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Lesson planning

Name: Alanah Williams

Student Number: 11577474
Value: 60%
Format: Lesson plan
Email Address:
Due Date: Friday 02/06/17
Submission Date: Friday 02/06/17
Length Required: 4000 words
Actual Length: 3912
Student Number: 11577474 Name: Alanah Williams EMT203 Assessment 2

Part A: Lesson Plan 1 (636 words)

Unit/Lesson Title Recipe format, abbreviations and Lesson duration 50 minutes Stage 4 Year 8 Class Food Technology
Rationale Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content
Students learn to 4.3.1. Applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate Students learn about:
understand the format tools, materials and techniques with competence in the -Recipes including the format and abbreviations
of recipes and the development of design projects commonly used
abbreviations used
within recipes and also, Students learn to:
how to modify a recipe -Select, interpret and/or modify/develop recipes for
when increasing the a design project

Prior Knowledge Risk Assessment Resources

-Students to have prior knowledge of general - Eye strain from the smartboard: ensure correct lighting -Work book
mathematics to avoid strain, and ensure students are seated from a -Pen
considerate distance from the smartboard. -Glue stick

Lesson Time Teachers Role Students Role Assessment

Outcomes Strategies

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2 mins Introduction -Teacher has class enter the classroom, sit down, -Students enter classroom, sit down
and gather equipment needed for the class. and grab equipment out of their

3 mins -Teacher to give overview of class content and -Students to ask any questions for
aims for the lesson. clarification of class content and

8 mins Body -Teacher to hand out strips of paper which -Students to rearrange strips of
contain the different sections of a recipe, and ask paper to their understanding of the
class to rearrange the strips in the correct order. correct order of a recipe.

8 mins -Teacher to ask students at random what they -Students to read their strips, and Observation
had for each step, and to write correct format on have the teacher write the correct of students
board format answers

Students 3 mins -Once the whole format of the recipe has been -Students are to glue strips in order,
understanding identified, teacher is to instruct the class to glue in work books
the format strips in book, in order

1 min -Teacher to handout a piece of paper that -Students to accept the piece of
contains information on the abbreviations used paper, and take notice of what is on
within recipes (1C = 1Cup), to each student. the paper.

Understanding 6mins -As a class, the teacher is to read out the contents -Students to read along with the Observation
of of the sheet, ensuring students have an teacher, to gain knowledge on the of students
abbreviations understanding of the abbreviations, and students abbreviations, and when students engagement
are encouraged to ask questions for clarification. need clarification, they are of new
encouraged to ask for it. knowledge

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1 min -Teacher asks class to glue sheet in work books, -Students are to glue sheet into
and continue to study after class for practical work books and continue to study it
lessons. after class.

9 mins -Teacher hands out the last activity for the lesson -Students are to work together to Observation
which is a recipe that needs to be modified to modify the recipe. of teamwork
cater for double the amount of the recipe. The
teacher is to also advise that students may work

Understanding 5 mins -Teacher is to display the answers of the recipe, -Students are asked to direct their
of on a PowerPoint presentation displayed on the attention to the PowerPoint slide,
modification smartboard revealing the answers to the work

4 mins Conclusion -Teacher is to encourage all students with any -Any students needing clarification Observation
questions from the whole lesson for clarification. of anything from the days lesson is of
encouraged to ask questions. reassurance

Lesson Evaluation

The first part of this lesson involving the strips of paper was used as an alternative to taking notes. It engages the students more effectively, in
particular a student with a learning difficulty of concentration and reading and writing. The second part of the lesson does involve reading
from a sheet, but copious amounts of information are non-existent, making it simple learning. The final section allows students to work on
teamwork, by pairing up or working in groups.

