that changed America
forever the crude oil shoots almost two hundred feet up into the air the hamels were
hoping for 50 barrels a day soon it will pop out over 800,000.

7) In the early days you didn't see any health codes or safety regulations besides
baron bonsirven he was made one of the most powerful man by Washington in his
command. He drills discipline into the men,brings order, Hygiene ,discipline, and
reinvents the rebel army so they can take on the British in open battle,most men not
even clothed, after valley forge this is when we started to be more aware of our health
but if really kicked in after the tragic event of the triangle shirtwaist. By 1900 hundreds
nearly 4 million women are working in the the United States cities and just 40 years that
figure has more than quadrupled packing so many people and it's all building is a big
disaster waiting to happen the United States is hurtling into a modern age. By 1909
Americans are spreading more than 23 million dol lars a year on read made close this
factor is producing 12,000 garments a week latest fashion for the working women. New
york city March 25th 1911 at 4:45 p.m. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory 8 for 260 girls
working most of them are teenagers an unknown person cost either a match or a
cigarette into the trash bin Eva hair smells burning production manager Samuel
Bernstein grabs one of the three fire pills but the fire is already spreading there's nothing
there's a Mad Dash for the exit but too narrow only one at a time can pass through it the
fire hose isn't working the switchboard is the only way to reach the others the ninth floor
was never notified Samuel raises up the main stairs to help 160 workers trapped there
the fire escape on the ninth floor is locked Kate weiner made it to the elevator but lost
her sister she didn't want to leave without her sister Rose more than100 girls are left
behind.The metal fire escape collapsed the biggest ladder in New York City isn't tall
enough it's 30 feet too short to reach the top floor at 4:58 p.m. the girls trapped on the
9th floor are out of options they jump at 5:15 p.m. The Blaze is over in less than half-an-
hour 146 people died in that fire it's the most deadly workplace disaster in New York
City history until September 11th 2001.Some good does come out of this because of
this tragedy it's why all doors open outwards also why we have multiple fire exits and
why we have fire alarms and automatic sprinkler systems

8) slavery was a big deal, to me it should be high up just because it’s something that i
feel really strong about but it's not the most important thing that happened throughout
the episodes that's why i put it lower down. Slavery continued until Lincoln stopped it a
lot of people were affected by this slaves and slave owners. on September 1850 , a new
fugitive slave law was put into place this law was about southern slavery moving to the
north, no African American was safe anywhere in the United States. this law meant if
you so happened to escape to the north and became free then your past slave owner
could come and get you , even if that wasn't. The case and you were free all along they
could still go and sell you. In 1841 is the heart of the slave trade men were sold for over
1 thousand dollars, women were sold for 800 dollars, and children were sold for 500
dollars the prices raised because of the cotton gin, after the cotton gin slaves became 5
times more valuable. in the first half of the 19th century over half of the slaves will be
sold at auction,this auction business is worth 2 billion dollars to the south economy, 4
million black Americans lived as slaves, they got examined as if they were some kind of
animal. 90 percent of all African Americans were slaves, the color of them,light/dark
skinned, determined what kind of work they did. in louisiana it was illegal for children to
be taken from their mothers under the age of 11, but it still happened all the time.
salabon northor was an educated free man from the north he. Was later then
kidnapped into slavery in the south.Fredrick Douglas was an unsuccessful slave run
away he has tried to run away two times already, he did have a better chance at being
free then most would , he carried papers borrowed from a friend, eventually he makes it
to freedom in New York city,leading figure in the anti slavery movement, becomes most
famous African American of his time unlike 80% of slaves he could read and write ,
black Americans must show proof who they belong to if they are not free and if they are
free they must show proof of that also that is why he carried papers borrowed from a
friend showing he was free. If you got caught trying to run away then the punishments
included branding, cutting off ears, very hurtful things.Harriet Tubman was the most
famous operator for the hidden escape trails for escaping slaves , she is also an
escaped Slave, she is very brave for going back into the south to help others get away
even though she knows that she is wanted and hated by the white south but showing
how much she cares she helped nearly 60,000 slaves escape. Later on as segregation
was “improving” we were not it was a hoks because a 17 year old Eugene Williams
skips church with a couple of friends to go out for a swim John Harris is with him.there's
no official surrogation but it is obvious even on the beaches of Lake Michigan right to
refuse to sell their houses to blacks the white be there starch to throw rocks at the group
of young black kids on the raft the kids think it's a game but not for long it's racial
tension the white man hits one of the black kids in the back of the neck killing him a
policeman shows up and would not arrest the white man who killed the kid instead
arrest one of your Eugene's friends.The summer of 1919 in Chicago. Sunday July 27th
is a day that will never be forgotten a group of black men Wander over to where the
whites were Eugene draft is drifting into that direction July 1919 on the beach in
Chicago tensions were Rising.This is the start of the Chicago Riot of 1919 8 bloody
days 501 838 died twenty-three of them are black riots happen and 24 more cities in
North America it's called the red summer.

