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Direction: Formulate the null and alternative hypothesis.

1. The General Manager of Fresh'n'Easy air conditioners tells an

investigative reporter that at least 85% of its customers are "completely
satisfied" with their overall purchase performance. What hypotheses
will be used by the reporter to test the claim?
2. A consumers' advocate claims that the contents of only 70% of muesli
packets produced by Big Oats have contents with the same mass as
claimed on the packet. What hypotheses will be used to test the claim?
3. A student counsellor claims that first year Science students spend an
average 3 hours per week doing exercises in each subject. What
hypotheses will be used by a lecturer to test the claim?
4. This problem deals with credit accounts held with a company. To
conclude that the system is cost effective requires the manager to show
that the mean account balance for all customers is greater than $1700.
5. A vaccine made from tumour cells was administered to people with
malignant melanoma - a deadly form of skin cancer. The vaccine was
given to people whose melanoma had spread. The results showed that
27% survived for 5 years compared with 10% survival rate over the
same time period for those receiving other treatments.
6. A study was conducted to find out if zinc supplements reduced the
severity of colds and influenza compared with not taking anything.
7. A sociologist wants to find out if more Liberal voters than Labour
favour the "Three strikes and you're out" rules for juvenile crime
offenders (if juvenile offenders are found responsible for a third criminal
offence, they are sent to adult gaol rather than a juvenile facility).

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