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By: Mariepet A. Cristuta

Despite controversies over the years, finally, the K-12 Curriculum had
moved forward their first batch of graduates with this year’s theme: “K to 12
Learners: Ready to Face Life’s Challenges.” Standing proud and tall, both the
parents and teachers had conducted the first commencement exercises for
the first ever batch of this new curriculum’s graduates. This momentous
event is an epitome of teacher’s hard work, parents’ sacrifices and students’
endurance to stay on course. Finishing additional two long years had never
been easy for this batch. They were the ones to experience different
subjects not to mention the very difficult ones and is mostly unappreciated
by some, Research. Having been enrolled in 15 core and 16 track subjects
with a total of 31 subjects to go through in 20 months had been a
painstaking effort for the students. They had to undergo work immersion,
may it be TVL* or Academic Track students to encounter on the job trainings
and collect experiences from it. From the theme itself, these students have
been trained to face whatever challenges and circumstances that are ahead
of them. To all SHS** Graduates Batch 2017-2018, Congratulations! Soar
High, Senior High!

*Technical Vocational Livelihood

**Senior High School

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