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Another word for happy

1. Characterized by luck or good fortune:
fortunate, lucky, providential. See luck
2. Being in or showing good spirits:
bright, cheerful, cheery, chipper, lighthearted, sunny. See happy
3. Having achieved satisfaction, as of one's goal:
content, fulfilled, gratified, satisfied. See happy
4. Providing joy and pleasure:
cheerful, cheery, festive, glad, joyful, joyous, pleasing. See happy
5. Marked by festal celebration:
festive, gala, glad, gladsome, joyful, joyous, merry. See happy
6. Suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place:
appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit1, fitting, meet2, proper, right, tai
lor-made. See right
7. Eagerly compliant:
delighted, glad, pleased, tickled. See happy

Another word for sad

1. In low spirits:
blue, dejected, depressed, desolate, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, dull, dysp
horic, gloomy, heavy-
hearted, low, melancholic, melancholy, spiritless, tristful, unhappy, wistful. Idiom: down
at (or in) the mouth. See happy
2. Full of or expressive of sorrow:
doleful, dolorous, lugubrious, mournful, plaintive, rueful, sorrowful, woebegone, woeful. S
ee happy
3. Tending to cause sadness or low spirits:
blue, cheerless, depressing, dismal, dispiriting, gloomy, joyless, melancholy. See happy
4. Causing sorrow or regret:
deplorable, doleful, dolorous, grievous, lamentable, mournful, regrettable, rueful, sorrowf
ul, woeful. See happy
1. Having pleasant desirable qualities:
nice. (Scots) bonny, braw. See good
2. To one's liking:
agreeable, congenial, favorable, grateful, gratifying, nice, pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable
, satisfying, welcome. See like
3. Suited to one's end or purpose:
appropriate, befitting, convenient, expedient, fit1, meet2, proper, suitable, tailor-
made, useful. See agree, good
4. In excellent condition:
entire, flawless, intact, perfect, sound2, unblemished, unbroken, undamaged, unharmed,
unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unmarred, whole. See thrive
5. Well above average:
high-grade, nice. See good, ability
6. Affording benefit:
advantageous, benefic, beneficent, beneficial, benignant, favorable, helpful, profitable, p
ropitious, salutary, toward, useful. See help
7. Having the ability to perform well:
able, capable, competent, skilled, skillful. See ability
8. Not counterfeit or copied:
actual, authentic, bona
fide, genuine, indubitable, original, real, true, undoubted, unquestionable. See true
9. Notably above average in amount, size, or scope:
big, considerable, extensive, great, healthy, large, large-scale, sizable.
(Informal) tidy. See big
10. Not more or less:
complete, entire, full, perfect, round, whole. See part, precise
11. Indicative of future success or full of promise:
auspicious, benign, bright, brilliant, fair, favorable, fortunate, propitious. See luck
12. Beyond reproach:
blameless, exemplary, irreprehensible, irreproachable, lily-white, unblamable. See right
13. Having or marked by uprightness in principle and action:
honest, honorable, incorruptible, righteous, true, upright, upstanding. (Informal) straight-
shooting. Idiom: on the up-and-up (or up and up). See honest
14. Characterized by kindness and concern for others:
altruistic, beneficent, benevolent, benign, benignant, goodhearted, kind1, kindhearted, kin
dly. See attitude, kind
1.) Happy [hap-ee] - The basic definition of feeling mental pleasure and
contentment. It is used to describe a person who is feeling good and is enjoying
(example: Playing at the beach makes me happy.)

2.) Joyful [joi-fuh l] - Being full of joy. Joy is defined as “the emotion of great
delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying”. It is
usually used to describe high levels of happiness and fortune.
(example: He was joyful all day after he saw his good grade on his exam.

3.) Blissful [blis-fuh l] - Being full of bliss. Bliss is the highest level of happiness.
It is often used in religion, to describe Heaven and the best forms of happiness.
(example: The angels are blissful in heaven.)

4.) Euphoric [yoo-fawr-ik, -for-] - Euphoric is the most difficult word to pronounce
on this list. Being euphoric means to be in euphoria, which is an intense state of
happiness, confidence, and well-being that exceeds normal levels of behavior
and experience.
(example: She was euphoric that she received the highest award in her

5.) Content [kuh n-tent] - To be content means to be satisfied. Contentment is

the state of being pleased with what you already have.
(example: He was content and needed nothing else.)

6.) Glad [glad] - Full of joy, pleasure, cheer and satisfaction. Glad is typically
used to describe someone who is happy because of fortunate circumstance.
(example: I am glad that I spoke with him.)

7.) Cheerful [cheer-fuh l] - Full of cheer. Cheer means optimism, hope,

encouragement and good mood.
(example: He feels very cheerful because of this Christmas party.)

8.) Pleased [plēzd] - To be filled with pleasure. Pleasure is a good feeling, either
physical or mental.
(example: She felt very pleased when he sang a song for her.)

9.) Delighted [dih-lahy-tid] - To be very pleased.

(example: She was delighted when he wrote a song for her.)

10.) Ecstatic [ek-stat-ik] - To be filled with ecstacy; great happiness. Ecstacy is a

great, overpowering, rushing happiness. Ecstacy is one of the highest levels of
happiness, and is often used when describing divine levels of happiness.
However, it is also used to describe overwhelming moments of happiness at
significant events.
(example: She was ecstatic when he proposed to her.)

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