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Student Number: 11577474 Name: Alanah Williams EMT203 Assessment 2

Part B: Rationale 1 (670 words)

Lesson plan 1; ‘Recipe format, abbreviations and modification’, was taken and created from the East Hills Girls Technology High: Unit of work
Technology (Mandatory) unit plan. From the unit plan, a lesson outline was chosen to be adapted into a detailed lesson plan, in relation to a
year 8 food technology class. Through the use of lesson outcomes and assessment strategies, it is evident that the syllabus outcomes and
content were addressed. It is crucial to both the teacher and student that the lesson plan is appropriate for the syllabus outcomes and
content, because it assures what the teacher is to be addressing and what the student is to be learning (NSW Government, n.d.d.).
The use of technology isn’t heavily used within this particular lesson, but is helpful in creating an interactive learning environment.
Concentration levels can vary by the end of a 50 minute lesson, so by including a Power Point presentation for the answers allows engagement
until the end of the lesson. The use of technology in this lesson acts as a motivator for students who may have trouble concentrating until the
end of class, as the use of technology in a classroom has proven to help motivate students to interact (Clarke et al., 2014b).
By including mathematics in a food technology lesson, it allows the students to realise that maths is actually used outside a math class. It also
allows teachers to recognise what levels of math students can comprehend. The last part of the lesson involves the students to double the
quantity of the recipe, so the teacher is asking the students to apply their mathematical skills to the lesson.
According to the NSW Government, (n.d.b.), each student is an individual, which means that each student may have different approaches and
levels of learning. Taking this into consideration is important to the teacher and students as it allows equal learning throughout the classroom.
There is a student in this year 8 food technology class that has learning difficulties, who finds it hard to comprehend copious amounts of
writing and reading at one time. They also face a challenge of working independently with confidence, which can result in being left behind.
This lesson involves students to piece together strips of paper into the correct order, so by making learning a puzzle activity, instead of writing
down notes, it involves the student tremendously, and allows then to also enjoy learning. The lesson also involves information on
abbreviations used within recipes. The sheet doesn’t involve a heap of writing, just a generalisation, so it is acceptable for everyone in the
class. The final part of this lesson is doubling a recipe, which is most likely a first for the majority of the class, so they were allowed to pair up,
or work together in groups. This improves engagement between class mates, and with the use of a PowerPoint slide revealing the correct
answers, the environment is becoming more interactive, which makes learning easier for everyone.
By allowing students to ask questions or engage in conversation, it allows the teacher to recognise where they might not be covering
something to cater for everyone, or even recognising the knowledge of specific students (NSW Government, n.d.a.).

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Through the use of observation from the teacher within the classroom, you are able to notice how students respond to instructions, and how
they work (NSW Government, n.d.b.). In this lesson in particular, observation is to take place when students answer – taking notice of the
students who don’t engage in conversation, and taking notice of those who do. Observation is also taken place when students are learning
new information, when working together in pairs or small groups, and when they need reassurance. With these observations, the results can
then be reflected within future lessons, such as, instead of asking for volunteers, pick students who tend to shy away from class discussions, by
getting them involved, and getting used to being involved, you could help their learning in food technology and becoming more confident in
speaking up.

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Student Number: 11577474 Name: Alanah Williams EMT203 Assessment 2

Part A: Lesson Plan 2 (636 words)

Unit/Lesson Title Safety and Responsibility Lesson duration 50 minutes Stage 4 Year 8 Class Food Technology
Rationale Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content
Students learn about 4.3.2. Demonstrates responsible and safe use of a range of Students learn about:
safety and responsibility tools, materials and techniques in each design project Responsible behaviour in working environments
within the kitchen Students learn to:
Manage risk when developing design projects
Prior Knowledge Risk Assessment Resources
-Students to have general knowledge of safety within -Eye strain: ensure correct lighting as students are -Work books
the kitchen concentrating on a smart board screen -Pen
-Students to have prior knowledge of how to use a -Smart board
smart board -Glue stick
Lesson Time Teachers Role Students Role Assessment
Outcomes Strategies
2 mins Introduction -Teacher to ask class to enter room, sit down -Students to enter classroom, sit down
and grab required equipment for class. and grab everything they need for the
lesson out of their bag.

5 mins -Teacher to give a brief review of last lesson, -Students to ask questions for clarification
and to give an overview of the current lesson if unsure of lesson content and aims.
content and aims.

Activity to 10 mins Body -Teacher to hand out a fill-in-the-blanks work -Students to attempt fill-in-the-blanks Observation of
introduce sheet on safety within the food lab, and allow work sheet as a pair or a group of three. students
knowledge students to attempt in pairs, or groups of working
of food three.
safety in
food lab

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-Teacher to go through work sheet with the -Students to go through work sheet as a Observation of
10 mins class, asking students for answers, and giving class, filling in where they didn’t get an students
clarification if needed. answer, asking for clarification. participation of
4 mins -Teacher to move to a smart board and -Students to glue fill-in-the-blank work
display a picture of a hazardous food lab. sheet in work booklet while teacher sets
up picture on smart board.

