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Statement of the Problem

1. How do students form a clique?

o Students, specifically in classroom setting, form cliques differently. The

researchers theorize, that in forming cliques the students tend to look for peers

that have the similar attributes, norms, and perceptions.

o “… We all want to eat less expensive foods like street foods as a

form of our bond together. We also watch movies during our free

time. We are humorous persons and that we would make fun of

each other every time.” Isabel

o “…We all go shopping together, we all have sports that we like,

we all dislike or hate the same person.” Johnny

o “We all watch movies, play games, and go out sometimes. Jerriz,

Julia, Leigh, Shienie we all like to eat and each of us brings food to

be shared” David

o “…We all like sports and we also like to play NBA in PS4/PS3”


o “…We all have in common when we started at grade 7, we are all

transferees, we are basketball players, we are mapangtrip na

grupo. And we are all boys.” Aaron

o “We share common interests such as watching movies, playing

games. Making school projects together, going to mass every

Saturday and Sunday together.” Ichiro

o “We both/ most of them have the same interests. Ideas, bonding,

interests, animes and the lists goes on and on.” Kerby

o “…we share the same interests a food, news and entertainment.”


o “We have something in common and when its comfortable to be

with the group. Music, movies, study habits.” Diana

o “We all like to eat. We like to go out to explore new food cuisine.

We play online games together.” Jerriz

o “We all love to eat and to sleep. We are also a Happy-go-lucky

type of people.” Castillo

o “…has a common or same interests. They can be the group of

people that they consuming their time on the computer games,

others is they concerns on their academics and the other one is who

always go for their gimmicks.” Lance

o “…We have common interests when it comes to the small things

like food and going places like that…” Shienie

o “…We all have the same interests like playing basketball,

watching movies…” Ace

o “…We are all very good friends with same interests but most of

all, we all have the same feature (FLAT)…” Janine

o “Depends on the things we have in common. On the 1st clique, we

are all flat, small and we like to stroll around the mall after class.

On the second clique, we all study before an exam, open-minded,

and we love to ride bikes.” Taghoy

o “Having a clique means sharing an interests or sharing a common

personalities. Usually, s clique is made when there’s a group of

people who’s with each other for a long time, thus, being

classmates with the same people has given me an opportunity to

know almost everyone. As the school year ends, my friends or my

clique has the same sense of humor as I do, we have similar

movies or episodes we watch.” Sordan

o “…we have common interests. Also, we all like to go out each and

every other day…” Julia

o “…What we all have in common is that we love to eat and

sleep…” Noelenne

2. How are students affected by their clique?

 Clique serves as a support system to the students.

o “My clique affects me in a very good way. It will brighten

my mood whenever I feel down and they are always there

for me my clique is just my family that will be there for me

no matter what.” Castillo

o “… but they can also be a friend that we can rely on

whenever we are feeling lonely and sad.” Quiozon

o “They affect nothing. Maybe not in a wide array of things

but overall it doesn’t really affect me. Maybe because I

don’t really mind. HAHA. My clique is more of a support

system for me rather than aything else. Some unexpected

friendship or clique. Leigh has been a close friend since day

1 then of course, Jerriz.” Shienie

o “It makes me more energized and it completely chanes my

mood from being sad to happy in a click of a second. It

gives me the instant good vibe, just by seeing them. They

don’t let me down and are always there for me through ups

and downs.” Ace

o “My clique influences me to make god decisions and good

memories. My clique affects my confidence and personality

in a good way. They help me in becoming a happy soul and

through being someone with a positive personality and

spirit in facing new and fun experiences.” Janine

o “They motivate me through the hard times and help me to

get through any problems.” Taghoy

o They affect me both emotionally and academically. I’m a

moody person, so they usually ask me if I’m okay if I look

or illustrate sadness, and give me happiness. Since group by

peers is mostly used in majority of the subjects, we group

with each other and help one another with our academics”


o “It affects me in a way that I want to become a better person

because most of my friends are good in every aspect of life.

Also, there are instances that they are there to listen to me

when I have problems so I don’t feel alone.” Julia

o “They help me in a lot of things. They are also one of my

source of happiness. Sometimes, we tend to influence one

another. If one does this certain thing, I will also follow.”


o “I can open up to them about my problems and concern. I’ll

have friends that can comfort me when I’m feeling down.”


o “It affects my life at school especially when there are plenty

schoolworks, our clique lightens my mood and makes

everything feel relaxed and chill” Diana

o My clique makes me feel like I’m wanted and that I belong.

They became the persons who’s there for me. They listen to

my rants and they give me some advice. They are the

support system of my life” Leigh

o It affects me positively. It makes me want to go forward

knowing that there are people who share common interests

with you. They can understand our drama and senseless

stories. It creates a positive vibes whenever you’re around

them because they would make you laugh most of the

time.” Isabel
o The researchers observed that Mongoso had an argument

with Allen Abundo because of an unknown reason.

Mongoso only talks about what happened with the group of

Valenzuela plus Pasos and Cantuba because the reseachers

believed they are the people or group that she is closest to

among all the other groups. As Mongoso was venting out to

her group Pasos, Valenzuela and Deniega comforted her

and gave her different advices.

o Meanwhile, the member of Cadiz’s group, Montoya, looks

so down because of a personal problem, the other members

of Cadiz’s group along with Alonzo’s group rushed to

comfort him personally.

3. How important is it for a student to become member of a clique?

o Naturally, students form cliques or tend to be a part of a clique. By feeling that

they belong, are fully accepted and embraced in an exclusive group of teens

students often develop a sense of belongingness and acceptance.

o “It’s better to be part of a clique, wherein, you are able to share

your feelings, your thoughts and also share you interest to them.

Being a part of a clique makes you feel like being accepted and

loved, Knowing that there are people who are there for you no matter

what, in all kinds of things” Ace

o “Because being part of a clique gives you a sense of

belongingness and being part of it lets you express yourself. It makes

you know more about yourself.” Diana

o “Because as I am not open with my family I found it more easy to

tell my clique about what’s happening in my life!” Kim

o “It is important to be part of a clique because you can have

a friend that you can trust and socialize with.” Jerriz

o “Gives the home vibes and having someone to be with when

everything fails.” Leynes

o “For me, It is very important to be a part of something. It means I

belong to something/ someone which appreciates me. It gives

extreme joy to a person letting them know that they are not alone in

their journey…” Isabel

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