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aE DISCOVERY OF THE FRAVDV- Jenepradtfes of lon Dann serateot ares inher THE PRETENDED POSSESSION and dfpoffetion of William Somersat Notsingham: ref Thomnas Darling, the boy of Burton at Caldvall Tdi Wheaton ecWhit- sian rakes ay Gent } a detigin ete fides net cent De Wem dseittapnimezemesfi, Bom. 3 eo prmendcam ent dgear les demas gi “takes Aig of Cor viet yaya uj guy ude ss CIEE . Loxpox Imprinted by Zoho Wolf 159% ey xe Wy fhe Sf SARs TheEpiftlecotheReader. aramocaane He fate f inling nd deluding the if fi i washes SIR [Re eb katona ‘nallonios of them erin the nathan mecca pcg Fri le clings Gadhitembafider in working of wor densely were fame fed a anaes Auten edly ail vermin, [0 Teyulof bell bape sooke ae afl whe roler seep condense ober wa 0 parchae a einion die Jotbir Goof es then fening sat bsamonieteee ay ‘fc eating, preted tht bs Ces araslee conf iin csigheastwebunised ren. Thee bid pabike eet cunenncn of llerecion by fee dete aly sec xpon lots and ones or pitt endef nse Jom see aneibeprfidnt nthe Archie S) Nite uss tbe diff whe fendi ceric te pep gute es nds nando beyacted at ma ptnecr kien pg tests hone wenn Gel adleonto tee Nun Posi eaixinpl Soceatesbra Gens Sxeorins bi tide Maho~ ‘nts fae once Dane, al find she rofl ace angers endo onto thfermoende: yer gracing fale ego by dre eteer to aia Ur evgreat= "n Ba not THE EPISTLE sesintbespinton ofibepeaple, The great Impaler ale eff p iatbomiln ee aoa erdemsne: bewitching by bi coumtrfoe mince, the ec een et vii swfintoatrwh thats Nenorche ee ‘cheval aa aes eegeamirs cline, andheeandhis rilesean dutch a tei wn arn wea aterm bay ole a iacesnour adits miles « miveden tei nan Lay ‘and debt Pag bns flo, onnia ora Semizeutrum eis sali dancin nema cn Fe dda wath lene of cna ‘im ein sat cane or ah maf fatima cata Legon of Baerthon tenance Inthe rage fling imine he Frm, Exel cin ed are rf dala a Piphe Gud she pectin thsi bt nowt eae is mere (eeneiw thismiftery: and the there were sarferspeamag ley tof bist oe fbiscapsian a iobingthsoetobe hon what Lect hin ones acts), mthr spn mon ha vine ents bigrartlpep eh rbcenclamenipricgoiafecn st governers insecure, wha profel nas ti preniefestcer te elierconce rege nib tronic an impip ie Lane tnnie ian na he ‘tgood rand tes func n) tg at en ‘pon tiene tobe depey ene im this ‘Shee, We see dndo fly wth ayo ‘publke ingle eo ter ails ly propr and Sing, TO THE READER. fating after aged dine, perbappesa fir mores wet (ees ie i eajon did, Whicb ce von difeeredo be One apareplaycontstving (0 Pr beeen eo ethane ee ttefiest hope him of tefageshss emit mot be Tifedaroal beware, tha: th alton ( Uke they of ‘elgemene acted on sfisgetongh eyed nt filleyn po ie eemeenceandfearcimiefnplr and nr ort wile the Tenginary Deis emed to fled in fach ofthe worde of nec deher iste caiont.a Dew, dsnofacherest mater creme ceount of being but rican & 96 iizacuiam, srvhcnatreaie wonder, thine of miracles The Jormar's Trovonedfrom a Cianapion ofthe Popesivb to vpbeld te op rein m polagtealicaife: fick mt tone this mpians rae: oneita docendiad pictatem Haan potelelieraio ihenela:S0ss4 men: mening sanding scene ad inane eration phate epebisply bre ailvarkerelgion apageantof Pappiter. 1¥ was peradac- ‘acca thei auppedgoodcen ia dei te fesrefol fie ‘fucgatny, thle parle wheres io more tormenting Force ste feta bein te wold that men mag bce serveewea, of eamminting fl nner. And fo like the uttingefalinighty God lean ances Piller wth rong bear dnd bake in bis bond pha tee bes might Verenrenimpreionof is aes mdr: velutary ay bpp lrimageeimagessenipringei7eignet, fend asoratioof era a te bleed Bact of al the “pope bis pedlary cra iba oh sifiien face ef edintnt tothe lericof Coayastisingling mars ef cafing sores Open tat tis een inthe dere ofthe earch mayb dane to ay ood you hal ane elite Tike - ser isn itions,cr aban of esd