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Patrick Liner

Face to Face Staff Development

FRIT 7739

Dr. Downs
Identification of Learner Problem

This assignment tasked us with identifying an subject that we could develop a

professional development for other teachers in our district. For this assignment, we were not

allowed to conduct our professional development with teachers from our own school and we

could not conduct our professional development in the building we teach in. These requirements

forced me to look at a professional development that would satisfy a need for teachers across our

district. I approached this assignment by thinking about common tools that we use across our

district that help our teachers everyday.

I have been fortunate to work at the elementary, middle, and high school levels within

our district during my time in Dalton. There are numerous tools that are used across our district

by teachers everyday. I decided the best approach for deciding on a topic was a survey that

would be administered to teachers at different schools. This data would be vital for identifying a

topic that would provide a worthwhile professional development for our teachers. The data

revealed that many of our teachers do not know the capabilities of Microsoft OneNote. OneNote

is a Microsoft product that helps teachers organize and share information across a cloud network

or via email. Our district has pushed the use of OneNote in the classroom as well as our special

education departments within our district. As a former special education teacher, I found

OneNote to be a useful tool that I felt knowledgeable enough to provide professional

development on.

The purpose of this training was to provide a basic introduction to OneNote uses and

capabilities. This training concluded with the teachers creating their own notebook, attaching

content to their notebook, and sharing their notebook with other teachers. The teachers will be

assessed on their ability to create their notebook, inclusion of content, and their ability to share
their notebook with another teacher. This professional development will conclude with a survey

to gather data in order to assess the success of the professional development.

Learner Analysis

The requirements for this assignment included performing our face-to-face staff

development in front of at least 8 teachers. These teachers could not be from the school we are

currently employed in. My target audience for this professional development were teachers from

Dalton Public Schools from different grade levels that represented multiple subjects. This staff

development included 7 teachers from Morris Innovative High School and 1 teacher from Dalton

High School. Three of the teachers were male and five of the teachers were female. My site

supervisor, Laure Esters was also present at the staff development but did not participate as she

served as the video recorder for my staff development.Five of the teachers in the staff

development have been teaching for 5-10 years and three teachers in the staff development have

been teaching less than 5 years. The content areas of the participating teachers included math,

social studies, and science. I did not include teachers from our special education departments

because they are already well versed in OneNote and would need a more advanced professional

development than this design.

The teachers that will participate in this staff development all have their own school-

issued device to use during the professional development. Each device has Microsoft OneNote

already loaded onto the device.

Task Analysis

Patrick Liner will be serving as the subject matter expert for this professional development.

Patrick is completing his Masters in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University
and is a 2012 graduate of Kennesaw State University. Patrick gained experience working with

OneNote as a special education teacher at Dalton High School and has attended professional

development trainings on OneNote prior to leading this professional development.

Task Analysis Outline

1. Students will enter the room and take a seat where the overhead projection is visible.

2. Students will take out their devices and turn on their computer.

3. Students will open their “App” section on their device and select the Microsoft OneNote


4. Mr. Liner will begin the staff development with an overview of OneNote while using a

Google Slides presentation.

a. Opening remarks regarding a situation were Mr. Liner was a first year teacher and

would have found OneNote very helpful in collaboration with his fellow social

studies teachers.

b. Staff development goals

i. Students will create their own notebook in OneNote

ii. Students will add content to their notebook in OneNote

iii. Students will share their notebook with another student in OneNote

c. Explanation of why Microsoft OneNote

d. Uses within the Dalton Public School District

i. Special Education Program

1. Accommodations

2. Progress monitoring
3. Up to date information on students from different classroom

teachers and case managers

4. RTI process for poor grades and remediation needed/used

ii. Collaboration

1. New hire collaboration with veteran teachers

2. Instant collaboration among teachers with the same school and

teachers in different schools.

3. Common assessments and strategies.

iii. Literacy RTI

1. Up to date progress monitoring

2. Communication between teachers and literacy coaches

5. Students will then begin to create their own notebook with OneNote. Mr. Liner will

show the students with his computer projected on to the screen how to create a new


6. Mr. Liner will monitor the room as students create their own notebook.

7. Once the notebook is created, students will use the internet to find relevant content to

their subject matter and add that content to their notebook. This content could include

articles, video clips, or pictures.

