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What You Need to Know

Before You Move to

Outcome-Based Contracts
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 2

Shifting Away from a Procurement-Driven Process.......................................................................................... 3

Achieving Better Outcomes Using a New Contract Model................................................................................ 3

Moving to a Strategic Vendor Relationship....................................................................................................... 4

Putting an Emphasis on Governance................................................................................................................ 4

Using Analytics to Guide Transformation.......................................................................................................... 5

Creating an Outcome-Based Contract.............................................................................................................. 5

Conclusion......................................................................................................................................................... 8

As customer service professionals encounter larger undertaking: namely, making the organizational,
mounting pressure to deliver a high quality, lower- cultural, and procedural changes necessary to support
effort customer experience, they are increasingly a far more symbiotic and strategic company/provider
looking at their outsourcing contracts and relationship.
reassessing how their providers can help them
achieve better outcomes. The result is a marked Successful outcome-based pricing models require
uptick in interest in moving to an outcome-based executing a well-planned strategy that elevates
pricing model. But is your organization willing to outsourcing providers to trusted advisors and
change the way it thinks about outsourcing to ensure partners. Above all, this means sharing control and
that an outcome-based contract really delivers better accountability as you ask your vendors to take on
business results? more risk.

The premise of outcome-based pricing is that This in-depth white paper provides guidance in what
companies can hold their vendors to greater to expect when you decide to move to outcome-
accountability for business outcomes. While this based pricing, preparing you for areas of thought and
can certainly be true and beneficial for all parties, discussion both internally and with your outsourcing
creating successful outcomes provider. You’ll gain an
requires far more than swapping understanding of the steps you
out the language in outsourcing Outcome-Based Pricing: need to take when adopting
contracts. Achieving measurable Not Mainstream Yet this new type of relationship
gains in outcomes can only come Of the contact center contracts with your service provider.
when both the company wishing signed in the last two to three Throughout, you’ll find tips and
to outsource and the outsourcing years, 23 percent included some best practices for determining
vendor are willing to commit to a outcome-based pricing according the best model for your
to Everest Group research.1 company.

What You Need to Know Before You Move to Outcome-Based Contracts 2

Achieving Better Outcomes Using
Customer Experience Isn’t a Commodity
Unlike office supplies and other business materials a New Contract Model
approved by your procurement organization, your customers When planned and executed correctly, outcome-
are the lifeblood of your business. As such, the procurement based pricing models lead to a better customer
process and methods should take a long term value experience while rewarding outsourcing providers for
approach and be inclusive, not prescriptive. Unit pricing is meeting specific objectives. Such models are mutually
best suited for commodities, not customer experience and beneficial by encouraging improved, business-aligned
satisfaction. results. A similar shift is underway in the US healthcare
system as regulatory changes are working to incent
healthcare providers for healthy outcomes instead of
Shifting Away from a Procurement- paying them to perform tests and procedures.

Driven Process The outcomes that companies typically want to

achieve will differ depending on what type of service
Historically, outsourcing contracts were based on
they are outsourcing. For example, when outsourcing
an hourly or full-time equivalent pricing structure.
sales, revenue generation is the goal, with metrics
Over time, outsourcing relationships became more
for outcomes that include: close rates, average order
sophisticated and were adjusted to transfer more risk
spend, and revenue-generating units. For customer
from the company to the outsourcer. This then led to
care, the metrics more often focus on delivering a
handle-minute and per-contact pricing. Although the
quality customer experience, including: customer
driver behind these changes was improving outcomes,
effort, transactional Net Promoter Score® (NPS®),
the actual contract implementation often did not serve
and customer satisfaction. Other outcomes may
that purpose.
include churn, growth in a particular product line,
client satisfaction levels, and collection achievement.
Large procurement organizations began to introduce
Regardless of the outcome, to achieve success,
strict contractual terms that created a sense of
the outsourcing vendor must be able to control the
more risk for the vendor while limiting incentive and
variables that influence the metric.
opportunity for innovation. A potential unintended
consequence of this procurement-led model was that
Ultimately, a properly planned and structured outcome-
some outsourcing vendors became focused on tactical
based pricing model can help companies better
behaviors and short-term actions to meet the terms of
align goals and improve performance, deliver better
the agreement and maximize profit rather than acting
customer service, improve operational efficiency,
as true partners in business transformation.

