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Faryal Akram

September 12, 2010

Period: 1


To: The public

Today September 12, 2010 I am writing an issue on same sex marriage. Recently
same sex marriage was approved however when voted for in the voting polls prop 8,
otherwise known as the same sex marriage law, was revoked by the government
since not enough people voted for the law. I believe that this is extremely unfair and
believe that many people still haven’t realized that not everybody is the same. This is
also extremely unfair because being homosexual is a random mutation in the human
gene pool.

At birth, homosexual children have a genetic unbalance causing them to be gay. In

Discover Magazine’s June 2007 issue, two scientists paired up to prove that
homosexuality is not a choice but a genetic mutation at birth. “We did extensive
interviews with 76 pairs of gay brothers and their family members and found that
homosexuality seemed to be inherited through the maternal line,” Said Dean Hamer.
While researching, Hamer compared the X chromosomes discovering a shared
genetic marker, a patch of DNA called Xq28 which is unbalanced at birth in
homosexual children. In New Scientists October issue of 2005, researchers teamed
up to figure out that "geneticists may have explained how genes apparently linked to
male homosexuality survive" and "Mothers' genetic skew linked to gay sons."
Studies after study, researchers are continuously proving that homosexuality is a
mutation at birth. I believe that it is extremely stupid to keep homosexual people from
marrying the partner of their choice especially since it is a genetic mutation and they
can’t change their choice. It’s kind of like asking somebody straight “Why aren’t you
homosexual?” It isn’t a choice it just is.

I have a couple of homosexual friends at CAMS and believe that it’s wrong to keep
them from their rights. It’s already hard enough for them to tell their family and
friends that they are homosexual because people look down upon them and now we
ban them from the thing almost everybody wants, to get married. Banning prop 8
goes against the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution also states that we are
allowed to life, liberty, and happiness. For example, every person has the equal right
to marry. Personally, I believe that the government doesn’t want same sex marriage
because they want to make money. If homosexual people get married then they get
joint tax returns SSI benefits going to survivors of deceased, tax breaks, and they
lose billion of dollars. It hasn't been that long ago that interracial marriage was not
legal so it will be a while before same sex marriage is legal.

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