Allowing 15 mins -Teacher to ask students to volunteer to -Students to volunteer to go up and Observation of
students to come to the smart board and identify a identify hazards on the smart board using students
identify hazard within the picture of the food lab a smart board pen and to then explain participation
hazards in using a smart board pen, and then get the why. towards
the food lab student to explain why. interactive
4 mins Review/ -Teacher to ensure that all hazards are -Students to ensure that they recognise
Conclusion identified from the smart board activity, and hazards from the smart board activity,
that students have an understanding of that they have an understanding of safety
safety within the food lab, and are able to in the food lab and are able to identify
identify hazards. hazards
Lesson Evaluation

With one student in the class who suffers from learning difficulties, where they find it difficult to concentrate for long lengths of time, and to
read and write copious amounts or work, the first part of the lesson plan is an effective way of easing into the lesson, with a fill-in-the-blanks
worksheet, that has been modified with pictures and smaller sentences for the student to comprehend the information easier. The second
part of the lesson is very practical based, allowing students to become more involved and excited for the lesson. By having students come up
to the board and circling with a pen, it is found much easier for the student with learning difficulties to use the mouse, as they can view what
they are doing from a reasonable distance, instead of being up close to the smart board, and straining their eyes – it can be tough to
concentrate on smart board or computer screens already, so it is not ideal to have them that close to the smart board. The fact of getting up

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from their seat and getting in front of an audience also allows them to develop confidence in interaction, preventing that feeling of being left

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Student Number: 11577474 Name: Alanah Williams EMT203 Assessment 2

Part B: Rationale 2 (673 words)

Lesson plan 2; ‘Safety and Responsibility’, has been adapted from the East Hills Girls Technology High: Unit of work Technology (Mandatory)
unit plan to a year 8 food technology class. The most crucial thing to take into consideration when creating lesson plans is that they relate and
compensate for the syllabus outcomes and content (NSW Government, n.d.d.). According to the NSW Government (n.d.d.) syllabus outcomes
are important points of reference for student’s progression and accomplishments through lessons – the syllabus is acting as a checklist. It is
essential that not only do teachers follow the syllabus, but also the students to keep track of what they have learnt, if they have enough
information surrounding an outcome and what to expect for future lessons. If students have any queries on the outcomes and content, they
are encouraged to ask a teacher, to ensure their education is of the highest quality.
The use of technology is a key aspect in this lesson as, it is the main attraction for the second half of the class. The use of the smart board helps
with consistent engagement of learning for students – giving an interactive aspect to the lesson. Students are to identify a safety hazard on the
smart board using on the smart board pens, which also allows students to develop their skills in using technological resources that are now
popular within the 21st Century (NSW Government, n.d.c.). Due to one student with learning difficulties of not being able to concentrate on
reading, writing or screens, the activity has been adapted for them specifically. Instead of coming up to the smart board screen and having it in
their face, they are given the option to use the mouse at the computer – which is connected to the smart board – and see what they are
identifying from a considerate and appropriate distance from the screen.
Queensland Government (2008), states that literacy is crucial for many reasons and they include; adding value and skills to increase the
students professional knowledge, to be able to spread literacy skills to all areas of the students individual curriculum’s and to improve on
professional development. Literacy within this lesson is being able to fill-in-the-blanks on safety within the food lab, and being able to
recognise hazards within the food lab. With a combination of reading, interactive learning and discussions the lesson is packed of literacy
based activities to improve the student’s literacy knowledge and skills.
An overview of the lessons aims and content was provided at the start of the lesson plan to ensure students were aware of what to expect for
the class. Students are encouraged to ask for help at any time they feel they need it, to allow them to fully understand what to do next, and to
do it with confidence and independently. There is also a discussion at the end of the class, for students to then again ask for clarification on
anything from the class. By reviewing the class, it not only allows students to get a better understanding of the lesson content, but it also
benefits the teacher for how to apply similar actions in other classes or improve on the presentation of instructions.

