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Seward, our hometown 10 Four share their blessings 12 Alumni tour China 27

magazine of Concordia University, Nebraska


Broadcaster spring 2007 volume 83 no. 3

fall 2006 volume 83 no. 2

applauding the arts

applaudingthe arts
applauding the
spring 2007 volume 83 no. 3
Dan Oetting ’87
Guest Editor
Marlene Block
Coryn Berkbigler
Gerri Osborn ’08
Kristy Plander ’00
Theodore Wiesenhan ’04
Copy Editor
Monique Peetz
Graphic Designer
Lisa Nickolite
Lucas Mohrman
Alumni News
Monique Peetz
Jan Koopman co ’69, gr ’75
Contents Dan Oetting ’87
Robert Fiala ’60
Muryani ’07

Raising the Curtain 4 Director of

Marketing & Communication
Paying God’s Blessings Forward 8 Kristy Plander ’00
Vice President
Seward, Our Hometown 10 for Institutional Advancement
Pete Kenow ’88
Four Share Their Blessings 12 Vice President
for Enrollment Management & Marketing
Faculty and Staff 14 Dr. Jean Jones

Campus Scene 16 The Broadcaster is published by the Marketing

& Communication Office, Concordia University,
Nebraska to alumni, faculty, staff, parents and
Athletics 22 friends of the university. Owned and operated
by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Advancement 24 The Broadcaster welcomes reader ideas and
suggestions. Visit us online at
Alumni 26 Broadcaster.

Concordia University Board of Regents

Rev. Dr. David Block, Mesa, Ariz.
Dr. Paul Burger, Kearney, Neb.
Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, Seward, Neb.
William Hartmann, Seward, Neb.
Dr. Vance Hinrichs, Lincoln, Neb.
Virginia Hughes, Seward, Neb.
A. William Kernen, Omaha, Neb.
Dr. Frederick Ohlde, Hortonville, Wis.
Dr. Ronald Pfeiffer, Memphis, Tenn.
Darla Rosendahl, Omaha, Neb.
Cynthia Scheer, Wayzata, Minn.
Dr. Andrew Smith, Dallas, Texas
Rev. Russell Sommerfeld, Seward, Neb.
Rev. Karl Ziegler, Bellevue, Neb.

the joys and challeges of service

Preparing Servant Leaders for Church and World

On the cover: Senior Danielle Bruns 800 North Columbia Avenue

plays Princess Winifred in the fall Seward, Nebraska 68434
musical, Once Upon a Mattress.
800 535 5494
applauding the arts
the arts
applauding the

Applauding the arts, celebrating God’s gifts

The role of “the arts” in a Lutheran, Christian numbers do not include the students who attend
university is profound. The arts are a means to performances, art shows, concerts and recitals!
an end, not just an end in and of themselves. Nor do they include the eyes that see and enjoy
As our students participate, perform, study, the sculptures that adorn the campus lawn! Truly
experience, observe and enjoy the arts, they the arts are blessings of God to us that touch
learn about themselves and the world in which students, faculty, staff members and visitors on
they live. They gain enhanced perspectives campus each day.
about solutions to challenges in the world in “Praising the lord,” our academic year theme,
which they serve. reminds us that the arts find their highest good
This issue of the Broadcaster gives a glimpse when used to praise the Lord, when expressed
of how the arts, especially the theatre arts, through voices, movements, instruments,
touch our students and the broader community, sculptures and paintings; when they reflect and
how they inform the Concordia experience and communicate God’s powerful Law and saving
flourish in our midst. The statistics amaze me. Gospel in fresh and familiar ways. To these ends,
This academic year 290 students will participate Concordia desires that all of the arts flourish on
in choral and instrumental ensembles; 250 our campus. As they do, may they continue to
students will participate in drama and theatre help us catch glimpses of God’s great love for
presentations; 250 students will take art us in Jesus Christ and celebrate the blessings of
and design classes and attend Sunday Night His abundant gifts to us. I invite you to join us
Culture nights; 227 students will take private for a future production on campus. You will be
lessons; 87 students will take theatre classes; thrilled and amazed by the quality, excellence
78 students will major or minor in music; 28 and spirit of those who perform and support!
students will participate in forensics. And the

Brian L. Friedrich
President and ceo
Concordia University, Nebraska

president's message 
Raising the curtain at Concordia
Orchestra members warmed up. In another first for the department,
The house lights dimmed. Wiegmann enlisted the help of Janet Jerger,
And the curtain rose in Weller Hall, Oct. ballet instructor at Shelly’s School of Dance in
20–24, for Once Upon A Mattress, a light-hearted Seward, to choreograph the show.
spoof of The Princess and the Pea. The experience was new for Jerger as well, as
“This show brought more community her students usually arrive with a background
people to the theatre than what we’ve had in dance. She had never before worked on a
at productions in the past,” said Dr. Mira musical. “It surprised me what people laughed
Wiegmann, professor of theatre arts and director at once the audience was there,” she said. “The
of drama. “That was really gratifying.” dance is supposed to come off as funny, and
Months before the laughter and applause, I didn’t really know if it would. That was the
however, hundreds of hours of work by more challenge and the fun of it…seeing the audience
than 100 students, faculty and community laugh at movement.”
members converged to prepare Mattress for The additional help for music and dance
the stage—a stage, in this case, that’s not built allowed Wiegmann to use rehearsal time more
for musicals. And did someone mention there efficiently; some cast members rehearsed on
would be dancing? stage while others practiced chorus parts or
“When I produce a musical, I need the help of worked on dance steps with Jerger but finding
many people to make it successful,” Wiegmann said. space required creativity.
“For example I can’t direct an orchestra, so “Frequently we were dancing and singing in
that wouldn’t happen at all.” Fortunately for the lobby,” Wiegmann said. “So the people
Wiegmann, Professor Andrew Schultz ’89, a that have offices nearby were hearing the music
recent addition to the music faculty, rendered pretty constantly for eight weeks. One time we
his services to the cause. Mattress was the first used the lobby upstairs and downstairs and the
Concordia production to use a professional Weller stage all at one time.”
orchestra director. The space also posed a problem for Schultz, as
Mattress’s success turned out to be a reminder Weller chapel was not designed to accommodate
of the theatre department’s bond with the rest of a full orchestra.
campus and beyond. Not only did community “Since (Weller) doesn’t have a full pit for an
members enjoy a musical, many were also orchestra, there’s (the challenge of ) balance
critical to contributing to the production itself. between the vocals and the orchestra,” he said.

(left) Princess Winifred, played by Danielle Bruns, listens to

the call of “The Swamps of Home.”
(above) Queen Aggravain, Elaine Filter, takes out her marital
frustrations on her son Prince Dauntless the Drab, Chris
Ramstad. Actors and makeup assistants prepare for the
show. Stringed instruments were part of the musical’s full

“(In) balancing sound…do you hear all the text “The musicals have been a great way to
and still get the full orchestral sound?” bring in community members who might not
“Weller’s a very unique space,” otherwise choose to see a Concordia event,” said
communications and theatre arts junior Jon Dr. Kurt von Kampen, associate professor of
Ross, Clinton, Iowa, added. music. Von Kampen and his wife, Dory, worked
Since August 2004 Ross has served as the with the chorus and soloists in preparation for
department’s lighting director and assistant Mattress. “It’s so important to us in the arts that
technical director. He brought in six additional the community sees our performances as options
lighting fixtures from nearby Southeast for their entertainment and education.”
Community College and ran nearly 300 feet of Vocal music senior Danielle Bruns, Utica,
cable to provide the deep blue and pink glows to Neb., who played Princess Winifred, said the
bring out the musical’s cartoonish ambience. production resounded particularly with children.
“Weller’s what God’s given us…and we’re Area youngsters still recognize her for her role.
going to do the best job we can in this space,” he “Little kids have come up to me exclaiming,
said. “It always works out.” ‘Wow, you did a really good job in the play,’”
Wiegmann said that the additional support Bruns said. “It just makes me laugh. They
helped make Mattress the department’s most appreciate it.”
polished production, and she hopes to continue While musicals typically draw the greatest
to include all areas of the university and community response of the university’s drama
community in future performances. productions, Wiegmann said that Mattress’s
“It’s kind of one of those things where once broad humor and positive theme brought a
people start to get involved, then more people particularly warm reception.
learn about it and become involved,” she said. “I think it’s important for us to laugh
“So that’s what’s happening at Concordia. Over sometimes,” Wiegmann said. “It just seemed to
the years we’ve gradually built more and more let people forget about their troubles for a short
community awareness and involvement.” period of time and laugh was a wise thing to do.”n

King Sextimus, Ric Backhus, had to pantomime for most of

the musical. He was mute until his son, Prince Dauntless the
Drab, broke the spell. A curtain call celebrates the hard work
of more than 100 people. Director Mira Wiegmann mikes the
musical’s Jester, Josh Brose. Sound design for the musical
was a challenge on the Weller Hall stage. Rather than use
the spoken voice equipment in Weller, sound equipment
was imported from the music department.

