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Descubre el español con Santillana F. Unit 1 objectives.

Week 1 Week 2

Students will… Students will…

 Learn and practice different forms of  identify family members.
greetings and goodbyes  practice the numbers 0-100.
 Identify what greetings to use according  introduce family members.
to the time of day or the need for formal  Recognize vowels and vowel sounds
or informal greetings.
 Recognize the sequence of answers to Essential Question
follow when greeting and saying goodbye
¿Quiénes son los miembros de una familia?
Essential Question What are the names for family members?

¿Cómo nos saludamos y despedimos en español? Vocabulary

How do we greet and say goodbye to one another abuelo(a) grandfather/grandmother
in Spanish? hermano(a) brother/sister
hijo(a) son/daughter
Vocabulary madre mother
apellido last name nieto(a) grandson/granddaughter
despedidas≠saludos goodbyes ≠ greetings padre father
don/doña primo(a) cousin (male)/ cousin (female)
sobrino(a) nephew/niece
gracias thank you tío/tía uncle/aunt
igualmente and to you
cocada a Bolivian dessert made from coconut
hola ≠ adiós hello ≠ goodbye familia family
buenos días good morning/ hello persona person
buenas tardes good afternoon
buenas noches good evening/ good night mayor ≠ menor older ≠ younger
¿cómo está usted?/ ¿cómo estás? how are
you? (polite)/ how are you? (informal) en mi familia somos… in my family there is…
¿cuántos años tienes? How old are you?
estoy bien I’m fine
hasta mañana See you tomorrow
me llamo… My name is (I am called)
¡mucho gusto! Nice to meet you!
muy bien very well
nos vemos See ya!
Pronto soon
te presento a… Let me introduce you to…
tengo…años I am…years old (literally I ‘have’
Week 3 Week 4

Students will… Students will…

 learn and practice different ways to  identify different forms of media by
describe themselves and others. reading an email reply.
 learn to practice declarative and  describe people and places in Spanish
interrogative sentences.  use and apply present-tense forms of the
 learn to recognize cognates. verb ser (to be).

Essential Question Essential Question

¿Cómo eres tú y cómo son tus amigos? ¿Cómo son tus padres? How do you describe your
How do you describe yourself and your friends? parents?

Vocabulary Vocabulary
amigo(a) friend (male)/ friend (female) capital capital
foto photo comunidad community
gato(a) cat(male)/cat (female) héroe hero
pelo hair monumento monument
perro(a) dog (male/female) mundo world
pez/peces fish/fishes
boliviano(a) Bolivian
alto(a) ≠ bajo(a) tall ≠ short bonito(a) pretty/lovely
castaño Brown/chestnut creativo(a) creative
cómico(a) ≠ serio(a) funny ≠ serious curioso(a) curious
grande ≠ pequeño(a) big ≠ small delicioso(a) delicious
largo(a) long * does NOT mean large* divertido(a) fun
pelirrojo(a) red-haired/ginger estudioso(a) studious
rubio(a) blonde generoso(a) generous
importante important
soy, eres, es I am, you are, he is/she is/it is inteligente intelligent
paciente patient
¿cómo eres? What do you look like? Or What sociable sociable
are you like? tímido(a) shy
¿cómo es? What does he/she/it look like? Or valiente brave
What is he/she/it like?
¿cómo son? What do they look like? Or What soy, eres, es, somos, son I am, you are,
are they like? he/she/it is, we are, they are
¿quién eres tú? Who are you? ¿cómo somos? What do we look like? What
are we like?
Descubre el Español Santillana F. Unit 2 objectives.

Week 1

Students will…
 identify colors and clothes esquiar to ski
 describe clothes and what they wear at jugar to play
different places nadar to swim
 appropriately use formal forms of address llevo I wear
¿Qué llevas? What do you wear?
Essential Question respeto I respect
vivo I live
¿Qué ropa llevas durante las vacaciones? vive He/she lives, You (formal) live
What kind of clothes do you wear on vacation?
¿qué tal? How’s it going?
Vocabulary ¿te gusta(n)…? Do you like? Literally Do/Does
___please you?
botas boots me gusta(n)… I like, literally ‘_____
calcentines socks please/pleases me.’
camisa shirt
camiseta t-shirt Scroll down for Week 2
chaqueta jacket
guantes gloves
pantalón pants
pantalón corto shorts
sandalias sandals
suéter sweater
traje de baño swim suit
zapatos shoes
zapatos deportivos tennis shoes

