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Presentación escrita: DIGITAL POSTER, POWERPOINT OR SLIDESHOW IN SPANISH giving 5 suggestions

for better health

TASK: You will make a DIGITAL poster, powerpoint or slideshow in Spanish with 5 suggestions for
maintaining good health. You will need to research what are proven good eating and exercise habits.

1. PREWRITE. Talk to classmates, teachers, the school nurse or your parents about good eating
habits, especially for teens. Then list their ideas under the following headings to help you
organize your information:
 Debes comer ___________________________________________________________.
 No debes comer mucho(a) ________________________________________________.
 Debes beber ____________________________________________________________.
 No debes beber mucho(a) _________________________________________________.
 Debes__(insert a healthy activity here in Spanish)__________ para mantener la salud.

2. DRAFT. Create your first draft on a piece of paper. List your ideas from the prewrite stage.
Organize them how you would like to look in your powerpoint/poster. Sketch the visuals you
want to use in your digital poster. This part is due on Monday, April 16th.
3. REVISE. Show your draft to a classmate. They will check your work for the following (give them
this sheet to check of the items)
_____ Have you communicated the suggestions well?

_____ Do the visuals help with the meaning?

_____ Will the visuals make the digital poster attractive?

_____ Are all the words spelled correctly:

_____ Are grammar and vocabulary used correctly?

Make sure you take the suggestions of your classmate when you go to make your digital poster.
4. PUBLISH. Your final presentation will be in some kind of digital format. You can use google
slides, powerpoint, or a free poster making website like if you want to get creative.
Be careful only to use images that are not copyrighted (try creativecommons for images)
5. EVALUATE. Your poster will be graded according to the rubric given out in class (also on page
165 of your textbook). You will be graded on:
 your completion of the task
 the accuracy of your vocab and grammar
 your effective use of design, layout and images

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