The next shift in the continuum is to bring pricing

models back into alignment with the business and “I think it’s something you grow into, so as the relationship
customer experience goals of the company and matures you can open up discussions around ‘what are we
to balance the risk and rewards for the outsourcer going to tackle next and how can we make it effective?’
in meeting those goals. One way to achieve this
If the relationship expands and you have a combination
fundamental change is to move to a form of outcome-
of transactional services and volume-based services and
based pricing.
the contract becomes more complex, then you’re entering
the kind of environment where outcome-based pricing
potentially becomes part of the conversation.”

—Katrina Menzigian, Vice President of Research Relations,

Everest Group2

What You Need to Know Before You Move to Outcome-Based Contracts 3

reduce costs, and increase revenue. However, Once you’re satisfied that your partner is ready, willing,
to achieve these results, there is an essential able, and financially secure to undertake a strategic
prerequisite: building a collaborative and strategic partnership aligned with business outcomes, then
relationship with your outsourcing vendor. you need to turn the magnifying glass on your own
organization. It’s time to assess the readiness of your
organization and the broader company to determine
Moving to a Strategic Vendor whether:
■■ You are willing to work together with your vendor,
Driving successful outcomes through outcome- share internal information and data, and invest
based pricing can only succeed when both you and where required in the relationship?
your vendor view the relationship as strategic and
are committed to sharing control and accountability. ■■ You are willing to stop tracking some key
Fundamentally, as you increase the accountability you performance indicators to keep the focus strictly on
wish your outsourcing partner to accept, you must be the outcome?
willing to give up sufficient control. Control enables
■■ Your company is willing and able to accept
your partner to have the flexibility to innovate and
accountability for your part of the relationship?
make decisions that positively impact achievement of
your business goals. ■■ You are prepared to lead the negotiations from a
business perspective instead of a procurement-led
Not every outsourcing relationship will lend itself to process?
a strategic partnership. There are certain criteria
you should consider before you decide to embrace ■■ You are willing to create a strategic agreement that
outcome-based pricing with a vendor: is open and transparent?

■■ Capabilities: Does the service provider have the

delivery competency to help you achieve your
Putting an Emphasis on
business outcomes? Governance
■■ Willingness: Is the service provider willing to Traditionally, contracting for outsourced services
commit to a win-win relationship that aligns client involved the construction of a complex master services
and partner goals and incentives? agreement, with statements of work that controlled
specific outsourced programs. These documents
■■ Financial stamina: Does the service provider have
prescribed hours of operation, headcount required,
the financial strength to invest in innovation and reports to be produced, and other requirements.
change on a global scale?

1. Select the right vendor for a strategic, mutually beneficial partnership

Requirements for 2. Align core strategic goals and objectives

Creating a Successful, 3. Set expectations for accountability and control
Outcome-Based Model 4. Establish contracts that are flexible, rather than rigid and prescriptive
5. Ensure that the model incents your partner to share with agents and
makes a real change to the operations