casa house
montaña mountain
playa beach

amarillo(a) yellow
anaranjado(a) orange
azul blue
blanco(a) white
gris gray
marrón brown
morado(a) purple
negro(a) black
rojo(a) red
rosado(a) pink
verde green

tu/su your(informal)/your(formal)
Week 2 Week 3

Students will… Students will…

 identify activities and places in the home  identify different types of communities,
 recognize sounds of the Spanish language places in communities, and activities that
can be done in those places.
Essential Question  give and follow directions to different
¿Qué haces en la casa?  use appropriate punctuation for
What do you do at home? statements, and exclamations.

Vocabulary Essential Question

baño bathroom ¿Cómo son las comunidades?

cocina kitchen What are communities like?
comedor dining room
dormitorio bedroom Vocabulary
patio patio
sala living room calle street
casa house campo country
palacio palace ciudad city
lugar place
antiguo(a) old pueblo town
bonito(a) beautiful
famoso(a) famous cine movie theater
panadería bakery
comen they eat parque park
descansa he/she eats plaza town square
limpia he/she cleans supermercado supermarket
prepara he/she prepares
fruta fruit
me gusta…./no me gusta…..I like/I don’t like pan bread
película movie

camina he/she walks

compro I buy
cruza he/she crosses
quiero I want
veo I see

a la derecha/izquierda on the right/left

enfrente in front

¿dónde vives tú? Where do you live?

yo vivo en… I live in…
¿qué haces? What do you do?
Week 4

Students will…
 use an electronic map to locate places
 discuss various activities in the community
 use and apply different forms of the verb
 use appropriate indefinite articles.

Essential Question

¿Qué haces en tu comunidad? What do you do in

your community?


chocolate chocolate
chocolatería chocolate shop
churro fried dough and sugar snack
euro euro, currency of many European countries
restaurante restaurant
talla size
tienda store

entre between

un, una a
unos, unas some

pagar to pay
probar to try

estoy I am
estás You are
está he/she/it is
estamos we are
están they are

¿cuánto cuesta(n)? how much does it/ do they

¿dónde está….? Where is?
¿qué quieres comprar? What do you want to
Quiero comprar… I want to buy….
Descubre el español con Santillana F. Unit 3 obectives

Week 1

Students will… aprendo I learn

estudiamos we study
 identify classes and the supplies needed
for them ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita? What is your favorite
 make inferences from a text class?
 recognize school rules in El Salvador Mi clase favorita es….My favorite class is…
Me pongo de pie para saludar a mi maestro(a)…I
Essential Question stand up to greet my teacher

¿Qué es una escuela? What is a school?


arte art
ciencias science
ciencias sociales social studies
educación física physical education
historia history
inglés English
lenguaje Language Arts
matemáticas mathematics
música music
español Spanish

bolígrafo pen
borrador eraser
cuaderno notebook
lápiz/lápices pencil/pencils
papel paper

alumno(a) students
clase class
escuela school
insignia logo
maestro(a) teacher
tarea homework
uniforme uniform

horchata a drink made of rice served in schools

in South America

país country
presidente president
volcán/volcanes volcano/volcanoes
Week 2

…y cuarto …fifteen, quarter past

Students will… …media …thirty, half past
…menos cuarto …quarter till, (literally minus a
 learn and practice the days of the week. quarter)
 discuss schedules using clock time.
 distinguish the sounds g, j, ge, gi, gue,
 recognize numbers

Essential Question

¿Cómo hablamos de la hora? How do we talk

about time?


lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
miércoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sábado Saturday
domingo Sunday

calificaciones grades
centavo cents
dólar dollar
himno nacional national anthem
horario escolar school schedules
promedio average
recreo recess
primero(a) first
último(a) last

entro I start/enter
salgo I leave

el precio es the price is

tú pagas you pay

de la mañana/tarde a.m, p.m.

¿qué hora es? What time is it?

es la…/son las….It is…
Week 3

U3, Week 3 vocab. Contd.

