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4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says

was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Why Jihad Watch? About Robert Spencer FAQ Islam 101 Books Pamphlets Testimonials Blogging the Qur’an


Germany: Romanian TV
reports that Münster attacker
was German citizen of
Kurdish origin, other press
says otherwise

UPDATE: The Telegraph reports that the driver had genuine psychological problems, and was neither
a Muslim nor a jihadi. The origin of the Romanian TV report, which remains on the Romanian site, is

——– 1/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

In this post yesterday, I explained some of the problems with the German police’s explanation of this
event: the man had “psychological problems” but apparently also explosives and accomplices, which
mentally ill people who just snap one day don’t usually have. And note how the police misleadingly said
that the attacker was a German, when now it turns out he was a Muslim migrant. The only element that
prevents this incident from being classified as a clear case of vehicular jihad is that he killed himself
after the attack, which jihadis do not ordinarily do. On that, the German police may be lying, or this
jihadi panicked after the attack and decided he would rather die than go to a German prison, or there
may be still another explanation. In any case, this reading of the tea leaves and guesswork is
unfortunately made necessary by the manifest dishonesty of authorities in Germany and all over the
West regarding jihad attacks.

“Terror in Münster: Romanian television reports that the terrorist was a German citizen of Kurdish
origin,” Searchlight Germany, April 8, 2018: 2/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

UPDATE: Atacatorul s-ar fi împușcat singur, anunţă presa germană. Suspectul este un
cetăţean german de origină kurdă, al cărui paşaport ar fi fost găsit la locul tragediei.


UPDATE: The assailant has shot himself, the German press reported. The suspect is a
German citizen of Kurdish origin whose passport was found at the scene.

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Filed Under: Featured, Germany, immigration, Vehicular jihad Tagged With: Munster

4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Jayell says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:14 pm



Andy says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:56 pm

Islamic Terrorist Uses Truck To Run Over People In Germany 4/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

BREAKING : Another Truck Used To Run Over People In Germany


Andy says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:04 pm

Germany should have a leader like this lady!! 5/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

BREAKING : This Lady Should Be Prime Minister Of The UK - P…


Andy says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:26 pm

UN Propaganda Encourages Mass Migration to Europe 6/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

UN Propaganda Encourages Mass Migration to Europe

Molly Brown says

Apr 9, 2018 at 7:21 pm

Thanks for sharing Andy! English grandmother is a true patriot, Rose of

England! She’s lived long enough to know the difference between a civilized
society and savage replacement! Millennials have been brainwashed that
multiculturalism is good for society. Leaders and teachers in positions of
power do nothing to counter this narrative. Zero tolerance for non-integration 7/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

must be enforced by government officials. Otherwise laws carry no meaning

or purpose. Two sets of laws are at play in England in 2018. Would love to
see non-Muslims attempt a prayer session in the Royal Park and near
Speaker’s Corner. Videotape the outcome and double standards.

Johan Elzinga says

Apr 8, 2018 at 3:26 pm

Great video. Could not make out what links he mentioned at the end. Somebody
know those links?


Joaquin V says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:21 pm

How reliable is this information? 8/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

The German does not say anything about the background of the assaillant but that he is


Johan Elzinga says

Apr 8, 2018 at 3:41 pm

I found on FOCUS online, a German newspaper, that there is evidence found in emails
from this perpertrator:

Bei der Suche nach seinem Motiv stützen sich die Ermittler vor allem auf seine
fünfseitige Abschiedsmail, in der er sich Ende März in kruden Anschuldigungen von
seiner Familie und seinen Bekannten verabschiedete.

Translation: the perpetrator had send an email where he says goodbye to his family

The perpetrator got rich on some patents, owns three houses

Ende März bat Jens R. beim sozialpsychiatrischen Dienst der Stadt Münster um Hilfe.
Es ist die Zeit, in der er auch besagte Abschiedsmail versendete. Darin beschwerte er
sich auch, dass man ihn als Rechtsradikalen beschimpfe. In jener Phase trug er sich
zunehmend mit Selbstmordabsichten.

End of March, he asked for help at the social psychiatric service in Münster. He
objected to be seen as a right wing radical (…) 9/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

So, yes, perhaps he is muslim or he is not. But I have good reasons that this news
about this man can be trusted. Focus is not at all on the hand of immigrants.


Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:24 pm

Any German source reporting the same thing?


Jürg Rückert says

Apr 8, 2018 at 2:38 pm



Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:54 pm

Well that’s just proof that the German media is lying. 10/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Signed: Jihadwatch collective


Yohanan says
Apr 8, 2018 at 4:31 pm

The media is lying because such information is suppressed by higher

authorities. Why is this information suppressed even censored? Will the truth
about jihadi Islamic supremacism increase or decrease violence? Free
speech is less dangerous than its suppression.

The police are lying to be true to their order. They did say the perpetrator was
Jens R. from Olsberg and it’s against law to divulge last name surname; no
connection to Islamism, etc.