istrath > 4 wile Alonse- THE EPISTLE will bewovfhippedin pis and truth allflfoe. ie ‘refltnndnop tba Se Gods deh mlifeyandderkasroms ight Sant Saline daarilaionss bighapich nti ea plain ‘nym diel heel man foe id Sho ltt schema gig dea a Terre eh ales imply ba endmplet be be zhane arth tao ef eat 4d, 1h dal coher ete th shad erase the eves, oh fe tise if, te rm lrmae ace sien el ibe pe ol theremer -nainpt came thy buwld blicwe, that our Saw dur was the fone ine {uk mere mantis een ab einem cane, areent ation was bat Mirandum fut mbar or sae en iodine emirate pain ee a led thats nas daneby the Prince ofthe Dinules One soe som ining teband tat dete eles theo thae ae her power then the finger ef Almighty God: fecludin Lubec ldo ne guile ef Gob anl lone eeod mf, aver anc iris pf dealer Abeer of filing amir Teri plein the lf of S-Maesw/ ently mht plasms nd king ars nce tinier pent in and a spent ature themen. Tewords are he lowel¢tharbelicucinmy namethey Thifeti Aalicalt out miraculom » Cauh tearmes fring from one rowte of wonder or marwel tasofectbichathing fiance dene dethprocurcin the minds As THE EPISTLE ofthe bolder asbcing abou thereachof nature and resfo : sit oney Gad bi fpernsturall ates dane on the lande of Egypt are aledmarmaerand wonders, bat one atte doneby the finger of God, bath divers ‘ad fit le te si dncrsandfndiconfie atin. Ct amin ‘erinthe 4. ofSaim Toh are general called raya blog Leen fis emniptenipner Hirai ke eredepnte mn en the pleased read th belt ah ny bce exer the cnt cen ies ai, Clr ded called sh, for thr power in amazing rhe om dig acd chee cai gee he bert a prcaring wonders Jordi, for she. ccc thence tr endl endl elem tha aesienby heb la he ae of Ch fied ene elt file imnsbes3.0f Matke, and dai bmtilfere ent hd me aay moos 2 ret Seu, tnallpowerandfiencsand wonders, Amd det i een a fly inesnyas, or wandito, the fae is ake and the de ‘titel! oes Tas mach fr tafe of De ‘eons seem ad pag Puppets pl. Ss. The ee The FirltBooke. “his ft! Booke conzsinsth themamber ta are pretended eau bene dpotetedby M, Dares Th oseafon hat tints werealodingueton by her attics Com- Nefiaesforcaufeseclcticallat Lenb: Theinde- Te Dare endotoxin anid poe The pear encerainy ofthe grounds, whereupon «RED rutfand aller out of Dives do tele ie band tc silandote ithe hae, n0¢008- peeteibemilurs on wore, buralfo to maine thie eStes whenthelriuling alent any qution. Cuan Le ‘The wumber of fchperfons as are faid thane been df= poll oy M, Darrelsmeanes. ob DerallaBuchelor of Ares, bee {ngaboutthe age of three or fue torent, butthen no minifer (ashe faith) dideake vpon him about thir- reene yearsfince to caf, fiftone| uelland afterwards (vpon a preten= ded repoffefion) eight Divels,out of Madecerefeuenteene yeares old n Darbithire, named ‘cuberie righ, Thekioie ofthis fate he himfclte Dra ‘vit, and gone one cope ofit tothe Ladie Bors. FI ‘Fromehetime above mentioned vz 1sso.illehe28.0f Marchintheyeare 396M; Darrallfor ought that is e~ B netlly rs Barat 2 ay nownewee al The Fir Bate 3 me, We : " facshe pablegonke ea at a anaing be. neath goreniGodknoweshwhat:theyby fh eved- ection toinimeewnartehad lee eee aa Sronne reatcredi, bat ber Maeles abies, : practise anterior Pehinthemeane time eene hamefally abuled. t credit with the fimpler| Bromjag thereby inno Come ial ‘Othe dipotiing ofthe fid euen partis, theresa ‘proud in thatrefpeét, Somethi mur Fery peart and ooke thar rtinneth from hand ro hand,penned by MD : YDweellfeffethinthefe words: Sonetheeleiee deen fonrpreacherat Legh (a8 M. Darel faith) and fied what too mach nthe alton of tthe 1 ddglrefome. from pointto point ‘although very childitly ) by one Ofwhichhisploeinlangedte Cle troenh ine aoe eer pear, aqreacher ofhisomneallowance: whoioy~ gedit (ie forfooch in the fide edith M, Derellin the dllpofeing ofthe yeare 596, wh 2 enpretcnce ismade that hecafta Dinell aidfeuen, ‘Touching which