Cloeter transformed by Jekyll and Hyde
Graduate pursues acting passion across the ocean
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde changed everything “I did my monologues, sang a few songs a
for Paul Cloeter ’05. As a senior at Concordia cappella, and that was that,” said Cloeter. “A few
University Cloeter applied for and was accepted weeks later I received an e-mail from the rsamd
to various clinical psychology doctoral programs. offering me a scholarship and one of 12 places in
He thought he had his future planned. Then he their program. The rest is history.”
played the role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in While in Scotland, Cloeter performed in two “Jekyll and Hyde helped
Concordia’s production. shows in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival—Elegies
“Jekyll and Hyde helped me to realize that for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens and Yeti: me to realize that my
my more immediate passion was for acting,” An Abominamusical. Cloeter graduated with a
more immediate
said Cloeter. master’s degree in musical theatre performance
He noted that Concordia faculty members in November 2006. passion
Mira Wiegmann, Bruce Creed, Janene Sheldon, After signing with an agent, he now lives in
Denise Banker and Lynn Soloway inspired and London. He was a lead vocalist in The Twelve Days
was for acting.”
encouraged him. of Christmas and is currently performing as one
“Many churches need well-trained people of two lead male vocalists in Mad about Musicals.
who can lead ministries that use dramas, This show performs hit Broadway and West End
musicals and even dance,” said Cloeter, who favorites and will tour the United Kingdom and
would like Concordia to work toward an even Ireland March through November. Cloeter is
stronger theatre program to prepare students to unsure how long he will be in London.
fill that need. “I’ve found that there is not much point in
His acting passion led him from Concordia making plans in this business,” said Cloeter. “I
to the University Resident Theatre Association have been considering many things, including
auditions in Chicago. While there he filled working on cruise ships or moving to New
free time by auditioning for the Royal Scottish York. But for now, I’m just going to keep
Academy of Music and Drama’s master’s degree auditioning in London until God makes
program in Glasgow. something else clear.”

Paul Cloeter and a friend in Central Park in New York

City during a showcase performance. Cloeter in London
overlooking the River Thames. Cloeter performing his self-
written cabaret Stuck in the Middle.

‘It was a gift from God’

Paying God’s blessings forward

Diane Duganitz ’78 Schulz didn’t know what to football, basketball and track, as well as several
make of the car salesman’s words. intramural sports.
“When he said, ‘It’s paid for,’ I thought That was all before amyotrophic lateral
somebody else already bought it,” she said, sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s
referring to the $30,000 handicap-accessible van. disease, entered their lives.
But Mark Zach of Mobility Motoring In 2005 Neil began losing control of his
Anderson Ford couldn’t stop crying. Then Diane left foot. His speech slurred. That December
heard the words their anonymous benefactor their worst fears were realized when Neil was
told Zach. diagnosed with als at the Mayo Clinic. “It
It was a gift from God. pretty much changes everything,” Diane said.
“I was just shocked,” Diane said. “God Neil can no longer eat without assistance.
has already given us so many gifts. I was just A keyboard is his only form of verbal
overwhelmed and humbled.” communication as it speaks the words he types.
“The tears were certainly for joy,” Zach They moved to a more accessible home. The
later said, “because for people to have that time came to buy the van which would hold
much compassion for other people is a his motorized scooter and keep him from
beautiful thing.” being homebound.
Slightly more than a year ago Neil ’78 and The family may never know who God used to
Diane never imagined themselves shopping for a give them that gift, but that’s alright with them.
handicap-accessible van. “At first we tried to find out who it was,” she
From pick-up basketball games in the said. “And then we thought, ‘You know, they
driveway with their children, Tera, 24, Nathan don’t want us to know. They want it to be a gift
and Zane, both 21, and Jenna, 19, to yard work, from God, and we’ll just leave it at that.’ It just
Neil was always active. At Concordia he played makes it pretty special that way.”

When Neil heard, he knew they would use The center is currently creating 20 pieces of
their blessing to continue God’s giving. art for churches nationwide. Next year its work
“We have to pay it forward,” he told his wife. may cross the Pacific Ocean for a church in
One way the family did that was by Papua New Guinea.
establishing the Schulz Family Endowment Anschutz has remained close to the Schulz
for Concordia’s Center for Liturgical Art. The family since rooming with Neil at Concordia.
endowment has been initially funded by Neil Though the Schulz’s gift was unexpected, he was
and Diane along with siblings and friends. They not surprised by their generosity.
encourage alumni and friends of Concordia to “I know they have big hearts,” Anschutz said. “God has already
help them grow the endowment. “He’s always been so positive about me making given us
The center’s resident artist is their close friend art. He’s the kind of guy everyone loves. Even
Mark Anschutz ’77. Diane said, “We’ve really now it just amazes me the life that’s in him.” so many gifts.
appreciated (Anschutz’s) work to help people Despite the hardships als has brought, the I was just overwhelmed
understand God and participate in worship.” Schulzes have seen God’s blessings clearly in
The four-year-old center offers resources, their lives and grown even closer as a family. and humbled.”
consultations and a variety of art for worship “We’ve always valued our time together and
and ministry. Through the center, Concordia doing things as a family,” Diane said. “But when
students have the opportunity to create you’re very limited in the things that you can do,
ecclesiastical art and to provide furnishings for it is more important to you just being together
churches—from altars to stained glass windows and enjoying each other for whatever bits of
to baptismal fonts. time you can.”
“We spread the Gospel visually, and that
visual language touches everyone,” Anschutz
said. “It’s a universal language.”

Seward, our hometown
Starting with potatoes, collaborative
relationship is still alive today
Seth Boggs ’03 stepped onto Concordia’s campus service from three rail companies.
in the fall of 1998. Little did he know that nine Since the beginning, the communities of
years later he and his wife Megan Kropf ’02 Seward and Concordia have had a symbiotic
Boggs would still be taking walks in Seward near relationship. Seward initially promised 20 acres
their house on Second Street. and $8,000, but its support for the college went
Seth and Megan came to Concordia to study much further. The people of Seward gave the
art. Upon graduation and after contemplating school flour, potatoes and other food that lasted
“It will bring families other locations, they decided to settle in Seward. the entire first year.
Seth has opened a graphic design business, Seward’s Blue Valley Blade newspaper of Oct.
and students here by
Perspective Blend, in Seward, and Megan works 18, 1894, predicted of Concordia, “It will bring
the hundreds from all at the Seward Memorial Library. families and students here by the hundreds from
While Seth says the choice to come to all parts of the United States, and be the means
parts of the United States, Concordia and Seward was clear–“I liked of a large increase in our trade and population.”
and be the means of a the small town atmosphere, and I liked the Indeed, a 2006 study done by the Nebraska
size of the college”–it is not so clear why The Educational Finance Authority reports that
large increase in our Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod chose Concordia University has more than 1,250
trade and population.” Seward as the site for Concordia 113 years ago, students, employs 270 faculty and staff members
especially since Lincoln, Neb., was the favored and spends $49 million in the local economy.
of five contending sites. “The collaboration of Concordia University
Some say Lincoln’s offer of land may have and Seward County has been and continues to
had too many strings attached, and the big city be a partnership of excellence, working to serve
harbored dangerous temptations for Concordia’s one another in education, health care, finance
students. Certainly Seward had its attractive and ministry,” says Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich,
features including nine Lutheran churches, an president of Concordia. “We are blessed to exist
elementary school and a railroad station with in Seward County.”

(above) Downtown Seward today, Café on the Square

overlooks the Seward County courthouse. The Concordia
band marches through Seward at the corner of 6th and Main on
Memorial Day in the 1920s. An early 1900s baseball team wears
Seward College uniforms. Townspeople often referred to
Concordia as the German College or Seward College, though
Seward was never officially in the name of the school.
(right) In September 1959, the students got a welcome and city
tour sponsored by the Seward Chamber of Commerce.

 feature
The Bogges say, “We love Seward. Almost all and residents support Concordia by working in
of our business has been local; local people feel partnership with events such as the opening of the
comfortable working with other locals.” school year dinner, Scholarship Parade of Homes,
Seward County is home to more than 575 Cattle Classic basketball tournament and Jones
Concordia University alumni, and more than Fine Arts Series.
100 current students claim Seward as home. As an alumnus and someone who has been
The campus community and Seward County involved in the workings of Concordia for many
residents continue to interact today. Dozens years, Roger Glawatz, mayor of Seward, affirms,
of student teachers enter Seward schools each “I cannot imagine Seward without Concordia or
year while the community supports art, music, Concordia without Seward.”
academic and athletic events. Local businesses

feature 
By way of Concordia
Four share their blessings, lessons in life
Patrick Frerking received a bachelor’s degree in education in
1987 and a master’s degree in education in 1995 from Concordia
University. Frerking taught at Hong Kong International School
from 1993-98. In 1998, a few weeks after marrying his wife Susan,
also a teacher, they arrived in Shanghai to help start Concordia
International School Shanghai.

