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The Hereafter:

0.01-0.04 - The film open with the the production company name which illustrates the
audience who made the film. The music that is played is a static robotic sound which creates
ambiguity and suspense.

0.05-0.07- Blank Screen

0,07-0.08- Another variety of companies are introduced who aided the completion of the film.

0.13-0.18 The scene is introduced in a classroom environment in which students are seated
in their seats. This is highlighted through the wide shot. The fact that the protagonist is
standing up highlights the fact that he i seen as an outsider conveying his isolation.The
diegetic sound of the charis shuffling whilst the teacher was talking demonstrates the
ignorance of the other students.

0.18-0.20 - The wide shot of the classroom still remains the same however at this point a
student gets up and leaves demonstrating the disrespect given to the teacher but also the
student that is being welcomed- the protagonist.

0.20- 0.27 As the the student leaves it cuts away to the teacher this mid shot highlights his
profession which the whiteboard and the writing on the board further illuminating the fact that
this is a studying institution.With the diegetic sound of the door closing we are met with
caption cards with reads the directors company.The non diegetic sound adheres to the
sound liek a nursery rhyme which creates mystery and suspicion.

0.28- 0.34- With close up shot of the girl and the boy making eye contact demonstrates the
connection that they may have in the future but also the fact that there is a montage of shots
which convey the relationship they begin to have.

0.35-0.45- The establishing shot of a park which juxtaposed with the walk of red which
conveyed his dark side of his personality which some are unaware of.This is supported by
the nursery rhyme music which again creates an ambiguous atmosphere.

0.46-1.00- With the tracking shot shot of him running and the jump cut to him being talked to
the teacher highlights the fact that the he isn't a normal person. This is further supported
through the bullying that is demonstrated through long shot of his glass bottle breaking and
how he is surrounded by a group of people coming he is isolated.

1.01-1.06 - The extreme close up of this father’s face face demonstrates his anger he is
facing and the violent nature of his son is prevalent when he is seen punching the boys
outside.The low lighting highlights his inner darkness is showing coming to surface.

1.07- Over the shoulder shot of him laughing demonstrates the fact that he is is happy when
he is with her however with the non diegetic sound of the nursery rhyme it juxtaposes giving
a sense of confusion.
1.09- the aerial shot the the cloth being washed and then the several faster shots domsta the
fact that he is becoming more of a different character.When shouting at that given the low
lighting highlighted the fact that the inner darkness is being more relieved.

1.13-The mid shot of him pointing the gun in the aire. Followed by a close up of him running
highlights the fact he is trying to relieve stress.By the diegetic sound of the gun being shot
illuminates his inner self has been relieved.

1.18-1.21 - the several jump cuts used to demonstrate his mysterious motives as keeps
coming in and out of of people lives.This highlights the fact that he is hiding something.The
fact that he is wearing dark navy jacket that juxtaposes with the colour of the walls conveys
his evil nature.

1.24- 1,26 The mid shot of him mysterious opening the do the non diegetic sound of an eerie
music grabs the audience attention further beginning to ask question among themselves

1.28-1,35 The title of the movie appear in yellow writing.The choice of colour contrasts as it
is a colour that stands out against a black screen.Additionally, it is followed with coming soon
and also the credits of the actors names.

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