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Activities Resume ​ ​Maxwell Brunt

The Children’s Center

Intern 11th grade Summer | 30 hour total internship

Helping the children who come here dealing with trauma and psychological distress by giving
them a safe environment to play and exercise people skills. Facilitated in play therapy for a
group of three to five year olds. Aiding group leaders by preparing food, helping children pack
up, and conflict resolution.

Sympop Club
Participant 9th-12th grade | Club Officer 11th-12th | 4 hours/week

Sympop is a club that makes symphonic concerts and operas accessible to high school students
who wouldn’t usually have the chance to go. In charge of coordinating with performing arts
organizations and groups for tickets, scheduling outings, and accompanying student groups to
and from performances.

Viola Section Leader

Viola Player of 7 Years | Section Leader for 11th-12th grade | 10 hours/week

Lead frequent group meetings and help determine long and short term goals for improvements.
Keep track and score playing ability and attendance of my section. Intensive practice hours to
hone my own playing ability and help others. Sometimes meeting one on one with students at
their request for further instruction.

The Road Home

Volunteer 10th-11th grade | 4 hours/month

Participation in a group that volunteers to hold a playgroup for children in the homeless shelter.
In charge of encouraging imaginative play, group building activities, and teaching arts and crafts.
Also helped set up, prepare food, and clean areas afterward.
LGBT Mental Health Panel
Panelist 12th grade | 6 hour event

Volunteer panelist representing LGBT youth to a group of educators and administrators in an

attempt to spread information and understanding.

Utah Pride Center

Youth Volunteer 9th-10th grade | 10 hours/week

Part of a group that organized activities and outreach programs, including planning the Pride
Festival. Personally created and led a project of arts and crafts to raise money for the Pride

Maliheh Free Clinic

Intern 11th grade Summer | 30 hours total

Helped in the Patient Advocate Program, ordering medicine, organizing shipments, and giving
people their prescriptions. Also focused on organizing documentation necessary for
disadvantaged people to receive free health care.

School Sponsored Quartet

Member 11th-12th grade | 8 hours/week

Plays at orchestra director’s request at various school and school district functions. Examples:
Played for school district art show for 5 hours. Played for teacher awards banquet 3 hours.
Played for senior banquet 2 hours. Played at graduation 4 hours. Played at wedding 15 hours
(preparation and performance).

National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalist

11th-12th grade

PSAT score qualified me to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship. Pending the
November SAT, there is the potential of being a finalist.
Lettering in Music
10th-11th grade

After completing the 12th grade lettering later this year, I will have officially lettered in music
and will receive an extra cord to wear at graduation.

Excellence in Language Arts

11th grade

My 11th grade English teacher nominated me for this award because she felt that I had
demonstrated exemplary work in her course that went above and beyond the requirements.

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