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In this lesson, observations were made of students working together, the participation of students within the interactive activity involving the
smart board, and the participations of students whilst a class discussion was happening. Through observations, teachers can keep track of
what students are confident and competent in, and what students aren’t. You can then build from these observations and conclusions to
improve lessons, to ensure all students are reaching their potential in the lessons and the subject as a whole (NSW Government, n.d.a.).
Another observation that may be made is how the other students behave and work within the same classroom as a student with severe
learning difficulties. Are they constantly being interrupted? Aer they not receiving enough attention for the help they need? Are they being
distracted by the student with learning difficulties? Are they being supportive towards the student with learning difficulties?

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Student Number: 11577474 Name: Alanah Williams EMT203 Assessment 2

Part A: Lesson Plan 3 (579 words)

Unit/Lesson Title Healthy Modification of Recipe Lesson duration 50 Stage 4 Year 8 Class Food Technology
Rationale Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content
Students are to re-write a 4.5.2. Produces quality solutions that respond to Students learn about:
recipe to make it healthier identified needs and opportunities in each design -Construction steps that contribute to a quality solution.
and suitable for teenagers. Students learn to:
-Apply a design process that responds to needs and
opportunities for each design project.
Prior Knowledge Risk Assessment Resources
-What ‘healthy’ means -Eye strain: Ensure students are in a well-lit classroom -Work books
-Use of a computer; and are sitting ergonomically to the computer. -Individual recipes
including Microsoft Word -Electrocution: Review safety around computers and -Notes on healthy choices
and the internet power points/plugs. -Computer
-Safety around computers
and power points/plugs
Lesson Time Teachers Role Students Role Assessment
Outcomes Strategies
5 mins Introduction -Teacher to instruct students to sit at -Students to sit at a computer and Observation of
a computer, and give an overview of listen to lesson content and aims. intent to listen and
the lesson, covering lesson content Students are to ask any questions for learn.
and aims. clarification.

5 mins Body -Teacher to instruct students to log -Students to log into their computers, Observe those who
into their computers and open a word open a word document and open the can/t competently
document, along with the internet. internet. follow instructions.

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2 mins -Teacher to hand out all different -Students to receive and read the
unhealthy recipes to each student. recipe they are given.

-First step to 15 mins -Teacher to instruct students to use -Students to identify what is considered Observe those who
constructing a general knowledge, notes and to unhealthy through general knowledge, can work
final design research on the internet, healthy notes and internet, and to research independently, and
product; alternatives of the ingredients in the healthier alternatives. If unsure of an those who need
researching recipe. If any student is finding great instruction or what to research, assistance.
needs of difficulty, they are asked to raise their students are to raise their hand.
teenagers hand, and wait for the teacher.

-Another step 15 mins -Teachers instruct students to re-type -Student to type up their new healthy Observe the
towards a final the recipe (as the healthier version) recipe on a word document, and save students who can
design product onto the word document, and save it the document as their name in the work without
as their name, in the public folder public folder ‘Year 8 Food Technology’. assistance, when
‘Year 8 Food Technology’. using Microsoft
5 mins -Have students log off the computer -Students to log off from their
and have a discussion as a class– a computers and engage in discussion on
review of the lesson. the current lesson.

-Work going 3 mins Review/ -Teacher to explain that they will print
into a design Conclusion it off for next lesson, to go into the
portfolio students design portfolios.

Lesson Evaluation

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This lesson is set in a computer room, and because of this, it is not the same as teaching in a normal classroom. The teacher needs to be more
available to students, as they are going off to pursue independent work on the computers. The student with learning difficulties is
accompanied by a teacher’s aide to provide full attention for the whole lesson, to the one student who needs it. The teacher’s aide is not there
to do the work for the student. But to be a motivator and helper when needed. It’s just a little extra help for the teacher to provide attentions
to all students of equal opportunity and time.

