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A New World

Pedro Rico
Sharie Sodward
A New World: Only a Fictitious Ruler Can Bring About

Just give me a minute, I'm trying to imagine this. Yeah, there is something appealing
about having unfettered power at your fingertips, the simplicity of unilateral power. Making
quick decisions on the facets of human life, in hopes that your supremacy is enough to promote a
healthy society.

The year is 2020, everything happened so quick, I led a revolution to overthrow the
government. The person who was actually the talking head of our organization lost their life
during the revolt; I, unfortunately, was the second in command. I've never been one for leading
I've always been on the supportive side during diplomatic talks or moments of mediation. Alas,
my role has changed. The Secular Humanists for Liberation Science (or otherwise known as
SHLS), was founded back in the early 2000's and have been working relentlessly to mobilize
individuals over the internet and setting up meetings incognito across the world setting up
webinar meetings. The main goal was for every group from around the world to revolt, each
group, of course, having representatives all believing in a new world of three Zeros a book by
Muhammed Yunnas a Nobel peace prize winner, and eventually moving on to the ideal world of
Jacque Fresco. Finally accomplished what many thought was impossible, taking back the power
from the most powerful elites of our society.

In a matter of seconds I am transported back and I've nearly forgotten that I'm standing in
front of a flock of reporters. The flashing lights and loud clicking sounds of their cameras have
put me in a spin; causing me to question my reality. I need to say something, this is the moment
I've been waiting for, time to address the 7.4 billions of people who live on planet Earth.

Hello (and a pause sits in as the microphone gives off a high pitch chime across the room
of reporters, the murmuring settles down), my fellow people of the world I am now the newly
appointed ruler of this planet. Much like Harry Truman who was intimidated of taking on the
A New World

role of leadership, I too share the same sentiments but unlike him, I have a plan and that doesn't
involve nuclear warfare nor the discrimination of differences. I call for the complete abolishment
of the current systems that impede human development.

My first call to action is to eradicate poverty, to do this we will shift away from the
cultural norm of for profit business. Corporations and the Capitalistic machine has alienated us
from our work, hence our meaning to live in a reciprocal society. Businesses today must and will
operate at an equilibrium that doesn't exploit their customers or their workers. We will work
towards a resource based economy and build towards a culture of reciprocity while respecting
the autonomy of other sovereign states. This idea of resource-based would limit the amount of
waste and move us towards a sustainable future; of course, we would then start building new
homes for everyone, while using renewable energy moving away from any source that is
potentially harmful to the planet.
Secondly, in order for this initiative to truly flourish we need to talk about social
expectations. Which is why education is so crucial, we will make sure that education isn't limited
by social conventions and that science is liberated. We want to invest in our future, we want
innovators, creators, socially conscious citizens, we need to free people of the rudimentary and
punitive structures of our current educational system. Consequently, people were taught to hate
and discriminate at school and we need instructors/mentors to facilitate respectful citizens,
moving away from corporal punishment to a dialectical approach that will flourish critical
thought, an emphasis on ethical decision making and not just subjective moral compass. We need
to make sure that every child has the tools they need to be successful, in order to foster education
we need to help parents and children, this will be easier now that we've relieved parents of the
burdens of 40+ hours a week.

The purpose of school is for the betterment of people and society as a whole, science
needs to be highly emphasized in our educational system. For instance, the scientific method
fosters critical thinking and the world of science based thinking offers society ethical dilemmas
that children will benefit from. The reason why we need to help our society understand science is
that at times people fall, victim to pseudoscience practices that only aims to separate us from the
real issues or deter us from the empirical evidence. Not to completely backtrack but I would like
A New World

to reiterate on the benefits of moving away from for profit thinking and the benefit it provides to
a society. Mass consumption of material goods would drop and people would be less distracted,
the mass media is another issue it has trapped people in their homes so by dismantling the need
for ratings people will have an inclination to step outdoors and enjoy their community.

In the end, we want to foster the great society that Jacque Fresco envisions, which is a
society that is free from money, war, and politics. However, in order to see this come to fruition,
we need all of our groups around the world actively participating in the removal of the old power
structure and foster these communities of inclusion, scientific development for the betterment of
people and the world. As your ruler, I will make sure that this world will become a reality and
not simply of fantasy, thank you.

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