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The attitudes of Miss Brodie towards education are also releated to Calvinism.

Like Calvin’s God, she

holds way over the Brodie Set and expects from each of them to fulfill her expectations at each step of
their lives. For this, she adopts a psychological approach. Wh protrays herself to her students as a victim
of the system that come in between her high ideals. Miss Brodie seeks to assure her students of an
‘academic’ salvation by promosing to turn them into the “creme de la creme” among their friends
provided they follow her advice in words and letters. She got confidence of six girls and started about
planning and organising their futures for them she sees potential of fulfilling her dream in Rose and
Sandy. Miss Brodie Sparks write in her novel. “The Prime of Miss Brodie’ “that Miss Brodie wanted Rose
with her instinct to start preparing to be Teddy Lloyed’s lover, and Sandy with her insight to act as
informant on the affair. It was to this end that Rose and Sandy hand been chosen as the creme da la
creme” She feels rudely shocked when just the opposite happens.

Miss Brodie does not live on any theory, but personal experience and insight. Spark suggests that the
Catholic Church was a suitable channel for normalising her. Had Miss Brodie lived within the limits of
doctrine and community, whe might have been saved from the pitfalls of personal judgement. Whe
could have made use of her energy in better directions of life than wasting her faculties to set explosive
ideas in the minds of her followers. When Sandy sees throug the effect of Miss Brodie’s imposition of
her ideology and enthusiasm, she understands the evel designs of her mentor. She feels perturbed by
the images on Lloyd’s canvases where all the girls appear to resemble Miss Brodie. She is alarmed to
hear of the circumstances of Emily Joyee’s death. Sandy senses that Miss Brodie “has elected herself to
grace” and saw her as a symbol of power that ruled over the lives of smaller people Miss Brodies’, self-
righteousness and absense of humility makes Sandy uncomformtable wh sees an excessive lack of guilt
in her teacher. Later on Sany read John Calvin, and found it difficult to see eye to eye to his dcotrine in
which the human soluld was ensalved to sin and give people and enoromous sense of joy and salvation
so that “their surprise at the end might be nastier” Calvinism’s deterministic approach is not accepted
by Sandy in favour of the more redemptive Roman Catholicism. She present the picture of Miss Brodie
as a Calvinistic presence designing and determining the future of innocent minds and decides to stop it.
She is successful in her objective, but she feels herslef guilty which makes her life uncomfortable, Miss
Spark however, sympathises with Sandy. When she recovers from her sense of selfrighteousness, she is
able to understand that Miss Brodie’s sense of self righteousness and enlarging aspects had not been
without its beneficient. Muriel Spark does to accept the determinism of Calvin and Knock. Spark values
seenign the truth with sentiments. In”The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie” humbug and falsehood became
targets of her denunciation

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