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Pre UPSR 2017

Answer scheme

Section A
1. means ‘spotted one’
2. has spots on its body
3. fastest land animal
4. open grasslands, savannas and semi desert
5. a diurnal hunter / diurnal hunter

Section B
B (i)
Title Genre
The Prince and the Snow Princess fiction
The Boy From Planet Mars science fiction
Where Have They Gone? adventure

B (ii)
Dear Amy,
I would like to borrow a storybook from the school library. The title of the book is
‘The Boy From Planet Mars’. I love Science fictions. Moreover, it is written by my favourite
author. His books are always in the best-seller list. I found the storyline quite interesting. It is
about a boy who was sent to planet Earth to help save the Earth from alien attacks. I believe
aliens do exist and they are among us. I’m sure I’ll enjoy reading this book.

(Accept any suitable answer)
Section C
Question 1
The river in Kampung Sentosa was clogged with rubbish. The community decided to
take action.
They organised a clean-up event to save the river. A few of the villagers rowed a
sampan to the middle of the river and used long poles to push rubbish to the bank. The
rubbish included empty containers, plastic pails and even broken furniture likes tables and
There were other villagers on the bank to drag away the rubbish. They worked hard
and did their best to clean the river. The river flowed freely after that.

Question 2
Fattah is a hardworking boy. His mother owns a stall. Last weekend, he helped his
mother to peel a few combs of bananas in the kitchen. His mother mixed some flour and
water to make a bowl of batter for the banana fritters.
In the evening, Fattah and his mother set up their stall by the roadside. His mother
fried the bananas in a big wok.
Many customers came to the stall to buy their crispy banana fritters. They served their
customers politely. Fattah packed the fritters in plastic bags. They felt glad as they earned a
lot of money on that day.

(Accept any suitable answer)

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