Thanks to Jihad Watch and sources. Without the internet his Islamic
connection would be hidden.

Johan Elzinga says

Apr 8, 2018 at 3:28 pm 11/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

No Dutch news media either, unsurprisingly. I checked them all. Even, what is
basically a very jihadwatch friendly site.


Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:26 pm

According to German sources he was born in Sauerland:

Is there anyone else apart from some Romanian source reporting that he was a Muslim


gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:26 pm

Actually, the article is rather ambiguous on this point. This, from Google Translate:

“According to WELT information, the alleged perpetrator is a man named Jens R., born
on May 1, 1969. He comes from the Sauerland and lives for some time in the peace 12/72
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city of Münster…”

The wording is “er stammt aus”, which means “he comes from”, not “he was born in”.
This may just mean that he lived in the Sauerland region for some time when first in
Germany. Unclear.


Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:48 pm

Firstly, thanks for a non-aggressive post GI, I see that I have softened you up with
my Taqqiya, Kitman, Kumra, and Wudu wal wudu.

Second, I am not a native speaker but I think that verb refers to where he was born
(his roots).

Can we get a native German speaker to chime in here? Preferably one who
despises Islam so that other jihadwatchers don’t start getting suspicious.


Kay says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:51 pm

You are ridiculous Lebel. 13/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

JawsV says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:41 pm

Islam deserves to be despised. Islam is a hate-filled anti-Jew/Christian mass-

murder religion. In addition, Islam’s a giant fraud. Allah is Muhammed.
Fraudulent Islam.

mortimer says
Apr 8, 2018 at 11:29 pm

Lebel, why would anyone believe a word of what you say since you admit your use

It would be absurd to believe anything that a proven liar says without verifying it

We are not blameworthy, because MOHAMMED INVENTED TAQIYYA TO DECEIVE

THE DIRTY KUFAAR. You are doing that, are you not?

Reply 14/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Lebel says
Apr 9, 2018 at 1:33 am

We have a funny Muslim version of the Liar’s paradox here.


billrla says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:33 pm

Just don’t sit in any outdoor cafes in Germany and your’re good to go. Oh, and don’t sit
inside any German cafes, either. Of course, there’s also the option of not going to Germany.
Avoiding Western Europe might be a good idea. Also, airports, train stations and subway
stations. And sidewalks. Don’t forget those.

Might as well stay home in Syria, or Iraq, or Pakistan, or Afghanistan. Or New York. Or
Orlando. Or San Benardino.

Better yet, don’t go outside. And stay away from windows. Keep the shades down.

Reply 15/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Jac says
Apr 9, 2018 at 6:55 am

My destination of choice is now Japan. Unlike the UK and Europe, Japanese

authorities control their borders and know exactly who is in their country. You can keep
Europe and North America…been there, done that.


Lebel says
Apr 9, 2018 at 10:55 am

It’s not a full proof plan:

“The Akihabara massacre was an incident of mass murder that took place on
Sunday, 8 June 2008, in the Akihabara shopping quarter for electronics, video
games, manga and anime in Sotokanda, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan.

At 12:33 p.m., a man drove into a crowd with a truck, killing three people and
injuring two; he then stabbed at least 12 people using a dagger (initially reported
as a survival knife, killing four people and injuring eight.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested 25-year-old Tomohiro Katō on

suspicion of attempted murder.The suspect, dressed then in a black T-shirt with a
jacket and off-white trousers was a resident of Susono, Shizuoka.” 16/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Of course the reality is that Europe is an extremely safe place. Much safer than the
US for example.


TWG says
Apr 9, 2018 at 10:55 am

……and if you’re female, don’t go outside without a face veil and male escort.


TL says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:36 pm

Reuters reported hours ago that “Jens R.” acted alone and had FOUR apartments.

Muenster attacker was lone German with mental health problems – minister

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4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Thelastvirgingoat says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:42 pm

Be careful with this one, a Romanian source is not good enough reason to confirm he was
an immigrant Muslim. He may be in fact a native german but that still doesn’t rule out
anything. Maybe leftist,Islamic convert,extreme-right or mentally ill. The left will use this of an
example of the islamophobic bias of right-wing.


WESTPAC Spy says

Apr 8, 2018 at 2:57 pm

Citizenship laws work differently in Germany then they work here. Nobody born to non-
ethnic German parents gets birthright citizenship unless at least one parent is already a
naturalized citizen. There have been “guest workers” from Turkey in Germany for
decades. And until this century it’s been very difficult for those guest workers to become
naturalized German citizens. Their children still do not automatically get German
citizenship just because they’re born in Germany. They have to go through the process
of naturalization when they are old enough to petition for it on their own. Since there are
e lots of Kurds in Turkey nothing about being born in Sauerland rules out that he is of
Kurdish origin.

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4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:20 pm

“Since there are e lots of Kurds in Turkey nothing about being born in Sauerland
rules out that he is of Kurdish origin.”

