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Sample Dataflow Diagram

Draw Diagram 0 and Diagram 2, and context diagram.

A credit card company receives applications from potential customers. There are
three major processes:

1. Check for completeness

2. Check Credit- worthiness
3. Issue card and set up account

Upon receipt of an application from a customer, the initial information is checked for
completeness. This results in either a “valid application” or a rejection, which is returned
to customer. Valid applications are then entered into the “pending applications” file.
Pending applications are then sent to the next process, which utilizes “credit ratios” from
the “credit profile” file and a credit report received from Experian (a credit investigation
company). This results in either a rejection or a new account listing sent to the “customer
file”, also, the pending applications file is updated as well.

Finally, new account listings are extracted from the customer file into the last
process, which results in a credit card (sent to the customer) and an account activation
update to the customer file.

Process 2 involves three sub steps:

1. Application ratios compared to credit profile

2. Verification of credit report
3. Create new account listing

The first process results in either a rejection or a “good profile application”.

This goes to the second step – which verifies the credit report of the customer. This
would result in either a rejection or “approved listing”. Approved listings are sent to the
third step, which results in setting up of a new account.

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