booke there areadded (i> hhiftorie of the boy of Bartow ) thele ‘of aboyin. sralgnintnclirmssnte tment eel see epcnsireciparmiarae | Spm annie was firltconttaéted by onic M. Denifow 2 mini mtey ‘thd minifterin that it, eee ‘countrey and thenafterithad bene feeneand allowed | i aa i this man meaning ith, Wi So MD. Maeeconseny fad ot a: Bocofallthatcucr Mf Darel deal wi ‘The booke of rhe defpefffiang of he bey eee I v2. mersone of Netingbem fappoted to bepotietfed, isthe rie. 4 youth,by whom (asitfeem eh)hehath wonne Bis fous jehadin his ‘What. a cxlotataray tee ectetnhim aertishisfeond sntbeop venofmany,efpecially women. Hi ‘pplotemay bee fmieby gong in hei Bue bandit foe two oF three dais, ' ext following, when being fen forinto Len ‘ofMarch —~ andfodpatchedthem: but Somers tucke in his fingers ¢ onc, Sateen one Debates, | Sect "When hee began with K toldeheaidat burkiewbernt Davdtad deve: bre, -q sedeae but adely & (ashe cone miele) 4 doneae Bur. ynckilly» Marry by ehetime dat ce tooke Somer in to hedilpollelfed inthe fid 47 St featoedips te hinsiei one ee rand at Novngha, hich wasin Novembet 337- fons aronecap: v2 ohn Stari tnestricage- _wasgrownehisertemales Oot proceedings with Brom andiene dha wtichietee tee | fend Somerrand of thelsid Somers ft, diverstreatfes ncelatlcninesthe ae come abroad. cM. Darrel hrf bath writen atter,and befidesthat,an. the iufifyingofhimielé salfo publithed 8eprin- ands of erin emia pit bands oferta Serine picts and hath been cared ening th y them ypand downe tharcountrey,t2fandry recufants Soi own pening, houtes (et coraine idle sdby her cunni in were Wont to catty pu is lately come out in prints Seolieteh geomerngofctanch ey i tc co sbehalfes inated, 4 rien yelecerdutionsoftesidbaets, | rattan oft polio ie ion repel of W emer B2 Lally. es TheFirf Boe, Lally, 4 Darrelbaning played istics Wiliam somes, tha al weet ete ould dee togrow very fle. Netinghamy chen hee atemptetic praCulewith ary Ceperthlitr Of Somers, aioe wasno emedicbutihemuftbe polled: and fo he ne anew matteran foot which wat veryzealouly fll by cerainewiuesinthattowne: buvbetore t canes any pekcton t¢ Darellbegan tobe dfdoled torn fembler. Touchingaltheleauingchotein Lensiie) examinations ave beene taken andaiellby the cone fionsofthe partic, as by diuersothercircuritnces doth plainelyappeare, thatall which was done bern Darrel and them was meerly countetfeyted. ke ‘muchas his great peeceofcuming and legerder ine. asim ployed chitly about somes as aug then en ‘ed moreivgling sl hen beforejand that his pce Wwiththatboy, wereand il are fo greatly ined ss by him &chisiends tha nothing wilbedigetedifocg fpoken againttthem: the grestel panes hncbeseak ‘find outthe picking thathath Beeneviednthiscants Cuan. I, . ‘The ecafon why Me Darrels dealing with Somers ‘atogufione Lambs, 8 Sener wate isacommon vfe when anymen for matters of crime are called into que ‘ion, (and efpecallyifthey ately to alone hardly with the defendants) to || ilevedite tte witnefes,to launder the (G2 plates andto ae exceptions bth '0 the Iudges,_ and to their proce dinges. Andercof die courfethae M, Dene, fiends, ‘The Firf Booke. * 5 frendeshaueheld, may be anexample: hee the fiid 4. Darrllocing charge with diuerfe notable cofenages, in retendjng by hypocritical Meightes toca out Del Fears purpote neuer pom ae not here o pertinent fome of thofe onely:t ‘concerne the ‘occafions pretended, why 4¢.Darrelfhath bene calledin~ oquetionand the perfons that by authority hae loo- eed ino cig caufand the witneffes that aue beene pro- ducedin itjare meete to bee contidered ot they doe Srguea great combination oraffociatiSro have wrous ome great worke if they had notby fortune tumbled in their Way. ‘Some give it our thatthe deteAingofone Alice Fre 1, nc. muntobea Witch wasthe oceation through M. free kinfmans dealing, that Wiliam Somers was Eyceman file ace counted tobea counterfiite, Others