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Area 51
Databank Item Location FAQ
For PS2, Xbox, and PC
Version 1.2
Copyright 2005 YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel
(Please Read the FAQ Section at the bottom)
(before emailing one of us or both of us.)
(Please add Game Name or Guide Name in Subject)
(to let us know which game you need help with.)
(Be as specific as you can with your questions.)
First Created : 4/27/05
Last Revised on : 5/17/05

Table of Contents

I. Legal Info

II. Introduction

III. Databank Item Locations

Chapter 01: "Welcome to Dreamland"

Chapter 02: "Deep Underground"
Chapter 03: "The Hot Zone"
Chapter 04: "The Search"
Chapter 05: "They Get Bigger"
Chapter 06: "The Last Stand"
Chapter 07: "One of Them"
Chapter 08: "Internal Changes"
Chapter 09: "Life or Death"
Chapter 10: "Dr. Cray"
Chapter 11: "Hatching Parasites"
Chapter 12: "Project: Blue Book"
Chapter 13: "Lies of the Past"
Chapter 14: "Buried Secrets"
Chapter 15: "Now Boarding"
Chapter 16: "The Grays"
Chapter 17: "Descent"
Chapter 18: "The Ascension"
Chapter 19: "The Last Exit"

============================I. Legal info=================================

This document may not be altered, copied, published, sold nor reproduced for
profit in any way shape or form without advance permission from me. Use of
this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited. If you steal any part of this Guide, FAQ, you will be
punished to the full extent of the law. Plagiarism is illegal, and I really
detest it. If you do Email us for our permission, We have nearly no problems
in allowing you to post it on your site as long as full credit is given to
us (YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel), and you are not charging or profiting off
of Gamers/Users to access it directly or indirectly in any way shape or
form. However, you may print this document out if it is for your own personal
use. If you see a site using this without our permission let us know.
II. Introduction

This FAQ should help some of you find any Databank Items that you may have
missed during the course of your first play through. If you see any major
errors let one of us know and we will correct it. We have added the FAQ
section until a walkthrough is made or until we make one whichever the case
may be. If you would like to add a question and answer to the FAQ (Frequently
Asked Questions) section or add to an existing question and answer you are
welcome to send it to one of us.

/\@%$ III. Databank Item Locations /\@%$

(Note: The numbering is based on where they appear in the Databank not in the
order you find them in.)


<Chapter 01: "Welcome to Dreamland">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
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| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

Note: (You can get 4 of these at anytime after you get the scanner but the
"Health Syringe" you can only get once your searching for the saboteur.

1. Canister Specifications - Before or After you have made the saboteur go

splat. Go Scan the large blue glowing canister (near the ramp where the truck
that the saboteur tried to get drove off).

2. Xm-88 Turret Specs - Before or After you have made the saboteur go splat.
Go back to the room that has many boxes that are labeled "Mutations" and the
orange radioactive barrels (the room you went through just before you got the
scanner). You should see a platform with tires on it. Shoot the platform (if
it didn't collapse yet) to make the tires fall and jump up onto the broken
platform to jump over the fence that it is near. Go to the corner and you
will find the item to scan leaning against the corner walls (a top secret

3. Unknown Skin Type - After you get your scanner use it to Scan the arm of
the corpse in the corner near the door you entered from.

4. Decoded Laptop Information - Before or After you have made the saboteur go
splat. Go back to the room behind the firing range and scan the laptop here.

5. Health Syringe - Before or After you chase the saboteur through the small
alley on the side of the firing range go back to the shutter you came in from
when you first started the game (the trailer that is nearest to the weapons
locker). You should see the blockade (the red and white striped one) was
moved to the right of that door (if you are facing it). Crouch (L2) and go
under the pipes of the trailer and you will find a corpse behind it with a
glowing green item sticking out of the corpse that you need to use your
scanner on.


<Chapter 02: "Deep Underground"> (No Files/Items to Scan)


<Chapter 03: "The Hot Zone">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Super Contagious Body - Scan the orange radioactive mutant corpse that
your team finds.

