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Particle-Support Interferences in Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering from

Supported-Catalyst Materials
Tobias Binninger,1,* Marios Garganourakis,2 Jun Han,1 Alexandra Patru,1 Emiliana Fabbri,1
Olha Sereda,2 Rüdiger Kötz,1 Andreas Menzel,1 and Thomas J. Schmidt1,3
Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique SA, CH-2002 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
ETH Zürich, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland
(Received 11 November 2014; revised manuscript received 13 January 2015; published 24 February 2015)
Small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful technique for the investigation of catalyst materials at
the nanoscale. We present results of an anomalous SAXS study on metal-oxide-supported platinum
particles used as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction. The scattering interferences between catalyst
particles and support material are taken into account qualitatively and quantitatively by a mathematical
model for the data-fitting procedure. Our results clearly demonstrate the fundamental importance of these
catalyst-particle–support-material interferences in the analysis of SAXS data from supported catalysts.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.3.024012

I. INTRODUCTION strongly scatter to the small-angle region. And second, the

scattering interference between catalyst particles and support
In the past two decades, small-angle x-ray scattering
additionally contributes to the total SAXS signal. The latter
(SAXS) has become an established technique for the
contribution is generally neglected in the analysis of SAXS
structural characterization at the nanoscale of catalyst
data from supported catalysts. However, we show in the
particles supported on high-surface-area materials like
following that this interference effect can have a drastic
carbon [1–8] and oxides [9–12]. From the scattering signal,
influence on the SAXS curve, implying that the existing
information about catalyst-particle size, shape, and distri-
methods of SAXS analysis can strongly degrade the quali-
bution can be derived. The advantage of SAXS over other
tative and quantitative findings. As a solution, we furthermore
complementary techniques like transmission electron
present a mathematical model which allows one to take
microscopy (TEM) is that the scattered signal already
this particle-support interference into account with high
contains the information averaged over millions of catalyst
particles, whereas in TEM, sampling is comparably limited
The full scattering signal contains contributions from
and highly time consuming. To be more specific, even for a
both the catalyst nanoparticles and the support material
synchrotron x-ray-beam diameter of the order of 100 μm,
and, if applicable, also from additional components like
the beam easily probes 100 million catalyst nanoparticles
cell windows, etc. For the extraction of the pure scattering
within an acquisition time of seconds to minutes. Using
signal from the catalyst nanoparticles, there are two
TEM, a minimum of 1000 catalyst particles must be
commonly used techniques: First, on laboratory x-ray
examined for achieving representative statistics. Due to
diffractometers with fixed x-ray energy, the background
shortcomings of TEM-data-analysis software, the determi-
scattering must be measured in a separate experiment with
nation of particle sizes is still preferentially done manually,
the bare support material. This signal can then be subtracted
one particle after the other, requiring hours to several days
from the full supported-catalyst scattering intensities.
of analysis time. Furthermore, SAXS can be performed
However, the correct normalization of the two curves is
under in situ conditions, which allows one, e.g., to study the
often nontrivial. The second technique for the separation
properties of fuel-cell catalysts during electrochemical
of catalyst-nanoparticle scattering from support scattering
testing [1–3,6–8]. Finally, for support materials containing
is anomalous SAXS (ASAXS). This technique can only be
high-Z elements, the support phase can have such a high
used at synchrotron SAXS beam lines because of the
TEM contrast that the supported nanoparticles become
required tunability of the x-ray energy. The changes of the
effectively invisible. In such a case, SAXS provides the
atomic form factors with energy around elemental absorp-
only means to extract structural data about the catalyst
tion edges can be used to extract pure elemental scattering
particles at the nanoscale.
signals from SAXS curves recorded at different x-ray
However, also for SAXS, the high-surface-area support
energies on the same sample.
complicates the analysis. First, the support material itself can
For supported-catalyst nanoparticles, the full differential
scattering cross section not only consists of the super-
* position of the individual scattering contributions of