Ni Hao Wode Pengyou, Yesu Ai Ni! (Hello my friend,

Jesus loves you!) Teaching in an international school is a
fulfilling and humbling experience. By law, Concordia
—Shanghai is not allowed to enroll local Chinese citizens
as students, nor are we allowed to stand outside the school
gate and distribute Bibles or evangelize, but we are allowed
to be “Whose we are,” at all times.
The past 14 years have been filled with excitement, laughter, trust and blessings. I wear
many hats including high school assistant principal, athletic director, service coordinator,
school travel facilitator and classroom teacher. I also supervise the Yunnan Educational
Project, which funds school libraries, school resource materials, health kits, village
drinking water systems and construction of new school buildings.
How much longer will Susan and I live in China? Our answer is always vague, as we
know that the Lord continues to place new and exciting challenges for His work in front
of us in Shanghai.
— pat r i c k f r e r k i n g

Tilden, Neb., native, Angie Broberg, began her college blessed to be doing what I’m doing. Each day
education at Concordia University in the fall of 2001.
I’m surrounded by writers I admire, singers I
After the spring 2003 semester, Broberg decided to
pursue her dream of a country music career. hear on the radio, video producers and on and
on. No matter where God takes me in life and
I loved my time at Concordia and
no matter how long or short my career may be,
really feel that it was the perfect place
it’s been an amazing ride.
for me to prepare for my move to
I want to encourage everyone who has a
Nashville. My work with the A
dream to go after it. The journey is well worth
Cappella choir and Chamber Choir
it, and if you let God guide you, you’ll go places
not only strengthened my voice
you never dreamed you could.
and made me a more confident
singer, but also strengthened my —angie broberg
relationship with God.
I’m in a business where there
are many ups and downs, and I
feel that the spiritual growth I
experienced at Concordia really
helped me through. I’m truly

 feature
John Deang, a Sudan native, came to Seward, Neb.,
in 1999 and graduated from Concordia University
in 2002. In 2006 he graduated from Concordia
Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind. Deang is
now assistant pastor at Christ Lutheran Church in
Lincoln, Neb., and missionary-at-large to African
Immigrants for the Nebraska District lcms.
I was born on Dec. 25, 1974, in Sudan.
When I was about three or four years old my
parents decided to move to Ethiopia because
of the Christian persecutions in my homeland.
Ethiopia was the place where I was raised
and started my school. After I had finished
my high school, I went to Kenya where I
had a chance to come to the United States of
America in 1995.
As a pastor, I travel throughout Nebraska
preaching at different missionary events and
planning churches for African immigrants.
Being a missionary is a compassion that God
is calling us upon. I have a passion for doing
God’s work.
On Jan. 28, I baptized 18 members of
Sudanese Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Mission, Omaha. It is very rewarding to see
how God is using people and how He is
bringing his people to church. How can they
hear if no one can tell them?

—john deang

Jonathan Stohs graduated from Concordia University in 1988 with a bachelor of

arts degree in mathematics. After attending graduate school and earning a doctorate in
physics from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, Stohs began working as a
government civil servant in the Air Force Research Lab located on Kirtland Air Force Base
in Albuquerque.
My job can be grouped into two categories: lab research and contract
management. Another element of my job involves training young Air Force
officers how to work in a real lab environment.
The most enjoyable part of my work is doing research and designing and
assembling optical system prototypes in the lab. It’s fun to be at the forefront
of technology, building things that are the first of their kind.
Today’s military relies heavily on science and technology, so it is important
to have knowledgeable, experienced scientists and engineers overseeing the
development of defense systems. It’s fulfilling to contribute new ideas and
some responsible oversight to the process.
— j o n at h a n s to h s

feature 
Strand takes helm
of art department
As Michael Strand and Bill Wolfram toured Brommer Art
Center before sitting down to the interview, Wolfram thought
to himself, “This is the guy.” As a previous department chair and
professor at Concordia for over 45 years, Wolfram knew what
was needed for the new leadership of the art department. “He
had all of the qualifications we were looking for: respected artist,
excellent teacher and experienced administrator. On top of that,
he was engaging and easy to get to know,” said Wolfram.
Strand comes to Concordia with years of experience as a
teacher, ceramist and painter and assumes responsibility as
the chair of the art department and director of the Center for
Liturgical Art on campus. “I am excited to be part of this level of
quality,” said Strand. “I have a deep respect for the history here
and want to continue to help create engaged artists.”
Strand’s educational background includes a bachelor of fine
arts degree in ceramics and a master’s degree in painting from St.
Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minn., and a master of fine
arts degree in ceramics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Michael Strand, chair of the He also studied in Alnwick Castle and Alistair Hardie Pottery in
Department of Art and director of
the Center for Liturgical Art, finishes England, and after completing a master’s degree, he was accepted
the surface of a ceramic form for a into a residency at the Fundacio Tallers J.Llorens Artigas near
piece in his solo exhibition, “Cairn,”
at Modern Arts Midwest in March.
Barcelona, Spain. Most recently, he was a faculty member at
Midland Lutheran College.
He says he plans to spend this first semester getting to
know the students, the faculty and the culture of the school.
Among other things, he hopes to encourage the new student
art group on campus and foster cross-over activities with other
departments. “We are not emulating the art world here,” said
Strand. “We are giving the students opportunities to engage in
real-world projects.”

Faculty Notes Dr. Brian Albright, assistant returned from his sabbatical compose three
professor of mathematics, with the groundwork laid for the pieces for the
published a paper titled “An recently established Institute for 2007 National
Introduction to Simulated Religious Education at Concordia Youth Gathering
Annealing” in the January 2007 University, Nebraska. The mission in Orlando. The
issue of The College Mathematics of the institute is to “enhance the pieces will be
Journal. intentionality and effectiveness of performed by the
Christian educational efforts in the youth gathering
Paul Berkbigler, assistant
church and school.” The institute wind ensemble and choir; the
professor of art, earned two
will accomplish this through choir will be conducted by Dr.
bronze awards in the Nebraska
significant research, collaborating Kurt von Kampen, associate
chapter of the American Institute
with other education professionals professor or music.
of Graphic Arts (aiga) annual
and creating
design competition. One of the
resources for Dr. Robert Fiala, emeritus
entries was a brochure designed to
churches and professor of history, had several
publicize Concordia’s art program
schools. photos selected for the exhibition
to prospective students.
catalog for the Fifth Asia-Pacific
Dr. Mark Blanke, associate Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, chair of the Triennial of Contemporary Art
professor of education and Department of Music, has been at the Queensland Art Gallery/
director of the director of commissioned by The Lutheran Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane,
Christian education program, Church—Missouri Synod to Australia.

 faculty and staff

Diverse beginnings lead Jurchens to Concordia
If you are planning to take a chemistry class at Kristy’s interest in science also began at a
Concordia, you will likely meet a Dr. Jurchen. young age, but her fascination was sparked by the
Dr. Kristy Jurchen and Dr. John Jurchen, both “nifty” stuff science could do, like magic tricks.
with doctorates from the University of California- Her favorite involved an acid base reaction that
Berkeley, cover the spectrum of chemistry courses could be harnessed to make a coin rattle on the
on campus. And while God led them each to top of a bottle as if touched by an unseen hand.
Berkeley and then together to Concordia, their After deciding on chemistry as a freshman at
respective early paths varied greatly. Knox College, Galesburg, Ill., she went on to
In junior high school John knew exactly what earn a doctorate at Berkeley in 2003. While there,
he wanted: to go to the best graduate school in she met John in a department prayer group, and
chemistry and then teach college students. He they were married during their fourth year. After
was initially fascinated by the periodic table, enjoying her teaching assistantships in graduate
specifically, the placement of metals and the school, she decided that teaching at a smaller
organizing of elements. He also was deeply school appealed to her as well.
interested in proving to himself and others that The Jurchens are now in their fourth semester
science is not antagonistic toward Christianity. at Concordia and enjoy working together and
After graduating from Concordia in 1997 with the chemistry students. “When things get
with a bachelor of science degree in secondary busy, we can still see each other and connect.
education, he went on to the University of When students come to talk, often we both
California-Berkeley and the University of listen and both encourage them in school, life
Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. and their walk of faith,” said John.

Dr. Eunice Goldgrabe, professor doctoral studies at the Beckman Lille’s Sermo de cruce domini.” Professor William Wolfram’s
of health and human performance, Institute for Advanced Studies. The article arose out of Phillips’ work was part of the Collage
and Dr. Janell Uffelman, associate doctoral dissertation research. Aesthetic exhibit at the Sheldon
Dr. Craig Oldenburg, interim
professor of education, have Art Gallery on the campus of
assistant director of student life,
been recognized for educational Dr. Mira Wiegmann’s theatre the University of Nebraska-
wrote the article, “Touchpoints:
excellence in the 2006 edition program was Lincoln. The exhibit included
Identifying Opportunities
of Who’s Who Among America’s honored by a variety of collages from the
to Minister with Families,”
Teachers. the Alpha gallery’s permanent collection.
in the book, Family Ministry
Psi Omega
Basics, published by Concordia
Dr. John Jurchen, assistant and Delta
Publishing House.
professor of chemistry, published Psi Omega
his paper titled “Measuring salty Dr. C. Matthew Phillips, assistant National
samples without adducts with professor of history, contributed Theatre
maldi-ms” in the International to the journal Honorary
Journal of Mass Spectrometry Crusades with Societies with the inclusion of
as part of a special issue on an article selected performance photographs
mass spectrometry imaging. titled “The in Playbill, their annual journal.
The research was conducted in Thief ’s Cross: Concordia’s program has been
collaboration with researchers at Crusade included in Playbill each year for
the University of Illinois during and Penance more than 20 years and was one of
and following Jurchen’s post- in Alan of 31 selected groups in 2005-06.

faculty and staff 

DCE interns Stacy Sprau and Paul White, below, and intern
Kelly Pokorney, right, were among the 18 who returned to
campus for the DCE mid-year gathering. The interns are
serving for a year in congregations across the U.S. and in Hong
Kong in areas of youth ministry, children’s ministry, parish
education, music ministry and as leaders in other areas of
congregational ministry.