8. The students will share with the class what content they have added and why.

9. Mr. Liner will then demonstrate how to share the notebook with another person.

a. Cloud based sharing

b. Direct email sharing

10. For this professional development, students will use direct emailing sharing to share their

notebook with another students.

11. Mr. Liner will continue to monitor the room to assess the students understanding and

their achievement of the goals set out at the beginning of the professional development.

12. Once all students have shared their notebooks, Mr. Liner will hold a question and answer

session to complete the professional development.

13. Students will then take a brief survey after their completion.

Instructional Objectives

1. Students will be able to create their own notebook in OneNote.

2. Students will be able to add relevant subject matter content from the internet to their

notebook in OneNote.

3. Students will share their notebook with another student via direct email sharing.

Needs Assessment

The participants of this professional development completed a brief survey prior to their

participation that aimed to find a learning problem that needed to be addressed. The survey was

given to 40 teachers across the district and completed by 27 teachers. The survey was designed

to gather relevant information about the participating teachers and their interest and areas of

weakness regarding applications provided by our district. Each survey question was answered

with a responses on a sliding scale ranging from Never to Everyday. The participants would

slide the scale to the level best answered the questions. The survey items are listed below along

with the responses from the participants of the survey.

Pre-Staff Development Survey

Q1: How often do you use web 2.0 tools in your classroom?

A1: Never, Often, or Everyday

Q2: Would you be interested in participating in a brief professional development after school?

A2: Yes or No
Q3: Please check each box you would be interested in learning more about.
A3: Illuminate, Canvas Learning Management System, Infinite Campus, Microsoft OneNote,

Google Apps

Q4: How many years have you been teaching?

A2: Less than 5, 5-10, 11-20, Over 20 years

Q5: What subject do you primarily teach?

A5: English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Elementary

Q6: What other web 2.0 tools would you be interesting in learning about?

A6: Text box for free response

Instructional Design Summary

This professional development was designed to provide students with a hands on tutorial

of the very basic of OneNote. This professional development was simple by design and served

as a jumping off point for further development using OneNote for the participants in this

training. The instructor used frequent monitoring and leading questions to gauge understanding

as students worked through the training. The training concluded with a formal question and

answer session as well as an closing survey and evaluation from the instructional technology site


Universal Design Learning

1. Representation: The instructor presented the information through a number of

instructional strategies and established learning goals and objectives at the outset of the

professional development.

2. Expression: Students were provided with visual aids throughout the training to assist in

learning. Students were given the flexibility to search the internet for relevant subject

matter content to include in their notebook.

3. Engagement: The instructor shared personal experiences with the students regarding the

usefulness of OneNote and allowed students to share frequently about the different ways

they could use OneNote in their professional settings. Students also engaged in class

discussion as they presented the content they included in their notebooks.

Program Evaluation

The instructor used survey data and evaluation methods to provide an overall program

evaluation. Each participant completed an exit survey that focused on the ease of use,

knowledge of instructor, usefulness of the training, and overall satisfaction of the training. The

instructor also conducted an exit interview with the instructional technology supervisor for this

practicum. The goal of these program evaluation methods was to find areas of improvement

within the professional development and strengthen the overall professional development for

additional use. The data from the exit surveys and a bulleted suggestion list compiled from the

exit interview are listed below.

Exit Survey

Q1: Did you find OneNote to be easy to use?

A1: Easy to use, Somewhat easy to use, Difficult to use

Q2: Did you feel you instructor was knowledgeable on the subject of OneNote?

A2: Very Knowledgeable, Somewhat Knowledgeable, No Knowledge of OneNote

Q3: Did you find this training to be useful?

A3: Very useful, Somewhat useful, Not useful at all

Q4: Overall, were you satisfied with this professional development?

A4: Satisfied, Not Satisfied

Exit Interview Suggestions for Improvement

1. Include more content to challenge your students

a. When working with adult learners, work to provide more in-depth content

to avoid boredom.

2. Watch your time

a. Your training began to run longer than expected for a intro level training

3. Have the students share their notebook with their grade levels or content peers

a. Instead of letting them share with members of the training, give the

training more real world application by letting them share their notebooks

with the peers.

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