2331-7019=15=3(2)=024012(6) 024012-1 © 2015 American Physical Society

TOBIAS BINNINGER et al. PHYS. REV. APPLIED 3, 024012 (2015)

catalyst particles and support material, but it also contains particle-support interferences that we prove to have a
the interference terms between catalyst particles and sup- significant influence on the SAXS curves. In particular,
port phase, we show in the following how the commonly used
spherical particle model can be extended to include the
dσ particle-support interferences.
ðq; EÞ ¼ jf p ðEÞj2 n2p Spp ðqÞ þ jf s ðEÞj2 n2s Sss ðqÞ

þ 2Re½f p ðEÞf s ðEÞnp ns Sps ðqÞ; ð1Þ II. THEORY

where p denotes the catalyst-particle phase and s denotes Assuming that the catalyst-particle phase p consists of
the support phase, and the differential cross section is only one single spherical particle of radius R, the Fourier
understood in units of the Thomson differential cross transform results in the well-known structure factor,
section r20 ¼ 7.95 × 10−30 m2 of a free electron in the  
4 3 sinðqRÞ − qR cosðqRÞ
forward direction [13]. Here, we adopt the notation as given Ap ðqÞ ¼ πR 3
in Ref. [14] in terms of the energy-dependent atomic form 3 ðqRÞ3
factors f i ðEÞ, the atomic (number) densities ni , and the ¼ VðRÞgðq; RÞ
scattering-vector q-dependent partial structure factors
(PSFs) of phases i; j ∈ fp; sg, ⇒ Ssingle
pp ðqÞ ¼ jAp ðqÞj2 ¼ VðRÞ2 gðq; RÞ2 ; ð3Þ
Z Z with the volume of the sphere VðRÞ and the implicit
Sij ðqÞ ¼ e−iq·ðri −rj Þ pi ðrÞe−iq·r dr pj ðr0 Þeiq·r dr0 definition of the function gðq; RÞ, which has the property
−iq·ðri −rj Þ
limq→0 gðq; RÞ ¼ 1. The result only depends on the mag-
¼e Ai ðqÞAj ðqÞ; ð2Þ nitude q of the scattering vector. This structure factor is
generally used together with a certain distribution function
where pi ðrÞ is the spatial distribution function of phase i for the particle radius R to fit the experimentally extracted
with value 1 for r inside phase i and value 0 everywhere catalyst-particle scattering data. This experimental extrac-
else, and Ai ðqÞ is the Fourier transform thereof. The spatial tion procedure consists of subtracting the total differential
distribution functions pi;j ðrÞ are defined referring to the cross sections measured at two different energies E1 and E2
respective centers of origin ri;j chosen for phases i; j. The close to the catalyst-particle elemental absorption edge. In
exponential factor takes into account the overall phase shift this energy range, the catalyst-particle atomic form factor
for the case of differing centers of origin ri;j . In Eq. (1), we substantially varies in energy, and the support-material
assume that the catalyst layer is statistically isotropic with atomic form factor f s can in most cases be assumed to be
the consequence that all PSFs are real quantities. Also, we energy independent. Therefore, the pure support-material
do not take into account the void phase filling the pores of scattering jf s j2 n2s Sss ðqÞ cancels, and, neglecting the
the catalyst layer. However, it can be easily shown that the interference term Sps ðqÞ, the difference is equal to
void-phase scattering term jf v ðEÞj2 n2v Svv ðqÞ and the inter- ½jf p ðE1 Þj2 − jf p ðE2 Þj2 n2p Spp ðqÞ, which yields Spp ðqÞ
ference terms 2Re½f v ðEÞf i ðEÞnv ni Svi ðqÞ lead to an equa- after dividing by the scattering contrast ½jf p ðE1 Þj2 −
tion exactly analogous to Eq. (1) with the only difference
jf p ðE2 Þj2 n2p . However, if we take the interference term
that the atomic form factors f i of catalyst particles and
into account, then this procedure yields the true ASAXS-
support material are replaced by the effective atomic form
subtracted signal,
factors f̂ i ¼ f i − ðnv =ni Þf v . Therefore, in the following,
we take the f i to be the effective atomic form factors.
dΩ ðq; E1 Þ − dΩ ðq; E2 Þ
dσ dσ
On the experimental side, the particle-support interfer-
ences Sps ðqÞ are generally neglected in the published ½jf p ðE1 Þj2 − jf p ðE2 Þj2 n2p
literature about SAXS and ASAXS on supported cata- 2Ref½f p ðE1 Þ − f p ðE2 Þf s gnp ns
¼ Spp ðqÞ þ Sps ðqÞ
lysts: Some authors assume the interference terms to be ½jf p ðE1 Þj2 − jf p ðE2 Þj2 n2p
negligible in the relevant q range; others neglect them
without any further comment. For the analysis of ASAXS ≈ Spp ðqÞ þ ¯s s Sps ðqÞ ¼ Spp ðqÞ þ αSps ðqÞ; ð4Þ
data of supported-catalyst particles in Ref. [12], the f p np
theoretical work in Ref. [15] is used, where it is proven
that the pure catalyst-particle scattering can be extracted where f¯p is the average of the catalyst-particle atomic form
by simply subtracting the SAXS curves recorded at two factors f p ðE1 Þ and f p ðE2 Þ at the two energies, and α is
different energies close to the catalyst-particle elemental referred to as the support-catalyst scattering ratio in the
absorption edge. However, the derivation neglects the following. The final approximation directly follows if we
strong spatial correlations between catalyst particles neglect the imaginary parts of the atomic form factors f p
and support material which give rise to exactly those and f s . In this way, it becomes evident that the relative