2. Alien Propaganda Sites - You can find this (top secret folder) on a table
in the room with the Area 51 Arcade game in the corner (on the opposite side
of the room).

3. Unknown Artifacts Discovery - After you have passed the Electrical charges
in the generator room look on the floor of this room to find this (top secret
folder) item.

4. Employee Reprimand - Once your team splits into two and you go down a
ramp following your partner go under the ramp and you will find some health
plus this (top secret folder) on the floor.

5. New Employee Name Policy - Once you go up some stairs and reach the second
floor overlooking the large room with the Area 51 Arcade game you will find
this (top secret folder) on the farthest couch.


<Chapter 04: "The Search">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Mite Jar - After you have the information from the Comm Center go back out
and help the other team fight off the mutants if you want. Once the room is
cleared one of your teammates will open up the next door you need to go into.
Go into the room and go into the door on the far left of this room. you will
find many green tubes with creatures inside of them in this room. Your
teammate will comment about possible tracks from something. Go over to the
green tube that he comments near and scan it.
2. Alien Autopsy Photographs - When you start this chapter there is a big
confrontation with mutants in front of you. You can either go to the room
where all the commotion was going on and go to your right to jump past the
fire (you will take minor damage if you do it right) into the doorway or you
can follow your team out to "Hallway 5" (where a team is being attacked on
the lower floor) and follow the walkway to the right before going into the
doorway on your right (before you reach the staircase). Whichever you did you
will find a yellow Keycard here and once you have it go down the hallway and
out to Hallway 5. Go to your left and then right to go to the other side of
the hallway. Go left and into the second door on your right. When you are in
this room follow the wall on your right and you will find a red keycard near
a corpse. Once you have that keycard Go to the door in this room with the two
key card readers and use both card readers to open up the door. Go inside and
jump up onto the boxes on your left to find this item (top secret folder) on
the biggest box.

3. Pictures of human Oddities - You have two ways of getting this one:

A: Follow your team to Hallway 5 where another team is under attack and hop
over the railing or go down the stairs to go down to where they are. You will
see a big roaring fire here through a few broken windows. When facing the
windows go to the very left most window and you should be able to see this
item (top secret folder) on a box just pass the fire. You can scan it from
the window if you want or use Option B (if you want to get it the more close
up way).

B: After you have the information from the Comm. Center go back out and help
the other team fight off the mutants if you want (or just hide and let them
do all the work). Once the room is cleared one of your teammates will open up
the next door you need to go into. Go into the room and go to where the door
is on the far side of this room. Before you reach the door you should see a
fire extinguisher on the wall just to the left of the door. Shoot the fire
extinguisher to put out the fire near the door and go over to the boxes
behind the fire you just put out to get the item (top secret folder) on it.

4. Unknown Lifeform - When you are trying to looking for the L1 Security Card
for Crispy. Leave the room your teammates are in and go into the door you see
from here across the hall. Follow the hallway inside of that door around the
corner to the left and you will see to your right a door you can go into.
Instead of going into that door go to your right and you will find a body
with a severed arm next to it. Go into this room just past the severed arm
and scan the corpse that is on the left under the collapsed portion of

5. Vechcol Work Order - Once you enter the Security room with the two hand
scanners (that you used the severed arm on one) scan the item (top secret
folder) on the desk to your left.


<Chapter 05: "They Get Bigger">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
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| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
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| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|
1. Saucer Ship Schematics - You can find this Item on one of the boxes in the
room where your team is killed (behind the boxes to the left of the bloody

2. Star Chart and Pyramid Alignment - You can find this Item (top secret
folder) near a large box that is to the right of the room with the sign that
says "Chemical Storage" (When you enter the large room from the start of this
chapter it is right after the door on the left).

3. Crop Circle Documents - You can find this item (top secret folder) on a
box behind some boxes in the back of the dark room that you can enter near
the control panel for the crane that moves the big engine (the control panel
you go to when you move the crane not the one that opens the hangar door).