Students share ministry

lessons at mid-year conference
Shouts of greeting, handshakes and hugs Inese Pukste is doing double duty at both
filled the room as the 18 director of Christian Messiah Lutheran Church, Santa Cruz, Calif.,
education interns gathered on campus for their and California State University-Monterey Bay.
mid-year conference at the end of January. In both places she has developed programs from
Spread out all over the u.s. and in one foreign the ground up and is working hard to build
country, the interns met for their first reunion community. “God is teaching me to see the
since their internships started. mustard seeds, those small things He is doing,”
“At this point in their experience, they may she says. “He is making changes in that one
be a little down. Getting started was exciting, person’s life, even if it does not seem big to me.”
but they are now learning what ministry is Unsure about it at first, Kelly Pokorney
all about and that the church is not a perfect now loves Hong Kong and the people she gets
place,” commented Tim Rippstein, a professor to work with and minister to there. “Life is
in the dce program. Dr. Mark Blanke, incredibly fast paced and media saturated in
associate professor of education and director of the city,” she says. “But it is also very safe, and
the dce program added, “This conference is a the culture values a high level of respect for
chance for them to come together, reflect and others.” In her work with youth, she has had
celebrate, swap lessons and plan for the second to adapt some of her delivery methods to the
half of their internship.” technologically savvy students. “The production
And they were full of lessons they had learned value of everything is 10 times better than in the
so far. In his work at Pilgrim Lutheran Church u.s.,” she says, “so I have to be conscious of that
in Green Bay, Wis., Ben Venteicher is learning a in order to present a message worth listening to.”
new framework of team ministry, “I’ve become “It is great to see them all again,” says Blanke.
even more aware of how important networking “During this time we have the opportunity to
and relationships are while ministering to facilitate their understanding of the complexity
people,” he says. and the joy of ministry.”

 campus scene
While visiting campus Nov. 6,
2006, Rev. Dr. Gerald Kieschnick,
p r e s i d e n t o f t h e Lu t h e r a n
Church—Missouri Synod, asked
students to examine their gifts

Kieschnick challenges students

to find their passion in life
“Find your horse and ride it,” responded During the forum question and answer
Rev. Dr. Gerald Kieschnick, president of The times, he faced topics ranging from specific
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, during the details of the Ablaze! movement, to the role
question and answer time of the student forum and purpose of the university, to his personal
held during his visit to campus in November list of leadership characteristics. When asked
2006. He went on to encourage the students:
“...Kieschnick assured us
about the importance of educating future
“Whatever you do, whatever you become, teachers, he complimented the faculty. “You that we, too, are part of
whether it is a pastor or a dce or a scientist or an do such a fine job of modeling good teaching
artist or a teacher, do it to the glory of God.”
God’s great plan with gifts
here. The students witness great teaching from
As the Synod’s president, Kieschnick experienced professors.” to use and that God cares
initiates visits to each of the 10 campuses of the Kieschnick also took part in meetings with
Concordia University System on a regular basis. campus administrators and a time of sharing
for us individually.”
His wife, Terry, accompanied him to Seward. and questions with students in the pre-seminary
Kieschnick shared a variety of topics during program at Concordia. As he described his
the forums with faculty and students as well as in history of ministry with future pastors he said,
his meetings with administrators. He highlighted “At each point where God had put me, I threw
the history and steadfast beliefs of the Synod, myself into it,” and he encouraged them to do
his discouragement over the shrinking church the same.
body and his enthusiasm for current synodical “I was impressed with his world view,” said
initiatives Ablaze! and Fan into Flame. Michelle Chaffee, vice president of student
“I appreciated his honesty in the forum,” said servant leadership. “He sees a world of people
Sarah Trinklein, a junior from St. Charles, Mo. who need to hear the hope of salvation through
“But what I appreciated most was his enthusiasm Christ and feels that it is our mission as people,
for us as we prepare to go and serve the church. as the church and as an institution to respond
We, as college students, can often feel neglected to that call. He believes that we are to be about
by the church, almost powerless, but President equipping and educating students to respond
Kieschnick assured us that we, too, are part of to God’s call on their lives, no matter what
God’s great plan with gifts to use and that God profession they choose.”
cares for us individually.”

campus scene 
Signature instrument will expand
organ repertoire, student experience
Opus 3868 will soon fill Heine Recital Hall 2,171 pipes and is priced at approximately
with song. Next summer an organ, Casavant $720,000. The expected completion and
Frères, Ltd.’s 3868th, will be built by this installation date is June 2008.
oldest continuing name in North American The organ will be completely assembled in the
organ building. Casavant workshop, tested, disassembled and
According to music department chairperson shipped to Seward in semi-trailers. Casavant will
Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, it “will stand for generations then spend approximately seven weeks on campus
as a work of both visual and musical beauty.” assembling the organ and completing the voicing
The new organ will replace the 40-year-old process by manipulating each pipe to alter its tone
organ in Heine. The to fit Heine Recital Hall.
technology that operates Freshman organist Ann
the current organ is Henny from Clinton,
simply worn out, and its Mo., believes the new
mechanical condition organ will sound great in
has deteriorated to the Heine. “Each organ has
point where it no longer a unique sound, which
functions reliably. makes it more interesting
“Basically the organ to play them,” said Henny.
is in a continual state of “I am excited to find out
disrepair,” said Blersch. what this organ is going to
In July 2004 discussion be like.”
of a new organ began. Blersch believes
Blersch invited proposals Concordia is blessed to
for a new organ, and have many organ students
Casavant Frères, Ltd. was preparing to provide
chosen as the builder. musical leadership to the church’s song.
Casavant, located in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, “Not only are our numbers strong, but the
Canada, is one of Blersch’s favorite builders, talent level and quality of our current students is
and he believes their organs showcase “absolute unquestionable,” said Blersch. “This organ will
beauty of tone, marvelous sense of ensemble and give us a signature instrument that will allow us
unquestionable mechanical quality.” to continue to attract the best students and to
The three-manual, 38-rank organ will have train them in the best manner possible.”

Student Notes Jennifer Bockerman was awarded this scholarship, continuing the and children in villages.
second place in the three- long line of geography majors Hanneman assisted the dentists,
dimensional art category at the challenging themselves at the took vital signs and handed out
Baker Arts Center 10th National master’s level. hundreds of toothbrushes to local
Juried Art Exhibition, Liberal, children.
Nate Hanneman spent part of
Kan. She was one of two artists
his Christmas break working on Laura Knibbe, Tannon Osten
from the state of Nebraska to be
a medical trailer in Kyrgyzstan. and Michelle Roeber each earned
selected to exhibit; two of her
Sponsored by lcms World bronze awards for their illustrations
works were on display.
Mission, at the annual design competition of
Thomas Craig was awarded a the trailer the state chapter of the American
full-ride teaching assistantship offered Institute of Graphic Arts (aiga).
in the department of geography free
Joshua Miesner and Teagan
and planning at the University health
Earhart attended and were
of Akron in Ohio. Craig is the care to
selected to perform at a percussion
41st Concordia student awarded women

 campus scene
Concordia students Johanna Miller as
Batman and Rachel Micheel as Robin

Bowling with Batman

took part in a “Costume Bowl” event
sponsored by the Student Activities
Council. The dynamic duo bowled a
line together, scoring 55. Prizes were
awarded for most creative costume,
Have you ever been bowling with a superhero? food and fun, Open Mic., movies and even a best pair and best group.