I think that is a good point although his reported name does not sound very


MM says
Apr 8, 2018 at 5:40 pm

Remember “David S.”? Ali Dahwud Sonboli, the Munich Shooter. The
German Wikipedia doesn’t quote his last name Sonboli. And now even in
official statistics it is counted as Right Wing Extremist Terrorism.

Still, in the present case, there is no other hint than the dubious Romanian
source and the fact that the media tries to hide it as long as they can. In a few
days we will know. 19/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

as140 says
Apr 9, 2018 at 5:36 am

Sry, but you are very wrong. I am from germany. And I can confirm that a person
without german ancestry can quite easily get citizenship.


Ashley says
Apr 9, 2018 at 10:22 am

I don’t think he was a Muslim immigrant:


Lebel says
Apr 9, 2018 at 10:39 am

Hi Ashley, I think that for significant number of jihadwatchers this is just part of the
wider conspiracy to absolve Muslims and Islam of this crime. 20/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

I know that you probably disagree but I contend that RS is knowingly feeding into
this paranoia with posts such as these.


Ashley says
Apr 9, 2018 at 10:57 am

From the above linked article…

Before it was clear who was responsible, Beatrix von Storch assumed the
incident was an Islamist terror attack and tweeted “We can do it” — an
apparent reference to Angela Merkel’s slogan at the time of the migrant influx
of 2015.

When it became clear the attack was not connected to migrants, she tweeted:
“It does not have to be an Islamic attack. Of course not. And if a German
patient turns out to be the culprit, then I say: we also have more than enough
German murderers and crazy people. We do not need any more.”

I don’t like Islam, Lebel.

Nor do I like witch hunts and reckless reporting.

I myself am guilty of initially jumping to the conclusion that this was jihad.

You were right… 21/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Ashley says
Apr 9, 2018 at 12:51 pm

I want to say this, Lebel.

I strongly believe Robert would not intentionally fuel paranoia to fit a

preconceived narrative. I doubt he is interested in tarnishing his reputation
and credibility by planting a false post here on JW.

This story had many twists and turns. Witnesses claimed two men fled the van
after the attack. The suspect had been identified as Jens Handeln, then Jens
R, then Jens Ruther. ISIS has encouraged vehicular jihad. Stories often
change in the aftermath of an attack when the situation is chaotic, confusing
and fluid. FACTS don’t change but accounts often do.

I get that you view Jihad Watch as a narrow-minded, anti-Muslim site. That
isn’t entirely fair. Each and every reader here has his/her own mind and a
responsibility to look beyond the narrative for the truth. Robert is not our God
and we are not his flock of sheep. I do not agree with all that is posted here
but I DO learn which is why I stick around.

I honestly am glad you are here, Lebel. You offer your own unique perspective.
More than once you have given me pause. I find your posts insightful,
intelligent, thought provoking…with just a touch of snark.

Be well. 22/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 1:46 pm

I understand what is happening now. Firstly RS is not an idiot, he knows what he is doing by
releasing this “update”. This will now make the rounds on all anti-Muslim sites and the driver
will become a Muslim in the collective mindset.

So yes the driver was a Muslim irrespective of the evidence


JawsV says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:25 pm

Islam is anti-Jew/Christian. But, we can’t be anti-Muslim? How does that work?

I’m anti-Islam and anti-the carriers of Islam since 9/11. Islam sucks.

Reply 23/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:58 pm

Let me rephrase Lebel’s post:

I understand what is happening now. Firstly Lebel is not an idiot, he knows what he is
doing by commenting on this “update”. He will now give the impression that this terrorist
cannot be a Muslim, and hope that will cast doubt in the collective mindset.

So yes the driver cannot be a Muslim irrespective of the evidence

That there is an article here from Romania is certainly a salient piece to cite in this
case. Robert Spencer has been cautious, as he always is with incidents where the
information coming in is fluid.

Lebel just really hopes to deny the existence of any Jihad, and supposes that if can–
plausibly or implausibly–cast doubt on its existence in one or two cases that the filthy
Infidels here will come to believe that it is just a phantom made up by “Islamophobes”.


Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:16 pm

Right, this is the equivalent of a online newspaper from Honduras having

information on the identity of the Boston Marathon bombers. There is nothing
“salient”. The responsible thing is to wait until official information or other 24/72
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GERMAN sources confirm rather than post some internet paper OUTSIDE of the
country of concern.


gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 4:27 pm

There is no doubt that this article is of interest–certainly, as always, one

hopes for multiple reliable sources.

But the idea that stories can only be accurately sourced from the country of
origin is not necessarily the case–one occasionally finds American stories
more fully covered in the British or Canadian press than locally.

Of note, of course, is that Lebel does not even bother to deny that his goal
here is to cast doubt on the threat of Jihad in general. he is just hoping that
this one story will give him an in.

Just ignore the tsumani of Jihad terror attacks in Germany and the rest of the
West, you filthy Infidels.

