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Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

1. Which of the following is matter?
Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds, thought, cold, cold drink, smell of perfume.
Ans. Chair, air, smell, almonds, cold drink and smell of perfume are matter.

2. Convert the following temperature to Celsius scale:

i) 300 K
ii) 573 K
Ans. i)K=273 + 00C
C = K-273=300-273=270C
ii) 0C=573-273=3000C
3. What is the physical state of water at:
a. 2500C
b. 1000C
Ans. 1000C is the boiling point of water hence at both the temperatures (a & b) water is in gaseous state
i.e. water vapour.

4. For any substance, why does the temperature remain constant during the change of state?
Ans. During the change of state the heat or energy provided to particles of matter is utilized to take the
particles of matter apart from each other as a result the temperature of substance or matter remains
constant during change of state.

5. Suggest a method to liquefy atmospheric gases.

Ans. If we decrease temperature and increasing pressure we can liquefy the atmospheric gases.

6. Arrange the following substances in increasing order of forces of attraction between the particles
— water, sugar, oxygen.
Ans. Oxygen< water< sugar.

7. What is the physical state of water at—

(a) 250C (b) 00C (c)100 0C?
Ans. At 25°C water is liquid, at 00C water is solid(ice), at 1000C water is gas(water vapour).

8. If the humidity in the air increase then the rate of evaporation:

(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remain same
(d) both (b) and (a) depending upon the temperature
Ans. (a) decrease

9. Which of the following statement is correct?

(a) boiling is a bulk phenomenon and evaporation is a surface phenomenon
(b) boiling is a surface phenomenon and evaporation is a bulk phenomenon
(c) boiling and evaporation both are surface phenomenon
(d) boiling and surface both are bulk phenomenon
Ans. (a) boiling is a bulk phenomenon and evaporation is a surface phenomenon

10. If the temperature of a place is increase then evaporation:

(a) decrease
(b) increase
(c) remain same
(d) none of the above
Ans. (b) increase

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

11. Which of the following have least inter atomic spacing?

(a) solid
(b) liquid
(c) gases
(d) plasma
Ans. (a) solid

12.If you decrease the surface area and increase the temperature, then the rate of evaporation
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain same
(d) may increase or decrease depending upon other factors
Ans. (c) remain same

13. 300k will have its corresponding temperature in degree centigrade as:
(d) 6730C
Ans. (c) 270C

14. Liquid to gas and gas to liquid changes are called:

(a) vaporization and condensation
(b) condensation and vaporization
(c) sublimation and condensation
(d) condensation and sublimation
Ans. (a) vaporization and condensation

15. Physical state of water at 250C, 00C and 1000C is respectively

(a) liquid, solid and gas
(b) solid, liquid and gas
(c) solid, gas and liquid
(d) gas, solid and liquid
Ans. (a) liquid, solid and gas

1. Give reasons for the following observation:
The smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several meters way, but to get the smell from cold food
you have to go close.
Ans. Since hot sizzling food has temperature higher than cold food and at higher temperature diffusion
rate (movement) of particles is very fast due to this the smell of hot sizzling reaches us from several
meters away.

2. The mass per unit volume of substance is called density.

(density = mass/volume).
Arrange the following in order of increasing density – air, exhaust from chimneys, honey, water,
chalk, cotton and iron.
Ans. Arranging substances in their increasing order of densities:
Air< exhaust from chimneys< cotton< water< honey< chalk< iron.

3. Liquids generally have lower density as compared to solids. But you must have observed that ice
floats on water. Find out why.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

Ans. Ice represents solid state of water. If we observe its 3D structure, a large empty space is found inside
ice as a result it becomes less in weight as compared to water. Due to its specific structure though solid,
ice floats on water.

4. Why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day?

Ans. On a hot dry day rate of evaporation is faster. In a desert cooler when exhaust fan is on, hot air
enters through the straw mates and at this site evaporation of water takes place and that also at faster rate.
It takes away heat from air so the air becomes cool even cooler on a hot dry day.

5. How does the water kept in an earthen pot (matka) become cool during summer?
Ans. During summers the water present on the surface of the earthen pot evaporates which causes the
cooling effect. Besides earthen pot bears pores on it hence evaporation occurs continuously so is cooling.

6. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some acetone or petrol or perfume on it?
Ans. Some liquids get quickly vapourised and they are called volatile liquids. Acetone, petrol and
perfume are also volatile liquids therefore they get heat from our palm and cause cooling.

7. Why are we able to sip hot tea or milk faster from a saucer rather than a cup?
Ans. Saucer has a bigger surface area as compared to cup. Since evaporation is a surface phenomenon, by
using a saucer instead of cup we are increasing the surface are for evaporation to occur. Faster
evaporation of particles of tea or milk allows cooling and taking a sip becomes easier.