What You Need to Know Before You Move to Outcome-Based Contracts 4

The conventional wisdom was that you needed The value of analytics in the strategic, outcome-based
to manage the inputs to the process to arrive at relationship is more than delivering measurement of
the correct output. This also led to the creation of outcomes. It helps identify the key drivers of the outcome
“shadow management teams,” needed to maintain that you are trying to accomplish and extent to which
compliance with contractual terms but whose costs customer service or other functions can influence that
ultimately reduced the savings achieved by the outcome. This understanding is foundational to designing
company through the outsourcing arrangement. achievable improvement in outcomes and aligning
expectations with your business goals.
An outcome-based model requires an entirely
different approach. Instead of prescriptive
management of inputs, the outcome-based contract Creating an Outcome-Based
defines outcomes and measurement indicators, a Contract
robust governance model, “caps and collars” to limit
exposure to unintended consequences, and the If you’ve assessed your current contracts, vendors, and
underlying economic model of shared value. When your own organization and decided that moving towards
constructed correctly, the outcome-based contract an outcome-based pricing model would benefit your
provides a robust framework for the relationship company, then it’s time to start defining the model. Based
while enabling the flexibility for parties to focus on on our more than 30 years of experience, Convergys
outcomes. The goal is to create a contract in which recommends the following steps when moving to an
both parties believe that value is being created and outcome-based pricing model with your outsourcing
profit is being earned and shared for a healthy, long- partner.
term relationship.
Step One: Define the outcome, thinking in big,
bold terms
Using Analytics to Guide The first step is to work together with your partner to
Transformation define the big picture, assign a value to it, and then
determine how you and your partner can achieve your
Outcome-based models cannot be successful without
macro-level goals and share in the achievement. The
a sufficient level of investment in data analytics.
core requirements for choosing your macro-level goal are
Insight from analytics gives you and your partner the
that it should be:
visibility you need to fine-tune processes to achieve
your desired outcomes. You only get that insight from ■■ Achievable
collecting the right data and analyzing it using proven
techniques. ■■ Measurable

■■ Long-term in nature
Not only must you be willing to invest in analytics, you
must also be willing to share the data you collect and
Examples of macro-level goals to begin the conversation
the corresponding analysis with your partner. This
and alignment process could include:
could include transactional NPS surveys, operational
performance analysis, customer data, and predictive
■■ Increase transactional NPS by 20 points over the next
three years while keeping costs flat

■■ Decrease contact center costs by 30 percent over five

“Contracting differently requires companies to be
years while maintaining customer experience scores
highly disciplined and trust their selected vendors to
meet desired business outcomes.” ■■ Increase revenue generated by the contact center by
50 percent in the next two years

What You Need to Know Before You Move to Outcome-Based Contracts 5

To support this process, it may be helpful to ask Keep in mind that an important and consistent
yourself what the value of customer service is for finding in Convergys research is that the contact
your organization—why do you provide customer center is responsible for only a portion of what are
service? This might sound like a simple question, often defined as the key drivers of success, such as
but it is critical in enabling alignment throughout the enterprise NPS. Our collective experience indicates
entire ecosystem. For instance, a subscription-based that customer service is generally responsible for
business4 may conclude that the value of customer 20 to 40 percent of the overall customer experience.
care is twofold: resolve customer issues to minimize Consider this example: Convergys Analytics was hired
customer churn and generate increased subscription to help a leading global financial services provider
revenue from customers. On the other hand, a understand how to drive improvement in the overall
technology provider may be focused on resolving relationship or enterprise NPS. The data-driven study
customer issues to minimize warranty costs and concluded that customer service actions directly
increase the likelihood of future repeat purchases. impacted 25 percent of the relationship NPS. Working
Understanding the core purpose for customer service in partnership with the client on key, controllable
will help to define its long-term strategic value for drivers, the team made recommendations that
both your company and your outsourcing partner. ultimately achieved a relationship NPS increase from
-4 to 53 percent over a four-year time period.
Step Two: Identify and assign control over
the variables Step Three: Choose the right approach for
You should define boundaries of accountability and your needs
control for all parties, ensuring that your partner can Outcome-based pricing has not yet reached the level
control the business outcome you’ve agreed upon. of maturity in the customer management business
Moving to an outcome-based model will necessitate a where there are myriad proven case studies available
change in thinking when it comes to traditional input- to be used as templates for your particular situation.
based metrics such as attrition or staffing. You must In many ways, the industry is still in somewhat of a
decide how much control you are willing to concede “beta test” phase where various approaches are being
over variables such as policy, process, and terms considered and trialed to determine which deliver the
and conditions to facilitate improved outcomes. The best results in which circumstances. Some of those
more controllable elements you are comfortable in approaches include:
ceding to your partner, the greater the accountability
you should expect in return and the more risk you can ■■ Segmentation Approach: In this approach,
transfer in the pricing arrangement. you provide the outsourcer with a segment of
your customer base (as opposed to the entire
The continuum of control and accountability is customer base) to test the outcome-based
extremely important in determining how: model. Segments can be geography-based, by
product type or offering, or some other strategy.
1. The contribution to achieving the goal will be This approach works well when: the work being
attributed between your company and your partner outsourced is stable and well managed, you
are willing to relinquish significant control of the
2. The financial rewards for meeting the goal will be
customer segment to achieve the desired outcome,
optimization expertise doesn’t already exist in the
3. Ownership and accountability are split to ensure organization, and the technology needs for the
customer segment can be separated from the core
actions are taken to achieve the goal