Concordia’s Student Activities Council backwards Prom–MORP. sac also sponsored

provided students with this opportunity during entertainers Rough Draft and Agape and
the “Costume Bowl” in October 2006. sac has brought in Ardan James, an animated
hosted various campus activities throughout illusionist. The first-ever Homecoming Fair
the year including other bowling events such was presented by sac, as part of the annual
as “Santa Bowl” and “Snow Bowl,” nights for Homecoming celebration in October.

master class at University of America Degree at the 79th Center American Theatre The Women’s Softball Team
Nebraska-Kearney with Scottish National ffa Convention. It is Festival. He received favorable has been instrumental in the
clinician, Evelyn Glennie. Glennie the highest degree awarded by the review comments from both construction of the new press
is a Grammy Award winning National ffa organization and judges, Matt Reinert, lighting box at Plum Creek Park in
percussionist and is the only recognizes Travis’s demonstrated designer at the Guthrie Theatre, Seward. The new building will
person in the world to have a leadership abilities and Minneapolis, Minn., and the be used for all Concordia and
career as a solo percussionist. outstanding achievements in workshop’s namesake, David L. Seward
Elizabeth Mueller has been agricultural business, production, Thayer, professor emeritus at the High home
accepted into two prestigious processing and service programs. University of Iowa. softball
games and
master degree programs in theatre Jonathan Ross was selected to Greta Wendelin has been accepted will be
education: New York University produce his five minute stage to the graduate program in finished in
and Emerson College in Boston. lighting with music design at communication studies at the time for
She intends to attend Emerson. the David L. Thayer Lighting University of Arkansas and the the start of
Travis Prochaska received the Workshop and competition University of Kansas. She intends the spring
American Future Farmers of at the Region V Kennedy to attend the University of Kansas. season.

campus scene 
Business department adds
new marketing degree
Adding a marketing degree is a long-time may now concentrate in marketing as one
dream realized for Dr. Stan Obermueller, chair of five areas. Obermueller explains, “In
of the business department. “It’s probably the business administration we have gone from
most exciting time in my 25 years here; it’s approved electives to five well-defined
really been invigorating.” areas.” Concentrations include accounting,
In investigating possible communication, finance, management
options, Obermueller confirmed information systems and marketing.
that marketing was the right In choosing courses for the marketing
direction for the department. discipline, “Concordia benchmarked what we
“Research essentially verified saw as top business programs especially in the
what I had a strong feeling marketing area,” recalls Greg Horn, assistant
about, which is that within the professor of business administration.
business disciplines, marketing is The courses prepare students for all areas
the most highly sought after by of marketing, including selling, advertising,
prospective students.” research and public relations. Classes in
Business students looking communication and commercial art add breadth
into career opportunities realize to the degree, and all students are required to
that an understanding of complete an internship. The strategic marketing
marketing is fundamental to any capstone course integrates all the disciplines.
successful business. According “Within the business department we have
to Obermueller, “Marketing an emphasis on experiential learning, and there
Greg Horn, assistant professor of business
has become a functional area, has been a long-standing requirement for an
administration, teaches the sales and selling class and all kinds of not-for-profit internship. So people will graduate with not
about customer relationship management systems organizations as well as for-profit just the theory but an understanding of how the
as part of the new marketing curriculum.
companies are seeing the value of business process works,” said Horn.
having a marketing function in house.” Kyra Schwartz, a junior from Greeley,
Concordia’s marketing degree opens up a Colo., is one of the first students to be offered
variety of new opportunities for graduates. marketing as a program option. “Marketing is
Students may earn a bachelor of science degree innovative and creative,” said Schwartz. “I like to
or a minor in marketing. Students earning a think outside the box, and our class projects give
bachelor’s degree in business administration us good real-world experience.”

Voorman heads back to White House

Concordia University senior David Voorman has
accepted the job of his dreams.
After graduation in May 2007 with a
bachelor’s degree in history and communication,
the Lincoln, Neb., native will fly to Washington,
d.c., to begin his job in the office of records
management in the White House.
“I never dreamed that I would be working
at the White House right after graduation,”
said Voorman. The job offer was the result of
an internship that he had in the same office
last summer. preparation at Concordia. “Debate has provided
The office is headed by Concordia alumnus me experiences and education that will benefit
Phil Droege ’89, but of course, “my ultimate me for the rest of my life,” said Voorman.
boss is the President,” said Voorman. “Without the support and encouragement of Dr.
Voorman believes that his participation on Renea Gernant (faculty advisor for forensics),
the debate team was an instrumental part of his none of this would have been possible.”

 campus scene
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annual report 
Jon Ziegler, pictured here in
the championship game of
the Concordia Invitat ional
Tournament (CIT), is Concordia’s
all-time leading scorer.

Ziegler sets all-time scoring record

Concordia University, Nebraska senior Jon the field (73.6 percent) and 16-of-21 from the
Ziegler (Lincoln, Neb.) wrapped up his career on charity stripe.
the hardwood for the Bulldogs in grand fashion, For his performance he was recognized as
becoming the school all-time leading scorer in the naia Division ii Men’s Basketball Player of
the final regular season home game and leading the Week. According to Concordia head coach
the squad to the semifinals of the Great Plains Grant Schmidt, Ziegler is the first Bulldog, in
Athletic Conference Tournament. his 17-year coaching career, to be named the
Zeigler eclipsed the 2,000 point mark for naia Men’s Basketball Player of the Week.
“Jon is just a true his career, scored a career-high 47 points and “Jon is just a true competitor,” said Schmidt.
competitor... became the Bulldogs all-time leading scorer in “On an individual level his performance against
the Bulldogs 87-78 overtime win over the no. 11 Sioux Falls was amazing, but he also helps bring
he also helps bring University of Sioux Falls Cougars. everybody on this team to a higher level.”
Entering the Sioux Falls match-up Ziegler Ziegler continued to add to his all-time
everybody on this
needed 17 points to reach the 2,000 point scoring record as the Bulldogs made a run to the
team to a plateau. If he could somehow get 34 points, semifinals of the gpac Postseason Tournament.
he would surpass Concordia’s all-time leading In the tournament he averaged 23 points per
higher level.” scorer, Tom Raabe (2,016). Raabe played for the game, including a 30-point performance in
Bulldogs from 1967-71, starting 101 consecutive his final game. Ziegler finished his career with
games. He was inducted in the Concordia 2,099 points.
Athletic Hall of Fame in 1994. A four-time all-gpac player and 2006-07
After 16 points in the first half, Ziegler hit a gpac defensive player of the year, Ziegler was
jumper with 18:32 left in the second half for career named to the naia Division ii all-tournament
points 2,000 and 2,001. He tied the Concordia team in 2004-05 when the Bulldogs finished
all-time scoring mark and pulled the Bulldogs as runner-up. He averaged 16.4 points per
within one, 67-66, with 32 seconds remaining. game and shot 45.4 percent from the field for
With five seconds left in regulation he tied the his career. He scored over 500 points in three
game at 68 and became the all-time leading scorer of his four seasons, including 304 points as a
in Concordia history on another layup. freshman, 577 in his sophomore year, 600 as a
Concordia outscored the Cougars 19-10 in the junior and 618 points as a senior.
extra frame. Ziegler scored 12 of the Bulldogs’ 19 In addition to scoring, Ziegler also had 762
points in overtime and finished the game with rebounds, 287 assists and 223 steals during his
a career-high 47 points, going 14-of-19 from 128 games as a Bulldog.

 athletics
Luka Thor ran for two individual
championships at the 2007 GPAC
Indoor Track and Field Championships.

Bulldogs place third at conference meet

Thir ty Bulldogs, including Thor,
will compete at the NAIA Indoor

The Concordia University, Nebraska track teams (16-11.75), fourth in the 200 (26.32) as well as The Concordia Women’s Basketball
each placed third at the 2007 gpac Indoor Track running a leg on the fifth place 4x400-meter team finished the season 19-13 overall;
three players were named to the 2006-
and Field Championships at the Bob Devaney relay team. 07 GPAC All-Conference Team.
Sports Center in Lincoln, Neb. The women’s 4x800 relay team finished as
In all, Concordia had 25 top five runners-up with an naia qualifying time of
performances (13 men, 12 women). Luka 9:41.90. The men’s 4x400 was second in 3:21.63,
Thor was one of three Bulldogs that garnered also a naia mark.
individual championships that day. Thor had Michael Saalfeld highlighted four other
a pair of titles on the day, winning both the second place finishes for the Bulldogs with a
5,000 and the 3,000. Concordia also had five school record time of 1:53.77 in the 800.
runner-up performances. Concordia also had a runner-up finish in
Thor ran away from the rest of the field in the both the men’s and women’s pole vault. Erin
5,000 with a time of 15:18.47, 13 seconds better Eitzmann led a 2-3-4 finish for the Bulldog
than the second place finisher. In the 3,000 Thor women’s vaulters clearing 11-07. On the men’s
took gold with a time of 8:50.00. side Dusty Morehead had an naia qualifying
Kyle Johnson took the league title in the mile vault of 15-05 for second place while Adam
in an naia qualifying time of 4:19.13. Johnson Driver was fifth. Jordan Hinrichs rounded out
also took third in the 1,000 (2:31.45). the runner-up performances for Concordia in
On the women’s side Charista Zehnder the shot put (52-04.00).
had the lone championship for the Bulldogs, Concordia sent a solid group of competitors
winning the 60-meter dash. Zehnder’s time of to Johnson City, Tenn., for the naia Indoor
7.81 in the prelims established the meet record. Track and Field Championships on March 8-10.
She ran a 7.82 to win the finals. Both times were For complete results from that meet visit
naia qualifying marks. Zehnder had a busy day
for the Bulldogs, taking third in the long jump

Basketball teams wrap up season

Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball
The Bulldogs finished the season with a record The Concordia women’s basketball team fell
of 10-21 overall and 5-13 in gpac play but peaked one win shy of the 20-win plateau under the
at the right time, going 6-2 during the month of guidance of first-year head coach Drew Olson.
February, including upsets of no. 11 Sioux Falls The Bulldogs finished the season 19-13 overall
and no. 16 Dakota Wesleyan, advancing to the and 10-8 in gpac play.
semifinals of the GPAC Tournament. Three Bulldogs averaged double figures in
Concordia was led in scoring on the season by scoring on the season, led by Whitney Stichka
Jon Ziegler (21.3 ppg), Scott Hannon (18.2 ppg) (13.3 ppg). Melissa Tinkham (10.4 ppg) was
and Benjamin Buhr (11.8 ppg). The Bulldogs also accurate from beyond the arc, hitting 63 threes,
had solid contributions from Brandon Schmidt, fifth most in the gpac. TaLisa Krejci averaged an
who emerged as the primary point guard, and even 10 points per game. Concordia returns all
Austin Thoms (6.0 ppg), who had 40 three-point five starters off of this year’s squad.
field goals.

athletics 
Helmink-Elwell named Outstanding Woman in Business
(right) Bonnie Helmink-Elwell of Helmink Printing and
Graphic Design was honored with the Outstanding Woman
in Business Award during a Celebration of Women in
Business luncheon on Feb. 7. The annual event celebrates
the achievements of female business professionals in the
greater Seward community. It is co-sponsored by Concordia’s
Students In Free Enterprise and Concordia Foundation Inc.