8. What type of clothes should we wear in summer?

Ans. Cotton is a good absorbant of water hence it absorbs sweat quite well and pores in the fabric expose
that sweat to easy evaporation hence we should prefer wearing cotton clothes in summer.

9. Convert the following temperatures to the celsius scale.

(a) 293 K (b) 470 K.
Ans. a)  0oC = K-273=293-273=20oC
b)  0oC= K-273=470-273=197oC

10. Convert the following temperatures to the Kelvin scale.

(a) 25° C
(b) 373° C.
Ans. a)  K= 0oC + 273 = 25+273=298K
b) K= 0oC + 273 = 373+273=656K

11. Give reason for the following observations.

(a) Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving anysolid.
(b) We can get the smell of perfume sitting several metres away.
Ans. a) Some substances possess the property of sublimation like camphor and naphthalene balls. Such
substances directly change from solid to gaseous state without changing into liquid like
ice→water→water vapour does. Therefore, naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any
b) Being a volatile substance (gets evaporated easily) perfumes change from liquid to gaseous state very
fast. Those particles mix up with air particles and diffuse to reach our nostrils such that we get the smell
of perfume sitting several metres away.

12. Give two reasons to justify—

(a) water at room temperature is a liquid.
(b) an iron almirah is a solid at room temperature.
Ans. a) The room temperature is generally always more than 0oCand less than 100oC and within this
range water is a liquid so water at room temperature is a liquid.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

b) The melting point of iron is much higher than the room temperature therefore an iron almirah is a solid
at room temperature.

13. Why is ice at 273 K more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature?
Ans. While melting ice absorbs latent heat of melting from the surroundings and gets changed into water
that makes the cooling effect more intense as compared to water at same temperature.

14. What produces more severe burns, boiling water or steam?

Ans. As compared to boiling water it is observed that steam produces more severe burns since as the
steam changes into boiling water it releases heat of condensation which is equivalent to latent heat of
water result is more severe burning.

15. What is evaporation? What are the factors affecting it?

Ans. Evaporation is the process by which water (liquid) changes to vapours at any temperature below its
boiling point.
Factor on which evaporation depends:
(a) Surface area
(b) Humidity
(c) Wind speed
(d) Temperature

16. What happen when we apply pressure to the particles of matter?

Ans. When we apply pressure to the particles of the matter, then the particles come closer to each other
because pressure is the force applied per cross-sectional area so the force applied brings the particle closer
to each other.

17. Define latent heat of vaporization and latent heat of fusion.

Ans. Latent heat of vaporization is the heat energy required to change 1 kg of a liquid to gas at
atmospheric pressure without changing its state.
Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat energy required to change 1 kg of solid into liquid without
changing its state.

18. If the melting point of an object A is high then what state you expect it to be at room
Ans. Melting point is the temperature at which a solid melts/change into a liquid state. So, if the melting
point of an object A is higher means that it requires greater temperature to change into liquid the object
will remain the same at room temperature because room temperature is less and the object cannot change
its state.

19. What happens when the temperature of the solids increase?

Ans. When temperature of the solid is increased, kinetic energy of the particles increases as results
particles vibrates more freely with greater speed. They overcome the force of attraction between the
particles and start moving more freely.

20. When heat is being supplied to a solid, then what does the heat energy do to the particles of
Ans. The heat supplied to the solid, helps the particles to overcome the forces of attraction between them
and increases their kinetic energy, as a result of which particle break free the forces of attraction and
changes to liquid state.

21. Why is it that on increasing the wind speed the rate of evaporation increases?
Ans. When the speed of wind increases, then they blow away with them the water vapour in the air and as
results evaporation will increase because the surrounding air will be able to receive more vapours and
hence evaporation increases.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

22. Why do we say that evaporation is a surface phenomenon?

Ans. Evaporation is called a surface phenomenon because only particles of the surface of liquid gains
energy and changes into vapours.

1. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this
observation show?
Ans. If diver has ability to cut through water in a swimming pool then it shows that the particles of matter
have a kind of force working between them. Because of this force the particles of matter remain together
till some external force is applied.

2. What are the characteristics of the particles of matter?

Ans. The characteristics of particles of matter are as follows:
i) Particles of matter have gap between them.
ii) Particles of matter are in continuous motion.
iii) Particles of matter have an attraction force between them to keep them together.

3.(a)Tabulate the differences in the characteristics of states of matter.