Students will…
celebra he/she celebrates
 identify and discuss different hobbies como I eat
and vacation activities escucho I listen
 ask and answer questions seeking specific toco I play (an instrument)
Essential Question
voy I go
¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? What do you do in vas You go
your free time? va He/she goes, you (formal) go
vamos we go
Vocabulary van they go, you (plural) go

baloncesto basketball Question words:

béisbol baseball
fútbol soccer ¿cómo? How?
fútbol americano American football ¿con quién? With whom?
surf surfing ¿cuándo? When?
tenis tennis ¿dónde? Where?
¿por qué? Why?
clarinete clarinet ¿qué haces? What do you do? Or What are you
guitarra guitar doing?
trompeta trompeta

noviembre November
diciembre December
enero January

carnaval Carnival
desfile parade
deporte sports
feria fair/festival
helado ice cream
mes month
pastel cake
vacaciones vacations
verano Summer
acampar to camp
bailar to dance
Unit 3 Week 4

Students will…

 describe classes, teachers and classmates

 use and apply different forms of the verb
 discuss a school rules webpage

Essential question

¿Cómo es la escuela? What is school like?


baloncesto basketball
examen/exámenes exam/s
mediodía mid-day
página Web webpage
tarea homework

aburrido(a) boring
interesante interesting
artístico(a) artistic
atlético(a) athletic
difícil difficult
fácil easy
maravilloso(a) marvellous, great
serio(a) serious
talentoso(a) talented

VENIR (To come)

vengo I come
vienes You come
viene He/she comes
venimos We come
vienen They come, you all come
Descubre el español con Santillana F: Unit 4/ End of Year Test Objectives

End of Year Test Study Guide-Unit 4 Week 1

Students will… afectuoso(a) affectionate

mediano(a) of medium size
 identify and describe pets and farm peludo(a) furry/hairy
 make inferences from a text. detrás behind
 Discuss U.S. and Puesrto Rican national encima on top of
corre runs
Essential Question cuidan they care for/look after
duerme sleeps
¿Cómo son las mascotas? What are pets like? trabaja

Vocabulary recordarlos remember them

puertorriqueño(a) Puerto Rican
burro donkey
caballo horse
gallina hen
gallo rooster
gato cat
oveja sheep
pájaro bird
pato duck
pavo turkey
perro dog
pollito chick
rana frog
vaca cow

aguacate avocado
café coffee
leche milk
piña pineapple
plátano plantain

cola tail
costumbre custom
cultivos crops
granja farm
isla island
jíbaro a Puerto Rican farmer
lodo mud
mascota pet
pasto pasture/grass
Study Guide, contd.-Unit 4 Week 2/Spoken test
lentamente slowly
Students will…
vuela flies
 Identify and describe endangered species
from Puerto Rico en peligro de extinción endangered
 Distinguish the diphthongs ua, ue, ui, uo,
 Distinguish the sounds gi, ji, güe, güi, and
y. Hola! Me llamo Juan.
Hello, my name is Juan.
Essential Question
Soy de España. (Optional sentence)
¿Por qué hay animals en peligro de extinción en I am from Spain.
Puerto Rico? Why are there endangered animals in
Puerto Rico? Vivo en Carolina del norte.
I live in North Carolina.
Tengo once (11) años.
ballena whale I am 11 years old.
boa boa constrictor
coquí frog native to Puerto Rico Mi clase favorita es matemáticas.
cotorra parrot My favorite class is math.
culebra snake
iguana iguana Mi animal favorito es el perro.
murciélago bat My favorite animal is a dog.
tortuga marina sea turtle
plancton plankton E.G.
semilla seed
En mi tiempo libre, me gusta jugar fútbol.
anfibio amphibian In my free time, I like to play soccer.
ave birf
mamífero acuático/terrestre acquatic/land Tengo una hermana y dos hermanos.
mammal I have one sister and two brothers.
reptil reptile
En las vacaciones, voy a la playa/las
bosque forest montañas/Chicago
costa coast During Summer break, I go to the beach/to the
caverna cavern mountains/ to Chicago.
cueva cave
oceáno ocean
tierra land

enorme enormous
fuerte strong
travieso(a) mischievious

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