4. Atlantis Map - You can find this Item (top secret folder) on one of the
support beams of the crane you are walking on above the large engine that you
moved (you need to get this on your way to the controls to the Hangar door).

5. Experiment Volunteer Request - You can find this Item (top secret folder)
in the little office to the right as you enter the large room at the start of
this chapter.


<Chapter 06: "The Last Stand">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
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| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Groom Lake Weapons Testing Facility - When you begin this chapter scan the
"Groom Lake Research Weapons Testing Division" sign (the second one you see
not the one that is crooked and behind some debris).

(Note: This Item #2 is a bit tricky to explain but hopefully it makes sense.)

2. Unidentified Metallic Substance - After you get the Explosives in the

Storage area leave this room and go back through the doorway you came through
to get to the explosives (the doorway just past the boards you can walk up to
leave with the explosives). As you enter that doorway jump onto the boxes to
your right and when you can't jump anymore (because of the boxes being to
tall) jump to the doorway you just came through to stand on top of it. You
should be able to spot the item (CD's) from this doorway and all you need to
do now is jump to where it is in order to scan it.

3. Public Ebola Test - When you go into the vent that has the wires that you
need to fix for the Comm system. You will find this item (top secret folder)
near the corpse that is near those wires.

4. KGB Research Information - When you go to the Storage room for the Turret
Ammo look on one of the shelves between the two sets of shelves near the
Turret Ammo to find this Item (Top Secret Folder)

5. Congressional Disinformation - After you have fixed the Comm system and
Followed Chew into the storage area door that was blown open by one of the
turrets and go into the first doorway you see on your right as you go down
the hallway to find this item (top secret folder) on the first bookshelf on
your left.

You should now have all Secret Files 1 Unlocked in the Secrets Section on
the Main Menu.


<Chapter 07: "One of Them">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
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| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Project Blue Book - Once you have changed back to human form go back to
the door you entered this room from and you will find this item (top secret
folder) on the floor to the right before you reach the door.

2. Green River Launch Complex - Once you have changed back to human form go
behind the chamber that changed you and you will find this item (top secret
folder) on the floor near it.

3. Demute Chamber Warning - Once you have changed back to human form go back
out of the door you entered this room from and go down this Elevator hallway.
Go into the first door on your left and you will find this item (top secret
folder) on the floor near the center dumpster on your right.

4. Cray Assassination - Once you clear the room that the hostages are killed
in (the room you find security level 2 card in) you will find this item (top
secret folder) on the floor near the door you saw the enemy go through.

5. Gray Experiment Chat Log - After you have changed yourself back to human
form fight your way down the Elevator hallway past the many enemies here
towards the restricted area door on the far side of this hallway. You will
find this item (top secret folder) to the right on the floor before you reach
that doorway at the end of this hallway (near the second elevator).


<Chapter 08: "Internal Changes">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Leaper Vivisection - Once you have cleared the large room of caged up
enemies go over to the table of the infected corpse and scan it.

2. Report on Mutant Vision - Once you have cleared the large room of caged up
enemies go over to the control panel on the wall to the left of the cage that
you can torture an enemy and use it to unlock two cages with items in it. Go
to the one with the items in it near the door you entered this area from to
find this item (top secret folder) on the floor of the room.

3. Death Request Form Letter - When you start this chapter go to your right
as you exit the elevator and go all the way down to the end of this elevator
hallway to find this item (top secret folder) on the floor to the left at the
very end of the hallway near the door.

4. Destruction Orders - Once you reach the Checkpoint: "Watch Your Back" go
around the corner to the right and before you reach the stairs look on the
floor on the side of the cage to find this (top secret folder) item.

5. Red Ops Information - Clear the room where the C4 is set to blow and
deactivate the C4. Go back to the computer console near the door you came in
from and you will find this item (top secret folder) on the floor near it.


<Chapter 09: "Life or Death">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Illuminati Dollar Bill - Exit out of the elevator you start in and go to
your right. You will find this item (top secret folder) on the second table
on your left (before the door you need to go into to continue on).