9) transportation started with the wagons on the organ trail the was a poor way of
transportation for example the donor dinner party was a tragedy from poor
transportation but then we started to evolve with the assembly line and the model t.
Henry Ford is a Maverick Visionary and also obsessive he also has a bad reputation he
has tried to build cards for a total of three times.Detroit 1908. Detroit 1913 Henry is it
just making a revolutionary car but he is making it in a revolutionary way.There are only
eight thousand cars in the United States that are expensive toys for the rich like owning
a private jet nowadays Henry Ford change is not only the way cars are made but how
everything is made. Model T. The production line each person has their own
responsibility the same person does the same part every single day in 1913 a Model T
cost 2 years wages but by 1924 it's just three months 300000 word sold in 1913 by
1924 there is a new model T every 24 seconds. The workers both black and White
were paid equally they were each paid $5 an day. Then the military needed an easy
vehicle to get around that was low to the ground and could hold a group of people and
store materials so now we have the jeep.:The Jeep includes a shovel and an axe to get
you out of trouble also there's tin can of gas in case you run out of gas if the Jeep flips
over you just flip it back.An American icon is Born the general purpose vehicle known as
GP or the Jeep. The Jeep weighs 2315 pounds the Jeep show the power of the
American manufacturer.It's made for war it's fast and low to the ground it's 37 inches
high it's low profile makes it difficult for an enemy to site it's small that can carry up to
seven men even the front bumper is a seat. Three Jeeps are produced every 4 minutes
by the end of the war over 600,000 Jeeps were used 88000 Tate 7333 ships 23 million
rifles and small arms and 40 billion bullets produced in 4 years 43 million men are
registered for combat service but America still needs more manpower. In the modern
days we now have over a thousand different models of cars originating from the model t
and the jeep. Transportation overall changed the way we got from place to place, i have
it as 9th because we didn't really have a lot of access to transportation unless you had
money unlike today its very easy to get a hold of a car.

