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A lenda de

São Martinho (St. Martin) was born around 317 AD. He was a Roman
soldier who belonged to the Roman Empire. On a particularly dreadful
winter day, Martin was caught in a downpour of rain with only his cape
to protect him. While riding to get out of the horrible weather he was
approached by a beggar, half naked with hardly a thread to cover him
from the cold weather.

Martin was moved by the man’s misery. He grabbed his sword,

reached back for his woollen cape, cut it in half and covered the
beggar. The other soldiers riding with Martin laughed that he was
giving away his protection.

But legend has it that when Martin covered the beggar the clouds
drifted and beams of sun lit up the sky.

Martin died on November 8th, 397 AD and was laid to rest in the city of
Tours, France on November 11th. He was later canonized as a saint.
São Martinho is celebrated throughout Europe on this day, with many
agricultural fairs, feasts, and festivals, especially by wine makers.

Havia um grande temporal.
Agora é a tua vez.
conta a história.

Now it’s your turn to tell the story.

Martinho | soldado romano | cavalo | chuva | frio
Homem pobre | não | casa | roupa
Martinho | capa | cortou | metade | deu-a | pobre
Prémio | generosidade | Martinho | Deus | sol |
céu azul
Hoje | celebramos | dia | São Martinho |
castanhas | vinho novo
Martinho era um soldado romano. Ele ia a cavalo
num dia de muita chuva e muito frio.

Então viu um homem pobre que não tinha casa

nem roupa.

Martinho pegou na sua capa, cortou metade com

a espada e deu-a ao pobre.

Como prémio da generosidade de Martinho,

Deus mandou o sol e o céu ficou azul.

Hoje celebramos o dia de São Martinho com

castanhas e vinho novo.
Click once for timed text and mouse over the sound icon for audio narration.
Terras de São Martinho
Em Portugal e outros países da Europa há
muitas cidades e vilas com o nome de S. Martinho

In Portugal and other European countries many towns are named after
St. Martin.
Festas de São Martinho
O Magusto
• O Magusto é uma festa tradicional de São Martinho (11 de Novembro).
• As pessoas fazem fogueiras, assam castanhas, bebem o vinho novo e a jeropiga
(bebida pouco alcoólica feita com sumo de uva fermentado).
Eating chestnuts
Roasting chestnuts. and drinking jeropiga.

Dancing around the

bonfire. 

School children also help

prepare the bonfire. 
Tradições de São Martinho
Muitas cidades e vilas organizam festas de S.
Martinho para os locais e os visitantes.

Many towns and villages organize festivities for the locals and visitors.
A viagem das castanhas | Chestnuts’ journey

o castanheiro o ouriço

a castanha
A viagem das castanhas | Chestnuts’ journey

o assador

as castanhas
assadas 

o cartucho de castanhas 

o vendedor
de castanhas

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