(b) Comment upon the following: rigidity, compressibility, fluidity, filling a gas container, shape,
kinetic energy and density.
Ans. (a)

(b) Rigidity→ It is the property of matter to maintain its shape even if external forces work and the solids
show this property.
Compressibility → It is the property of matter to allow compression under high pressure and the gases
show this property.
Fluidity → It is the property of a substance to easily flow and allow change in its shape under external
forces and this property is exhibited by both liquids and gases.
Filling a gas container → Gases can be compressed easily hence they can be filled within a vessel at high
pressure. This property of gases allows their convenient filling into a small container or cylinder and that
also in a large volume. It also allows their easy transport from one place to the other eg CNG.
Shape→ According to the type of matter shape differs depending upon location of particles like Solids
have definite shape while Liquids acquire the shape of their container and gases as such don’t have any
Kinetic energy → It is the kind of energy present in an object when it is under motion as the particles of
that object/matter are continuously moving therefore matter has kinetic energy. However greater is the
movement more will be the kinetic energy and vice a versa i.e. solid < liquid < gas Density → Mass per
unit volume of a substance/matter is known as its density i.e. density = mass/volume.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

4. Give reasons
(a) A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is kept.
(b) A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container.
(c) A wooden table should be called a solid.
(d) We can easily move our hand in air but to do the same through a solid block of wood we need a
karate expert.
Ans. (a) Since the attraction force between particles of a gas is negligible i.e. extremely less hence
particles freely move/flow in all possible directions as a result gas fills completely the vessel in which it is
(b) Freely moving particles of gas hit the walls of its container continuously and randomly therefore such
random and erratic motion of gas particles exerts pressure on the walls of the container.
(c) A wooden table particles are quite rigid, have a fixed location and also possess a definite shape and
volume. Due to all these properties we should call a wooden table a solid substance.
(d) Air is a mixture of gases and since particles of gas are far apart so same is true for air therefore we can
easily move our hand in air. But a solid block of wood is hard and rigid that resists any change in location
of its particles hence we need a karate expert in case of a solid block of wood.

5. Name A,B,C,D,E and F in the following diagram showing change in its state.

Ans. A – Fusion (Heating – Melting)

B – Vapourisation
C – Cooling – Condensation (Liquefaction)
D – Cooling – Freezing (Solidification)
E – Sublimation
F – Solidification

6. Are the three state of matter inter-convertible? How can they interconnect?
Ans. Yes, three states of matter are inter-convertible.

(a) Solid can be changed into liquid by boiling and liquid can be changed to solid by cooling it i.e. by
(b) Liquid can be changed to gas by vaporization by heating it and gas can be changed to liquid by
condensation i.e. subjecting it to low temperature.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

(c) Solid can be changed to gaseous form/state by sublimation and liquid can be changed to solid by

7. How does evaporation cause cooling?

Ans. When a substance evaporates from a surface, it absorbs heat from the surface and change into
vapour state. So, the particle of liquid absorbs energy from the surface and the absorption of heat from
makes the surface cool.

8. Why should we wear cotton clothes in summer?

Ans. During summer, we perspire more and the particles at the surface of the liquid gain energy from the
surrounding or body surface and change into vapour. Now, cotton being an absorber of water helps in
absorbing the sweat and exposed it to atmosphere for easy evaporation and we feel cool.

9. Differentiate between physical and chemical change?


10. A solution of H2SO4 is labelled 40%. The density of the solution is 1.3gm/l. what is the
concentration of the solution in % (m/v)?
Ans. Concentration of the solution is 40%, this means that
100 g of the solution contains 40g of H2SO4
Density =
1.3 =
Volume of the solution = mL
mL of solution contains 40 g of H2SO4
100 x 40 x 1.3
100 mL of solution contains = = 52g of H2SO4
∴ The concentration is 52%

11. What is the state of inter particle distance inside a solid, liquid and gas?
Ans. In solids, the particles are very close to each other and are bonded by strong forces of attraction so
inter particle distance is least. In liquid, the particles are far away from each other and are bonded by
weak forces of attraction, so inter particle distance is large. In gases, particles are very far apart from each
other and are bonded by very weak forces of attraction so, inter particle distance is a largest.

12. Why it is that to smell cold food, we have to go close but smell of hot food reaches us several
meters away?

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

Ans. In hot food, the particles are at high temperature so quickly changes to vapour and hence the
vapours have greater kinetic energy so travel faster and travel to far off distances.
Whereas in cold food, because of temperature being low, particles do not change to vapour state and
hence cannot travel faster so the smell does not reaches to a person sitting far away.

13. Why is it that a wooden chair should be called a solid and not a liquid?
Ans. A wooden chair should be called a solid not a liquid because the particles of wooden chair are very
close to each other, it has negligible compressibility and it maintains its shape when subjective to outside

14. Give an experiment to show that ammonium chloride undergoes sublimation.

Ans. Experiment to show that ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) undergoes sublimation:
(a) Take an inverted funnel and inside it china dish with crystal of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl).
(b) Heat the crystals with the help of a burner.
(c) As soon as the crystal is heated, we observe the vapours of (NH4Cl) and the solidified Ammonium
chloride (NH4Cl) along the walls at the upper end of the beaker.
(d) This shows that solid ammonium chloride does not undergo liquid state but directly changes to vapour
state which them solidifies i.e. it undergoes sublimation (solid changes directly to gases without
undergoing liquid state).

