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There was once a little girl who dreamed of a

long blue scarf. There were often galaxies in her
dreams, stars burning and black holes eating
everything around them, there were also planets
filled with strange habitants, some of them were
amazing and some other were scary. Creatures
with faces you couldn’t remember if you wanted
to remember, creatures with their hearts coming
out of their mouths, there were even creatures
without eyes. But she didn’t care about that,
because the thing that always remained in her
dreams was the long blue scarf.

People kept telling her it was time to move one,

they kept telling her it was only a scarf, but
people didn’t understand. She couldn’t do that,
she just couldn’t. Not after everything she had
seen, not after the life she has once had.

It was not about the places they have visited

together, she could do that by herself if she
wanted to. But she didn’t want that, not if the
man with the scarf was not around. A man with
the entire universe locked in his mind, a man you
would never expect to eventually meet on the
street, a man that was nothing but impossible.
And that man picked her, of every girl that ever
existed, he decided to take her. He didn’t know
how things would end up, she didn’t blame him.
Life was now awful, but she refused to accept it.
She let fall herself in the deepest state of
hope, it was her only option. She waited
and dreamed. And she lost the sense of
time, that was something else in the list
of things that didn’t matter. She was
waiting and she wasn’t living.

Things have started to go wrong when

she realized he was hiding something,
his eyes looked tired than usual,
because when he looked tired it was
because his body was, and that often
happened. But she realized this time it
was his mind, maybe his soul. She
couldn’t take that thought so she asked
him. He didn’t answer, and after that he
never talked again. It was like he was
somewhere else, it was too much.

She should have still paid attention to

him, she shouldn’t have let time went by,
she shouldn’t have thought it was the
end, because she didn’t realize when
but he disappeared. The place where his
body had been before was now empty,
but she saw something red from afar.
When she took it to check what it was,
she found it was a long red scarf, the
scarf of hope. And that’s when she
waited. She must have been waiting
forever. Literally, she waited Forever.
And when Forever ended, he told her to go with
him. So she followed the scarf, her impossible
man. She didn’t doubt to give the first step, it felt
like she was flying, and she could see from
behind he was feeling the same. Their steps were
like feathers grounding on the floor. She followed
him through all time and space, it felt like that
walk was never going to end, and she didn’t want
that to end. But when the wind stopped blowing
and the stars stopped showing, she also had to
stop: it was the end of their journey. And he
suddenly wasn’t there, but the scarf was, and so
was his coat. She put both things on. The coat
felt heavy, the pockets were full of stones. She
knew what she had to do, she joined the river

And that’s when she saw it. The long blue scarf
and the red scarf of hope were dancing with the
water, making little hurricanes and spirals with the
arms of the river, holding each other, and also
holding her hands. The scarfs took her deeper
and deeper, and as she expected, he was there.

He saw her and got closer, there weren’t signs of

any emotion on his face, and for a moment she
felt scared. But he whispered:

—Time has left its scars on you — she heard.

Then they smiled. She was under the water, she
was supposed to be dead, but she was feeling
alive for the first time in her life. Alejandra Rodríguez

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