strength of the interference term compared to the pure all catalyst particles introduces an average h…iθ;ϕ over the
catalyst-particle scattering term is approximately equal to polar angle θ and the azimuthal angle ϕ between q and
the ratio of the support atomic form factor (times support ðrp − rs Þ. This average solely affects the exponential factor,
atomic density) over the average catalyst-particle atomic
form factor (times catalyst-particle atomic density). For sin½qðRp þ Rs Þ
certain systems like light-metal nanoparticles on a high-Z he−iqðRp þRs Þ cos θ iθ;ϕ ¼ ; ð6Þ
qðRp þ Rs Þ
metal-oxide support, this ratio can become larger than 1.
Therefore, the particle-support interference cannot be with the property limq→0 … ¼ 1. The structure factor
neglected in the ASAXS-subtracted signal a priori.
In order to understand the behavior of Sps ðqÞ in more hSsingle
ps ðqÞiθ;ϕ then depends only on the magnitude q of

detail, we calculate its analytical form for the model the scattering vector. Finally, the polydispersities both in
of a single spherical catalyst particle with radius Rp the catalyst-particle size and the support-particle size must
sitting on a single spherical support particle with radius be taken into account in the total PSFs describing the full
Rs > Rp , as shown in the inset in Fig. 1. We assume a point catalyst layer. These polydispersities are expressed in terms
of the catalyst-particle size distribution Pp ðRp Þ and the
contact between catalyst particle and support particle,
so that jrp − rs j ¼ Rp þ Rs . Then, the interference term support-particle size distribution Ps ðRs Þ, so that the total
PSFs read
Sps ðqÞ can be directly evaluated according to Eq. (2) to
yield Z ∞
Spp ðqÞ ¼ N p ½Pp ðRp ÞVðRp Þ2 gðq; Rp Þ2 dRp ; ð7Þ
−iqðRp þRs Þ cos θ 0
ps ðqÞ ¼ e

ZZ ∞
× VðRp ÞVðRs Þgðq; Rp Þgðq; Rs Þ; ð5Þ Sps ðqÞ ¼ N p Pp ðRp ÞPs ðRs ÞVðRp ÞVðRs Þ

where we rewrite the scalar product q · ðrp − rs Þ ¼ sin½qðRp þ Rs Þ
qðRp þ Rs Þ cos θ. In the catalyst layer, the relative orien- × gðq;Rp Þgðq;Rs Þ dRp dRs ; ð8Þ
qðRp þ Rs Þ
tations of the catalyst particles and the respective support-
ing particles are completely random, so that the sum over where N p is the total number of catalyst particles irradiated
by the x-ray beam. In Fig. 1, the particle scattering Spp , the
interference term Sps , and the ASAXS-subtracted signal
108 Spp þ αSps for α ¼ 1 are plotted on a double-logarithmic
scale. In this case, the particle size distributions Pp and Ps
are taken to be commonly used log-normal distributions,