Alumni gifts recognize 50th reunions

Concordia University recently received two part of Concordia,” said Plamann.
$25,000 scholarship endowments given by the At the 50th class reunion last spring both
1956 Concordia High School class and the 1956 classes viewed the “Imagine the Mission”
Concordia Teachers College class in honor of dvd and heard President Brian Friedrich and
their 50th reunions. Vice President for Institutional Advancement
According to Dr. David Held, a member of Pete Kenow present an update on the “On a
the 1956 Concordia High School class, their Mission” campaign, the university’s $60 million
endowment will be used for scholarships for initiative to raise funds for capital, operations
students preparing for full-time church work and endowment.
because the class knows “there’s a great need for Held plans to attend the 1957 Concordia High
scholarships today.” School class reunion to inform them of how
Marvin Plamann, a member of the 1956 they, too, can give a gift to Concordia.
college class, said his class was essentially spurred For more information on endowments,
on by other classes that had given to Concordia. contact Concordia University’s development
“We felt a sense of thankfulness and joy being office at 800-535-5494, ext. 7408.
associated with Concordia; we’re thrilled to be a

Treasured Friends A million thanks to NACC

gifts honor loved ones Thanks to the
support of
Our Treasured Friends provides an opportunity the Nebraska
to honor your treasured friends. It is a way to Association of
celebrate a special occasion in your life, honor Congregations
a birthday or anniversary or memorialize a for Concordia
loved one who has been called home to be with 135 students
the Lord. received
When a Treasured Friends gift is received scholarships
at Concordia, a card is sent to the honoree, or Carrie Schardt was one of
this year’s NACC scholarship during the
the family of the person being honored, telling recipients. Schardt is a 2006-07
them they have been remembered in this way. senior from Carlton, Neb.
majoring in interpersonal
To make a Treasured Friends gift in honor communication and business year. Since its
or remembrance of a friend or loved one, administration. establishment in
call 800-535-5494, ext. 7408, or mail to Our 1981, nacc has
Treasured Friends, Concordia University, 800 given more than $1 million in scholarship
N. Columbia Ave. Seward, ne 68434. aid to Concordia students who are
members of nacc congregations.
All Nebraska District churches are
eligible and nearly 50 percent of district
congregations already belong. For more
information or to participate in this
program, contact 800-535-5494, ext. 7279,
 advancement
gifts from the heart
“A gift annuity can provide you income payments for life, a portion of
which may be tax-free. Your gift annuity will also continue Concordia’s
preparation of students to serve church and world for Christ.”

Tom Latter’s first and only trip to Concordia’s with Concordia. “We needed to increase our
campus was for a Lutheran Laymen’s League retirement earnings and gift annuities provide
meeting in the 1950s. He recalls being impressed great interest income,” said Tom, “It’s a double
not only by the physical appearance of campus, win. It was great retirement income for us and
but also by the students he met. Tom decided to when God calls me home to heaven, our gift
give his first gift after reading the Broadcaster and annuities to Concordia will go to establish
having the “urge to give.” the Thomas C. and Arlene M. Latter Church
He first learned about Concordia from Worker Endowment and will help students
students who gave a presentation at his church, further their education.”
Saint Paul Lutheran in Minden, Neb. Tom I invite you to consider a charitable gift
remembers being impressed with the quality, annuity, just like Tom and Arlene. If you are
maturity and friendliness of those students. feeling the same “urge to give,” pick up the
As Tom and his late wife Arlene made the phone and call the gift planning office at 800-
transition from their life’s work on the farm into 535-5494, ext. 7346. Fill out the form below and
retirement, they found a solution to meet their we will contact you. We are ready to assist you
income needs and enable them to reconnect in any way we can.

A gift annuity might be right for you.

A charitable gift annuity benefits you today and Concordia University, Nebraska tomorrow.
Gift annuity rates vary by age. This is an excellent opportunity for you to advance the
mission of Concordia, receive a great charitable deduction this year and receive income
from the annuity every year of your life. Give today and receive each year!

® Please send me information ® Please send me a personal Al Koepke

about the Concordia University illustration for a gift annuity. Director of
Heritage Society. Planned Gifts

Name_ ___________________________________________ Birthdate_____________________ Gift Annuity Rates

Spouse ___________________________________________ Birthdate_____________________ Age One Life Two Life*

Address_________________________________________________________________________ 60 5.7% 5.4%

65 6.0% 5.6%
Telephone ____________________________ E-mail ________________________________
70 6.5% 5.9%
® I/We have included Concordia in our estate plan. Please enroll me in the Heritage Society. 75 7.1% 6.3%
80 8.0% 6.9%
Please return this form to: 85 9.5% 7.9%
Concordia University Gift Planning Office 90 11.3% 9.3%
800 N. Columbia Ave. 800-535-5494, ext. 7346
*rates vary depending on
Seward, NE 68434 E-mail age of second participant.

spiritual life 
Let’s Reunite!
50th Reunion of the Class of 1957 may 3-5

100th Commencement Celebration may 5

Alumni & Friends China Tour may 9-28

Visit the tour journal on the alumni section
of the Web site during the tour.

Alumni Reception at the 63rd Convention

of the LCMS july 16
George Brown Convention Center,
Houston, Texas. If you attend the
convention July 14-19 stop by the
Concordia University, Nebraska alumni
The graduates and faculty of exhibit for your free gift. Alumni and
the class of 1907. This was the
first class to complete a full
friends gathering is July 16; time and
teacher education program. location will be determined in June.
The program consisted of
three years of high school
and two years of teacher Minnesota/Twin Cities
education. “Cruisin’ on the River” july 19
Harriet Island, St. Paul, Minn. Contact

Celebrating the first the alumni office for details and to

make your reservation for this evening

commencement riverboat dinner cruise.

Alumni Reception at the National LCMS

A century ago in 1907 Ivan Pavlov was doing
Youth Gathering july 30
salivary gland research on dogs, the first Hoover
Orange County Convention Center,
vacuum was invented and the Seward County
Orlando, Fla. The alumni reception will
Courthouse was completed. That same year, 21
be Monday, July 30, in occc West 307
young men graduated from Concordia, then
bcd from 3:30-6 p.m. Visit the alumni
called The Evangelical Lutheran Seminary, in the
exhibit in the chozone area during the
first commencement.
gathering to get your free Concordia
These men went on to spend more than 300
t-shirt. Wear it proudly on Tuesday, July
combined years teaching. They ministered in
31, for Concordia University, Nebraska
11 different states. Many of them also began a
T-Shirt Tuesday!
family tradition as their brothers, sisters, cousins,
children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren Bulldog Classic Golf Tournament aug. 3
attended and continue to attend Concordia Contact the athletic office at 800-535-
University. Lisa Rodenburg, great-granddaughter 5494, ext. 7328, for information.
of John R. Rodenburg, who earned her bachelor
of arts in 2006, is one such legacy. Homecoming, Alumni Reunion and Family
Celebration of Concordia’s 100th Weekend OCT. 12-14
commencement will take place with this year’s This year’s theme is “Follow your
commencement events on May 5. heart…home to Concordia!” Honored
Class members were Walter H. Becker, F.G. year reunions during the weekend are the
Beckmann, G. Bindewald, Fr. W. Dethloff, classes of 1942*, 1947*, 1967*, 1982, 1997
C.G. Detlefsen, Fred W. Eberhard, John H.K. and 2002. *Including high school.
Gefeke, F.E. Hemman, Walter J. Joseph, Julius
Kaiser, Emil C. Mueller, W.E. Oestreich, Walter Alumni Directory Project
F. Reese, H.F. Rengstorf, Theodore R. Rhode, The initial contacts to produce a new
Arthur E. Ritzmann, John C. Rodenburg, alumni directory in print/cd formats are
Alfred F. Schmieding, A.V. Steinkraus, August F. anticipated late summer 2007.
Sylwester Jr., and William C. Wendt.
Are you interested in traveling with other
Concordia University, Nebraska alumni?
The alumni office is seeking group travel
ideas for 2008 and beyond. Please contact us
with your ideas.
 alumni
Hong Kong International School anniversary
featured on alumni, student tour of China
Nineteen Concordia alumni and friends their excursion, the group will visit at least
will travel to China in conjunction with the eight Concordia University alumni who are
University Wind Ensemble, May 9-28, to help located in China.
celebrate the Hong Kong International School’s Jan Koopman, director of alumni and
40th anniversary. university relations, is looking forward to the
Highlights of the trip, hosted by President gathering of alumni and friends of Concordia.
Brian and Mrs. Laurie Friedrich, include Koopman says whenever that mix of people is
attending the Wind Ensemble concert together, the vision they have for Concordia’s
in Beijing at the Concert Hall of China future is shared.
Traditional Folk Orchestra. While in Hong “We are all part of Concordia’s past and
Kong they will worship at the Church of All future,” said Koopman. “Seeing ministry
Nations-Lutheran, where President Friedrich in action and being energized by the China
will preach. Traveling to Shanghai, the group experience bring all of our lives into focus for
will meet faculty and students at Concordia active service to the church and world.”
International School in Shanghai. Throughout