15. What is distillation and fractional distillation? What is the basic property that separates the two
Ans. Distillation is used for the separation of components of a mixture containing two miscible liquid that
boil without decomposition and have sufficient difference in their boiling points. Fractional distillation is
used for the separation of components of a mixture containing more than two miscible liquids for which
the difference in their boiling points is less than 25k.
The property that separates the two processes is difference in the boiling points of the components of the
mixture i.e. if difference in boiling points is large then we use distillation but if difference in boiling
points is less, we use fractional distillation.


1. Which of the following is matter? Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds, thought, cold, cold drink,
smell of perfume.
Chair, air, almonds, cold drink, smell of perfume

2. Give reasons for the following observation:

The smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several metres away, but to get the smell from cold food
you have to go close.
Since hot sizzling food has temperature higher than the cold food and at higher temperature diffusion rate
(movement) of particles is very fast due to this the smell of hot sizzling food reaches us from several
metres away but to get the smell from cold food you have to go close.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

3. A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this
observation show?
This shows that in water which represents the liquid state of matter, there are sufficient inter particle
spaces. A diver is able to cut through water. He might not do the same had these spaces been very small
(e.g. in solid state).

4. What are the characteristics of the particles of matter.

The important characteristics of the particles of matter are as:
Every matter is made up of particles.
The particles constituting a matter are very small in size.
The particles have empty or vacant spaces in them known as interparticular spaces.
Particles are not stationary and are in a state of motion.
Attractive forces are present in the particles of a substance. These are called interparticular forces.
The motion of particles increases with the rise in temperature due to increased kinetic energy.

5. The mass per unit volume of a substance is called density. (density = mass/volume).

Arrange the following in order of increasing density - air, exhaust from chimneys, honey, water,
chalk, cotton and iron.
Arranging substances in their increasing order of densities: Air< exhaust from chimneys< cotton< water<
honey< chalk< iron.

6. Tabulate the differences in the characteristics of states of matter

Differences between solid, liquid and gaseous states are as follows 
Property Solid Liquid Gas
They have definite They do not have a They do not have a
shape. definite shape. definite shape.
They have fixed They do not have fixed They do not have fixed
volume. volume. volume.
They have high- Liquids have less Gases have the least
density. density than solids. density.
The kinetic energy of
Least More than solid. Maximum
Compressibility Negligible Low High

7. Comment upon the following:

Rigidity, compressibility, fluidity, filling a gas container, shape, kinetic energy, and density
 Rigidity: The property due to which an object retains its shape and size is known as rigidity.
Solids are rigid while liquids and gases are not.
 Compressibility: The property due to which a substance reduced to its lower volume when force is
applied is called compressibility. Gases are the most compressible while solids and liquids are not.
 Fluidity: The property due to which a substance tends to flow is known as fluidity. Gases and
liquids can flow, hence they are known as fluids.
 Filling gas container: Particles of a gas move freely in all the directions and occupy all the space
available to them. Hence, gas fills the container completely.
 Shape: Solids have fixed shapes and boundaries. Liquid and gases have no fixed shape and
definite boundaries.
 Kinetic energy: The energy of particles of matter due to their movement is called their kinetic
energy. Gases have maximum kinetic energy among the three states of matter. Kinetic energy
increases with the rise in temperature and vice-versa.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

 Density: The mass per unit volume of a substance is called its

Mass( M )
Density (D) = 
Volume(V )
Generally, a substance has a maximum density in its solid-state as compared to a liquid or gaseous
state. The units of density are kgm-3 or gcm-3.

8. A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is kept. Give reason.

A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is kept because of the fast diffusion of the particles in a gas.
The number of vacant spaces or voids in the gaseous state is very large. This means that the particles of a
gas move at a very fast speed. They readily fill completely the vessel in which the gas is kept. Thus the
volume of the gas is the same as that of the vessel.

9. A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container. Give reason.

The molecules in a gas have large kinetic energy. They collide with each other and also strike the walls of
the container with certain force and impart momentum to them. This force per unit area or momentum is
responsible for the pressure of the gas.

10. A wooden table should be called a solid. Give reason.

A wooden table should be called a solid because it matches the characteristics of the solid-state. Such as,
It is very hard and rigid.
Its shape cannot be changed by altering temperature or pressure.
It is quite heavy which means high density.
There is no movement of the constituent particles present.

11. We can easily move our hand in the air but to do the same through a solid block of wood we
need a karate expert. Given reason
We can easily move our hand in the air but to do the same through a solid block of wood we need a karate
expert. It is because the molecules of the air have less force of attraction between them and a very small
external force can separate them and pass through them.

12. Liquids generally have lower density as compared to solids. But you must have observed that ice
floats on water. Find out why.
This is due to a peculiar property of water.The density of water increases by decreasing temperature as all
liquids upto 4 degree celcius and attains the maximum density.On further cooling water molecules expand
and its density ( mass per unit volume) starts decreasing. Thus ice  has a lower density than water and it
floats on water.

