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Hiswara, Sikya. 2017. Development of Salt Hydrolysis Instructional Media

Using POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) for Second
Grade Students of Senior High School. Thesis. Department of Chemistry.
Faculty of Math and Science. State University of Malang. Advisor: (I)
Muntholib, S.Pd, M.Si, (II) Drs. Muhammad Sodiq Ibnu, M.Si.
Keywords: instructional media, POGIL, salt hydrolysis
According to constructivist paradigm in the learning process,
students are required to build their own knowledge. One approach to learn
own knowledge construction by using inquiry. One of learning model that
can developed with inquiry approach is by using POGIL (Process Oriented
Guided Inquiry Learning). Personal communication with several chemistry
teachers showed that the material study of salt hydrolysis in chemistry
contains factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognition knowledge in
accordance with POGIL learning method. This research was aimed to
develop salt hydrolysis instructional media by using POGIL.

Development of 4-D design covering 4 main stages, there are,

define, design, develop and disseminate. Due to limited time, the
“disseminate” step is not done. The teaching material of the development
result was tested with content validity and legibility test. Content validity
was done by giving an assessment questionnaire to the teaching materials
developed to the validator. The legibility test was conducted on 10 second
grade students of high school. There are two data obtained from content
validity and legibility test of the teaching materials development there are,
the quantitative data obtained from the average value calculation to
determine the level of feasibility of the teaching materials and qualitative
data in the form of responses, criticism and suggestions.

The development product is instructional media of salt hydrolysis.

The content validity result by the validator indicates that the student's book
obtained 89.21% (very valid) while the teacher’s book showed 89.16%
(very valid). The result of legibility test is 85.3% (very valid), indicating
that the teaching material is appropriate to be used as a learning resource.

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