10) constructruction has brought America money we are known for our mass
construction projects. Construction is last in my top ten because when didn't really see a
lot of construction projects until the last couple of veido also we’ve has lots of
construction projects that's why i put it as last some of our projects are the Erie Canal,
railroad, skyscrapers, Statue of Liberty,the dam, and Mount Rushmore.dewitt Clinton
was new York's governor he was very stubborn he wouldn't take no for an answer he
also wanted to be the presidents of the United States. Instead he runs New York for 20
years his goal is to make New York rich,in 1825 modern error was being born 1825 is
also when the industrial revolution reached America.New York city became a boom
town As a result of Erie Canal , the word millionaire was invented in 1840.the Erie canal
opened in 1825, it took eight years to complete it was compete man made the Erie
Canal links the Atlantic Ocean to the middle of America. It was the biggest construction
it was 500 kilometers long this changed where people can live and why, turned the
north into a global economic house the Erie Canal was also a way to transport goods
with that the prices of goods raise. Even though the press called the Canal ‘’clinton's big
Ditch’’ that did not stop him. through the mountains track laying excellerates from 10
inches to 6 miles a day , each spike is struck three times, ten spikes a rail, 400 rails a
mile 21 million hammer swing complete the railroad , in just one year 40,000 settlers
move to Nebraska. On may 10th 1869 a one word message arrived by telegraph,
”done”, a six month journey a crossed the continent is cut to six days , the Internet of
the error the transcontinental railroad changes everything it touches. there was mass
migration to the Great Plains , civilization through the wilderness and 17 year old hung
le whoa, swaps a life of poverty for the back breaking work of the railroad gang, he
survived one of the explosions, his son will be the first Chinese American To graduate
In engineering From university of California At berkeley. The progress slows two inches
a day. over 10,000 Chinese laborers earn less and do the deadliest jobs, the
transcontinental railroad was built by Chinese workers, hung le whoa must cut through
granite so tough a rock the size of a big toe will support a 50 ton locomotive, an
estimated 1,500 Chinese died in explosions and rock slides. James hawtin mixes
nitroglycerin , any physical shock causes it To Explode it's 13 times more. Powerful than
gunpowder which is what they need to break through the granite, but transporting it is
band because 15 people were blown to pieces.In 1902 65 skyscrapers are being built in
Manhattan.The men building the skyscrapers have nothing to keep them safe they have
no harness or no hard hat the workers are up there for 8 hours a day with no bathroom
breaks when they can. They are called Roughnecks their pay is $4 a day twice the
amount they pay for manual labor many did not make it the walls and skyscrapers don't
take the way it Steel does.In Manhattan. In Chicago alone in just ten years they built 50
steel frame buildings in 20 its population more than double to 1.7 million. American
cities are exploding. In 1885 New York City, bedlows island New York City has a bug
problem,a magnificent gift, but with some assembly required. Scardered a crossed
bedlows island. In new York harbor, 214 crates containing the largest Statue in the
western world donated by France to celebrate the centenary declaration of independent.
The statue of liberty was built in Paris but broken down into 350 massive pieces for the
journey to America, the cost of reassembling is outrageous New York does not have the
money, six other cities want the Statue of Liberty.Joseph pulitzer is a tanashis
newspaper magnet, immigrant, self-made man who owns the biggest newspaper in the
United States. The new York world. He is determined to keep the Liberty at the New
York Harbor he launches the biggest fundraiser campaign ever in North America. More
than a million people read his newspaper a date he collects lots of donations a day in all
121,000 donations, that was more than enough to keep the Statue of Liberty in New
York.The pedestal will be the biggest concrete structure the world. Over 200 men work
through the winter to complete it the workers would toss their own silver dollars as the
concrete was drying for good luck. Gustave eiffel designed the Statue of Liberty he also
built the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris. the sandal is 32 times bigger than the human foot
equivalent of the size 839 shoe after 6 months of hazardous construction liberty's face
is finally wedged into place. Frederick august bortoli sculpted the Statue of Liberty. It's
said that he modeled the face on his own mother it takes 35 years for the Liberty to
oxidize and turn green , at first the Statue of Liberty was a symbol Alliance and
friendship between France and the 13 colonies and the American Revolution it will
come to represent much more. It was a functioning Lighthouse until 1902 the statue's
official name is Liberty enlightening the world. The Colorado River is one of the most
powerful rivers In the world . Every second twice as much water tears through these
Canyons. Frank's plan is to garnish. up to 30 min drill into the Rock 24 hours a day 10
times faster than normal Drilling although temperatures hit 140 degrees in the tunnels
so crow just pushes harder.Frank crow . He's already built six dams on time and under
budget. 42000 men come looking for jobs Crow takes five thousand men willing to work
harder and faster than anyone else men are ready to do anything for work it's survival of
the fittest. For massive tunnels are drilled through 3 miles of solid rock each tunnel is as
wide as four lane Highway and as tall as a five-story building one and a half million
gallons of water can flow through the tunnels every second the tunnels can be a dog
when the river is low which is only 4 months a year. The tunnels get finished 11 months
ahead of time the hardest job is going to be to build the biggest concrete structure on
Earth.The damn should take six years to build but Frank says it can be done in 4.
There are two stages to building the dam first divert the river around the work site II
build the calosow wall. there's a $3,000 fine for every day the project falls behind.March
4th 1931 the government allows Frank to build the Hoover Dam . It will cost nearly 1
billion dollars in today's money. Crow was offered a 2.5% cut of the pay if he gets the
job done quick. deadly fumes pump out of the trucks and build up in the tunnels and
very demanding their blood a lot of them got carbon monoxide poisoning the company
says 96 midnight but the workers claim its hundreds.