13. Convert the given temperature to Celsius scale: 300 K

K= 273+ oC
Therefore, to convert 300k into oC = K- 273 = 300 - 273 = 27oC

14. Convert the temperature to Celsius scale: 573 K

Temperature in °C = 573 K – 273 K = 300°C

15. What is the physical state of water at:

 250oC
 100oC
250oC - The boiling point of water is 100oC. Above this temperature water is converted into steam.
Therefore, water will be in gaseous state.
100oC - Water boils at 100∘C. Water can exists in both liquid as well as gaseous state.

16. For any substance, why does the temperature remain constant during the change of state?
Once the change of state of a substance begins or starts, the energy which is now supplied is being used
up as latent heat. It means that it does not increase the kinetic energy of the particles and is used up only
Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358
Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

to bring about a change in state. Therefore the temperature becomes constant. Once the state is changed,
the kinetic energy starts increasing.

17. Suggest a method to liquefy atmospheric gases.

The atmospheric gases can be liquefied either by increasing pressure or by decreasing temperature.

18. Why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day?
The humidity level in the atmosphere is quite low and the evaporation rate of water expected to be high.
Evaporation is inversely proportional to humidity. Since cooling is caused during evaporation, a cooler is
quite effective on a hot and dry day.

19. How does the water kept in an earthen pot (matka) become cool during summer?
During summers the water present on the surface of the earthen pot evaporates which causes the cooling
effect. Besides earthen pot bears pores on it hence water continuously oozes out from it and thus
evaporation occurs continuously and so does the cooling.

20. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some acetone or petrol or perfume on it?
Some liquids get quickly vapourised and they are called volatile liquids. Acetone, petrol and perfume are
also volatile liquids therefore they get heat from our palm and cause cooling.

21. Why are we able to sip hot tea or milk faster from a saucer rather than a cup?
Saucer has a bigger surface area as compared to cup. Since evaporation is a surface phenomenon, by
using a saucer instead of cup we are increasing the surface area for evaporation to occur. Faster
evaporation of particles of tea or milk allows cooling and taking a sip becomes easier.

22. What type of clothes should we wear in summer?

Cotton is a good absorbent of water; hence it absorbs sweat quite well. The pores in the fabric expose that
sweat to easy evaporation; hence we should prefer wearing cotton clothes in summer.

1(1). Convert the given temperature to the celsius scale: 293 K
Ans. Temperature in °C = 293K - 273K =  20oC

1(2). Convert the given temperature to the celsius scale: 470 K

 Ans. Temperature in °C = 470K - 273K  = 197oC.

2(1). Convert the given temperature to the kelvin scale: 25oC

Ans. Kelvin temperature (K) = 273 + 25 = 298 K.

2(2). Convert the given temperatures to the Kelvin scale: 373oC

Ans. As we know that,
K = C + 273
Temperature on Kelvin scale = 373oC + 273 = 646 K

3(1). Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid. Give reason.
Ans. Naphthalene has a tendency to sublime i.e. it changes directly to the gaseous state. Therefore, the
size of the naphthalene balls slowly decreases and ultimately they disappear. No solid residue is left.

3(2). We can get the smell of perfume sitting several metres away. Give reason.
Ans. Perfume is actually a mixture of a number of pleasant-smelling vapours. Their particle diffuses quite
fast and can reach a person who may be even at several metres away from a person who has used

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

4. Arrange the following substances in increasing order of forces of attraction between the particles
— water, sugar, oxygen.
Ans. Oxygen< water< sugar.
5(1). What is the physical state of water at 25oC?
Ans. At 25oC - water is liquid, 

5(2). What is the physical state of water at - 0oC

Ans. The physical state of water at - 0oC  is solid (ice).

5(3). What is the physical state of water at 100oC.

Ans. The physical state of water at 100oC is gas (water vapour).

6(1). Give two reasons to justify Water at room temperature is a liquid   

Ans. Water is a liquid at room temperature (25oC) due to the following reasons:
(i) When placed in a beaker, its level cannot be changed on pressing.
(ii) It can take the shape of any container in which it is placed.

6(2). Give two reasons to justify an iron almirah is a solid at room temperature.

Ans. An iron almirah is a solid due to following reasons:
(i) It has definite volume and shape. This means that it is hard and rigid.
(ii) It has high melting point and it's density is very high.

7. Why is ice at 273 K more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature?
Ans. While melting ice absorbs latent heat of melting from the surroundings and gets changed into water
that makes the cooling effect more intense as compared to water at same temperature.

8. What produces more severe burns, boiling water or steam?

Ans. As compared to boiling water it is observed that steam produces more severe burns since as the
steam changes into boiling water it releases heat of condensation which is equivalent to latent heat of
water that's why the result is more severe burning.