2. Capacity Overload Orders - When you reach the Checkpoint: "Stairwell" make
your way down to the very bottom area of this large room (to the base of the
purple pillars). You will find a few hand scanners down here and one of them
you can use your scanner on.

3. Servo Arm Manual - When you reach the Checkpoint: "Arm Room Entrance" Go
to the left and you will find a walkway with a guy putting a bomb/mine on the
walkway. Next to that walkway there is a ladder you need to go down and once
you are down it scan the computer screen on the right.

4. Big Foot Canister - When you reach the Checkpoint: "Arm Room Exit" go out
to the next room and go to the left along the walkway. You should see a tube
of liquid substance in front of you and if you look just to the right of that
you will see a similar tube with a creature in it to scan (be sure to scan
the creature and not the tube or all it will give you is stats on the
chemicals in the air).

5. Alien Implosion Technology - Exit out of the elevator you start this
chapter in and go to your right. Get the key from the corpse in the Elevator
to your right. Go into the door near it to reach the Checkpoint: "Stairwell"
and make your way down to the very bottom area of this large room (to the
base of the purple pillars). Use the key you got from the corpse to get this

<Chapter 10: "Dr. Cray">
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Mutation Extraction Subject - Once you meet up with Victor and clear the
scanner room (processing chamber room) that you need to be scanned in. Go
over to the body on the table that is near the control panel Victor is using
to scan it.

2. Dr. Cray Weapon Experiments - When you start this chapter leave the
elevator and go to the left. Go up the ramp to your right and into the door
at the top. Clear the enemies in this room and then face your back to the
door you entered this area from (face towards Dr. Cray's vault/security
door). Go up the staircase on the far right corner of this room and then jump
from the platform at the top to the roof of the security checkpoint building
below. You will find this item (top secret folder) on the roof of that
security checkpoint building.

3. Victor Weisbrod Cloning - Once you use the elevator near Dr Cray to head
for the Bio Labs go from the elevator on the second floor towards the door
that leads to the Bio Labs and before you reach it go to your left to find
this item (top secret folder) on a desk.

4. Mr. White Cloning - Once you use the elevator near Dr Cray to head for the
Bio Labs go from the elevator towards the door that leads to the Bio Labs and
after you go into that door go to the right to find this item (top secret
folder) on the shelf here.

5. Decontamination Chamber Specs - Before or After Victor Scans you go up the

stairs near the scanner (processing chamber) and scan the item (top secret
folder) on the floor near the corpse.


<Chapter 11: "Hatching Parasites">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Alien Grenade Specification - When you step out of the Elevator at the
start of this mission Scan this Item on the floor near the corpse.

2. Grays JFK Assassination - Once you have gone into the Malfunctioning door
go to your left and crouch/walk through the small gap on your right. You will
find a sniper rifle and this item (top secret folder) on the table to your
right behind some debris.
3. Alien Parasitic Creature - Once you have gone into the Malfunctioning door
go to your right and into the doorway here. Go down the hallway on your right
and into the door to your right. You should see a big sign on your right that
says "Alien Research Lab" to make sure you are in the correct room. Go to the
far side of this room and scan the computer screen (the screen is between the
two tubes with alien creatures in them on the far side of this room).

4. Anti Grav Report - Once you have the Access Key from the Anti - Gravity
Chamber go back the way you came and you will see a grated open area on your
left before you reach the door on your left. There is an opening in the
grating that you can drop down into and then follow the ventilation shaft
here until you are out on a platform. You will see the item (top secret
folder) on the floor as you exit out of the ventilation shaft (don't forget
to grab the alien weapon near the lift before using the lift also if you are
playing through this chapter).

5. Laser Progress Report - When you reach the Checkpoint: "Better Part of
Valor" go to your left and go all the way up the stairs on the far right
corner of this large room. Go to your left once you reach the top of the
stairs and then go into the door on your left. You will find this item (top
secret folder) on the floor at the end of this hallway.

You should now have all Secret Files 2 Unlocked in the Secrets Section on
the Main Menu.


