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A. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If we don’t act now, our planet _________________ (continue) to suffer.
2. Tomorrow afternoon Dr. Moore _______________ (give) a lecture on the
3. The conference _________________ (start) at 3 p.m.
4. I __________________ (work) all day tomorrow.
5. It’s late. I _______________ (take) a taxi.
6. ___________________ (You/ have) a cup of tea?
7. I promise I ___________________ (call) you every day.
8. My friend and I have decided that we ____________________ (join) Greenpeace.


B. Complete the sentences with used to or be/ get used to.

1. I _________________ (smoke) a lot but now I don’t.
2. She _________________ (drive) to work but now I don’t.
3. After the earthquake, they __________________ (leave) the house as quickly as
4. I ___________________ (save) energy, because it’s very expensive.
5. They __________________(kill) elephants for ivory, but now it’s forbidden.


Join the following pairs of sentences using the words given.

1. She is a famous activist. Several magazines have published articles about her. (thus)
2. She spoke very loudly. The old man still couldn’t hear her. (even though)
3. The teacher showed a documentary. She also showed a film. (not only…but also)
4. We couldn’t reach the village by road. It was snowing. (because of)
5. The delivery has not arrived from you. You are delaying full payment. (consequently)


Complete the sentences showing that something is increasing.

Make sentences showing that one thing depends on the other. Follow the example.


Insert the appropriate tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. Many species__________________ (not survive) if we keep destroying their natural
2. I_______________________(separate) my waste if you had told me to.
3. If people _____________________(throw) away less, less resources would be
4. More waste will be created if the population_______________________ (not/stop)

Rephrase the sentences. Do not change their original meaning.

 1. Did you hear about the man that _________________the bank last week? Luckily, the
police caught him.
 2. I think it's terrible that prisoners are still able to_____________ prison. The public should
be better protected.
 3. I think Emily needs to ______________from that group of friends. They are a bad
influence on her.
 4. I think she was having a really terrible week and on Friday she just ______________ . It
was so sad.
 5. I think my brother is thinking about ________________with his girlfriend. It's a shame, I
really like her.
 6. Please will you _________________a big piece of chocolate for me?
 7. The crowd __________________the barrier that was in front of the band.
broke into

break out of

break away

broke down

breaking up

break off

broke through

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