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Student Number: 11577474 Name: Alanah Williams EMT203 Assessment 2

Part B: Rationale 3 (718 words)

Lesson plan 3; ‘Healthy Modification of Recipe’, has been adapted from the East Hills Girls Technology High: Unit of work Technology
(Mandatory) unit plan. A lesson for a year 8 food technology class was designed and created from the syllabus outcomes taken from the unit
plan. The most important thing here is, is that the lesson plan fits hand in hand with the syllabus out, but can also be modified to fit around
students of a diverse background, such as disability, cultural factor and learning difficulties (Clarke et al., 2014a). By modifying – or more likely
known as differentiating – a lesson plan for those with a diverse background, you are able to cater for students of all capabilities. To be specific
for this lesson, there is a student that requires extra assistance due to their learning difficulties, but that doesn’t stop them from checking off
the syllabus outcomes, they just may have to approach them in a different way (n.d.b.) – with a more comprehendible work sheet or more
specifically to this lesson, the assistance of a teacher’s aide, to encourage concentration and work ethic.
Students use a computer each to create a more interactive learning environment. They are to use an array of resources: notes from work
books, the internet and general knowledge, but the primary resource is the computer. According to Clarke et al (2014b), the use of technology
is highly beneficial as it can motivate students to want to participate in the class environment as they are to work independently and
interactively. The use of computers in a lesson is also beneficial as students are given the opportunity to use the internet, to do their own
research to create a quality end product of the healthy recipe suitable for teenagers.
Design is the main focus within this lesson plan, by modifying a recipe to a healthier version suitable for a teenager. With the use of design
within a lesson, it allows each individual students imaginations and ideas come to life. Design can help showcase each individual student’s
knowledge and talent (Trevallion, 2008). The task is to design a new healthier version of a recipe suitable for teenagers, and each student is
given a different recipe, allowing them the freedom to make the decision of the alternative ingredients. Through this activity of research and
design, it is also allowing the teacher to witness the capabilities of the students to work on their own and showcase their own work, their own
With a student who suffers from learning difficulties, it is important for the teacher to address the syllabus outcomes to cater for students of
all levels (NSW Government, n.d.a.). There is one particular student in this class who has trouble concentrating for long periods of times, and
also has a hard time working independently. A teacher’s aide was recommended for this class, to ensure that through the individual activity of
research and design, the student with learning difficulties had the appropriate amount of guidance and attention to complete the lesson
activity, just like everyone else. The teacher’s aide’s job is not to do the work for the student, but to encourage them to continue working until

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they have complete the task, because without the help of the teacher’s aide, the student may not have had an equal chance of committing and
finishing the activity.
An overview starts the lesson, ensuring students are informed of the lesson content and aims. This needs to be clear for students as they are
participating in independent work in this lesson. If the student is unsure, they are to ask the teacher at any given time, because if they don’t
know something, they are going to become stuck, and eventually fall behind. A teacher needs to ensure they are approachable to a student to
prevent a student from coming to them for help.
Observations made from this class was particularly focusing on student’s behaviour and work ethic in a computer room – a different
environment can mean different ways of teaching and addressing the class. The observations from this class can determine whether or not, it
was deemed successful; have the students benefit from a computer lab lesson, being able to work independently and efficiently. Did it benefit
the student with a learning difficulty? Do they work better in a different class room environment?

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Clarke, M., & Pittaway, S. (2014a). Meeting the Diverse Needs of Students. In Clarke, M., & Pittaway, S (Eds.), Marsh’s Becoming a Teacher (pp.
245-264). French Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.

Clarke, M., & Pittaway, S. (2014b). Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning. In Clarke, M., & Pittaway, S (Eds.), Marsh’s Becoming a Teacher (pp. 181-
206). French Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.

NSW Government. (n.d.a.). Designing effective learning and assessment. In NSW Education Standards Authority. Retrieved from:

NSW Government. (n.d.b.). Differentiated programming. In NSW Education Standards Authority. Retrieved from:

NSW Government. (n.d.c.). Integrating ICT capability. In NSW Education Standards Authority. Retrieved from:

NSW Government. (n.d.d.). Planning for effective learning and assessment. In NSW Education Standards Authority. Retrieved from:

Queensland Government. (2008). Literacy the key to learning. In Framework for action 2006-2008. Retrieved from:

Trevallion, D. (2008). Where did the design go in Design and Technology Education? In H. Middleton & M. Pavlova (Eds.), Exploring technology
education: Solutions to issues in a globalised world, 2(pp. 172-179). QLD: Griffith University. Retrieved from:

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