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1. Follow the example:

Ex: There are a lot of reports to be done. (you – I)
– You’re right! However, if you focus on the other reports while I am doing
these ones, we may be able to wrap things up sooner than expected.

a) There are a lot of spreadsheets to be done. (Jessica – you) ______________________

b) There are a lot of payments to be made. (the assistants – Bob) __________________
c) There are a lot of issues to be taken care of. (we – Lora) _______________________
d) There are a lot of complaints to be dealt with. (I – my co-workers) _______________

2. Follow the example:

Ex: (Mia – London) – Mia can’t check her personal e-mail while she is at work.

ORAL PRACTICE: (we) / (my friends) / (Henry) / (Emily) / (the women)

 What do you like to drink while you are watching a movie / game?
 What do you usually do while you are on vacation?
 What shouldn’t you do while you are driving?

5. Follow the example:

Ex: Are all the employees committed to the job? (Kelly)
– Not all of them! Kelly doesn’t seem to be committed to her job as much as
her co-workers do. She keeps texting with her friends while she is at her desk.

a) Are all the engineers dedicated to their activities? (Bob)

b) Are all the analysts focused on the audit? (the twins)
c) Are all the salespeople involved in the campaign? (Tina)

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