102 ½lnðRi =μi Þ2

1 −
2σ 2
Sps Pi ðRi Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi e i : ð9Þ
Spp+ Sps 2π Ri σ i
S (nm6 )

The interference PSF Sps ðqÞ has negative values at larger q
-10-2 0.01 0.1 1
q / (nm-1 ) (cf. the Supplemental Material [16]), and a positive limiting
value of N p hV p ihV s i for q → 0. This value is larger than
-102 the limiting value limq→0 Spp ðqÞ ¼ N p hV 2p i, so that Sps
-104 dominates at small q in the ASAXS-subtracted signal,
whereas Spp generally dominates at larger q. In the
transition region between these two q ranges, the entire
signal after ASAXS subtraction, Eq. (4), can become
FIG. 1. The catalyst-particle PSF Spp ðqÞ (dark-blue dotted negative, depending on the support-catalyst scattering ratio
line), Eq. (7), the particle-support interference PSF Sps ðqÞ α and the relative size difference between catalyst and
(light-orange dashed line), Eq. (8), and the sum of both support particles. Such a region of negative values in an
(solid line), which is equal to the ASAXS-subtracted signal experimental ASAXS-subtracted signal is clear evidence of
for α ¼ 1. The inverted second logarithmic y axis allows regions the catalyst-particle–support-material interference, because
of negative values of the PSFs to be displayed. The model of the pure particle scattering Spp ¼ jAp j2 is strictly positive.
spherical catalyst particles supported on spherical support par-
ticles shown in the inset is used. The catalyst and support-particle
size distributions are taken to be log-normal distributions,
Eq. (9), with parameters μp ¼ 1.5 nm, σ p ¼ 0.5, μs ¼ 30 nm, and Anomalous SAXS experiments are performed at the
σ s ¼ 0.25. cSAXS beam line X12SA at the Swiss Light Source (SLS)

TOBIAS BINNINGER et al. PHYS. REV. APPLIED 3, 024012 (2015)

synchrotron at Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland. The 10-2 Spp+ α Sps (exp. data)
10-3 Spp+ α Sps (fit)

S after ASAXS analysis (dimensionless)

SAXS curves are recorded with a Pilatus 2M detector
10-4 Spp (from fit)
[17], which is placed at the end of a 2.1-m-long evacuated
flight tube. The scattering curves are corrected for sample
absorption, isotropic background scattering, and photon- 10-7
detection efficiency and then transformed to differential 10-8
cross sections per area by normalization with respect to the 10-9
incident photon current. The absolute calibration of the
-10-9 0.1 1 10
photodiode measuring the transmitted photon current is q (nm-1 )
done with a glassy carbon standard [18]. The investigated -10-7
catalyst consists of platinum nanoparticles supported on -6

PPt (R)
-10 2.0
iridium-titanium oxide (Pt=IrO2 -TiO2 ) and is provided by -10-5 1.5

Umicore AG & Co. KG [19]. The Pt content is 8.8 wt %, -10-4

and the support oxide consists of two separate phases -10-3 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
of IrO2 (≈66 mol%) and TiO2 (≈34 mol%). This material -10-2 R (nm)