of deeper infight, fay thc he Dil hime enoyin ‘Noninghampy meanes ob M. idea pthc under the happy eftateot ung there » THe wien onto hinder There "= be dfothargiue itout (iullly asthey fay) chat the ile eee ong teil oxoot) agin, Dar resi sia h demc let her people perib for lacke of infrachon, (ecitico tert haidconcenehelby Dare te ant a facings thar whe raid from th dead oe ere bard, comp tur Sasoar. The ame fellowalloreportett Seemgquen out by one crest man Water Commie or ees eect ratning the indgements of Godagsing fac Pa ‘And one rietriee sme,of a, Nanaten. araseas lyned gon ae #8 hash hemo mmeaning et ical) tat ing she eu taken tm band will ane te cree ofit= Naan that otherwife M, Darrell might long betore t Innocentinthofepoints wt 4 imehauebeene diharged sta man blames od eof cued, a ——. ii Nation, 6 The Ff Bake, to.trengthen this grolewtruth th thamelecathe oer) where hee ‘yeh are uene running othe Corte foretal he Lardes and. “Honor and inde he preferring of etiinsin cM Darrel Seb th Lado cate ri Conneel: Who ictioubled the Lordesand Ladi now ct themcher burindeed ome hase ase eraduentizetahatichad Darel pradils nothered yp, or theauoiingoootD ofc Maundr as ges therwifefallypon the Miniftery. But aboue all theref, thatisa fabantall conceit, that 8, Darel cannotbe en clued becaufehe hath fuchafetein eating outils asmany othermen want. cant beendered(ayetthe author ofthat bf hnd of men, which are accounted beef foning oe word auld be thought bane ack intro» ‘Chri tess thay their provers and fating, besPonias lem dead fom ba aire dome Shen thir fer: whereas ether men, whe accust the surat sad shen nt wilt Phi pomp primase accompli he ie Bet bal cnt ges ther condo sentheme ingtof rd noah. 2 plc indeed fftprare wellppiyedatha mh urthofS, cAtatbew, Hee wil gt is dseds charge a Saat Sates fics god fool formet eho ese chesbon hat rmoued bet Males fide Commitionss to ier. meddle with th Impotor, ( wherewith his conf tes andcompanions are fomuchgricued ) ando rocedeterinas they bau dons massa liam Semers bauing counterfaited himfelf tobe polls dioica andrepried, andbeld ones ‘courfe qi oust facefiuel, forthe fpa rheFirf Book, 7 -cofsboutthree moneths: ‘of M. Darrelshands, con did atthelaft.bcing got out be did are atfat a peed donetharwhilwasbut to the atasorand Aldermen of Net- sed ahi former ites. Herewith felfe and anow thi diffembled:shewir ‘inghawe how bea Un. Darreandhis friendes' were greatly moued, epe- aly when they preyed th boys fatd confefion 0 ~ belo generally believed, as bornfogamongt the that there beganne an hart fome holding with To mectetherefore Darrlland fore againtthim. ane aFfeaing(as itis appofed)thatthe © ‘with thiseitchiefe, irdhdeacon of Darby had written an tothe Zi 4rcbbiloppe ‘Sf canterbury couching that mater, it wasthought to vle fome prevention, fromthe £, Arch, ‘and to procure 2 Commifion ‘of Yerkefor the examination offuch, I from the youl be produced in Fehtoproue that Somers had not di ‘Gommnifion obtayned,excep becaufeall he Commilfioners asrenewedand vpon one 3M. Exing- made eemnilioners to ioyne hevchie mt bate difked of M. ten dtoe sell Theruponit fans motion,fome Were ‘withthe reff, thatwere know Derlsproceedinges. Whenthe' ond Commiion was £0 hhauing beene exami the Commiffioners, tothe ing offome of is firesin ‘Rtiver Conpaitand Agreement made berwixthim ando- thetsbefore hecamethether. ‘Herewih, althat fauored §, andtorunne abroadinto the towne, telling thei friends 94; Darrel began torcioyce, the behalfeof8".Dar- iffembled. Thelade tions were ken againtits ‘were addigted 0 M.Dar- iting imecame thatthis feat beexecuted (certaine perlons Nit,sicr ined) Somers was brought before ino. ‘ho thortlieafter bis comming, fell pe. eit prefence, yon With greacioy,that Somers wasnow foundto aucbeen ‘bot there thathad helda contrary o- nodillembler: Ba pinion ie — . The Fir Boke, pinion,they