Carlos says
Apr 8, 2018 at 8:38 pm 25/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Look, imbecile, the German authorities know goddamn well who this POS
was and his religious ID. If he’d been anything but a Muslim, they’d have
jumped on that news in a nanosecond! The fact they won’t even give his name
tells you all you need to know. Remember, the chief of police in Cologne was
forced to resign after it got out that he was handcuffing his own Polizei in their
ability to deal with Muslims who rape German women. This is a nation that
has succumbed to PC & Holocaust guilt and is on a fast track to becoming a
nationwide caliphate!

Buraq says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:00 pm

@ Lebel

Oh dear, Lebel. Looks like your smug, little snipe about JW readers jumping to conclusions
is unraveling fast! And as I said in my post to you on an earlier thread; the moment we hear
of a vehicle steered into a crowd of innocents, Islamic jihad automatically comes to mind
given the sickening regularity of such events throughout Europe.

You really must stop making apologies for Islam. You’re beginning to look foolish. Don’t you
feel ashamed? Is it comfortable to know that everyone thinks you’re a clown because you 26/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

defend the indefensible?


Ashley says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:28 pm

And as I said in my post to you on an earlier thread; the moment we hear of a vehicle
steered into a crowd of innocents, Islamic jihad automatically comes to mind given the
sickening regularity of such events throughout Europe.

Indeed. This was clearly a terror attack and I don’t give a rat’s ass whether or not the
driver had mental health issues. He deliberately mowed down a crowd.

That said, I don’t have enough information to determine that this was in fact an ISLAMIC
JIHAD attack. I am inclined to suspect it was but that doesn’t make it a fact.

I don’t see any reports that the driver was a Muslim migrant. I did not know that the
driver had accomplices. I thought it was reported that he acted alone but I will need to

I don’t see the harm in questioning sources and content. This story has changed in the
past 30 hours and I suspect it will keep changing.

Right now I’m concerned about these “accomplices.” Have they been identified?

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4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

JM says
Apr 8, 2018 at 6:25 pm


In the good old days (before Merkel’s open invitation to Islam in 2015), Europeans
with mental health issues tended to kill themselves quietly at home. Now, for some
reason that the police, government, and leftist media can’t wrap their heads
around, mentally ill people are ramming as many innocent people as possible
using vans and heavy trucks. During the same period, Europe has been swamped
with Muslim migrants and so-called “war refugees”. Might there be a connection,

Maybe history books a few hundred years from now will date historical events as
Before Merkel (BM) and After Merkel (AM). Unless of course the barbarians storm
the gates, in which case those surviving dhimmi slaves who are allowed to attend
school will be using the Muslim calendar era. Of course, the Year of the Hijra might
be adjusted from 622 AD to 2015 AD, to coincide with the Merkel Trojan Horse
that proved so beneficial to Islam. So After Merkel and the new Hijra would
effectively be the same date.

Can dhimmified Western European political leaders be recalled in a no-

confidence vote called for by a referendum? Even the average Western European
is starting to wake up at this point.

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4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Carlos says
Apr 8, 2018 at 8:40 pm

Recall vote, you say? It’s the pathetic German voters who keep
REELECTING Merkel, no one else!

Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:50 pm

You’re right Buraq, f**k the truth, they’re all Muslims in the end.


Kay says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:53 pm

You are ridiculous Lebel.


Ashley says 29/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Apr 8, 2018 at 3:17 pm

C’mon Kay. Lebel is just offering up his perspective. I’m sure even Robert
appreciates a dissenting voice now and then…it keeps things interesting. If
we were all on the same page day after day after day things would get pretty
stale around here.

Lebel is no Ibrahim. A few of Lebel’s posts have even given this staunch anti-
jihadist food for thought. He does not sway my position in the least but I
certainly wouldn’t want him to feel silenced.

gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 4:29 pm

Ashley, there is no doubt that Lebel is more articulate and intelligent than
Ibrahim itace muhammed.

Ashley says
Apr 8, 2018 at 4:40 pm

LOL, Graven!

Glad you aren’t angry with me. IMO, Lebel makes some astute observations. 30/72
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I have a sneaky hunch he isn’t even a Muslim. I think he just likes to fuck with
our heads…

Kay says
Apr 8, 2018 at 5:38 pm

Of course it isn’t dissent or disagreement that I object to. Many posters

disagree here, respectfully or otherwise.
I object to the sly way Lebel uses insinuation to cast a wide character
assassination—most likely with the intention of discrediting any and all
concern about Mohammeden attacks.

gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 10:11 pm

Of course I’m not upset, Ashley. And Lebel is quite sharp–but he uses that
intelligence to try to undermine any opposition to the horrors of Jihad.

I also agree that there is a good chance that he is not Muslim himself. I have
called him a Muslim apologist, but not all of these are Muslim themselves. 31/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

He has said that he *hates* Jihad Watch–not that he disagrees with this or
that story being deemed Jihad. Why would someone hate those who oppose
such savagery? This says nothing good about him, whatever his motivations.

And Kay, your points are spot on.

gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:08 pm

Once again, Lebel is pretending that Jihad does not exist, and is all ginned up by
those awful “Islamophobes”.