<Chapter 12: "Project: Blue Book">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Roswell Communications - When you first start this chapter you will talk
to a soldier. Once the door opens go to your left and down the stairs on your
right. You will find this Item (top secret folder) to the left at the bottom
of the stairs.

2. Bermuda Triangle Singularity - Once you enter the Flying Saucer Scan the
computer screen inside.

3. SETI Redirection - Once you blast a hole in the building with the flying
saucer climb up the debris into the building and go up the stairs you find on
the far side of this room (Checkpoint: "". Go to your left at the top of them
and there are two aliens/mutants guarding this item on the far side of this
room just past the stairs.

4. Hyperx Technology Report - After you have passed the Checkpoint: "CE-II"
you will need to make your way to a console that releases the flying Saucer.
Before you reach that console look to your right on the floor to find this
item (top secret folder).

5. Public Alien Technology Device Report - After you have passed the
Checkpoint: "CE-II" and have made your way across to the other side of the
flying saucer where there are many staircases. Go all the way up the
staircases and use your scanner on the computer to your right at the very top
of the stairs (if you get to the Checkpoint "Making Contact" you just went
passed it).


<Chapter 13: "Lies of the Past">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Echelon Network - When you start this chapter jump over the railing on
your right and you will find this item (top secret folder) on the floor
behind the boxes here.

2. Film Reel and Documents - When you reach the Checkpoint: "Comm Station" by
making your way down to the Comm Station (checkpoint 2) go to the window on
the far side of this room (if you are facing the comm station it's to the
right) and you will see this item (top secret folder) on the dark floor near
the window (you may want to use your flashlight to see it better).

3. Animal Experimentation Notes - Once you reach the Checkpoint: "One Small
step for a Man" you will eventually see a storeroom/closet on your left. To
your right you should see some pipes. Look along the side of the pipes and
crouch/walk through the gap you find. You will find this item (top secret
folder) on the floor here to your right.

4. Witness Elimination Methods - As you reach the Moonscape on the Elevator

exit out of it and go to the right. You should see a storeroom/closet to your
right. Go inside and you will find this item (top secret folder) to the left
on a table.

5. Future Mars Landing Information - Once you have made it onto the rafters
over the moonscape and jumped to the balcony that leads to a room with many
computer consoles you will find this item (top secret folder) on the floor to
the right before you reach the hallway on the other side of the room (near
one of the computer consoles).


<Chapter 14: "Buried Secrets">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Alien Skeletal System - When you reach the Checkpoint: "The Refinery" kill
all the enemies in the area including the turrets and then go back towards
the tunnel you got to this area from. Face away from the tunnel and to your
right should be a corpse with health next to it (if you haven't picked it up
yet). If you look over the edge of the ledge this corpse is on you should see
another health on a pipe just below it. Drop down to the pipe and crouch/walk
under the ledge along the pipe. Follow this pipe until you find this item
(top secret folder).

2. BBG Spec Sheet - When you start this level get out of the elevator and
jump over the barrier (can't think of any other term for it at the moment) on
the side of the elevator to your left. Go behind the Elevator and you will
find this item (top secret folder) near a corpse.

3. Alien Metallurgy - When you reach the Checkpoint: "The Refinery" and have
cleared all enemies including the turrets go and climb up the ladder that is
down the path to the right of the turrets. When you reach the top of the
ladder Scan the object to your right.

4. Cloaking Device Report - Near the end of this chapter you will be going up
a ladder into a security lockdown control room. Before you use the console in
this room look to your left and up to see a ladder you can climb. Climb up
the ladder and Scan the Item (top secret folder) you find up here.

5. Population Control Documentation - Once you have made it through the gate
the turrets were guarding and have gone across the bridge. Jump up onto the
boxes to your left where the corpse is and go around to the back side of the
larger box on your right. Scan the Item (top secret folder) that you find on
the floor behind that larger box.