were greatly ated and checked: infomuch 4s wheniomeofthem came out ofthe houte where the i Sh eCommifioners fate they werenotonely rated atexéee- nw dingly, but to one of them by the throwing ofa foie fome violence was offered, ‘Thus OM, Darrell and hi {friends triumphed for nine or ten daies,hauing bythe di teétion ofthe aid Commilfioncrs Somersamongttchem inewho playing his oldcrickes denyed thachee had itembled «But thisthir iy ended) when the fide ayes were expired: for Somarsby the diredion of the Ls Chief tice ofthe common Ples, wasn fooner gotten. againe outof thehandes «tM. Darrell and his fiend batof him(lthe confetfed (as before) the whole courlé ofhis dfimulation, and why he had afrmed to the id ‘Commiffioners, thatthe fites ated before them were not counterhited. With thisatcration 44, Darrell and his adherentes were greatly troubled ; the partes taking onboth ides beganne co bemoreviolent, and thetoven becametobe extraordinarily deuided, one rayling vpon anothcratheir meeting inthe frees, as they wereaf. feéted in thatcaule. The pulpetsalo rang of nothingbut stateddge Dinelsandwitches: wherewith men,women, and chil- drenwerefo afrighted, asmany ofthem durftnot fir in thenight,nor o muchas aferuantalinoft gointohismay- ferscellerabout his bufinefe without company. Fewe prew tobe fiche orcuilateafe,but aight way they were ticemedto bee polled. Briefly fuch were the fresin ‘otting am abou this matter asit was feared the people ‘would grovifthey were not prevented)tofurther quar- relsand mutines,orto fome greaterinconuenence, Hereofthe L. Archbithop of Camerbwy beingaduer- tiledby theGid L. Chie rice, and others did think it inhiswiledome very necelare tocall for 41, Darrell by vertue pO j } | The Firf Booke. > omition fx caues ect rene ng rn searedbetote him reeset asco re exon ofhisafurdeand x ue(OO to es: pg nse Ioan veer eet he was bu coutertae: andorde fi ‘, eo tev gut) eof och poncho tions againtt him in o- the Lord _Archbifbop of Canterbury, the Landon, rhe Lord Chiefe uffice of hex Masefies "Chef lftice ofthe Common Ples.M. D- CAler Distepe( i cot, ep F note, with many othersbeing fete Darl by oe eagecmee Mole Cour conacrned ora county ands, ‘Her vith ac tres companion, who tocke vpon bit, to iufie the (ald Darelland hud othewife ren c ‘Schaued himfelfe) they were both ofthem depofes a the Minifteryand comniteda clofprifen thers "ore mane td A neces to ch ‘ ra fee errs) be pu Meabyt 2 oRagouote Ponce wt oo much lage. Darel (Oat yetir ‘thetruth)m this caule, , hitting, Bewithina while "DarrelsBftcommhitting, &ewithina afoclomemanenb robrcakouraganthin b> fidesthe Confefion: itremaynethton erehow Somers: te fey bs Ramectnkeod mice Boy 2° The Fir Book, ‘thewde by de eingnot only ofah afl ours ‘were taken to findeout the ruth,butalloofthofe perfons that had todeate thercin: notwithftanding they were oft defied buttofta themieluesand fuipend eheie fudge: iments, vntillhecaufe were througly examined, heard, and determined, Dinenfeof them came vpto London 8 infccret cornersexclaimed bitterly again hiscommat- ting to prifon,iutifying by many deuifes his formerace tions. ‘Thotewho had dealin hisbehalfe at Natinghom (thinking by bisimprformentthemfelues tobeeteaeh edccafednot to icite great perlonages in his behalfe. Hard wordes wete given out againfl uch as had ore, Derrlin examination andthe tele allocofhier estagfies Said Commjiion, Alerter was written tothe Lard Bfype {Lande casing hm with heathy of genger ‘ons, who were laid (but fly )ro havetaken vpon them, the defence off, Darl: andrefembling both him and another of Honor(astheauthortermethhem joe dene Pile tadges vous condemned eile Sufurne, and to the ‘Serbs and Phares thas se comcliagte pat Cheb todeath Butof that whichis mote worthy of reprehenfon in them, itmightin fomefortehauebecne bomewith (3¢ theconimon Prduetlsé fayeth) for looters ro haue their Joties