This specific case may or may not be a Jihad terror attack; Muslim apologists like
Lebel don’t want us to look at any of these incidents.

He would have us believe that all 32,000+ Jihad terror attacks–save the three
incidents in all the time he has been here that he has given his stamp of approval
to as being Jihad–are just random violence. Nothing to see here, you filthy

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4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 2:52 pm

“Oh dear, Lebel. Looks like your smug, little snipe about JW readers jumping to
conclusions is unraveling fast! ”

Yes that Romanian source has me shaking in my boots. Strange no one in Germany is
reporting it. I am guessing they are all part of the conspiracy to protect Islam while that
Romanian source managed to get through the censors.

Seriously, why do I get stuck with these jihadwatchers? Where’s GravenImage when you
need her?


John Hawk says

Apr 8, 2018 at 3:09 pm

You are right, he was probably a Buddhist. Why anyone would suspect he was a
Muslim is truly a mystery.


Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:32 pm 33/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

you can suspect all you want but we need evidence to establish fact. Right
now we have none.

WESTPAC Spy says

Apr 8, 2018 at 3:15 pm

“Strange no one in Germany is reporting it.”

Are you brain dead? The same authorities who refused to report the mass sexual
assaults on New Year Eve in Cologne, Hamburg, and other large German cities,
and you find it strange that that they’re not identifying this guy as a Muslim?

If he is Muslim of Kurdish origin that’s exactly the kind of thing they’d hush up. It
would be strange if they did release that information to the press, and even
stranger if the press would report it.

I agree with Karen; you are ridiculous. You really do have your head in the sand,
and studiously avoid becoming informed. In Sweden the government and the press
operate under the same rules. They will not identify Muslim “migrants” when they
commit crimes. They will refer to them as Swedes. As if ethnic Nordic types have
all of a sudden developed a taste for gang rape, a crime that was all but unheard
of in Sweden before the leftists in power opened the immigration flood gates. 34/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

A group of asylum seekers were taking the ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki about
a year back. As Muslim asylum seekers have a wont to do, they gang raped a
woman on the ferry. How did the press identify the assailants. They weren’t
Swedish citizens. They didn’t have legal resident status. Their asylum request
hadn’t even been approved. They were in all respects citizens of their countries of
origin. No matter, the press called them Swedes.


Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:35 pm

“If he is Muslim of Kurdish origin that’s exactly the kind of thing they’d hush up.

Yeah, so you’re never wrong. If they say he is not, he is. And if they say he is,
he is.

See what you did here? ALL rapes, vehicular attacks, knifings, etc are now
automatically all done my Muslims because when there’s a massive coverup.

WESTPAC Spy says

Apr 8, 2018 at 5:10 pm 35/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Yes, there is a massive cover-up, genius. The 2016 New Year’s Eve cover-up
was, in fact a cover-up. At first the police and other government officials
denied anything untoward took place in Cologne, or Hamburg, or Berlin. They
said it was a quiet night. Then it became obvious they were lying as girls an
women who were assaulted by gangs of what they described as Arab or
North African men came forward. The truth finally became became

What’s the term for it when city and police officials conspire to deny that
massive gangs of Muslim immigrants commit mass sexual assault in cities
across Germany.

Oh, yeah, that’s right. Cover-up.

In Sweden it’s worse. These same kinds of mass sexual assault have
happened at music festivals and other public events. And the reaction of the
Swedish government. They warned the police not to identify the perpetrators
because that would be racist.

There’s a term for that. It’s on the tip of my tongue. Oh, yeah, cover-up. The
“intersectional feminists” who run Sweden insist the problem is men in
general, not a particular culture. That’s why their reaction to what happened in
Germany was so interesting. They were appalled that German authorities
finally did admit what happened and identified the perpetrators. They
irrationally insist that German men have acted just as badly at Oktoberfest.
Not according to the German police, who when they were finally forced to
admit to their failed COVER-UP described what happened on New Year’s
Eve 2015/2016 as something entirely new that they were totally unprepared
for. If German men really did act that way, the police would have had some 36/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

experience dealing with this behavior. But German men don’t. Swedish men
don’t. But the “intersectional-feminist” government of Sweden is forced to live
in their bubble because their “intersectionality” tells them that Muslims are the
real victims. So if forced to choose between dealing harshly with Muslim
rapists or protecting the women and girls they victimize, they throw the women
and girls under the bus. Then they COVER-UP the extent of the Muslim
“migrant” crime wave.

In Egypt you can actually talk about this aspect of Islamic “culture.” In Arabic
it’s called Taharrush Gamea. Usually it’s translated as the “rape game.”

“Every time an Egyptian woman leaves her house she must make a lot of
calculations. What should she wear? Are her clothes too revealing or too
tight? What she is going to ride in and should she walk alone in the street or
have a man accompany her? All precautions have to be considered in private
in order to minimize her chances of being groped or harassed in public.

