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The importance of working as a member of a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) has been highlighted

throughout development as a student and a newly qualified practitioner (NQP). I have had the
opportunity to work within a service with an MDT (specialist Neuro Nurses, Physiotherapists (PT),
Occupational Therapists (OT), Nutrition & Dietetics and General Practitioner (GP)), and also liaised
with health professionals and arranged and conducted collaborative working in services without an
integrated MDT.

Therefore, I have had the opportunity to develop collaborative and consultative skills within
multidisciplinary working. For example, posture and swallowing with a Physiotherapist, cognitive
communication difficulties and Occupational Therapy, management of oral trials and PEG feeding
with nutrition and dietetics, care meetings with District Nursing Staff and General Practitioners.

As outlined, I have sought specialist advice during MDT working in meetings, joint sessions and
liaison, and created onward referral when relevant. Also, I have joint sessions with senior therapists
as appropriate to draw on specialist advice and knowledge.

Throughout the process, I have consciously developed my collaborative and consultative working
skills of e.g. reliability, and constructive communication & active listening. Additionally, knowledge
of health professionals (including role, remit and specialism) have been integral to collaborative
working and I have been keen to develop knowledge through liaison and access to in service training
by other health professionals.

I have developed and applied my presentation and teaching skills through the creation and delivery
of Nursing Home (NH) training, and organising and chairing a Parkinson’s Disease speech group –
including devising appropriate training and information packages.

I have applied and developed auditory and perceptual skills through dysphagia assessment (clinical
bedside assessment, discussion of FEES and Videofluoroscopy images) and formal and informal
communication assessment and management. Additionally, the clinical opportunities have
facilitated the development of observation and analytical skills.

Throughout my job role, I have planned and implemented treatment programmes for a range of
speech, language and communication disorders (e.g. dysarthria, aphasia, apraxia) and swallowing
impairment for clients and family/carers.

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