fo for them tohane taken their pleafue in pea. King what they TiN, whilett the matter did hark in fifpence, and wasbutinthe way of till. Bor gow ‘eeing thataferlong deliberation ce. Derelthiath been judged fora dillembler (as isbeforcexoretled) which might have lili any teafSnable mien itcannotbut thought a verieoutragious coutle; to continue fuch biketheir bode and rayling lewdnes, and. wich fome ‘ncreale thereof topublththeit chollerand flomackes. q The Fi Book, oe ‘nprine, giving forth atthcir peafures fore other writ- tebcopcsconainngthe lice te. ey ht imagine ‘Somers amt deny the wore ofthe Deals nd God inthe diofions Jone meena ne Indeedif 4, Darrel credte were as good in faying thie Somers spotted and tha by i and is Elwes ieaneshe a ciple: 2s the Bhan ad paflesougheto bee, whenthey tell vsofdiuerfethat were foiled in chien, (whom ourSwiourdidotone- Fp dele, bu gue pose allot them ando- thersto doethelike) then tii id Colle i erwile many flfeknaves from time to Fei ainda people wih if, and pretence of eating out dul sat Honof Sahin Rerauyto colle, tha tery the lade a ns of or Sauiour his Apolles,arein any fortblemithe themrayleon, ve, tye The tin M, Darel nd ters (fay the Althor ofthe bicle aration) fa bev iat, “ses bina belo {flesh wha tte gnegnle une Poi “Arriant, Ateifiersand BL mana pis Nba ‘disambig aonb ome dee Ad se ‘AuuiborofthePreace te. Dery Apo ks Dal itera conn otingfomuc epi dec, ray india cof of racing «Again» Thr pe cites hae ert ini cotrar oth ray cms bet ddeameiteayeththe Pre nepetue face) deb cofequnce deny the foeragnty of ow Sasiur to i inthat ation. And one of the writen Pamphilites: demens ic, Ber lanes, and lawful Liberties of ind te Ad ape the Chie Navaton: Sard amepeie le 0 accafrs: Bgzine ao "a TheFirf tuke land M. More art mow imprif i monte rbe tah. gain, inion asabetse inf tha. bly mova Golgwbodee naw, rfl beret eben tar Asie Del sais | sit cpr oe compe eu high wr of thoi, fea Reet fg beret as shough we our felues jhondd forfake it » as with Indas ea freer aia: Teme rao (és nr flues to ab i eer ble irae ‘he fencrtocry ee ate dette acwledeei ‘bene full bi fines 9. bad ther fringe bt lit slot ig oe fan nd tbo ole ede te fd ee ies ‘geal God « Heat fethin Fresuen Helen erm a herr Jisnieingrindreaingfudecfime espe Bede finger Seba da Seem me ecg. eae eer shat is filthy, y fille then phar bce, aflame hl cide ‘Theleare children indeed: To what ri be ‘. a . ih angie wer taney eae oe wif 1 5 Fames (peaking fayesh.lf yee awe bitter ine cc. reiece natyther bee earner peas a cael And s Jndecommeth aifo.asneere eae Mhomulchiaperilrnot oft edu fee Now as conceming the witnefits that are vied in this. ii ereafe | xa The Firf Beske, * the faid Wifedomes children are igh Cait eater ‘hem, andwith uchalo asdid apes (faith the Preface ) that w+ (for thetrabywererepule: all par bec thongh pon, ere pofentlyelleds PNamrators Tbeeproper Commfianersrffe fac a acre wing aici epo tb eas, the pied te bomb ied a we wedsbem, And a Shicd writer thusto the Buop of Lender, concerning Pail, ecthersinathoritie, Tax condeme the gut® Altort mined ifthey Piakehem, Howbei (as bythe way, and a lite 1 seanrthet calumniations)beitobfracdshar the whole seenber of wimeffesproduced againtt Derr, eing Tne omieand oure + thirieand oure ofthem 2¢ the Jean arefachas iad foincextraordinay liking ofhimS Tobe his fiends and fasourers. Ofthefaia fwelve were vled by Maifter Darrel imiefe, “examined to provesemersno dif fenblerfour oft bg te vpte vender, vuttifebie proceedinges, and to proctre ity Prete eh of them af being Triniders and cight othersnoteckened before arc prca tes, Hftherebe (ome threeor foureof Matmber that fafpeded more flichoodin At. procedingesthentherelycrse their depofiti= 3 ons, Or - 4 The Fi Bore, comsburvato fome oncor two pointes, and thofe not ‘greatly materill. The matters of importance, whereby 4, Darresiuglingis