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Chapter 4

1. 1. CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data The

sequence of the content is the same with that of the STATEMENT OF
THEPROBLEM. Normally, it features the following contents in chronological
order: 1. Statistical Tables and Graphs 2. Textual Presentation 3.
Inferences or InterpretationPresentation of Data Presentation is a way of
arranging data into logical, chronological and significantcategories and
classifications. There are three ways of presenting data: textual, tabular
andgraphical. A. Tabular Presentation Tables organize and compress data
into standardized forms. They facilitate the study and interpretation. Most
researchers use tables in their textual presentation of data. This is
because (1) researchers need to give little explanation only since data in
tables are arranged and grouped systematically; (2) readers can
comprehend and interpret information easily because they can see
relationships of data at once, and (3) tables can present ideas that are
understood even without reading the textual presentation.Constructing a
Table Tables include a title, a number, heading, a body and if necessary,
notes.Title The title should identify the table briefly. It need not give
background information ordescribe the results. The modern way of writing
titles omits the words Frequency and PercentageDistribution of /
Distribution of / According to.Example: Table 1 Effects of Mass Media
2. 2. Table title must be written two spaces below the table number. Table
title, which isnormally written in inverted pyramid format, has content
(principal) words in upper case initialsand non-content words (articles,
coordinate conjunctions, prepositions and infinitive to) in lowercase letters
except those with more than 5 letters. One should single-space captions
with two ormore lines. Table titles should not be in question form. Aside
from the inverted pyramid format,table titles may also be written in
paragraph form or block style. In the paragraph form, the firstword of the
table title is indented five spaces and the succeeding lines are flushed
with the leftmargin, while in the block style, the title is flushed with the
left margin of the table. You should be consistent in your choice of table
format through out the paper.Number Each table in the research paper
must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables mustbe numbered and
continuously through all the chapters. Tables in the appendix must
benumbered separately from the text. If the paper contains only one table,
the number isunnecessary. Only the initial letter of the word “Table” is
capitalized.Heading Table heading is generally expressed in phrase or
clause form. The heading contains thestub and the box head. The stub
contains the stub head and the row labels. The stub head tellswhat the
stub contains while the row labels describe the data written in that row.
The box headcontains the master caption, column caption and column sub
caption. Master caption describesthe column captions; column captions
describe sub column captions. In the table on the nextpage, Degrees is the
stub head; AB, BSCE, BSE and MA are the row labels;
Specializations(Majors) is the master caption; English, History,
Mathematics, Science and Totals are thecolumn captions; and F and % are
the sub captions. Table 1 Degrees and Specializations of the Teachers
Specializations (Majors) Totals Degrees Earned English History
Mathematics Science F % F % F % F % F % AB 1 1.69 2 3.39 6 10.17 12
20.34 21 35.59 BSCE 4 6.78 4 6.78 BSE 2 3.39 2 3.39 14 23.73 13 22.03 31
52.54 MA 1 1.69 2 3.39 3 5.08 Totals 3 5.08 4 6.78 25 42.37 27 45.76 59
99.99 (Calderon & Gonzales, 1993)
3. 3. Table Data Spacing The following are the guidelines in constructing
tables for a research paper: 1. A double line written 2 spaces below the
title separates the title from the table. 2. Horizontal lines separate the
stub head and the column caption. 3. Lines do not separate rows and
columns. Rows are double-spaced. 4. Side ends of tables are unruled. 5. A
line from the last row of information separates bottom total. 6. Table is
separated from the textual presentation by two spaces. If the table
succeeds the textual presentation, there should be 3 spaces in between
the last line of the text and the table number. Tables (If placed after text,
observe 4 spaces from text to table number.) Table 2 (Arabic number,
numbered consecutively throughout the paper) (Double space) Job Market
Requirements for BS Industrial Education (Upper-lowercase) (Double
space) Competencies Mean Rank Verbal(Capitalize only the first word of
column headings unless proper (Leave a space before interpretationnoun/
adjective; observe parallelism in constructing the headings.) and after
headings)1. Positive attitude, perseverance, self-discipline 4.52 1 Very
highlyand personal hygiene ( No period for words or phrases) important2.
Personal discipline skills 4.48 2.5 Highly important3. Ability to understand
and convey visual 4.48 2.5 Highlycommunication important1. Ability to
recognize, formulate and solve 4.36 4 Highlyproblems important2. Ability
to engage in lifelong learning and 4.32 5 Highlyacceptance of the need to
keep current of the importantdevelopment in the field of specialization
(Align all items listed in a table within and between entries.) (Capitalize
only the first word of items in rows if expressed in phrases or sentences;