serves as a benchmark for the research on stable metal-

oxide-supported platinum catalysts for the oxygen elec- FIG. 2. Experimental ASAXS-subtracted data from
trode of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) [20]. The Pt=IrO2 -TiO2 catalyst (dots with line). The data are fitted with
SAXS measurements are conducted in situ during electro- the model for Spp þ αSps with log-normal catalyst-particle and
chemical testing of the catalyst material in aqueous 0.1M support-particle size distributions (solid line). Also shown is the
HClO4 electrolyte. Anomalous SAXS is used to filter out pure Pt-particle PSF Spp resulting from the fitted particle size
distribution (dashed line). The inset shows the log-normal Pt-
the Pt scattering from the overall signal. The Ir-containing
particle (radius) size distribution determined from the fit to the
support oxide added a further complication to the anoma- experimental data.
lous SAXS analysis because the energy dependence of
the Ir atomic form factor could not be neglected in the
experimental energy range of the Pt LIII -absorption edge Fig. 2 with average Pt-particle radius hRp i ¼ 1.0 nm and
(EPt;LIII ¼ 11.56 keV [21]). Additionally, the in situ flow-
standard deviation sRp ¼ 0.15 nm. The effective average
cell setup contained a thin gold layer for the electrical
contact, and the energy dependence of the Au atomic form support-particle radius is found to be hRs i ¼ 12 nm. The
factor also has to be taken into account. Therefore, SAXS fitted value of α ¼ 0.72 is slightly larger than the value of
curves are recorded at the four energies (E1 ¼ 11.20 keV, 0.54 estimated from the respective atomic form factors as
E2 ¼ 11.45 keV, E3 ¼ 11.55 keV, and E4 ¼ 11.70 keV) described in the Supplemental Material [16]. This differ-
and the analysis is adjusted accordingly, as described ence might result first from an uncertainty of the fitted
in the Supplemental Material [16]. Nevertheless, the result value due a decrease of the experimental-data precision at
of this analysis is analogous to Eq. (4), Spp ðqÞ þ αSps ðqÞ, low q, and second from an imprecision of the theoretically
with the difference of a more complicated expression estimated value due to the assumption that the Pt particles
for the prefactor α of the interference term Sps . The are homogeneously distributed with equal properties over
both the IrO2 and the TiO2 partial phases of the support.
energy-dependent values of the elemental atomic form
Also shown in Fig. 2 is the pure Pt PSF Spp ðqÞ resulting
factors used in the ASAXS analysis are taken from
Ref. [22]. from the Pt-particle size distribution as determined from the
The experimental Pt signal after ASAXS analysis is fit with the full model. It is evident that it would be
plotted in Fig. 2. The statistical data error estimated from impossible to obtain this correct Pt PSF if the data were
Poisson photon-counting statistics is of the same magnitude fitted only with the function Spp ðqÞ from Eq. (8).
as the obvious fluctuations in the plotted data. The data
show a region of negative values in the intermediate q
range, which is a clear signature of the particle-support IV. DISCUSSION
interference as described above. Also shown is the fit of the Even for a standard platinum-on-carbon (Pt=C) catalyst,
data with the function Spp ðqÞ þ αSps ðqÞ, with Spp ðqÞ and the support-catalyst scattering ratio is α ≈ f C nC =ðf Pt nPt Þ ≈
Sps ðqÞ by Eqs. (7) and (8). The particle size distributions 0.2 (for graphite carbon), so that the interference can be
Pp ðRp Þ and Ps ðRs Þ are both chosen to be of log-normal expected to be visible in the SAXS curve. In such a case of
type, Eq. (9). This model incorporating the particle-support smaller α, the ASAXS-subtracted signal can lose the region
interference has the six free fitting parameters (μp , σ p , μs , of negative values and then resemble a sole catalyst-particle
σ s , α, and N p ) and the respective fit is in very good PSF Spp ðqÞ for a bimodal catalyst-particle size distribution.
agreement with the experimental data. The fit yields the Thus, the particle-support interference easily can be mis-
Pt-particle size distribution Pp ðRp Þ shown in the inset in interpreted in this way if not correctly taken into account.


A refit of the published Pt=C data from Ref. [3] with our ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
model including the particle-support interference and a
This work was supported by Competence Center for
unimodal Pt-particle size distribution is presented in the
Energy and Mobility (CCEM) Switzerland and Umicore
Supplemental Material [16].
AG & Co. KG within the project DuraCat. We gratefully
Another approach to deal with the particle-support
thank Michael Horisberger for the help in connection
interference is to separate it experimentally instead of
with the electrode preparation. We acknowledge the Paul
incorporating it into a theoretical fitting model. In principle,
Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, for provision of
this separation is possible because the energy dependence
synchrotron radiation beam time at the cSAXS beam line of
of the prefactor of the interference term in Eq. (1) is linearly
the SLS and we would like to thank Dr. Ana Diaz for
independent of the other prefactors. So, by recording SAXS
curves at sufficiently many x-ray energies, the system of
equations can be inverted to yield Spp , Sps , and Sss
individually. This experimental strategy has been proposed
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