<Chapter 15: "Now Boarding">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Alien Language Leak Closure - Follow the tunnel you start this chapter in
and when you are let into the door at the end of it you will see in the next
room a very deep dark hole with creatures coming out of it. Go around the
hole to the other side of it and scan this item (top secret folder) that is
on a machine.

2. Alien Artifact Storage List - During this chapter you will come to a
bridge guarded by two big turrets. Find the control panel to activate the
bridge and then scan this item (CD's) on top of that control panel.

3. Water Fluoridation Plan - During this chapter you will come to a bridge
guarded by two big turrets. On the far left of this area on a table is a
laptop to scan.

4. Personal Diary Recording - During this chapter you will come to a bridge
guarded by two big turrets. After you get the bridge activated and crossed
the bridge. Go up to where one of the turrets are and climb up ladder onto
the balcony above the turrets. You will find this item (top secret folder) on
the left lighted rampart of this balcony.

5. Safety Report - After using the dynamite to expose a tunnel go to the end
of the tunnel and you will find this item (top secret folder) on the ledge
this tunnel ends on top of some machinery to the left.


<Chapter 16: "The Grays">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Suicide Note - Leave the transport you start this chapter on when it gets
to the destination and follow the path to the left until you are inside of a
room. Go to the control panel in front of you and use it to open the door to
the left. Go into that door and go to the far side of the room to find this
object on the floor to scan (just past that glowing light in the center of
the room between the item dispensers).

2. Cattle Mutilations - When you start this Chapter and step off of the
transport you will see a window in front of you with grays watching you from.
That room is the Control Room to move the transport to the end of this
chapter. Once you reach that room use the item dispenser control panel inside
and then go over to the item dispenser to scan the item that it reveals.

3. Theta Scan - Leave the transport you start this chapter on when it gets to
the destination and follow the path to the left until you are inside of a
room. Go into the door to your right and destroy the turrets that pop out of
the wall to open the door they are guarding. Once you have destroyed them go
into the door they were guarding and go into the door to your left. Go to the
end of this hallway and scan the big screen at the end of this hallway.

4. Alien Shield Memo - Once you have met up with a Gray that spawns creatures
you will need to destroy the Gray's shield and kill off all the minions he
spawned in the area before going back to where you entered this room. Go to
the left of where you entered this room (if you are facing it) and you will
find this item on the floor near the console that activates the Item

5. Human Autopsy - You will eventually come to a room with many Grays in it
and if they notice you or if you shoot some of them they will set off an
alarm. When the alarm is set off there is four turrets on the wall you will
need to destroy to turn off the rather annoying alarm. When you first enter
this room I just described go to the left and around the corner to the right.
Go into the doorway/hallway to your left and you will see this item to scan
on the floor in the room up ahead.

You should now have all Secret Files 3 Unlocked in the Secrets Section on
the Main Menu.


<Chapter 17: "Descent">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Alien Base - When you start this chapter get off the transport and go to
your right. Go around the corner to the left and you will see stairs on your
right. Go down the stairs and you will see this item to your left on the
floor at the bottom of the stairs.

2. Lower Level Map - When you start this chapter get off the transport and
follow the path into a door at the bottom of some stairs. You will find a
Item Dispenser control panel to your right in this room to use. Use it and
Scan the item it reveals to your left.

3. Hover and Propulsion Technology - Once you use the first elevator of this
chapter turn around and you will see this Item on the floor near the wall to
the right.

4. Canister Cargo Orders - Once you go down the second elevator of this
chapter use the bridge control panel to extend the bridge and when cross over
it until you see an enemy appear at the other end of the bridge. Shoot them
and quickly go back the way you came before the bridge collapses beneth your
feet. Use the bridge control again and cross the bridge. Use the bridge
control on the other side to drop the bridge and drop the enemies crossing
it. Go towards the third Elevator and you will see this item on the floor to
the right before you reach the third elevator.

5. MagLev Memo - After you have gone down the third Elevator and have
defeated the two shielded Grays go towards the door at the end of the walkway
and you will see this item on the floor to the right of the first door.