The new movie “678” is a tour de force about this very subject. It offers a
succinct depiction of the plight endured by millions of Egyptian women who
deal with sexual harassment on daily basis in a highly misogynistic society…”

It doesn’t always end with harassment or groping. The pattern is that the men
form two circles around their intended victim. The inner group attacks the girl,
sometimes groping her through her close, sometimes stripping her, an
sometimes raping her. The outer circle prevents anyone from interfering. 37/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

You can talk about it Egypt. You can make a movie about it. Here in the West
we have a COVER-UP and call anyone who knows about this aspect of
Islamic “culture” names.

“…Sami is an upper-class artist, living with her handsome husband, Sherif, in

an opulent mansion in Cairo. Sherif is a fervent football fan and decides to
take his wife to a match. Amazed by the Egypt’s victory, the couple walks out
of the stadium with the crowd whistling and raising Egypt’s flags.

But this jovial moment turns into one of the most dramatic junctures in Sami’s
life when she suddenly gets trapped in an all-male crowd without her husband.
In a dimly-lit slow-motion scene, trapped Sami shouts her husband’s name as
the men grope her body.

Shocked by the scene, Sherif abandons his traumatized wife and, in her
disappointment at his reaction, Sami asks for a divorce. In the meantime, her
parents dissuade her from filing a complaint, fearing the social stigma if their
daughter goes public. To console her, Sami’s mother reminds her that at least
she was not raped… ”

So, yes, all rapes, all “vehicular jihad” attacks, all knife jihad attacks, are
committed by Muslims. When the police, municipal, state, or federal
authorities refuse to identify the perp, and then say “We may never know the

That’s the biggest COVER-UP of all. We know the motive. When Michael
Adebolajo and friends ran down Drummer Rigby with their car, then mutilated
him with their knives and cleavers, Adebolajo had a passer by record his
video manifesto in which he explained exactly why he did it. When Nidal 38/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Hasan gunned down and killed 13 soldiers on Fort Hood the “Soldier of Allah”
had already given a power point presentation in which he explained to his
colleagues exactly why he was going to do what he was planning to do. In
both Adebolajo and Hasan’s case their manifestos were theologically correct.
Their manifestos were unassailable.

When the Army report came out about the shooting, guess what wasn’t in it.
Any mention of the killer, Nidal Hasan, and Islam. When you airbrush the
actual events out of the report about the shooting, and exactly why the shooter
did the shooting, there’s a term for that.

COVER-UP. Notice they didn’t cover-up Dylan Roof’s ethnicity or the reasons
why he shot up that African Methodist church. Recall how nobody in the media
was shy about identifying James Holmes, and how the media desperately
tried to tie him in the the Tea Party. The stupid f***s identified the wrong
James Holmes. But if there’s ever a “right wing Christian terror attack” we’ll
hear about who did it and why in minutes. When there’s a Muslim terror
attack, crickets chirp.

You really are ridiculous. I couldn’t do it; deny the obvious as it unfolds right in
front of my face. That’s a real talent you have. I’m glad I haven’t been infected
with that talent.

gravenimage says 39/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Apr 8, 2018 at 10:16 pm

While Lebel is sneering at the very idea that this may have been a Jihad terror
attack, it is notable that Jihadists consider it just that:

“Hours after vehicular attack in Germany, Erdogan says ‘the same thing will
happen in France’”

Now, this in itself does not prove that this case was a Jihad terror attack, either–
but it certainly gives the lie to Lebel’s implication that this is too far-fetched for

And–more than that–it shows how many pious Muslims are committed to targeting
Infidel victims in just this manner.


nicu says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:43 pm

German media say : it was a German – but no name so it was clear he was a Passport –
German and nothing more 40/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise


dreggsofhumanity says
Apr 8, 2018 at 3:59 pm

Nothing will change though and I think that is the most important point to make. The real
German people are sitting ducks and their gov’t is aiding in their demise. A few candles,
teddy bears and on to the next terror attack. The less real Germans around the more likely
Merkel will stay in power until she croaks and this stasi bitch will have total enslavement of
her people but shshsh don’t speak about it – it’s against the law.


The European says

Apr 8, 2018 at 4:10 pm

I think we should honestly stick to the facts.

The man who crashed his van van into a crowd, killing two people and shooting himself, was
a native German.
His Name: Jens Alexander R.
Age: 49
Place of birth: Olsenburg (Sauerland, and indeed, if we say someone comes from …we are
referring to his birthplace ) 41/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Profession: Industrial designer. Once he had been a quite successful designer, winning
prizes, registering patents . He became a free-lance designer, made a lot of money (that’s
why he could afford to have four apartments). But then his company didn’t sell well, he
became depressed and suicidal, started blaming other people for his descent down the
social ladder.
Investigations are still under way, but it’s quite obvious that he was not of Muslim origin and
that whatever prompted him to commit this heinous crime it was not Islam. Having said this,
there is no point in denying that jihad and islamic terror are fact-based realities we are
confronted with. Graveinimage is absolutely right about mentioning the 32 000+ jihad terror
attacks. Islam is, was and will ever be a violent, intolerant and supremacist belief system that
refuses to accept the basic values of our western civilization.