detested, are depoted by his chie~ felttiendes + and therefore there isno fuch caufeof cla ‘mor, why they fhouldetherbee charged with partiality, or althocd: It they hateinany for offended, iemay be thought tobe rather in concealing omething that they Jknew,then in deuifing of any vniruthesagainfthima.And forthe writers oftheir examinations, they were men law fally authorifed in that behalfe, and publike Notaries, wore todealetruely infiuch caules Belides, every of the aid examinationsis fubfenbed with the hand of the partic examined, and of the Commoners who tooke the ame Butitis aneafe matter tofpeake euil,forfachas are ofthe diuifing and aundering humor: who care not whac they ithe fy or write, fo they thinkeitmay ferue theirturne, ‘Why thefe men hould thusbe ouercarie, thatno« thing will content them, but that when they haue not ‘what they would, they will thus ay about,may bea que= fion, There ismention made vefore ofacombination or lociationsthe intent whereof may be left aclarge, Some lntlegelfes may be made, fo they be not inforced ascon- cludent. Af. Berelfbeing taken at Nottingham by (ome, foratime, tobeamanuellous buggetofearrethe Deuil, wasin theheate thereof chofeny certaine inthe towne, tobe their preacher, hauing otherwile nolawfull autho. "he wine rityin that behalf. Thischoice,one of his friends termeth Sach acemferteblecaling, and{é warrantable, that ver fave mmr ner Carb Rachelle: Theautor oe bricfe Narration, to draw vs peraduenture from further dealing with. Dara, orattheleafttothewhishumor, ‘ropoundethinhis margentthisqueftion, vz. aac Bihop. The Firft Boke, * as “Bifbop and Elder be allone in| . And M. ome 1 Sheff theCharch ‘ofisblfhed under the Pajlers and Tea~ | hers ce Pall bring fechas fas. mamely,t0 caftout denile: (Ge. Hereuntoit may beadded,that many, who havera-_ 4 iken M.Darrels caufe moftto hartjhaue beene noted here- 4) toforeas fauorers of the ouerworne Coniiftorian faction, ‘Of thefe premifes it wold peraduenture anger them, if a- ‘ny thould collect, that in all ietiod ie peythes by earning nor fufficient arguments,they coul prale frthe etna of theit Presbyterall conceits, they: though tofupply ir wantes therein, by thisde- ‘uile of calting out Deuilles, Itweretobee withed, thar atthelaft they would leaue this giddines, or at the leat ‘touching the matter in hand, tothinke morereuerently ‘of thole thabe in authoritie, and not perfift as yet they ublithed in count f Sembing ttc gic ta doe of ne tog ih are bet ‘thers in ike manner of his fiendes haue af hee bad plored eniefach matter a is laydeto bas tenet of dpefiionto have canceled Selfevene dcyued:tharbaning began thefl soedeonfeence tl oft gaits, bauing nocecleihcall ming «that fuck wos bis {atgryerv hath nt en bear shen be dado fog 42y Church ining: thas bee might haae bad once Per ‘fit were offered ne sobich be arf na do fond ‘wa at afc ing singe eae ‘hat evan fare frme comtunfcs and ambien arf would bane given alitlenderund, hee Rene or mower fucerfebuntrdbgoone nea ‘eis fo fare from pride and ising glory, ah bee bah negli st been | knownete dfdine the ma (i teeter tae at ah egee cut fmt Geran Ibn mt the fuuthfull Atartyrs of Chrit bane beene and ‘hah adn bined im, through the wholecoe this Ufecan inde naring aginst him What i epee {edofat Darrel thallnot iowbe confated, hishonely, remy be fe will neuer urchim: Youmay onely bee aduerifed «, Another that bisfofarrefromcafnaceor deci thatha ba | the fut fb ew, | beperce td theta fuch rea crapin aks eon, of Dn, tht obemicifonad, enon Sing Miniter Je preacher theta | who, taineeafons, why God hath made him the aide Darel, rather then many, (otherwile more wife, and learned thenhe) anefpeciallinftrumentin thee daie, for the firming,thae 3, Darrel hathbecn fo fearched into. For erucivisthat. ‘ment giuenaccordi cotherwife then appertayned direély to his pretended courle of cafting out devils, there