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Maria Negron

Miss. Skirtich
28 February 2018
English 12- British Literature

The “Proper” Pardoner

Chaucer, also known as the father of all literature, wrote his book, The

Canterbury Tales in the 1300’s.This book displays a lot of what Chaucer feels about the

church. He however died and did not get to complete it. Geoffrey Chaucer displays the

Pardoner’s disgusting and vile behavior in The Canterbury Tales through greed,

manipulation, and hypocrisy.

Firstly, Geoffrey Chaucer displays the Pardoner’s disgusting and vile behavior in

The Canterbury Tales through greed. The pardoner is an extremely greedy man but

preaches about the opposite. He says,“Radix malorum est cupiditas” (Chaucer 241).

This means “greed is the root of all evil.” This is just one example of why the Pardoner

is the most disgusting character. He only cares about money and takes advantage of

his power. He is preaching how bad greed is however, he is greedy as well. The

pardoner also says, “And thus I preach against the very vice I make my living out of-

avarice” (Chaucer 243). He admits he preaches the opposite of his actions. Avarice

means extreme greed. The Pardoner is saying he preaches about how to be a kind

person but lives in extreme greed. The pardoner is obsessed with money, power, and

possessions. He is a very manipulative man who only cares about himself.

Furthermore, Geoffrey Chaucer displays the Pardoner’s disgusting and vile

behavior in The Canterbury Tales through manipulation. The pardoner sells relics which

are fakes religious artifacts. He says, “Cram-full of bones and ragged bit of clout, Relics
they are at least for such are known” (Chaucer 241). He manipulates people to get there

money. He convinces them these relics are artifacts and will do amazing things for them

just to get there money from them. He also says, “And it’s cure for jealousy as well”

(Chaucer 242). The pardoner is saying the relic can cure jealousy. He convinces and

manipulates them these relics will do amazing deeds for them. This is disgusting

because he is abusing his power.

Additionally, Geoffrey Chaucer displays the Pardoner’s disgusting and vile

behavior in The Canterbury Tales through hypocrisy. He preaches that people of his

power should live in poverty however, the Pardoner does not. He says, “That I will live in

poverty, from choice? That not the council of my inner voice!” (Chaucer 244) He begs

for money and food so he does not live in poverty. He gets drunk but says,“In drunken

shame and bleeding at the nose. A general should live sober, I suppose” (Chaucer

248). He is preaching how people should not be drunk and should live sober but he is a

hypocrite because he drinks. This is a very vile behavior because he does the opposite

of his word.

In conclusion, Geoffrey Chaucer displays the Pardoner’s disgusting and vile

behavior in The Canterbury Tales through greed, manipulation, and hypocrisy. The

Pardoner's word and actions show why he is the most pitiful disgusting character in the

novel. I learned not everyone will take their power and use it for the good.

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