Ashley says
Apr 8, 2018 at 4:30 pm

Thank you.



Lebel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 5:33 pm 42/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

According to WESTPAC Spy, this is just proof of a massive cover up. In fact the more
evidence that he is NOT a Muslim only proves that he IS a Muslim.


WESTPAC Spy says

Apr 8, 2018 at 7:46 pm

Idiot, I said proof of a cover-up is when there’s an actual, identifiable, verifiable

cover-up. Anybody can see what I wrote. When Barack Obama’s administration
issues a report on the Fort Hood shooting and the report doesn’t mention a thing
about Nidal Hasan or the ideology that motivated him but instead talks about
generic work place violence, that’s a cover-up.

When Sweden squashes the truth by making it a hate crime to actually make
public crime statistics that show gang rape is entirely a Muslim immigrant problem
(in ethnically similar Oslo, Norway all violent rapes are committed by “migrants”)
that is by definition a cover-up.

When officials across Germany conspire deny that Arab and North African
“migrants” committed mass sexual assault, including rapes, on New Year’s Eve
2015/16 despite hundreds of victims coming forward and thousands of witnesses
to the mayhem, that’s a cover-up.

When a Muslim kills screaming Allahu Akbar, and leaves a facebook post about
how he did it for Allah, Islam, and the Islamic State and the FBI still can’t figure out
a motive, that’s a cover-up. 43/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

That’s the biggest cover-up of all. When our “dear leaders” and the press decide
that Islam simply must not be said to have anything to do with terrorism so they
deny the obvious links. No matter how loudly the terrorists themselves tell us that
Islam has everything to do with their terrorism.


gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 10:20 pm


WESTPAC Spy says

Apr 8, 2018 at 5:44 pm

This is precisely what I was talking about. When it’s a non-Muslim who does something
like this we get the details quickly. When it’s a Muslim the me001dia just doesn’t want to
cover it. Because of the “racism.”

I recall the “D.C. Sniper” case. The media couldn’t talk enough about profiling when they
thought that “typically these spree killings are committed by middle aged white guys.”
Then it turned out that the mastermind was a black man named John Allen Muhammad 44/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

who had joined the Nation of Islam back in 1987, although he didn’t change his
surname until 2001.

Then all of a sudden they weren’t such fans of criminal profiling anymore, and most
news outlets refused to report his last name was legally Muhammad. And they wouldn’t
touch his affiliation with the Nation of Islam with a ten foot pole.


gravenimage says
Apr 8, 2018 at 10:21 pm



dan christensen says

Apr 9, 2018 at 1:37 am

The elites of the world have committed themselves totally to support the global
expansion of islam. To give up this suicidal project and admit its failure is impossible.
The elites would rather let their own peoples die than free them form the islamic
scourge. So the peoples of Europe must ultimately choose between survival or
islamization – the enemies are their own elites and islam. 45/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise


as140 says
Apr 9, 2018 at 5:40 am

“Investigations are still under way, but it’s quite obvious that he was not of Muslim origin”
How is that obvious? The police has never said that he was not muslim. Why wouldn´t
they just say he is christ/atheist/buddhist if he was no muslim?


Remember911 says
Apr 9, 2018 at 7:10 pm

Let it go already. Perp was a mentally ill ethnic German, who maybe took
inspiration from Islamic vehicular terror attacks to choose his method of murder-
suicide, but nothing whatsoever indicates that he was a convert to Islam or born
into Islam.

Reply 46/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Sentinel says
Apr 8, 2018 at 4:21 pm

From misleading the people, the German government is now actively employing deceit and
obfuscation since Merkel’s government is hanging onto power by a slender thread. Being
caught lying to the public is the one thing that could bring about her final downfall.

From the outset I never believed he was anything but a Muslim.


The European says

Apr 8, 2018 at 5:40 pm

To Sentinel says

Indeed, Angela Merkel’s government is anything but stable and her power base is
crumbling. I think that she won’t last for another four years, her chancellorship will end
much earlier.
But she is a shrewd politician and she takes no chances. Thus, lying to the public about
the identity and the motives of this murderer would be a big mistake, the risk of being
caught in such a big lie would be too great. The AFD, many deputies from the CSU and
even parlamentarians from the CDU ( her own party) who no longer approve of her
politics, would immediately seize the opportunity to bring about her impeachment. So,
this time I think we can be sure that Islam didn’t kill and that the killer has not been a
Muslim. 47/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise


JM says
Apr 8, 2018 at 6:57 pm

To: Sentinel

You’re right about Merkel being shrewd and taking no chances.

And to be safe, she has made a public show of calling for help from all citizens, in
order to shed light on the perpetrator’s motives.
What’s the term for Cover Your A** (CYA) in German?