use upper-lowercase for proper nouns or adjectives.) (If text follows table,
observe 4 spaces before typing the first line of the text. Never break your
tables; fit them in a page. You may adjust the font size to fit in.) B.
Graphical Presentation of Data A graph is a chart representing the
quantitative variations of a variable itself or in comparisonwith those of
another variable. Graphing presents variations, changes and relationships
of data ina very attractive, appealing, effective and convincing way. The
common types of graphs used in research are bar graph, line graph, circle
graph,pictogram and map graph. You should only choose the graphs which
represent best your data toavoid redundancy.
4. 4. Bar - vertical, horizontal, Multiple componentline graphCircle – pie chart
SalesPictogram – picture graph
5. 5. Map graph or cartogram C. Textual Presentation of Data Presenting the
data textually involves using statements with number to describe a given
data. It aims to highlight some important data and supplement the tabular
or graphical presentation. Interpretation of Data Interpretation or
inference follows the textual presentation of each table in the research. It
must have at least three of the following elements presented by Calderon
and Gonzales (1993).
6. 6. 1. Condition. This refers to the findings discovered in the research.2.
Possible cause of the condition. This refers to the reason for the existence
of the condition discovered.3. Possible effect of the condition. This refers
to the result of the existence of the condition discovered.4. The measures
to remedy the unsatisfactory condition or to strengthen the favorable one.
These are actions or suggestions to be undertaken in response to the
existing condition.5. Comparison of findings with those of previous
studies. This is the similar finding confirming the result of previous
researches, or theory of an expert in the field.
7. 7. Sample Chapter 4 CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
of Data This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation
of data that havebeen gathered from the questionnaires distributed to the
respondents. This chapter alsocontains the presentation of data in tabular
form along with their correspondinginterpretations. 1. Characteristics of
the Respondents ( Align first sub-level headings with the left margin,
upper-lowercase;underline.) 1.1 Gender. Majority of the respondents were
female with a frequency of 115 or57.2 percent of the population while the
male had a frequency of 86 or 42.8 percent. (Second sub-level headings
should be indented 5 spaces; should start a paragraph; capitalize only the
first word; should befollowed by a period; underline) (Align succeeding
lines at the left margin) 1.2 Age. The age bracket of 18-27 garnered the
highest percentage of 70 or 34.8percent, followed by 17 and below age
group with 33 or 16.4 percent. 2. Respondents’ Perceptions as Regards
their Home (When the sub-level heading is too long to put in one line, place
continuation on the second line; observe double space; use hanging
indention; underline) Environment by Gender 2.1 Female.
____________________________________________________________________. 2.2 Male.
_______________________________________________________.Note: If possible, avoid
third sub-level headings.
8. 8. Table 6 Reactions of the Children of Alcoholics to Paternal Alcoholism
Reactions f % Anger 16 32 Avoidance 8 16 Silence 21 42 Nurture 5 10 Total
50 100 Out of the 50 children of alcoholics (COAs), 16 or 32 % would tend
to react topaternal alcoholism with anger while eight (8) or 16% with
avoidance. Twenty-one (21)or 42% of the respondents, however, would
react with silence and 5 or 10% withnurture. Majority of the children of
alcoholics in the study had silence and anger ascommon reactions to
paternal alcoholism. Many seemed to stay sober vis-à-vis thedrinking vice
and behavior of their fathers. This sobriety appears to be a denial of the
causeunwanted domestic experience of having an alcoholic father. Black
(1992) believes that, in alcoholic families, substance abuse and fighting
areoften denied and children are taught to follow three rules: “Don’t talk,” “
Don’t trust,”and Don’t feel…” These rules essentially keep the COAs silent
about, and worse, deny causealcoholism as a family problem.
9. 9. On the other hand, anger seems to be a regretful reaction which is
almost alwaystrue for many children with alcoholic parents. The emotion is
essentially stirred by thereality that having a family member addicted to
alcohol is culturally shameful. Parentalalcoholism then breeds personal
and social insecurity among the children.However, as suggested by
Brennan, familial or unfamilial relationship facilitates thebreaking of the
rules of silence and anger among COAs, a condition that makes
thechildren better adjusted in any social situation.Guidelines in Preparing
Chapter 4 1. Leave 1 inch from the top. 2. Type CHAPTER 4 in upper case
letters. 3. Leave 2 spaces up to the bottom of the page. 4. Type
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data. 5. Indent 5 spaces.
Write a paragraph describing the nature of the research. 6. Present the
first table followed by its textual presentation and interpretation. 7. Do
step number 6 until all tables are presented, analyzed and interpreted.

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