Objective: to gain a baseline understanding of People,places, ideas and events in
chronological order.
John Rolfe was one of the early English settlers of North America. He is credited
with the first successful cultivation of tobacco as an export crop in the Colony of Virginia
and is known as the husband of Pocahontas, daughter of the chief of the Powhatan. He
started America. before him it was illegal to bring tobacco over but then he did it and
created a boom crop. This crop brought America lots of money and even was a source
for people to want to move to America. All in all tobacco is what made America what it is
today. We had so many tobacco plants and dry tobacco it was just a running cycle. The
reason that i have this particular person and subject as the most important to me is
because honestly without tobacco we would not have grown the way we have we also
probably would have had the access to the money so that way we could grow.plymouth
plays a role into tobacco too because if we hadn't had tobacco then the pilgrims
wouldn't have migrated here because there wouldn't be nothing to survive off of
American ingenuity is growing by the day I think it stand for fighting to not give up
for example Thomas Edison attempted to make a light bulb over 1,000 times until he
finally got it on December 31, 1879. He Was even fire from his first two jobs for being
non-profitable but that didn't stop him America has its ways of pushing you to your
fullest and failing to succeed . Henry ford changed America forever with the assembly
line making the model t and coming up withal effective way to do it and in a reasonable
Time changed the way we do things now in nearly everything we use the assembly line
. America was also struggling on ways to mass produce Steel then Henry bessemer find
sways. The mini bullet was used in the civil war and this bullet destroyed human once
the bullet hit the flesh and corrupted the bone the bullet then exploded this was an easy
way to hill fast and precise. The cotton gin is a good example on March 4th 1794 the
cotton gin was invented this invention transformed the world,but it's also time bomb, this
allows a worker to produce 50 times more cotton in one day then if they were hand
picking the cotton in 1830 America is producing more than half of the Cotton in the
world and by 1850 America was producing nearly Three quarters of the world's
cotton.producing Cotton Was labor intensive until the cotton gin. The cotton gin made
industry and technology a more reasonable idea, but the overproduction of the cotton is
destroying the land. Ei Whitney is the inventor of the cotton gin. Also steel was around
but we couldn't figure out a way to mass produce it until Andrew cardigan a five foot
three Scottish immigrant iron millionaire is a chief in England he is looking at the future
a revolutionary way to make steel.Steel had been around for thousands of years but it is
very pricey to produce it is a luxury item 2000 years ago it was used in Oriental swords
and designer jewelry only material strong enough for the towers that will touch the
sky.He returns to Pittsburgh to start building the biggest steel plant in the world it will be
a larger than 80 football fields it is a massive Gamble Cardinal risk everything he's got
on the plant only months into construction disaster a stock market collapse economy is
in free fall.By the early 20th century new Urban mega cities surround America, 1872, in
August 1875 Against All Odds Cardinals giant furnaces are ready for test it's a success
Carter that is the first ever to mass produce steel prices plummet over 80%.