George says
Apr 8, 2018 at 4:35 pm

Nothing precludes this person from being a Muslim jihadi and mentally disturbed at the same
time. Most Muslims do not commit jihad, but they are prone to do so under the right
circumstances. A depressed jihadi might decide to do himself in and obtain his ration of
virgins and a place with Allah while solving his personal issues at the same time..

Reply 48/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

JM says
Apr 8, 2018 at 7:13 pm

To: George

Spot on. Sudden Jihad Syndrome is a panacea that often strikes Muslims who are
worried about being untrue to their religion. It’s a one-stop shop for anything that ails the
individual. Too bad for us that the sudden jihadist only gets his 72 virgins and bonus
little boys at the cost of many infidel lives.


JM says
Apr 8, 2018 at 7:00 pm


Excellent summary and analysis of slanted reporting and double standards.


Mockingjay says 49/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

Apr 8, 2018 at 7:29 pm

I’m not buying this.

– There are good, trustworthy german websites and blogs that have absolutely nothing on

( – There may have been some sort of “mix-up”, since a big Kurdish demonstration was
scheduled for the day of the attack, in Muenster…?)

Unfortunately, evil can take many forms – as, f.e,, in the case of the “German Wings” plane
crash…it’s not always jihad.


Stefan cel Mare says

Apr 9, 2018 at 3:29 am

German media was forbidden to present the case. When police came to that place,
they told everybody to not publish on social media about, or else…. Police had isolated
the area, nobody had access there. And so on…
Ideologically, Germany today is a communist country. You will never hear the truth from
state media.

Reply 50/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

don vito says

Apr 8, 2018 at 9:13 pm

Possibly a case of lugenpresse


nicu says
Apr 9, 2018 at 12:58 am

Muslim crimes are always not reported – at least they try !


Older Canadian says

Apr 8, 2018 at 11:11 pm

Really, who would have guessed he was kurdish. Our canadian government has or is still
considering selling military weapons to the kurds as they are being constantly attacked by
other hostile countries and need assistance.

Reply 51/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

nicu says
Apr 9, 2018 at 1:02 am

Our mafia clans are ALL Kurdish ! My Place is ruled by 2 Kurdish gangs who sell drugs
– I only know criminal Kurdish !


nicu says
Apr 9, 2018 at 12:57 am

German media still LIE to us : he was mentally ill ( aha , again ) and committed suicide !


Stefan cel Mare says

Apr 9, 2018 at 3:23 am

I am romanian. I saw the news from that TV station, B1 TV. In their news about the subject,
they present first different news from german sources. In the end, they say according to their
own sources, the attacker was a german citizen of kurd origin. This TV station has reporters
also in war zones. When CNN said something wrong about different subjects in war zones 52/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

where they also had reporters, they presented their material and supported with proof. But
nobody care about. CNN is the god of news.
There is also a hungarian news about same thing. German citizen of kurd origin.
If it was a right wing person, no matter how mentally ill was, it is impossible to select that
target. You will select a target that justify your right wing ideology. It is said that in the van
were 2 more persons who run from the scene. Is it possible that the driver was only a tool ?


andra says
Apr 9, 2018 at 3:41 am

It could well be that a kurd is involved. There has been a detention right after the attack and
the suspect can be seen on a Video (daily mail), he is definitely not of German origin. In
German News they mentioned this detention once at the beginning but after that never again.
Maybe he is the guy the Romanian TV refers to.


ed says
Apr 9, 2018 at 6:39 am

4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise


Chand says
Apr 9, 2018 at 7:56 am

He might have been Neo Nazi. German police are raiding places now, including the
Reichsbeurger (Citizens of the Reich) group.

Yep. This Reich bugger might have been praying to the Aryan Teutonic God and not Allah.


valerie summer says

Apr 9, 2018 at 8:03 am

Some witnesses claimed they saw others get out of the vehicle and run. Perhaps he was
actually shot by one of his “mentally ill” accomplices.


Ashley says
Apr 9, 2018 at 2:31 pm 54/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

I think that initial report has been discounted, Valerie.


No Muzzies Here says

Apr 9, 2018 at 11:07 am

There is a strong incentive for the German police to lie: keeping their jobs in the new, pro-
Muslim regime of Kanzlerin Merkel.


Brian hoff says

Apr 9, 2018 at 2:19 pm

In 1933 or 1934 the germany Reichstag was burn down by than dutch commies who the SA
stormtroop under order found him than place to stay for sometime and make sure he have
some pocket money and to ignore his cazy talk of burning down the Reichstag. He later met
with the head of the SS saying he alot of gasoline Himmer told him not to worry there will be
alot of fuel and gasoline to have than good fire.

Reply 55/72
4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

JawsV says
Apr 9, 2018 at 2:41 pm

Shut-up, Muslim (“defender of islam”). And learn English you Muslim Moron! Can
always recognize you by your consistent misuse of “than.” Go to Heck and join your fake



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4/10/2018 Germany: Romanian TV reports that Münster attacker was German citizen of Kurdish origin, other press says otherwise

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