9. Name A, B, C, D, E and F in the following diagram showing change in its state.

Ans. A – Fusion (Heating – Melting)

B – Vapourisation
C – Cooling – Condensation (Liquefaction)
D – Cooling – Freezing (Solidification)
E – Sublimation
F – Solidification Or Sublimation

1. Which one of the following sets of phenomena would increase on raising the temperature?
a) Evaporation, compression of gases, solubility
b) Evaporation, diffusion, expansion of gases
c) Evaporation, solubility, diffusion, compression of gases

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

d) Diffusion, evaporation, compression of gases

Ans.  b) Evaporation, diffusion, expansion of gases
As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of gases increases, and molecules will move faster than earlier.
Hence, the molecule will have high evaporation, diffusion, expansion of gases as all these properties are
directly proportional to temperature.
Solubility depends on the particular reaction, if the reaction is endothermic then solubility increases
otherwise it will decrease.
When a gas is compressed rapidly, its volume decreases leading to an increase in temperature. Also, the
pressure increase which also increases the randomness of the gas molecules which start to collide more
frequently, and thus the temperature rises.

2. Seema visited a Natural Gas Compressing Unit and found that the gas can be liquefied under
specific conditions of temperature and pressure. While sharing her experience with friends she got
confused. Help her to identify the correct set of conditions
a) Low temperature, low pressure
b) High temperature, low pressure
c) High temperature, high pressure
d) Low temperature, high pressure
Ans.  d) Low temperature, high pressure
Now, in this case, to liquefy a gas under specific conditions of term she has to lower the temperature and
thus increase the pressure.

3. The property to flow is unique to fluids. Which one of the following statements is correct?
a) Only liquids are fluids
b) Gases and solids behave like fluids
c) Only gases behave like fluids
d) Gases and liquids behave like fluids
Ans. d) Gases and liquids behave like fluids
The given option is correct because gases and liquid contain mobile molecules, therefore can flow.
Moreover, both gases and liquids do not have a fixed shape.that is why behave like fluids.

4. During summer, water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of the phenomenon of
a) Transpiration
b) Evaporation
c) Osmosis
d) Diffusion
Ans. b) Evaporation, During summer, water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of the
phenomenon of evaporation.
Earthen pot has a large number of tiny pores in its walls. So, some of the water molecules continuously keep
seeping through these pores outside the pot. This water evaporates continuously and takes the latent heat
required for vaporization from the remaining water. In this way, the remaining water loses heat and gets

5. A few substances are arranged in the increasing order of forces of attraction between their
particles. Which one of the following represents a correct arrangement?
a) Air, sugar, oil
b) Salt, juice, air
c) Oxygen, water, sugar
d) Water, air, wind
Ans. c) Oxygen, water, sugar
Intermolecular forces are forces of attraction or repulsion which act between neighboring particles (atoms,
molecules, or ions). These forces keep a molecule together.
In solid, a particle can vibrate but they cannot move. Sugar is solid.
In liquid, the force of attraction is weaker than solid. Water is a liquid.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

In gas, the particle moves fast in a random direction so there is no force of attraction. Oxygen is a gas.
Therefore, the increasing order of forces of attraction is
Oxygen < water < sugar

6.  On converting 25°C, 38°C and 66°C to Kelvin scale, the correct sequence of temperature will be
1)    298 K, 311 K and 339 K
2)    298 K, 310 K and 338 K
3)    298 K, 300 K and 338 K
4)    273 K, 278 K and 543 K
Ans. 1)   298 K, 311 K and 339 K
Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature. On converting 25°C, 38°C and 66°C, to Kelvin scale, we get the
following temperatures
⇒ 25°C + 273 = 298 K
⇒ 38°C + 273 = 311 K
⇒ 66°C + 273 = 339 K
Therefore, the correct sequence of temperatures will be 298 K, 311 K, and 339 K.

7.  Choose the correct statement of the following:

a) Conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called freezing.
b) Conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called
c) Conversion of solid into liquid is called sublimation.
d) Conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called
Ans. d)   Conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation.
Conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation.

8. The boiling points of diethyl ether, acetone, and n-butyl alcohol are 35°C, 56°C, and 118°C
respectively. Which one of the following correctly represents their boiling points in the Kelvin scale?
a) 308 K, 329 K, 391 K
b) 306 K, 329 K, 391 K
c) 329 K, 392 K, 308 K
d) 308 K, 329 K, 392 K
Ans.  b) 308 K, 329 K, 391 K
Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature. The correct order of boiling points of diethyl ether, acetone and n-butyl
alcohol in kelvin scale is 308 K, 329 K, and 391 K, which can be explained as (T°C + 273 = 7K).
Boiling point of diethyl ether = 35°C + 273 = 308 K
Boiling point of acetone = 56°C + 273 = 329 K
Boiling point of n-butyl alcohol = 118°C + 273 = 391 K

9.  Which condition out of the following will increase the evaporation of water?
a) Decrease in temperature of water
b) Adding common salt to water
c) Less exposed surface area of water
d) Increase in temperature of water
Ans. d) Increase in temperature of water
In evaporation when the temperature is increased, the molecules gain kinetic energy, and molecules start to
move faster and in order to become a gas, it must overcome intermolecular forces between different
molecules. Increasing the speed, molecules break free from bonds and evaporates.