fhouldnot any one pointbe inquired into: nether was there, as by the aStes igentcare washad, and commande. igly,thattouching his conuerfation, Inrecord it may appeare,andasitis uppoled, MV. Derr willhimfelfeconfee. Butto.comemore defy tothe point inhand .Al- though thele a, Darra pretended vertues doe make him anverabletthe opi Exorcfsryet that forlooth isnotficient, but Tlyrensthe ifutestuttin eff tell For, Darel fide ftiende fewing downe cer cating outofdiuels, maketh thisone, vz. in that hee isfachamanasisqualified accordingto Tlyransthe te Jaitstuderutes, fetdowneby him in hisBooke, de De- ‘moniack,Cap. 38.39. Out of which Chapters, that whichTreus requireth in his Exercifr, ehisman al- ledgeth cobee maniettin M-Dsrel fing thacamongtt fomeother thinges, hee omiteeth, whether M. Darrelr conftiencebee burdened with anie mortallfinne. O- thew for many ofthe et naming hem tat hheeisamanofgoodreportes one that defihihe world: ramen rhein irene ealasef Gods glory:mach gen o prayer andio theferuce Godsand of eprom ihe Lord: thefe graces( he fayeth ) Ged hathbeflowed upon M. Darl: and therefore by Thyreasrules,werethere nothingelfeto theconteary, hhemight bethought robeea well furithed, and vee E \ i i Averinen x6 The Fr Bake: ) complete Exoreife, But one thing is reported of. Darrdwihichpalletnthe ef, gemabethit probable gyon iaynotiubt tat Get hath gen fam an efegal, Graccabouealtother xa, nowadiyestoexpellde- uils, For they ay thatatteraortjhehath forlaken houfe, Jnndes anda for Chiesa which bel am pot 4ucalrclottion why fhould enot haue that dpefsbenl fife grauntedynt hint Indcederne'sss vcs theos ther. Forwill you know, how hee hath forlaken all to follow Chrif? Having two ot three houtes, and ali Jandin Atanffeldeand elfe where left him by bis Father, Ihefold the (ame,by hisowne conicfion,as dearelyas he ould ad fineebath iued yppon the money, being( 2s ‘once hisfriendesiyeth ie or fx hundeeth pounds, How the deuill in regatde of this M. Darrel Holines, ‘could notabide his pretence, will appeare in the next Chapter, Jnthemeane while,itmay wellbe hide with ues at tela ard ivepontie money, ‘be tolcaueall and follow Chrift, and afitte note of one ‘that can caft out Dewi ree (hall not want men of that trade: many Vlarersin England will proue good Exar- ‘ifes. Buttouching his honey, iudge thereof, when youhaue perufedchiswhole Treatife. Now his sll tocaftout Deuils, refteth ro bee a little looked into, together with his dogiine,, whereupon hee dott ground, How ‘The Fir Book, 7 Cuar Ve ow M, Darel sen Wiliam Somert,andtbersf to bee Sia. that willtakevppon Deals ottofmens mt know whether they haue any inthem, or fee may peraduenture loole his labor. Forafinuch thereforeas 1. Darriland Moore atethe per fonsof note amongft vs that han ‘entredinto this eourfe:itisa point ‘of goodiulticesthatthey be heard wih fomeaflilance of fpeckefor themielues. 4/.Morefyeth, “Thain the Apaestimetbae that bed the gif of cling ont Deals rd alfoan ober precedent itera difern the p= ‘ites, which if ras called DifeetieSpiritunm, Bt. Me Darrlisol anotheropinion, and thatan abfurde one. Forhe affirmeth that Chrift did notordaineany meanes, toknow who was poflefed in the Apoftles time » but lefithattobeedifcemed by the manner of thei fies, Ando framing hisiudgement accordingly, hee fayeth, thatthe onely meanes, whereby now menare difcemed 10 be poffeied, are the fignes which aeinentioned in theScripturess Burw.cAtareisbolde againe hercin to dllfenefiom him. Foralthough he conceyueth, thatthe Lid gitt named Difereiespiritawn,is takenaway sand that now ie is to Bee knowne in fome forte, who are polleffed, bythe fgnes mentioned in zhe Scriptures: yethee will not have hole fgnes, the onclie meanes, but addeth Prayer vnto them : faying , the the fade Fans anger ae mow the mats dyed by Cot, Ea 2 Page ogee, Page tes

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