slavery was a big deal it continued until Lincoln stopped it a lot of people were
affected by this slaves and slave owners. on September 1850 , a new fugitive slave law
was put into place this law was about southern slavery moving to the north, no African
American was safe anywhere in the United States. this law meant if you so happened to
escape to the north and became free then your past slave owner could come and get
you , even if that wasn't. The case and you were free all along they could still go and
sell you. In 1841 is the heart of the slave trade men were sold for over 1 thousand
dollars, women were sold for 800 dollars, and children were sold for 500 dollars the
prices raised because of the cotton gin, after the cotton gin slaves became 5 times more
valuable. in the first half of the 19th century over half of the slaves will be sold at
auction,this auction business is worth 2 billion dollars to the south economy, 4 million
black Americans lived as slaves, they got examined as if they were some kind of
animal. 90 percent of all African Americans were slaves, the color of them,light/dark
skinned, determined what kind of work they did. in louisiana it was illegal for children to
be taken from their mothers under the age of 11, but it still happened all the time.
salabon northor was an educated free man from the north he. Was later then
kidnapped into slavery in the south.Fredrick Douglas was an unsuccessful slave run
away he has tried to run away two times already, he did have a better chance at being
free then most would , he carried papers borrowed from a friend, eventually he makes it
to freedom in New York city,leading figure in the anti slavery movement, becomes most
famous African American of his time unlike 80% of slaves he could read and write ,
black Americans must show proof who they belong to if they are not free and if they are
free they must show proof of that also that is why he carried papers borrowed from a
friend showing he was free. If you got caught trying to run away then the punishments
included branding, cutting off ears, very hurtful things.Harriet Tubman was the most
famous operator for the hidden escape trails for escaping slaves , she is also an
escaped Slave, she is very brave for going back into the south to help others get away
even though she knows that she is wanted and hated by the white south but showing
how much she cares she helped nearly 60,000 slaves escape. Later on as segregation
was “improving” we were not it was a hoks because a 17 year old Eugene Williams
skips church with a couple of friends to go out for a swim John Harris is with him.there's
no official surrogation but it is obvious even on the beaches of Lake Michigan right to
refuse to sell their houses to blacks the white be there starch to throw rocks at the group
of young black kids on the raft the kids think it's a game but not for long it's racial
tension the white man hits one of the black kids in the back of the neck killing him a
policeman shows up and would not arrest the white man who killed the kid instead
arrest one of your Eugene's friends.The summer of 1919 in Chicago. Sunday July 27th
is a day that will never be forgotten a group of black men Wander over to where the
whites were Eugene draft is drifting into that direction July 1919 on the beach in
Chicago tensions were Rising.This is the start of the Chicago Riot of 1919 8 bloody
days 501 838 died twenty-three of them are black riots happen and 24 more cities in
North America it's called the red summer

America is known best for our inventions one to remember is definitely the mini
bullet In 1862 The civil war is at its height, the civil war was basically the first modern
war, first war that took place after the industrial revolution, also the bloodiest battle,molt
and led is on its journey to becoming a lethal instrument of destruction bullet known as
the mini bowl, demand for this killer bullet is really high in total the north makes over half
a billion Mimi bowls ready to be fired from the two million muskets . Loading the new
muskets was way easier and 8 times faster, accurate in a range of 600 yards.Springfield
Illinois is where the metal works began , the Bulls was invented in France.metal works,
the bullet is the primary reason for the unprecedented levels of slater in this war , one
person can cast 3,000 mini balls in one hour. This bullet can rip through a man's body in
just a fraction of a second. It's used by north and south alike. Mug shots changed our
whole criminal justice system.Detective bureau chief Thomas Burns a man who follows
his own set of rules he's cool and very tough among his methods is a technique called
the third degree first degree is persuasion second degree is intimidation third degree is
pain.A policeman finds a list on a murder gangster his rate card punches or $2 nose
and jaw broke is $10 your shirt off is 15 the big job a hundred bucks and up. in 4 years
Burns claims to arrest 33 hundred criminals he solve nearly eight three hundred million
dollar bank robbery reporters called him the greatest crime .Buster in the history of New
York City police force. he invents mugshots AKA Rogues Gallery this will forever
change the police department first attempt to keep a National Crime register 12 million
mugshots are taken every year worldwide. Firecake was a food that our Soldiers had to
eat at valley forge. Starting with firecake was the basics food it just got you by. But now
you can go get yourself a cheeseburger at McDonald's for a dollar that is another way
how we are evolving in food