What You Need to Know Before You Move to Outcome-Based Contracts 6

■■ Split Delivery Approach: This approach splits the Step Four: Focus on people to create real
outsourcing program into two core parts: service change
delivery and transformation. The service delivery Your outcome-based model should be defined to
component uses conventional pricing, while the create real change in the operation. Real change
transformation effort is a fixed fee with agreed- requires everyone in service delivery to understand
upon outcomes. The benefits of this approach are and commit to achieving the desired outcomes. Your
that the company can retain a consistent service contract should provide incentives not only to the
delivery model that can be operated in a multisite, outsourcing partner as a whole, but to the individuals
multivendor environment and still begin the interacting with customers. After all, it’s the agents
transformation journey based on defined outcomes. who are ultimately responsible for creating the
■■ Outcome Measurement Approach: In this
approach, in addition to defining the macro-goal/
For long-term success, you should align your
outcome, you also identify and define core drivers
company’s mutual interests, those of the outsourcer,
or indicators of the desired outcome. Achieving the
and those of the people performing the actual
outcome indicators helps to understand whether
work. One proven area of success for outcome-
the outcome is being achieved. The indicators
based pricing models is revenue generation, where
are tied to metrics such as 30-day repeat calls,
alignment around revenue is pushed all the way to the
transactional NPS, customer satisfaction, or a
individual agent. With the right metrics and incentives,
similar metric; however, it is the combination
you can create a culture that drives the behavior of
of these indicators that defines the progress in
each individual to the same outcomes as the overall
achieving the outcome and each indicator can be
contract. Each member of the team is then vested
weighted for importance. It is important to note
in the success of the program and, as such, delivers
that the analytics model that defines the outcome
more consistently and effectively for the organization.
indicators needs to be regularly reviewed and
updated to ensure that the outcome indicators are
driving the expected behavior outcomes. This is a
more sophisticated approach to the performance
scorecard used in many current outsourcing
relationships and provides a statistical link between
indicators and outcomes, making the process more

“It is important that the best outsourcing vendors are perceived as

true strategic partners to their clients, helping them innovate and
providing significant value-add to the client business and to the
client brand.”

—Stephen Loynd, Global Program Manager, Customer Contact,

Frost & Sullivan5

What You Need to Know Before You Move to Outcome-Based Contracts 7

While an outcome-based model requires a great deal more time, effort, and commitment to define and execute,
the potential benefits can far outweigh the disadvantages when it comes to helping your company transform the
customer experience and the business. Think of it as a marriage of equal partners, working to achieve the same

With more than 30 years proven success in designing, unifying, and of optimizing the customer experience,
Convergys has deep expertise in helping companies across nearly every industry achieve their desired
outcomes. Our entire operating model is designed to deliver continuous improvement and business
transformation. We can help you determine whether outcome-based pricing is right for your company and define
a strategic partnership that helps you improve the outcomes that are most important for your business.

In “The Vested Way,”6 a significant piece of work by Vitasek and

Mandrodt on the future of outsourcing, a successful outcome is
defined not in terms of a metric or a measurement, but as a core
goal that is valued by both companies and outsourcers.

“Is Outcome-Based Pricing in BPO Here to Stay?” Duncan Tucker, Nearshore Americas, October 29, 2014.


“Want to Change the Game with Contact Center Vendors? Contract with them Differently,” Accenture, 2014.

A subscription based business is defined as any business that invoices a customer on a systematic and regular basis, including broadband
providers, pay TV companies, wireless phone providers, etc.

“Frost & Sullivan: Multichannel and Technology-Enabled Solutions Drive Growth in the North American Contact Center Outsourcing
Market,” Frost & Sullivan press release, February 12, 2014.

“The Vested Way,” Kate Vitasek and Karl Mandrodt, Palgrave Macmillon, 2012.

Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.


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