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Translate into English:

1. Vreau sa vorbesc ceva cu tine. E foarte important. (Present Tense)

I want speak something with you. It’s very important

Nu am vrut sa ies in oras cu prietenii aseara pentru ca am fost foarte obosit. (Past Tense)

I don’t wanted to go out in city with the friends tonight because I ware very tired.

2. Spune-i lui Tudor sa raspunda la telefon.

Tell Tudor to answer the phone.

Ea mi-a spus sa inchid fereastra pentru ca e foarte frig afara.

She told to close the window because out is very cold.

3. Il vad pe noul meu vecin in metrou in fiecare dimineata, la aceeasi ora.

I saw my neighbor every morning in metro, at same hour.

Maria a vazut un documentar interesant pe Digi Life aseara.

Maria watched a documentary interested in Digi Life last night

4. George studiaza/ lucreaza 8 ore pe zi, 5 zile pe saptamana.

George work 8 hour on day, 5 days on week

Maria a lucrat 5 ani pentru Vodafone, in Departamentul de Marketing.

Maria worked 5 years for Vodafone, in Departament of Marketing

5. Fratele meu are o masina noua si este foarte fericit cand conduce.
My brother has a new car and he is very happy when drives.

Am avut o idee grozava si am castigat marele premiu (prize).

I had a great idea and I won the big prize

6. Fac si eu ce pot. Nu vreau sa fiu obosit la sfarsitul zilei.

I do what I can. I don’t want to be tired at end of the day
Ieri am facut sport si am fost energica toata ziua. (energetic)
Yesterday I did do sport and I ware energetic all day

7. Am multe filme documentare interesante pe calculator. Vrei sa vedem unul in seara asta?
I have a lot of documentary movies interesting on pc. Do you want to see one in this night?

Am avut 2 zile libere saptamana trecuta si m-am relaxat: am citit, am ascultat muzica, m-am
plimbat prin parc, m-am intalnit cu prietena mea cea mai buna si am stat de vorba cu ea.

I had 2 free days last week and I relaxed: I read, I listened music, I walked through the park,
I met with my best grilfriend and I spoke with her.

8. Merg la cumparaturi in fiecare week-end. Pot sa imi cumpar tot ce vreau. Week-end-ul trecut
nu am cumparat nimic pentru ca nu am avut bani in cont.
I go to shopping every week-end. I can buy everything I want. The last week-end I don’t bought
nothing because I didn’t had money in account

Saptamana trecuta am mers la Brasov ca sa-mi vizitez copiii si parintii. Parintii sunt pensionari
asa ca ei stau acasa si au grija de nepoti.
Last week I went to Brasov to vizit my cildrens and parents. The parents are retirees , so they stay
at home and take care of grandchildren.

Unit 5
3. fell , broke
4.threw, caught

3.Did you drive
4. Where did you stay
5. Did was the weather good?
6.Did you visit

5. didn’t sleep
8.didn’t have

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