When America first came to be there wasn't really an effective way to

communicate beside in person the revolutionary postal system is the first thing that
began to change that with george washington's idea to send mail people could find out
what was going on the only problem was that most people couldn't not read nor write.
There were very few who could. The telegraph was also another way to communicate
but it had even more difficulties than mail you could only understand it if you knew the
bet. The telegraph helped win the war. Lincoln used 50,000 mile long telegraphs lines
for north, now information is being shared fast, making it a weapon of war . The radio
was a simple solution all you had to do was listen, the tv was even s'more simple you
had to listen also but even better you could now watch what you were hearing also they
were broadcasting war.constructruction has brought America money we are known for
our mass construction projects. some of our projects are the Erie Canal, railroad,
skyscrapers, Statue of Liberty,the dam, and Mount Rushmore.dewitt Clinton was new
York's governor he was very stubborn he wouldn't take no for an answer he also wanted
to be the presidents of the United States. Instead he runs New York for 20 years his
goal is to make New York rich,in 1825 modern error was being born 1825 is also when
the industrial revolution reached America.New York city became a boom town As a
result of Erie Canal , the word millionaire was invented in 1840.the Erie canal opened in
1825, it took eight years to complete it was compete man made the Erie Canal links the
Atlantic Ocean to the middle of America. It was the biggest construction it was 500
kilometers long this changed where people can live and why, turned the north into a
global economic house the Erie Canal was also a way to transport goods with that the
prices of goods raise. Even though the press called the Canal ‘’clinton's big Ditch’’ that
did not stop him. through the mountains track laying excellerates from 10 inches to 6
miles a day , each spike is struck three times, ten spikes a rail, 400 rails a mile 21
million hammer swing complete the railroad , in just one year 40,000 settlers move to
Nebraska. On may 10th 1869 a one word message arrived by telegraph, ”done”, a six
month journey a crossed the continent is cut to six days , the Internet of the error the
transcontinental railroad changes everything it touches. there was mass migration to the
Great Plains , civilization through the wilderness and 17 year old hung le whoa, swaps a
life of poverty for the back breaking work of the railroad gang, he survived one of the
explosions, his son will be the first Chinese American To graduate In engineering From
university of California At berkeley. The progress slows two inches a day. over 10,000
Chinese laborers earn less and do the deadliest jobs, the transcontinental railroad was
built by Chinese workers, hung le whoa must cut through granite so tough a rock the
size of a big toe will support a 50 ton locomotive, an estimated 1,500 Chinese died in
explosions and rock slides. James hawtin mixes nitroglycerin , any physical shock
causes it To Explode it's 13 times more. Powerful than gunpowder which is what they
need to break through the granite, but transporting it is band because 15 people were
blown to pieces.In 1902 65 skyscrapers are being built in Manhattan.The men building
the skyscrapers have nothing to keep them safe they have no harness or no hard hat
the workers are up there for 8 hours a day with no bathroom breaks when they can.
They are called Roughnecks their pay is $4 a day twice the amount they pay for
manual labor many did not make it the walls and skyscrapers don't take the way it Steel
does.In Manhattan. In Chicago alone in just ten years they built 50 steel frame buildings
in 20 its population more than double to 1.7 million. American cities are exploding. In
1885 New York City, bedlows island New York City has a bug problem,a magnificent
gift, but with some assembly required. Scardered a crossed bedlows island. In new York
harbor, 214 crates containing the largest Statue in the western world donated by France
to celebrate the centenary declaration of independent. The statue of liberty was built in
Paris but broken down into 350 massive pieces for the journey to America, the cost of
reassembling is outrageous New York does not have the money, six other cities want
the Statue of Liberty.Joseph pulitzer is a tanashis newspaper magnet, immigrant, self-
made man who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States. The new York world.
He is determined to keep the Liberty at the New York Harbor he launches the biggest
fundraiser campaign ever in North America. More than a million people read his
newspaper a date he collects lots of donations a day in all 121,000 donations, that was
more than enough to keep the Statue of Liberty in New York.The pedestal will be the
biggest concrete structure the world. Over 200 men work through the winter to complete
it the workers would toss their own silver dollars as the concrete was drying for good
luck. Gustave eiffel designed the Statue of Liberty he also built the famous Eiffel Tower
in Paris. the sandal is 32 times bigger than the human foot equivalent of the size 839
shoe after 6 months of hazardous construction liberty's face is finally wedged into
place. Frederick august bortoli sculpted the Statue of Liberty. It's said that he modeled
the face on his own mother it takes 35 years for the Liberty to oxidize and turn green , at
first the Statue of Liberty was a symbol Alliance and friendship between France and the
13 colonies and the American Revolution it will come to represent much more. It was a
functioning Lighthouse until 1902 the statue's official name is Liberty enlightening the
world. The Colorado River is one of the most powerful rivers In the world . Every second
twice as much water tears through these Canyons. Frank's plan is to garnish. up to 30
min drill into the Rock 24 hours a day 10 times faster than normal Drilling although
temperatures hit 140 degrees in the tunnels so crow just pushes harder.Frank crow .
He's already built six dams on time and under budget. 42000 men come looking for jobs
Crow takes five thousand men willing to work harder and faster than anyone else men
are ready to do anything for work it's survival of the fittest. For massive tunnels are
drilled through 3 miles of solid rock each tunnel is as wide as four lane Highway and as
tall as a five-story building one and a half million gallons of water can flow through the
tunnels every second the tunnels can be a dog when the river is low which is only 4
months a year. The tunnels get finished 11 months ahead of time the hardest job is
going to be to build the biggest concrete structure on Earth.The damn should take six
years to build but Frank says it can be done in 4. There are two stages to building the
dam first divert the river around the work site II build the calosow wall. there's a $3,000
fine for every day the project falls behind.March 4th 1931 the government allows Frank
to build the Hoover Dam . It will cost nearly 1 billion dollars in today's money. Crow was
offered a 2.5% cut of the pay if he gets the job done quick. deadly fumes pump out of
the trucks and build up in the tunnels and very demanding their blood a lot of them got
carbon monoxide poisoning the company says 96 midnight but the workers claim its
technology is what keeps this world running. If technology wouldn't have grown
as much as it has then the world we know today would not be the same for example
Thomas Edison was an adventure entrepreneur and showman. He was taken out of
school as a boy but that doesn't stop him from inventing things that help the modern era
the first R&D lab will generate more than a thousand patterns.He invents the electric
light bulb he locks himself in his lap and doesn't sleep for days a hundred and $130,000
went into his research millions in today's money a piece of carbonate cardboard Burns
for 300 hours it's going to change the way people live.In 1879. New Year's Eve 1879
Edition shows off his new invention in just two years he builds more than 5 power plant
generating electricity from multiple cities over the next five years he was more than
127000 more by 1902 18 million light bulbs are in use. Binary code was also one of the
main sources that created a computer without the binary code the computer can't work
the binary code is like the brain of the computer.