<Chapter 18: "The Ascension">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Crop Circle Origins - After you have destroyed the first power generator
go into the door the enemies come out of and leave this room through the door
on the far side of this room. Make your way to the ramp on the far side of
this room and go into the door at the bottom of the ramp. Go to the back of
this room and use the Item Dispenser that is to the right of the Shield
Containment control panel to reveal this item.

2. The Super Theta Project - After you have destroyed the first power
generator go into the door the enemies come out of and leave this room
through the door on the far side of this room. Make your way to the ramp on
the far side of this room and you will see this item on the floor to the
right of the ramp.
3. Scalar Transportation Notes - After Deactivating the Containment sheild go
into the room the shield was blocking (the room with the second power
generator in it) and you will find this item behind the pillar on the right
(an enemy is guarding it).

4. Meson Cannon Documentation - Once you have destroyed both power generators
go back to the room where the first power generator was at. You will see a
ramp in this room where an conveyor of creature tubes/capsules are being
moved along the upper part of the ramp that now has no shield/force field
protecting it. Go up the ramp and stay behind the capsule/tube following the
conveyor belt line (being sure that you don't get under one of those
capsules/tubes or you will be squished by it). You will see a walkway on your
left as you are following this tube/capsule. Go down that walkway and you
will see this item on the floor to the right.

5. Alien Power Generators - When you start this chapter walk straight into
the door and Scan the Item on the wall in front of you (in the purple lighted
room in front of you).


<Chapter 19: "The Last Exit">

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________
| ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ | | ___ |
| 1|__ \ | | 2|__ \ | | 3|__ \ | | 4|__ \ | | 5|__ \ |
| ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | | | ) | |
| / / | | / / | | / / | | / / | | / / |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |_| |
| (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) | | (_) |
|_________| |_________| |_________| |_________| |_________|

1. Core Specifications - As you enter the door to the room with the bridge
control panel look to your right to see this item on the floor.

2. Stolen Technology - When you start this chapter this item is to the left
on the floor as you exit out of the Transport.

3. Model of Satellite Ship - You will eventually get to another Transport

during this chapter. Use the Transport and when it stops for you to get off
you will see this item to the left on the floor.

4. Galaxy Portal - After you have destroyed the core and gone into the
transporter on the other side of the bridge quickly kill the guys in this
room. You should see on your left just across the small bridge this item on
the floor (near to where the gray is walking at the window/exit of this

5. Alien Turret Life-form - When you start this chapter go down the hallway
and down the hallway on your right. You will find two purple turrets in this
room and in the left corner you will find this item (near the left purple

Congratulations, You have collected all Scannable Items and should have all
secret files unlocked. Enjoy!


? IV. Frequently Asked Questions ?


Q. I have collected all files and have 80 or 85 out of 90 files in my

database! How come I didn't unlock all the secrets?

A. If you only have 80 or 85 out of 90 files this means you didn't get all
the files. You will need to find all 5 items/files in every single chapter
(except for "Deep Underground"). YOu should double check which chapters you
have items/files for and see which chapter you are missing.



Q. How do I look at the Secret files I have unlocked and the files/Items I

A. Push Start to pause your game and then go to Quit (be sure you reach a
checkpoint before doing this of course). When you are on the Main Menu go to
Campaign (if it's not on the campaign menu yet) and then Databank if you want
to look at those files/Items or go to Secrets to look at the secret files you



Q. How do I know what to Scan?

A. You will know what to scan when you see brackets around the object/item or
top secret folder. When you aim towards the object/item/folder the brackets
around it should turn green that is when you want to scan it (R1).

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Sorry if we missed listing you, but as long as you are not listed below and
you got our go ahead to post you are fine. If we find a site that wasn't
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Site(s) that can NOT use any version, update or parts of this guide
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If you see this guide by YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel or any of our other
guides on or on the site(s) listed above edited in any amount to
try to show they have permission, it's an admission of guilt of having an
illegal copy of this guide without our permission.

Thanks to OmegaChrono947 for pointing out the typo error.

Copyright 2005 YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel


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