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By Sophia Anton Selvaratnam


Close up are constantly being used, through these shots a sense

of complication is brought upon the audiences they are unaware of
where the object have derived rom and whos they belong to.
An extreme close up is used on a picture of a husky, illustrating
the husky eyes, it is through this close adjacency that we feel as
the audience vulnerable because the creature is powerful and this
shot clearly states that the character in the feel too fearful to the
There is also a close up of a x-ray of a mouth, this picture starts
give the audience of connation of something is out of the ordinary
and is not normal. This is demonstrated within he x-ray when you
can see the deformed nose.

The disparaging notes that are played together for a long time of period
highlights the sense of unease that is brought upon this audience
As the sequence progresses, a deep beat is used when the title is displayed
on the screen. This is indicative that the title is not only important by plays a
key aspect of the film.
The high pitches used in the opening sequence ,highlights a sense of pain an
torture , allowing the audience to come closer to the feelings and thoughts of
the people in the town.
The music continues throughout the sequence however did not stop will
illuminates there is no stop to the trauma and that they no panic and worry.

As the sequence fades from icicles to a distorted image of a face with blood
approaching which illuminates the nature of the movie is vicious.
As it changes to a different screen it fades into a depth of field it creates a sense of
mystery as you cant see the picture visibly which could be linked with the people in
the pictures.
The use of dark lighting portrays how there is no escape and there is no hope.
As some pictures on screen are faded black before others visible which creates a
sense of awareness of what is going on, because the pictures do not seem to flow
which could be suggestive of the people being unaware as they are unaware of there
The use of icicles highlights how the setting of the film is in a cold place. Furthermore is could be
suggestive of the killers being cold blooded and merciless.

Torn pictures that are constantly shown indicates that the film is going to end in turmoil and that
destruction is going to occur.

The scene with a range of people shown in title sequence which portrays the widespread that affects
people and that it does not only affect one person.

As there are several pictures shown of children conveys the killers seem to have no issue with harming
children, giving the killer an inhumane nature.

The bloody tooth trapped in the ice has connation's of vampires. Again the use of ice highlights how
the setting is in a cold place. The tooth stuck in ice could be representing of people who live in the
school and how they are trapped.

As the sequence progress more people seem to have black eyes, this is indicative of what happens in
the film is contagious and will spread quickly, once reinforcing how an escape for people seems

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