The tv and radio are both new technology and also a new way of communicating
the only difference is you can see what your hearing in tv.the first tv was developed in
1927 by philo farnsworth. Tv was a new thing is was very expensive it was like when
Henry ford started making the model t everyone wanted it but not everyone could afford
it. Tv is what changed our way of communication we were now able to look at the news
instead of having to read about it not everyone could read and write or even be able to
do one of those. Reading is a three dimensional use unlike listening everyone could do
that . Listening is only a one dimensional use. You could get the information you needed
fast and easy without any effort. Live video was a game changer it nearly stopped
misconceptions from happening because we could all watch live. 70% of the adult
population watch tv for at least five hours a day. Also advertising was a big deal
comparing could now get their name out for people to see.

transportation started with the wagons on the organ trail the was a poor way of
transportation for example the donor dinner party was a tragedy from poor
transportation but then we started to evolve with the assembly line and the model t.
Henry Ford is a Maverick Visionary and also obsessive he also has a bad reputation he
has tried to build cards for a total of three times.Detroit 1908. Detroit 1913 Henry is it
just making a revolutionary car but he is making it in a revolutionary way.There are only
eight thousand cars in the United States that are expensive toys for the rich like owning
a private jet nowadays Henry Ford change is not only the way cars are made but how
everything is made. Model T. The production line each person has their own
responsibility the same person does the same part every single day in 1913 a Model T
cost 2 years wages but by 1924 it's just three months 300000 word sold in 1913 by
1924 there is a new model T every 24 seconds. The workers both black and White
were paid equally they were each paid $5 an day. Then the military needed an easy
vehicle to get around that was low to the ground and could hold a group of people and
store materials so now we have the jeep.:The Jeep includes a shovel and an axe to get
you out of trouble also there's tin can of gas in case you run out of gas if the Jeep flips
over you just flip it back.An American icon is Born the general purpose vehicle known as
GP or the Jeep. The Jeep weighs 2315 pounds the Jeep show the power of the
American manufacturer.It's made for war it's fast and low to the ground it's 37 inches
high it's low profile makes it difficult for an enemy to site it's small that can carry up to
seven men even the front bumper is a seat. Three Jeeps are produced every 4 minutes
by the end of the war over 600,000 Jeeps were used 88000 Tate 7333 ships 23 million
rifles and small arms and 40 billion bullets produced in 4 years 43 million men are
registered for combat service but America still needs more manpower. In the modern
days we now have over a thousand different models of cars originating from the model t
and the jeep.

