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Name ___________________________


All good writers use transitions in their writing. Transitions help to logically organize your
details and show how different ideas or points in your essay relate to one another. Here are
some examples of transitions that you may use to improve your writing.

1. Show chronological order

First, second, finally, next, then, afterward, later, before, eventually, in the future

2. Show spatial order

Beside, in the middle, next, to the right, on top, in front, behind, beneath

3. Show degree order

More, less, most, least, most important, least important, more importantly

4. Show comparison and contrast

Likewise, similarly, another, in contrast, a different kind, unlike this

5. Show cause-and-effect order

One cause, another effect, as a result, consequently, therefore

6. For classification
Another group, the first type, one kind, other sorts, other types, other kinds

7. To introduce examples
For example, one example, one kind, one type, for instance

8. To introduce a contradiction
Nonetheless, however, in spite of this, otherwise, instead, on the contrary

9. To introduce a conclusion or summary

In conclusion, therefore, as a result, in summary, in general

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