Legacy Link, e-mail, e-newsletter keep alumni connected

legacy link amount of spam. There is even space for personal Web
Concordia’s Legacy Link program is an initiative pages with which to share information about hobbies
to encourage more of our alumni to share their or other interests. Stay connected through this
interest in the university with their children and fantastic service provided by the Concordia Alumni
grandchildren. Alumni are invited to register their Association. To receive your free account e-mail
children or grandchildren in the program. For
information visit, call
keeping connected with the latest news
800-535-5494, ext. 7240, or e-mail
The Concordia Alumni & Friends E-newsletter is
free e-mail account your access to the latest news on upcoming events,
It is easy to stay connected to your alma mater, fellow student and faculty achievements and important
alumni and family and friends with a free e-mail announcements. The e-newsletter is sent out
account. Each account has a generous amount of periodically throughout the year. To subscribe, visit
space and can store hundreds of messages, depending this link:
on the size of the message. Messages are automatically
scanned for viruses and strict checks help reduce the

ALUMNI OFFICE CONTACT INFORMATION: E-mail Telephone 800-535-5494, ext. 7240

alumni 
Alumni News James Fandrey Karin Mark and
’74 began serving Juengling Melanie
in development ’85 Soria Reinke
1940s and church of Lake ’92 Drews
Harold Bergt hs ’38 co ’41 resides relations at the Worth, of Mount
in Fairmont, Minn., where he Lutheran Heritage Fla., is a Pulaski, Ill.,
enjoys good health. In July 2006 Foundation in full-time rejoiced in
Harold and his wife, Helen, Macomb, Mich., on Dec. 1, 2006. music the birth of
traveled to Downers Grove, Ill., teacher at a public middle school, their first
Alvern and Deborah Tegtmeier
where all 18 members of their and her husband, Pedro, manages child, Grace Patricia, May 19, 2005.
’76 Klaver work as World
family, many of them Concordia his own accounting practice. They
Mission Prayer League Midwest
alumni, gathered for their have six children: Isaac, 17; Karina,
Regional Coordinators speaking
grandson’s wedding. 15; Erika, 13; Sara Kristina, 8 and
and representing the mission in
Karl, 6.
Concordia University, St. Paul churches, Sunday schools, women’s
celebrated the service of Loma groups and conferences. They Melissa Hahn ’87 was united in
Meyerhoff hs ’46 co ’48 Meyer reside in St. Paul, Minn., with their marriage to Robert Sindlinger April
in October 2006 by naming the son, Daniel, 10. 23, 2006. Melissa is working on a
Classroom Building as Meyer master’s degree in diaconal studies
David Mumm ’76 is senior
Hall. Loma has served Concordia and is the deaconess intern and
pastor at Concordia Lutheran in
University, St. Paul in many handbell and
Machesney Park, Ill. He and his Brian ’93 and Jennifer Nierman
capacities since 1967. adult choir
wife, Katherine Schmidt ’76 ’93 Keilig of Omaha, Neb.,
director at
Robert Sylwester ’49 Mumm, reside in Loves Park, Ill. celebrated the birth of Sophia Joy
Zion Lutheran
of Eugene, Ore., had on Aug. 29, 2005. Sophia joined
Janine Wollenberg ’77 married in Tomball,
his most recent book, siblings Cory and Olivia.
Kevin Shumate Dec. 15, 2006. The Texas. She and
The Adolescent Brain:
couple resides in Mulvane, Kan. Robert reside Jason Berry ’94 of Seward, Neb.,
Reaching for
in Magnolia, founded Wildberry Production
Autonomy published. Daniel Heuer ’79 began serving
Texas. Group in August 2006. The
He continues a Trinity Lutheran Church in
professionally active Jeffrey Stout business has five employees,
Fremont, Neb., as senior pastor in
life that includes ’89 of Norman, including his wife, Julie Parde ’94
December 2006. He and his wife,
writing a monthly Okla., was elected Berry, and focuses on video, audio,
Deborah Schaefer ’79 Heuer,
column for the Internet journal, president of The Web and print design.
celebrated 27 years of marriage
Brain Connection. in 2006. International Mark ’94
Society of Sports and Sara
1960s 1980s Nutrition in Schroeder
November 2006. Jeff is a professor ’97 Hans
Richard Bolland ’69 serves Daniel Krause ’83 co-authored at the University of Oklahoma welcomed
as senior pastor at Holy Cross the book, Marketing Christian in the department of health and Samuel
Lutheran Church in Kansas Schools: The Definitive Guide, Vol. exercise science. Timothy
City, Mo. He serves the district 1. Dan is president of GraceWorks on May 26,
as chairman of the Western Ministries, which was founded in
Missouri Pastors Conference. 2000 to help Christian Schools.
1990s 2006. Samuel
joins Zechariah, 4. The Hans
Richard actively publishes articles He and his wife, Brenda Glenn family resides in Waukesha, Wis.,
addressing issues of the lcms. ’84 Krause, reside in Colorado where Mark is a regional sales
He and his wife, Linda Robie Springs, Colo., with their four representative for Musco Sports
’69 Bolland, a retired Lutheran children. Lighting and Sara is a stay-at-
teacher, reside in Kansas City.
J. Eric Baker ’84 wrote, produced, home mom.
directed and co-starred in Home
1970s For The Holidays, an original
Linda Gebhard ’71 Scheimann Christmas spectacular for the
now resides in West Bend, Wis., Monroe City Community Theatre.
where she writes poetry for a The show mixed over 50 Broadway
hobby. and Christmas songs and included
several genres. Eric resides in
Palmyra, Mo., where he is a
freelance writer.
Leanne Riem ’90 and Patrick
Salandro were united in marriage
Oct. 28, 2006. The couple resides
in Capitola, Calif. Jim and Tracy Wagoner ’94
Jordan welcomed Joel David on
Nov. 20, 2005. Joel joins siblings