Oil became a everyday necessities we needed it for a variety of different things

so when whale oil expanded human freedom it helped America. with whale oil you could
,get more,do more, and achieve more. This was before The discovery of crude oil, it
took a lot to kill these whales you had to use state of the art harpoons used to Kill
whales kills takes hours you have to lance the whale under the fin that's the only way
you could kill the whale. A single whale can produce up to 11 cubic meters of oil , even
today whale oil is used by nasa the hubble space telescope runs on it. whaling
Becomes another boom industry, north's famous industry bringing in 11 million dollars
per year, human cost is high very few men are willing to take the risk,but it is an escape
for African American slaves,John Thompson was a runaway slave he said ,”a colored
man is only looked at as a man, and his ability and skill to do things as a white man” all
he wanted was to be treated with equal right and be looked at as a human. Whale oil
was very had to get and few people actually wanted to go out on the oceans to get what
they needed then the hamill brothers came along and made it way easier to get oil fast.
The hammer Brothers al is 24 years old ex Cattleman. Curt is 28 years old ex
salesmen. Oil men are young radish and ambitious they're the best in the business. The
Hamill Brothers get $2 for every feet they drew top dollar in those dates but with that
they expect results.The discovery of what lies underneath the Texas Stars or quote on
quote Black Gold. Oil will power the 20th century. The oil Waters in Texas are very
small know where in the world has anyone discovered as much oil that lives in Texas
this all will make the founders rich. Coal dominates industry. Drilling for oil is very
dangerous work $6,000 oil explosions every year. Steam engine progress and the
business is really slow. The United States is the largest oil producer the hammer
brothers are now Legends.Whale oil used to Corner the market Native Americans used
oil for medicine.Texas is more like the old west than the modern day. Spindletop is
where the crude oil is found Spindletop changes everything within a year there are 500
oil companies the price of oil Plymouth from $2 a barrel to $0.03 it's cheaper than water
deep enough to become gasoline.Cattle change things up they had cattle stomp around
and made lots of mud mud is now a new invention but help up the walls of the bornal
curtz invention is still in use today. In the modern day is synthetic compounds are
used.1854 Whale oil was used for lighting. January 10th 1901 the Hamill's have been
drilling for over 2 months also past eleven hundred feet with no breakthrough if they get
to twelve thousand feet then they have to quit this is the day that changed America
forever the crude oil shoots almost two hundred feet up into the air the hamels were
hoping for 50 barrels a day soon it will pop out over 800,000.

In the early days you didn't see any health codes or safety regulations besides
baron bonsirven he was made one of the most powerful man by Washington in his
command. He drills discipline into the men,brings order, Hygiene ,discipline, and
reinvents the rebel army so they can take on the British in open battle,most men not
even clothed, after valley forge this is when we started to be more aware of our health
but if really kicked in after the tragic event of the triangle shirtwaist. By 1900 hundreds
nearly 4 million women are working in the the United States cities and just 40 years that
figure has more than quadrupled packing so many people and it's all building is a big
disaster waiting to happen the United States is hurtling into a modern age. By 1909
Americans are spreading more than 23 million dollars a year on read made close this
factor is producing 12,000 garments a week latest fashion for the working women. New
york city March 25th 1911 at 4:45 p.m. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory 8 for 260 girls
working most of them are teenagers an unknown person cost either a match or a
cigarette into the trash bin Eva hair smells burning production manager Samuel
Bernstein grabs one of the three fire pills but the fire is already spreading there's nothing
there's a Mad Dash for the exit but too narrow only one at a time can pass through it the
fire hose isn't working the switchboard is the only way to reach the others the ninth floor
was never notified Samuel raises up the main stairs to help 160 workers trapped there
the fire escape on the ninth floor is locked Kate weiner made it to the elevator but lost
her sister she didn't want to leave without her sister Rose more than100 girls are left
behind.The metal fire escape collapsed the biggest ladder in New York City isn't tall
enough it's 30 feet too short to reach the top floor at 4:58 p.m. the girls trapped on the
9th floor are out of options they jump at 5:15 p.m. The Blaze is over in less than half-an-
hour 146 people died in that fire it's the most deadly workplace disaster in New York
City history until September 11th 2001.Some good does come out of this because of
this tragedy it's why all doors open outwards also why we have multiple fire exits and
why we have fire alarms and automatic sprinkler systems

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