10. In which of the following conditions, the distance between the molecules of hydrogen gas would
 Increasing pressure on hydrogen contained in a closed container
 Some hydrogen gas leaking out of the container

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

 Increasing the volume of the container of hydrogen gas

 Adding more hydrogen gas to the container without increasing the volume of the container
a) (ii) and (iii)
b) (i) and (iii)
c) (i) and (iv)
d) (ii) and (iv)
Ans. a)   (ii) and (iii)
When hydrogen gas leaks out of the container, the molecules of the gas remaining in the container have
more free space. Hence, the distance between the gas molecules increases. By increasing the volume of the
container also increases the distance between the molecules.

11. A sample of water under study was found to boil at 102° C at normal pressure. Is water pure? Will
this water freeze at 0° C? Comment.
Ans. The boiling point of pure water is 100 °C at 1 atm. The freezing point of pure water is 0 °C. The sample
of water under study boils at 102 °C at normal pressure. Hence, the sample is not pure water. The sample of
water is not pure, it will not freeze at 0 °C. It will freeze at a temperature below 0 °C.

12. A student heats a beaker containing ice and water. He measures the temperature of the content of
the beaker as a function of time. Which of the following Fig. would correctly represent the result?
Justify your choice.

Ans. Graph (d) represents the result correctly. Before the student starts to heat the mixture, the temperature
of the mixture would be zero since ice and water are in equilibrium. When the student heats the mixture, heat
supplied (equivalent of latent heat of fusion) is initially utilized by ice in melting. Hence, the temperature
does not change till all the ice in the beaker melts. This explains the first part of the graph (constant
temperature). When the student heats the mixture further, he will observe an increase in the temperature of
the water inside the beaker. This explains the second part / slope of the graph (increasing temperature).

13(1). Evaporation of a liquid at room temperature leads to a ________ effect.

Ans. Cooling

13(2). At room temperature, the forces of attraction between the particles of solid substances are
________ than those which exist in the gaseous state.
Ans. Stronger

13(3). The arrangement of particles is less ordered in the ________ state. However, there is no order in
the ________ state.
Ans.  Liquid, Gaseous

13(4). ________ is the change of solid state directly to a gaseous state without going through the
________ state.
Ans. Sublimation, Liquid

13(5). The phenomenon of change of a liquid into the gaseous state at any temperature below its
boiling point is called ________.
Ans. Evaporation

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

14. Match the physical quantities given in column A to their SI units given in column B:
(a) Pressure (i) cubic metre
(b) Temperature (ii) kilogram
(c) Density (iii) pascal
(d) Mass (iv) Kelvin
(e) Volume (v) kilogram per cubic metre
Ans. The correct order of match is given as (a) - (iii), (b) - (iv), (c) - (v), (d) - (ii), (e) - (i).

15. The non-SI and SI units of some physical quantities are given in column A and column
B respectively. Match the units belonging to the same physical quantity:
(a) Degree celsius (i) Kilogram
(b) Centimeter (ii) Pascal
(c) Gram per centimeter cube (iii) Metre
(d) Bar (iv) Kelvin
(e) Milligram (v) Kilogram per metre cube
Ans. The correct order of match is given as (a) - (iv), (b) - (iii), (c) - (v), (d) - (ii), (e) - (i).

16. Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion. Explain.

Ans. Osmosis is a special kind of diffusion. In both the phenomena, there is a movement of particles from
the region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. However, in case of osmosis, the
movement is of "solvent particles" from a less concentrated "solution" and the movement is through a semi-
permeable membrane.

17. Classify the following into osmosis/diffusion:-

a) Swelling up of a raisin on keeping in water.
b) Spreading of the virus on sneezing.
c) Earthworm dying on coming in contact with common salt.
d) Shrinking of grapes kept in thick sugar syrup.
e) Preserving pickles in salt.
f) Spreading of the smell of cake being baked throughout the house.
g) Aquatic animals using oxygen dissolved in water during respiration.
a) Osmosis
b) Diffusion
c) Osmosis
d) Osmosis
e) Osmosis
f) Diffusion
g) Diffusion

18. Water as ice has a cooling effect, whereas water as steam may cause severe burns. Explain these
Ans. In the case of ice, the water molecules have low energy while in the case of steam the water molecules
have high energy. When water as ice melts, it absorbs a certain amount of heat from the surface (skin) in
contact and thus produces a cooling effect on the surface. Whereas when water as steam touches the skin, it
condenses on the skin, and releases the heat (The heat which the boiling water absorbs to get converted into
steam is known as latent heat of vaporization). Therefore, it may cause severe burns.