 alumni news
Samuel, 7; Christian, 6; Anna, 5; 2000s
Kathryn, 4 and Stephen, 2. The
family resides in Columbus, Ga., Douglas ’00 and Stacy Jenkins
where Jim is a telecommunications ’00 Gross celebrated the birth of
contractor working on Hurricane Olivia Noelle on Sept. 23, 2006.
Katrina storm damage in New The family resides in Wilber,
Orleans, La. Tracy is a stay-at- Neb., where Doug is a teacher at
home/homeschooling mom. Wilber-Clatonia schools and Stacy
is a paralegal at the Saline County
Andrew ’94 and Katherine offices.
Boerger ’94 Steinke reside in St.
Charles, Mo., where Andrew is an Ryan ’00 and Kyley Weinberger
associate pastor at Zion Lutheran ’98 Cumbow of Pierre, S.D.,
leading the Women’s Retreat and
Church. Kathy is a tutor and announced Jedidiah and Anna Hasty ’01
volunteering at their church.
stay-at-home mom to their three the birth Maschke rejoiced in the birth of
children: Timothy, 6; Amanda, 4 Joseph Burnham ’98 and wife of Kaden Alaethea Ruth on Sept. 8, 2006.
and Ashley, 1. Anita of Denver, Colo., celebrated Anderson The Maschkes reside in Lake
the birth of their first child, Robert Dale on
Brent ’94 and Kimberlee Krueger Forest, Calif.
Fredrick, Sept. 15, 2006. Anita is Jan. 3.
’94 Wagner announced the birth a stay-at-home mom, and Joe is Addison, 3, Brent ’02 and Marykae
of Natalie Beth on Sept. 20, 2006. planting welcomed Christiansen ’02 Broberg of
Natalie joins Tatum, Reilly and Genesis him home. Tilden, Neb., welcomed Karlee
Abigail. The Wagners reside in Lutheran Ryan works Kaye on Jan. 2.
Rochelle, Ill., where Brent is a Mission in with the U.S. Forest Services as
third-year law student and Kim is a downtown a wild land firefighter, and Kyley
stay-at-home mom. Denver. is assistant principal at Georgia
Dana and Morse Middle School.
Lenor Hough High School Jonathan and Angela Hickson
’94 Wilkie teacher Clark ’01 DeBruin celebrated the birth
welcomed Kolterman gr ’98 was elected of Dakota
Alan Everett treasurer for the Nebraska English James
on April 10, Language Arts Council (nelac) at on July
2006. The the board of directors meeting in 12, 2006.
Wilkie family September 2006. Clark co-chaired Angela is a
resides in the 2006 Annual Literature Quiz manager at
Diggins, Mo. Bowl sponsored by nelac and McDonald’s,
Lenor is a held in conjunction with the Plum and Jon
teacher in Cabool, Mo. Creek Children’s Literacy Festival. is pursuing a nursing degree at Michael Merker and Melissa Iehl
Western Iowa Tech Community ’02 exchanged wedding vows July
Wade and Michelle Herndon ’96 Benjamin ’99 and Christine
College. The family resides in Sioux 22, 2006. Melissa is a graphic
Mattsfield of Crete, Neb., rejoiced Eifert ’99 Castens announced the
City, Iowa. artist at Concordia Seminary in St.
in the birth of Hannah Elizabeth birth of Emily Christine on Jan. 17, Louis, Mo., and Michael is in his
Grace on 2006. Emily joined Kathryn, 5 and last year of studies at Concordia
Nov. 15, 2006. Andrew, 2. The family resides in Seminary.
Hannah joins New Haven, Ind., where Benjamin
Miriam, 5 works at bae Systems in Fort Steven Sherohman ’02 and
and Micah, Wayne and Christine is a stay-at- wife Gill of Friendswood, Texas,
2. Michelle home mom. announced the birth of Aiden
teaches part- William Oct. 30, 2006.
time at Crete In December 2006 Cassandra
Public Schools, Pfeiffer ’99 Schermbeck of
and Wade is a pastor at St. John Garland, Texas, completed Benjamin ’01 and Amanda
Lutheran Church. requirements for a master of (Mandi) Stahlecker ’02 Ersland
arts degree in youth and family of Las Vegas, Nev., announced the
James ’96 and Kara Thies ’96 ministry at Luther Seminary in St. birth of Peder Elishama Walter on
Tobaben reside in Centreville, Paul, Minn. She will participate Oct. 28, 2006.
Va., with Will, 4 and Elizabeth, 2. in graduation ceremonies in
Jim works for Raytheon and has May. Cassie is the dce at Bethel
taken up golf. Kara keeps busy Lutheran Church in Dallas
with Bible study, singing in the and her husband, Timothy ’99
choir and contemporary group, co- Schermbeck, is a teacher.

alumni news 
Michael and Bridget Meyer ’04 Scott Myers ’06 married Kristina
Dieckman of Cole Camp, Mo., Kois ’06 July 1, 2006. The couple
announced the birth of Jason resides in Modesto, Calif., where
Emery on July 3, 2006. Michael they serve Grace Lutheran Church;
and Bridget are teachers at Cole Scott as DCE and contemporary
Camp High School. worship leader and Kristy as second
grade teacher and reading resource
Joshua Dixon ’04 and Jennifer
Iehl ’05 were married July 2, 2005.
engineer, and Tanya is in graduate The couple resides in Springfield, Ill. Samuel Powell ’06 and Lisa
school at the University of Radtke were
Colorado in Denver. The couple united in
resides in Westminster, Colo. marriage
Dietrich Eisele and Shelley Vitosh July 15,
’02 were united in marriage Sept. John and 2006. The
23, 2006. The couple resides in (Rebekah) couple
Odell, Neb. Shelley is a teacher Anne resides in St.
at St. Paul Lutheran School in McCall Louis, Mo.
Beatrice, and Dietrich works for ’03
Astro Buildings of Omaha. Ptacnik
Brandon and Jacqueline Weyer the birth
In Memoriam
’02 Wroghton of Lincoln, Neb., of Amelia Jose Beaton ’05 and Liesl Barz Ludwig E. Janzow ’33
were blessed by the birth of Owen Grace on Jan. 13. The family resides ’06 exchanged wedding vows
on Sept. 19, 2006. Arnold J. Ludwig ’33
in Yuma, Colo. Oct. 8, 2006, with Liesl’s father
officiating. The couple resides Laura Pebler ’33 Traugott
Luther Cameron and Karlyn
Bohlken ’04 were married Dec. in Milton, Fla., where Liesl is a
John H. Stohs HS ’30 CO ’33
28, 2006. The couple resides in Bel substitute teacher in Pensacola and
Air, Md. Jose is in flight training with the Harold H. Rathe HS ’31 CO ’34
U.S. Marine Corps.
Alfred J. Freitag ’38
Daniel Jabs ’06 of Sheboygan, Hubert E. Fischer ’57
Wis., joined Midwest Laboratories
in Omaha, Neb., in September Nora Elmshaeuser ’59 Meyer
2006 as a laboratory technician in
Irene Ost ’71 Kirch
the fertilizer department.
Mark Gulbransen and Allison Linda Kuhl ’71
Cloeter ’03 were married Oct. Martin McGoey ’06 of St. Francis,
Minn., was named the Nebraska Sharlene Nipp ’76 Kleinedler
7, 2006. Allison is a professional
nanny and works as a creative English Language Arts Council Gerald L. Niebling ’82
consultant for early childhood Future Teacher of the Year in
September 2006. Steffani Hilgendorf ’98 Abegglen
programs. The couple resides in
Chaska, Minn. Lonnie Miller ’06 of Dalton, Robert Maessen ’06
Benjamin Cooper ’04 and
Jake and Jessica Robinson Amy Morton ’04 were united in Ohio, is a staff accountant in the
’03 Luebbe of Seward, Neb., marriage July 8, 2006. The couple Wooster office of Rea & Associates
celebrated resides in Bel Air, Md. Benjamin Inc., a regional accounting and
the birth of and Amy are teachers at Hartford business consulting firm.
Rilyn Joy Lutheran School.
on Oct. 5,
2006. Jake
is a welder About Alumni News
at Hughes
Brothers, Concordia University, Nebraska is interested and wants to know about your accomplishments and other
and Jess is newsworthy items. Please direct all items to or via mail to: Concordia University,
a counselor Nebraska Alumni News, 800 N. Columbia Ave., Seward, ne 68434. It is preferred that news items be
in the submitted by the featured alumni rather than third party so accuracy may be verified. All material may
student financial services offices at be edited for clarity or length.
Concordia University, Nebraska. Photos are welcome and electronic photos, in tiff or jpeg format, 300 dpi resolution, are preferred. Hard
Raul Griego and Tanya Merezko copy photos will not be returned. When submitting a death notice, please send a copy of the obituary, if
’03 exchanged wedding vows on possible, and include the names and class years of any survivors who attended Concordia in Nebraska.
Aug. 5, 2006. Raul is a project Please submit items for the summer issue by June 15.

 alumni news
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Please support our students by giving to the Weller Fund today.

The Weller Fund 800-535-5494, ext. 7408

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Seward, NE 68434
April commencement weekend activities
12 Observatory Show, Osten Observatory, 3-5 Class of 1957 50th Reunion Celebration
9-10:30 p.m. 4 Baccalaureate, St. John Lutheran Church,
13 Softball vs. Dordt College, 5 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
13-14 Outdoor Track hosts Concordia Invitational 5 Commencement, Gym, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
13-15 One Act Play Festival, Studio Theatre, Music Please note the new times. For further details,
Center, 7:30 p.m. visit
14 Gathering of the Talents
7 Summer term begins
Softball vs. Univ. Sioux Falls, 1 p.m.
7-27 Wind Ensemble tour to China
15 Annual Student Art Exhibition, opening
reception and awards presentation, 9-28 Alumni Tour to China
Marxhausen Gallery of Art, 1-4 p.m. 11 Outdoor Track/Field hosts CU Twilight
Baseball vs. Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1 p.m. Meet
17 Softball vs. Bellevue University, 5 p.m. June
18 Softball vs. Nebraska Wesleyan, 5 p.m. 20 Early Childhood Conference
20-22 Spring Weekend 29 Visit Day
20 Baseball vs. Dordt College, 4 p.m. July
21 Baseball vs. Morningside College, 1 p.m. 14-19 LCMS Synodical Convention, Houston,
26 Baseball vs. Midland Lutheran College, 4:30 p.m.
Handbell Concert, Heine Recital Hall, 7:30 p.m. 28-Aug. 1 National LCMS Youth Gathering,
27 Jazz Band Concert, Heine Recital Hall, 7:30 p.m. Orlando, Fla.
27-29 One Act Play Festival, Studio Theatre, Music
Center, 7:30 p.m.
30-May 3 Final exams
Stop by the Concordia University, Nebraska alumni
1 University/Community Band, Janzow exhibit and reception during the National LCMS Youth
Campus Center, 6:30 p.m. Gathering, and bring your youth group by the admission
Concordia Chorale Concert, St. John exhibit to visit with one of our counselors. Both exhibits
Lutheran Church, 8 p.m. will be in the chozone. See page 26 for more details.
3 End of spring term
Annual Student Art Exhibition closes
Observatory Show, Osten Observatory,
9-10:30 p.m.

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