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1: #include<stdio.

2: #include<math.h>
3: #include<conio.h>
6: float determinant(float a[25][25],float k);
7: void cofactor(float num[25][25],float f);
8: void transpose(float num[25][25],float fac[25][25],float r);
9: int main()
10: {
11: float a[25][25],k,d;
12: int i,j;
13: printf("----------------Novriyan Masombe/17202109007----------\n");
14: printf("----------------Metode Numerik Matriks Inverse------------------------\n");
15: printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
16: printf("masukkan ordo matriks : ");
17: scanf("%f",&k);
18: printf("masukkan elemen dari matriks %.0fX%.0f \n",k,k);
19: for (i=0;i<k;i++)
20: {
21: for (j=0;j<k;j++)
22: {
23: printf("A(%d,%d)",i+1,j+1);
24: scanf("%f",&a[i][j]);
25: }
26: }
27: d=determinant(a,k);
28: printf("Determinan = %.2f",d);
29: if (d==0)
30: printf("\nInverse matriks tidak temukan\n");
31: else
32: cofactor(a,k);
33: printf("\n\n**** Terima Kasih ****");
34: getch();
35: }
37: /*For calculating Determinant of the Matrix */
38: float determinant(float a[25][25],float k)
39: {
40: float s=1,det=0,b[25][25];
41: int i,j,m,n,c;
42: if (k==1)
43: {
44: return (a[0][0]);
45: }
46: else
47: {
48: det=0;
49: for (c=0;c<k;c++)
50: {
51: m=0;
52: n=0;
53: for (i=0;i<k;i++)
54: {
55: for (j=0;j<k;j++)
56: {
57: b[i][j]=0;
58: if (i != 0 && j != c)
59: {
60: b[m][n]=a[i][j];
61: if (n<(k-2))
62: n++;
63: else
64: {
65: n=0;
66: m++;
67: }
68: }
69: }
70: }
71: det=det + s * (a[0][c] * determinant(b,k-1));
72: s=-1 * s;
73: }
74: }
76: return (det);
77: }
79: void cofactor(float num[25][25],float f)
80: {
81: float b[25][25],fac[25][25];
82: int p,q,m,n,i,j;
83: for (q=0;q<f;q++)
84: {
85: for (p=0;p<f;p++)
86: {
87: m=0;
88: n=0;
89: for (i=0;i<f;i++)
90: {
91: for (j=0;j<f;j++)
92: {
93: if (i != q && j != p)
94: {
95: b[m][n]=num[i][j];
96: if (n<(f-2))
97: n++;
98: else
99: {
100: n=0;
101: m++;
102: }
103: }
104: }
105: }
106: fac[q][p]=pow(-1,q + p) * determinant(b,f-1);
107: }
108: }
109: transpose(num,fac,f);
110: }
111: /*Finding transpose of matrix*/
112: void transpose(float num[25][25],float fac[25][25],float r)
113: {
114: int i,j;
115: float b[25][25],inverse[25][25],d;
117: for (i=0;i<r;i++)
118: {
119: for (j=0;j<r;j++)
120: {
121: b[i][j]=fac[j][i];
122: }
123: }
124: d=determinant(num,r);
125: printf("Determinan = %.2f",d);
126: {
127: for (j=0;j<r;j++)
128: {
129: inverse[i][j]=b[i][j] / d;
130: }
131: }
132: printf("\n\n\nThe inverse of matrix is : \n");
134: for (i=0;i<r;i++)
135: {
136: for (j=0;j<r;j++)
137: {
138: printf("\t%.1f",inverse[i][j]);
139: }
140: printf("\n");
141: }
142: }

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