19. Alka was making tea in a kettle. Suddenly she felt intense heat from the puff of steam gushing out
of the spout of the kettle. She wondered whether the temperature of the steam was higher than that of
the water boiling in the kettle. Comment.
Ans. The temperature of both boiling water and steam is 100°C, but steam has more energy because of latent
heat of vaporisation. Latent heat of vapourisation makes it much more hotter than hot boiling water.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

20. A glass tumbler containing hot water is kept in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator. If you
could measure the temperature of the content of the tumbler, which of the following graph would
correctly represent the change in its temperature as a function of time?

a) IV
b) III
c) I
d) II
Ans. C)   I, The water will cool initially till it reaches 0°C, the freezing point. At this stage, the temperature
will remain constant until all the water will freeze. After this, the temperature would fall again.

21. Suggest which of the vessels A, B, C or D in Fig. will have the highest rate of evaporation? Explain.

Ans. Vessel (c) will have the highest rate of evaporation. Evaporation is a surface phenomenon; the rate of
evaporation increases with an increase in surface area. The moving fan will reduce humidity and increase the
rate of evaporation.The particles of water vapours will move away with wind (moving air) with an increase
in air speed. Surface area in vessel (b) is lesser than that in vessel (a) and vessel (c) whereas vessel (d) is
completely closed and offers no surface area for evaporation.

22. Conversion of solid to vapours is called sublimation. Name the term used to denote the conversion
of vapours to solid. Conversion of solid-state to liquid state is called fusion; what is meant by the latent
heat of fusion?
Ans. Sublimation. Sublimation is the transition of solid/gas phase directly from the solid/gas phase to the
gaseous/solid phase without passing through the intermediate liquid phase.
The amount of heat required to convert 1 kg of any solid into liquid at its melting point at one atmosphere
pressure is known as the latent heat of fusion of that solid.

23. You are provided with a mixture of naphthalene and ammonium chloride by your teacher. Suggest
an activity to separate them with well labelled diagram.
Ans. Naphthalene is insoluble in water. It is volatile at room temperature. Ammonium chloride is highly
soluble in water and volatile at a higher temperature.  The property of solubility in water can be utilized in
separating the mixture of naphthalene and ammonium chloride.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

Add water to the mixture of naphthalene and ammonium chloride. The crystalline white salt, ammonium
chloride, is highly soluble in water gets dissolved in it whereas naphthalene being insoluble in water remains
undissolved.  Therefore, naphthalene can be separated from the solution by using the simple process of
filtration.  Filtration is a process by which insoluble solids can be removed from a liquid by using a filter

In the end, ammonium chloride can be recovered from the solution using the process of evaporation.

24. It is a hot summer day, Priyanshi and Ali are wearing cotton and nylon clothes respectively. Who
do you think would be more comfortable and why?
Ans. Cotton is a soft fibre whereas nylon is a synthetic polymer. Cotton absorbs water (moisture) better as
compared to nylon. Therefore, cotton helps in a faster absorption of sweat followed by evaporation.
Evaporation of sweat from a cotton shirt, particularly during a windy weather, leads to a cooling effect. So,
Priyanshi would be more comfortable in a cotton shirt, whereas Ali (wearing a nylon shirt) would not be that

25. You want to wear your favourite’s shirt to a party, but the problem is that it is still wet after a
wash. What steps would you take to dry it faster?
Ans. Conditions that can increase the rate of evaporation of water are:
An increase in the surface area by spreading the shirt.
An increase in the temperature by putting the shirt under the sun.
Increase in the wind speed by spreading it under the fan.

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center, Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799002, PH: 8794052358

26. Comment on the following statements:

 Evaporation produces cooling.
 Rate of evaporation of an aqueous solution decreases with an increase in humidity.
 Sponge though compressible is solid.
Ans. Evaporation produces cooling as the particles at the surface of the liquid gain energy from the
surroundings and changes into vapour thereby producing a cooling effect.
The air around us cannot hold more than a definite amount of water vapour at a given temperature which is
known as humidity. So, if the air is already rich in water vapour, it will not take up more water therefore, the
rate of evaporation of water will decrease.
 A sponge has minute holes in which air is trapped. Also, the material is not rigid. When we press it, the air
is expelled out and we are able to compress it.

27. Why does the temperature of a substance remain constant during its melting point or boiling
Ans. The temperature of a substance remains constant at its melting and boiling points until all the substance
melts or boils because, the heat supplied is continuously used up in changing the state of the substance by
overcoming the forces of attraction between the particles. This heat energy absorbed without showing any
rise in temperature is given the name latent heat of fusion/latent heat of vaporisation.

PH: 8794052358
Elixir Chemistry Tuition Center , Ramnagar-3, Agartala, Tripura-799145 PH: 8794052358

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